
Sen Gu

PhD, Accociate Professor, Master Supervisor

Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences


Address: No.7 South Donghu Road, Wuchang District, 430072, Wuhan, China

Research Areas

My research area is the phosphorus (P) biogeochemistry in terrestrial ecosystems. Research directions include: (1) Evaluation of the internal pollution load of P in eutrophic lakes, and the R&D of in-situ remediation technology;  (2) mechanism of the migration and release of agricultural diffuse P pollution and load evaluation; (3) diagnostic technology for critical source areas of diffuse pollution in agricultural catchments.


Oct. 2014 – Oct. 2017: Ph.D., CNRS, UMR 6118, University Rennes 1
Sep. 2010 – Jul. 2014: MS in Environmental Sciences, Institute of Hydrobiology, CAS
Sep. 2006 – Jun. 2010: B.Eng. in Chemical Engineering and Technology, Institute of Chemical Engineering and Environment, North University of China


Work Experience

Dec. 2022 – present: visiting scholar, Institute of Ecology and Environmental Sciences IEES-Paris, Sorbonne University

Nov. 2019 – present:  associate professor, Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Mar. 2018 – Sep. 2019:  post-doc researcher, CNRS, UMR 6118. Project: Channel Payments for Ecosystem Services (CPES), Interreg, Europe

Teaching Experience
Master Supervisor: March 2021 - present



As a first or corresponding author:

[1] Gu, S., Cheng, P., Bao, X., Zhou, W., Bai, J., Jiao, Y., Zhang, T.L., Li, Q.M., 2022. Insufficient Zn uptake reduces rice grain yield in integrated ricecrayfish culture – a case study in the Jianghan Plain, China. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science. DOI:

[2] Cheng, P., Bao, X., Jiao, Y., Zhang, X.Z., Li, Q.M., Gu, S.,* 2022. Evaluation of the Potential Release Risk of Internal N and P from Sediments – A Preliminary Study in Two Freshwater Reservoirs in South China. Water. DOI:

[3] Gu, S., Casquin, A., Dupas, R., Abbott, B.W., Petitjean, P., Durand, P., Gruau, G., 2021. Spatial persistence of water chemistry patterns across flow conditions in a mesoscale agricultural catchment. Water Resources Research. DOI:

[4] Li, Q.M., Xu, B., Cheng, P., Jiao, Y., Gu, S.,* 2021. Available acid consumption capacity of sediments in six water bodies in the Yangtze River Basin in China. Water Research. DOI:

[5] Casquin, A., Gu, S.,* Dupas, R., Petitjean, P., Gruau, G., Durand, P., 2020. River network alteration of C-N-P dynamics in a mesoscale agricultural catchment. Science of the Total Environment. DOI:

[6] Gu, S., Gruau, G., Dupas, R., Jeanneau, L., 2020. Evidence of colloids as important phosphorus carriers in natural soil and stream waters in an agricultural catchment. Journal of Environmental Quality. DOI:

[7] Gu, S., Gruau, G., Dupas, R., Petitjean, P., Li, Q., Pinay, G. 2019. Respective roles of Fe-oxyhydroxide dissolution, pH changes and sediment inputs in dissolved phosphorus release during reduction of wetland soils. Geoderma. DOI:

[8] Gu, S., Gruau, G., Malique, F., Dupas, R., Petitjean, P., Gascuel-Odoux, C., 2018. Drying/rewetting cycles stimulate the release of colloidal-bound phosphorus in riparian soils. Geoderma. DOI:

[9] Gu, S., Gruau, G., Dupas, R., Rumpel, C., Crème, A., Fovet, O., Gascuel-Odoux, C., et al., 2017. Release of dissolved phosphorus from riparian wetlands: evidence for complex interactions among hydroclimate variability, topography and soil properties. Science of the Total Environment. DOI:

[10] Gu, S., Qian, Y., Jiao, Y., Li, Q., Pinay, G., Gruau, G., 2016. An innovative approach for sequential extraction of phosphorus in sediments: Ferrous iron P as an independent P fraction. Water Research. DOI:

As a co-author:

[11] Couic, E., Gruau, G., Gu, S., Casquin, A., 2022. Variability of phosphorus sorption properties in hydromorphic soils: Consequences for P losses in agricultural landscapes. European Journal of Soil Science. DOI:

[12] Casquin, A., Dupas, R., Gu, S., Couic, E., Gruau, G., Durand, P., 2021. The influence of landscape spatial configuration on nitrogen and phosphorus exports in agricultural catchments. Landscape ecology. DOI:

