
吴先前 研究员/博士生导师










2023.12至今,中国科学院力学研究所, 研究员

2021.08至今, 中国科学院力学研究所, 博士生导师

2019.07~2020.03, California Institute of Technology, Visiting Associate

2015.12~2023.12, 中国科学院力学研究所, 副研究员

2013.02~2014.02, Case Western Reserve University, Research Associate

2012.07~2015.12, 中国科学院力学研究所, 助理研究员

2007.09~2012.07, 中国科学院研究生院, 工学博士

2001.09~2005.07, 武汉理工大学, 工学学士




2018年, 爆炸力学优秀青年学者,中国力学学会


2012年, 郭永怀奖,中国科学院力学研究所




程玉洁  博士研究生

杜泽晨  博士研究生

查佑炘  硕士研究生

眭亚东  硕士研究生

郑潞畅  硕士研究生


殷秋运  博士研究生(2016年国家奖学金,2017年郭永怀二等奖,2017年入职中山大学)

肖凯璐  博士研究生(2018年国家奖学金,2021年郭永怀一等奖、中国科学院院长优秀奖,2022年中国力学学会优秀博士学位论文提名奖,2022年入职Texas A&M University)

陈昱羽  硕士研究生(2021年进入上海交通大学攻读博士学位)

张    炜  硕士研究生(2022年入职中国科学院力学研究所,2023年进入北京理工大学攻读博士学位)

雷旭东  博士研究生(2023年郭永怀二等奖,2023年入职中国科学院力学研究所)

谷周澎  博士研究生(2023年郭永怀二等奖,2023年入职中国科学院力学研究所)





  1. 碳管薄膜冲击防护性能与耗能机制,NSFC重点项目,主要参与人,2023~2027.

  2. 二维材料冲击动力学行为与能量耗散机制,NSFC面上项目,负责人,2023~2027.

  3. 冰的冲击破坏机制,负责人,2022~2027.

  4. 冰的动态力学性能,负责人,2021~2025.

  5. 冲击防护理论研究,负责人,2019~2023.

  6. 纤维复合材料能量耗散机理研究,负责人,2019~2023.


