凌博闻 研究员/博士生导师
电子邮件: lingbowen[at]imech[dot]ac[dot]cn
办公电话: 010-82544238
通信地址: 北京市海淀区北四环西路15号 ,100190
研究领域 & 个人简介
2021. 02 - 至 今 :中国科学院力学研究所,研究员/博士生导师
2017. 01 - 2021. 01:美国,斯坦福大学,能源工程系,博士后/讲师
2012. 09 - 2016. 12:美国,加州大学圣地亚哥分校,机械与航空工程,博士
2008. 09 - 2012. 16:中南大学,机械制造与自动化,学士
凌博闻于2016年获加州大学圣地亚哥分校机械与航空工程博士学位,曾在美国斯坦福大学能源工程系、美国西北太平洋国家实验室工作,现为中国科学院力学研究所研究员、博士生导师,国家级人才项目获得者、中科院人才计划入选者。凌博闻主要从事跨尺度流体和物质运移的交叉前沿研究,在资源勘探和高效开采、多介质耦合理论、“多级升尺度”理论等方面取得了创新成果。作为第一作者或通讯作者在 PNAS、Geophys. Res. Lett.、J. Fluid Mech.、IEEE-TGRS、Adv. Water Resour.、Phys. Rev. F. 等国际主流学术期刊发表工作。主要研究方向为:
图:嵌入真实岩样的微流动芯片研究溶蚀过程(Ling, et al., PNAS, 2022)
(3)针对复杂孔隙介质的升尺度理论和高效算法。通过均一化升尺度方法(Homogenization Upscaling)建立介质-裂缝耦合系统的升尺度模型,构建孔隙介质多物理场耦合的高效算法以及“流动-运移-反应”耦合计算体系,基于数字化样本(例,数字岩心)对介质中的运移物性、力学、电学和反应能力进行综合评估。
图:利用升尺度方法获得多层介质传质过程的理论解(Ling, et al., JFM, 2016; Ling, et al., PRF, 2021; Ling, et al., PRF, 2024)
2023 - 在 研:中国科学院,战略性先导科技专项(A类)子课题(XDA0430205),风化壳型XXXX跨尺度运移机理与精确预测
2022 - 在 研:国家自然科学基金委,面上项目(42272158),页岩裂缝网络中酸化反应的多级升尺度模型研究
2021 - 在 研:国家自然科学基金委,国家级人才项目
2021 - 在 研:中国科学院,人才项目
2021 - 2023:中国石油天然气股份有限公司勘探开发研究院(2022-KFKT-24),针对裂缝孔隙介质的声-电-渗流联合反演模型
36. Zhao, N., Huang, J., Pei, J., Fu, X., Bowen Ling*, & Liu, K.
"Modeling Mass Transport Dynamics in Deformable Hydrogels during
Evaporation". The Journal of Physical Chemistry B., 128, 40, 9798–9804 (2024).
35. Xiangjie Qin, Han Wang, Yuxuan Xia, Bowen Ling, Gang Wang, Jianchao Cai. "Micro- and nanoscale flow mechanisms in porous rocks based on pore-scale modeling". Capillarity, 10(3): 24-28 (2024).
34. Ross M. Weber, Bowen Ling, Ilenia Battiato, "Enforcing global constraints for the dispersion closure problem: τ2-SIMPLE algorithm". Advances in Water Resources, 104759 (2024).
33. Bowen Ling, Runqing Shan, and Felipe P. J. de Barros. "Dispersion control in coupled channel-heterogeneous porous media systems". Physical Review Fluids 9, 064502 (2024).
32. Chen Guo, Tian Zou and Bowen Ling*. "Study of the Impact of Hydrocarbon Fluid Distribution on Reservoir Electrical Resistivity". International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Symposium (ACES-China) (2024): 1-3.
31. Chen Guo, Jin Zhang and Bowen Ling*. "Study on the Electrical Properties of Anisotropic Composites and the Inversion of Inclusion Structure". International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Symposium (ACES-China) (2024): 1-3.