[13] Frei, R., Abbott, B.W., Dupas, R., Gu, S., Gruau, G., et al., 2020. Predicting nutrient incontinence in the Anthropocene at watershed scales. Frontiers in Environmental Science. DOI:

[14] Jiao, Y., Xu, L., Li, Q., Gu, S., 2019. Thin-layer fine-sand capping of polluted sediments decreases nutrients in overlying water of Wuhan Donghu Lake in China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. DOI:

[15] Abbott, B.W., Bishop, K., Zarnetske, J. P., Minaudo, C., Chapin, F.S., Krause, S., Hannah, D.M., Conner, L., Ellison, D., Godsey, S.E., Plont, S., Marçais, J., Kolbe, T., Huebner, A., Frei, R., Hampton, T., Gu, S., et al., 2019. Human domination of the global water cycle absent from depictions and perceptions. Nature Geoscience. DOI:

[16] Abbott, B.W., Bishop, K., Zarnetske, J. P., Hannah, D.M., Frei, R., Minaudo, C., Chapin, F.S., Krause, S., Conner, L., Ellison, D., Godsey, S.E., Plont, S., Marçais, J., Kolbe, T., Huebner, A., Hampton, T., Gu, S., et al., 2019. A water cycle for the Anthropocene. Hydrological Processes. DOI:

[17] Abbott, B. W., Gruau, G., Zarnetske, J. P., Moatar, F., Barbe, L., Thomas, Z., Fovet, O., Kolbe, T., Gu, S., Pierson-Wickmann, A.C., Davy, P., Pinay, G., 2018. Unexpected spatial stability of water chemistry in headwater stream networks. Ecology letters. DOI:

[18] Bol, R., Gruau, G., Mellander, P-E., Dupas, R., Bechmann, M., Skarbøvik, E., Bieroza, M., Djodjic, F., Glendell, M., Jordan, P., Van der Grift, B., Rode, M., Smolders, E., Verbeeck, M., Gu, S., et al., 2018. Challenges of reducing phosphorus based water eutrophication in the agricultural landscapes of Northwest Europe. Frontiers in Marine Science. DOI:

[19] Dupas, R., Gascuel-Odoux, C., Fovet, O., Gruau, G., Gu, S., Launay, J., Grimault, L., 2017. Les zones humides ripariennes, puits ou sources de phosphore dans les paysages agricoles? Sciences Eaux &Territoires. 40.

[20] Dupas, R., Gruau, G., Gu, S., Humbert, G., Jaffrézic, A., Gascuel-Odoux, C., 2015. Groundwater control of biogeochemical processes causing phosphorus release from riparian wetlands. Water Research. DOI:


20th Academic Conference of Chinese Young Soil Scientists, Jul. 2022, Yan’an, China. “Insufficient Zn uptake reduces rice grain yield in integrated rice-crayfish culture 

– a case study in Honghu, China”

7th National Symposium on Sediment Environment and Pollution Control, Nov. 2019, Nanning, China.“Release of water-soluble phosphorus and its influencing factors during soil reduction in vegetated buffer zone”

8th International Symposium on Wetland Pollutant Dynamics and Control (WETPOL 2019), Jun. 2019, Aarhus, Danmark.“Assessing the risk of phosphorus loss from wetland soils”
Symposium on Phosphorus in Soils and Plants (PSP6), Sep. 2018, Leuven, Belgium. “Respective roles of Fe-oxyhydroxide dissolution, pH changes and sediment inputs in dissolved phosphorus release upon reduction of wetland soils”
EGU General Assembly 2018, Apr. 2018, Vienna, Austria. “Release of colloid-bound phosphorus in soils: comparing laboratory extraction experiment results with natural soil solution data”. Vol. 20, EGU2018-8285
EGU General Assembly 2017, Apr.  2017, Vienna, Austria. “Contrasted response of colloidal, organic and inorganic dissolved phosphorus forms during rewetting of dried riparian soils”. BG1.9/SSS13.11, EGU2017-14174
EGU General Assembly 2017, Apr.  2017, Vienna, Austria. “Release of dissolved phosphorus from riparian vegetated buffer strips: a field assessment of mechanisms and risks”. BG1.9/SSS13.11, EGU2017-11997
8th International Workshop Phosphorus, Sep. 2016, Rostock, Germany. “Distribution of phosphorus-containing colloids in shallow groundwater from a small agricultural catchment as revealed by the combination of ultra-filtration, ultra-centrifugation, ICP-MS and XANES data”. Abstr. Vol., p 276
AGU Fall Meeting 2015, Dec. 2015, San Francisco, United States. “Contrasted distribution of colloidal and true dissolved phosphorus in shallow groundwaters from a small, lowland agricultural”. pp. H11F-1406