  1. X. Zhang, X. Lei, X. Jia, T. Sun, J. Luo, S. Xu, L. Li, D. Yan, Y. Shao, Z. Yong, Y. Zhang, X. Wu, E. Gao, M. Jian, and J. Zhang, Carbon nanotube fibers with dynamic strength up to 14 GPa, Science, 384(6702) (2024) 1318-1323. (Corresponding Author)
  2. K. Xiao, X. Wu, Z. Sang, V. Subramanian, and E.L. Thomas, Load sharing and accumulated bond fracture in ion-irradiated carbon mat for energy dissipation, Science Advances, 10(48) (2024) eadq3805. (Corresponding Author)
  3. J. Luo, Y. Wen, X. Jia, X. Lei, Z. Gao, M. Jian, Z. Xiao, L. Li, J. Zhang, T. Li, H. Dong, X. Wu, E. Gao, K. Jiao, and J. Zhang, Fabricating strong and tough aramid fibers by small addition of carbon nanotubes, Nature Communications, 14 (2023) 3019. (Corresponding Author)
  4. K. Xiao, W. Zhang, M. Zhu, Q. Yin, A. Fortunelli, W.A. Goddard, and X. Wu, Dynamical Performance of Graphene Aerogel with Ductile and Brittle Characteristics, Advanced Functional Materials, 34(29) (2024) 2401473. (Corresponding Author)
  5. K. Xiao, W. Jin, H. Liu, C. Huang, Y. Li, and X. Wu, Low-Density Multilayer Graphdiyne Film with Excellent Energy Dissipation Capability under Micro-Ballistic Impact, Advanced Functional Materials, 33(15) (2023) 2212361. (Corresponding Author)
  6. J. Huang, Y. Guo, X. Lei, B. Chen, H. Hao, J. Luo, T. Sun, M. Jian, E. Gao, X. Wu, W. Ma, Y. Shao, and J. Zhang, Fabricating Ultrastrong Carbon Nanotube Fibers via a Microwave Welding Interface, ACS Nano, 18(22) (2024) 14377-14387. (Corresponding Author)
  7. Y. Cheng, J. Dong, F. Li, Y. Shen, Q. An, K. Xiao, M. Jiang, Y. Liu, C. Huang, X. Wu, and W.A. Goddard, Scaling Law for Impact Resistance of Amorphous Alloys Connecting Atomistic Molecular Dynamics with Macroscale Experiments, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 15(10) (2023) 13449-13459. (Corresponding Author)
  8. J. Zhu, Z. Gu, Z. Liu, F. Zhong, X. Wu, C. Huang, Silicone rubber matrix composites with shear thickening fluid microcapsules realizing intelligent adaptation to impact loadings, Composites Part B-Engineering, 247 (2022) 110312. (Corresponding Author)
  9. K. Xiao, X. Lei, Y. Chen, Q. An, D. Hu, C. Wang, X. Wu, C. Huang, Extraordinary impact resistance of carbon nanotube film with crosslinks under micro-ballistic impact, Carbon, 175 (2021) 478-489. (Corresponding Author)
  10. Z. Du, K. Xiao, Y. Bai, C. Huang, and X. Wu, Effect of Nanostructure and Crosslinks on Impact Resistance of Carbon Nanotube Films Under Micro-Ballistic Impact, Small,  (2024). (Corresponding Author)
  11. K. Xiao, P. Zhang, D. Hu, C. Huang, and X. Wu, Micron-Thick Interlocked Carbon Nanotube Films with Excellent Impact Resistance via Micro-Ballistic Impact, Small, 19(38) (2023) 2302403. (Corresponding Author)
  12. J.L. Dong, F.C. Li, Z.P. Gu, M.Q. Jiang, Y.H. Liu, G.J. Wang, and X.Q. Wu, Impact resistance and energy dissipation mechanism of nanocrystalline CoCrNi medium entropy alloy nanofilm under supersonic micro-ballistic impact, International Journal of Plasticity, 171 (2023) 103801. (Corresponding Author)
  13. J. Yue, Z. Gu, C. Huang, and X. Wu, Low-velocity penetration behavior of ice by steel projectile, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 196(196) (2025) 105163. (Corresponding Author)
  14. J.L. Dong, F.C. Li, X.Q. Wu, G.J. Wang, X.P. Zhang, B.Q. Luo, X.M. Chen, F.L. Tan, Y.H. Liu, M.Q. Jiang, J.H. Zhao, C.G. Huang, and C.W. Sun, Insights into protective performance of CoCrNi medium entropy alloy coating subjected to supersonic micro-ballistic impact, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 180 (2023) 104714. (Corresponding Author)
  15. Z.P. Gu, X.Q. Wu, Q.M. Li, Q.Y. Yin, C.G. Huang, Dynamic compressive behaviour of sandwich panels with lattice truss core filled by shear thickening fluid, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 143 (2020) 103616. (Corresponding Author)
  16. C. Wei, Z.P. Gu, J.Z. Yue, Z.P. Liu, C.Y. Mao, F.C. Zhong, and X.Q. Wu, Shock attenuation of silicone rubber composites with shear thickening fluid, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 278 (2024) 109462. (Corresponding Author)
  17. Z.P. Gu, Y.J. Cheng, K.L. Xiao, K. Li, X.Q. Wu, Q.M. Li, C.G. Huang, Geometrical scaling law for laser-induced micro-projectile impact testing, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 223 (2022) 107289. (Corresponding Author)
  18. Y. Cheng, Y. Shen, Q. An, M. Jiang, C. Huang, W.A. Goddard, and X. Wu, Energy dissipation mechanism of G-phase and L-phase metallic glass nanofilms subjected to high-velocity nano-ballistic impact, Extreme Mechanics Letters, 74 (2025) 102280. (Corresponding Author)
  19. Y. Cheng, J. Dong, Y. Shen, F. Li, Q. An, M. Jiang, Y. Liu, C. Huang, W.A. Goddard, and X. Wu, Excellent impact resistance of multilayer metallic glass films subjected to micro-ballistic impact by overcoming dynamic size effects, Extreme Mechanics Letters, 63 (2023) 102067. (Corresponding Author)
  20. J.L. Dong, X. Song, Z.J. Wang, K.L. Xiao, Y.H. Liu, G. Wilde, X.Q. Wu, M.Q. Jiang, Impact resistance of single-layer metallic glass nanofilms to high-velocity micro-particle penetration, Extreme Mechanics Letters, 44 (2021) 101258. (Corresponding Author)