30. Shichang Kang, Bowen Ling, Xiaoliang Liang, Gaofeng Wang *, Jie Xu, Yongjin Xu, Runliang Zhu, Jingming Wei, Jianxi Zhu, Hongping He. "Recovery of Rare Earth Elements from Ion-Adsorption Deposits using Electrokinetic Technology: The Soil Conductivity Mechanism Study". Minerals (2024).
29. Fengchang Yang, Dongshi Guan, Vitalii Starchenko, Ke Yuan, Andrew Stack, Bowen Ling*. "Effect of Nucleation Heterogeneity on Mineral Precipitation in Confined Environments". Geophysical Research Letters, (2024).
28. Shichang Kang, Bowen Ling, Gaofeng Wang, Yongjin Xu, Jie Xu, Xiaoliang Liang, Jingming Wei, Wei Tan, Lingya Ma, Jianxi Zhu and Hongping He. "Transport dynamics of rare earth elements in weathering crust soils". Science of The Total Environment, 172843 (2024).
27. Gaofeng Wang, Bowen Ling, Xiaoliang Liang, Jie Xu, Shichang Kang, Jingming Wei, Wei Tan, Runliang Zhu, Jianxi Zhu, and Hongping He. "Transport Model of Rare Earth Elements in Weathering Crusts during Electrokinetic Mining". Minerals, 14, no. 4 (2024): 360.
26.张雨田,张佳欣,李波,罗瑀峰,凌博闻,王晓光. 矿物溶解作用下颗粒粗糙度对多孔岩石渗透率和电导率的影响. 地球物理学报, (2024).
25. 康石长,王高锋,凌博闻,徐永进,梁晓亮,朱建喜,何宏平. 离子吸附型稀土矿开采机理研究进展. 中国稀土学报, (2023): 1-17.
24. Chenxing Zhou, Ran Hu*, Hang Deng, Bowen Ling*, Zhibing Yang, and Yifeng Chen. "Surface-Volume Scaling Controlled by Dissolution Regimes in a Multiphase Flow Environment". Geophysical Research Letters, (2023).
23. Chen Guo, Zhenzhen Fan, Zhifang Yang, Xinfei Yan and Bowen Ling*. "Electrical-Elastic Joint Inversion Method for Fracture Characterization in Anisotropic Media". IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, (2023): 1-12.
22. Chen Guo, Meng Li and Bowen Ling*. “Permeability Estimation Using Tensor Based on Critical Path Analysis for Anisotropy Media”. 2023 International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Symposium (ACES-China) (2023): 1-3.
21. Chen Guo, Qianyu Wang and Bowen Ling*. “Anisotropic Lumped Network Model for Electric Properties of Heterogeneous Media”. 2023 International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Symposium (ACES-China) (2023): 01-03.
20. 郭晨,雷阳艳,凌博闻. 基于正交化方法的页岩裂缝电特性仿真研究. 计算机技术与发展, 2023, 33(05): 16-21.
19. Bowen Ling, Mo Sodwatana, Arjun Kohli, Cynthia M. Ross, Adam Jew, Anthony R. Kovscek and Ilenia Battiato*, "Probing Multiscale Dissolution Dynamics in Natural Rocks through Microfluidics and Compositional Analysis". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, (2022), 119(32): p. e2122520119.
18. Bowen Ling, and Ilenia Battiato*, "Module-Fluidics: Building Blocks for Spatio-Temporal Microenvironment Control". Micromachines 13.5 (2022): 774.
17. Gaofeng Wang, Jie Xu, Lingyu Ran, Runliang Zhu, Bowen Ling,
Xiaoliang Liang, Shichang Kang, Yuanyuan Wang, Jingming Wei, Lingya Ma,
Yanfeng Zhuang, Jianxi Zhu, and Hongping He*, "A Green and Efficient
Technology to Recover Rare Earth Elements from Weathering Crusts". Nature Sustainability (2022): 1-12.
16. Qingwang Yuan*, Bowen Ling*, and Saman Aryana. "New Phase Diagram of
Miscible Viscous Fingering Instabilities in Porous Media with Dead-End
Pores." Physics of Fluids (2022).
15. Chen Guo*, Zhenzhen Fan, Bowen Ling, and Zhifang Yang. "A Tensorial Archie’s Law for Water Saturation Evaluation in Anisotropic Model" IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, vol. 19, pp. 1-5, (2022), Art no. 8024505.
14. Zuo Zhou, Bowen Ling, Ilenia Battiato, Scott M. Husson, and David A. Ladner*. "Concentration Polarization over Reverse Osmosis Membranes with Engineered Surface Features" Journal of Membrane Science 617 (2021).
13. Bowen Ling*, C. B. Rizzo, I. Battiato, and F. P. J. de Barros. "Macroscale Transport in Channel-Matrix Systems Via Integral Transforms" Physical Review Fluids 6, no. 4 (2021).
12. Bowen Ling, Peng Xie, David A. Ladner, and Ilenia Battiato*. "Dynamic modeling of fouling in reverse osmosis membranes" Membranes 11.5 (2021): 349.
11. Chen Guo*, Minmin Che, and Bowen Ling, "A Geometric-Factor-Revised Permittivity Model for Three-Phase Mixture with Arbitrary Inclusion Packing" 2021 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS, Brussels, Belgium, (2021), pp. 3518-3521.
10. Zhenzhen Fan, Bowen Ling and Chen. Guo*, "Effect of Microgeometry on the Effective Dielectric Property of Anisotropic Composites" 2020 IEEE MTT-S International Conference on Numerical Electromagnetic and Multiphysics Modeling and Optimization (NEMO), Hangzhou, China, (2020), pp. 1-4.
09. Bowen Ling, and Ilenia Battiato*. "tau-Simple Algorithm for the Closure Problem in Homogenization of Stokes Flows" Advances in Water Resources 144 (2020).
08. Bowen Ling, Hasan J. Khan, Jennifer L. Druhan, and Ilenia Battiato*. "Multi-Scale Microfluidics for Transport in Shale Fabric" Energies 14, no. 1 (2020).
07. Bowen Ling, and Ilenia Battiato*. "Rough or Wiggly? Membrane Topology and Morphology for Fouling Control" Journal of Fluid Mechanics 862 (2019): 753-80.
06. Chen Guo*, Bowen Ling, Gary Mavko, and Richard Liu. "Effect of Microgeometry on Modeling Accuracy of Fluid-Saturated Rock Using Dielectric Permittivity" IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 57, no. 9 (2019): 7294-99.
05. Chen Guo*, Nianru Ma and Bowen Ling, "Numerical Study on the Effective Dielectric Permittivity of Multiphase Mixture" IGARSS 2019 - 2019 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Yokohama, Japan, (2019), pp. 7073-7076.
04. Bowen Ling, Mart Oostrom, Alexandre M. Tartakovsky, and Ilenia Battiato*. "Hydrodynamic Dispersion in Thin Channels with Micro-Structured Porous Walls" Physics of Fluids 30, no. 7 (2018).
03. Simoneta Rubol, Bowen Ling and Ilenia Battiato*. "Universal Scaling-Law for Flow Resistance over Canopies with Complex Morphology" Scientific Reports 8, no. 1 (2018): 4430.
02. Bowen Ling, Jie Bao, Mart Oostrom, Ilenia Battiato, and Alexandre M. Tartakovsky*. "Modeling Variability in Porescale Multiphase Flow Experiments" Advances in Water Resources 105 (2017): 29-38.
01. Bowen Ling, Alexandre M. Tartakovsky, and Ilenia Battiato*. "Dispersion Controlled by Permeable Surfaces: Surface Properties and Scaling" Journal of Fluid Mechanics 801 (2016): 13-42.