电子邮件: jfzhao@imech.ac.cn
通信地址: 北四环西路15号
邮政编码: 100190
1990-09--1993-03 浙江大学工程力学系 硕士研究生毕业,工学硕士
1985-09--1990-07 清华大学工程力学系 大学本科毕业,工学学士
1985.09 - 1990.07:清华大学工程力学系工程力学专业,获工学学士学位及“清华大学优良毕业生”称号
1990.09 - 1993.03:浙江大学工程力学系流体力学专业学习,获工学硕士学位及“浙江大学优秀毕业研究生”称号
1995.09 - 1998.07:武汉大学(原武汉水利电力大学)河流工程系水利血迹和流动力学学习,获工学博士学位
1998.07 - 2000.08:中国科学院力学研究所工作,博士后
2000.09 - 今 :中国科学院力学研究所工作,历任助理研究员、副研究员、研究员
副主编:Microgravity Science and Technology
编委:Interfacial Phenomena & Heat Transfer 、《应用基础与工程科学学报》、《空间科学学报》、《河北水利电力学院学报》
委员:中国力学学会流体力学专委会、中国工程热物理学会多相流专委会、中国计量测试学会多相流测试专委会、中国科学院为重力重点实验室学术委员会、中国航天科技集团有限公司空间热控技术实验室学术委员会、国际天地应用两相系统研讨会(Int. Symp. on Two-phase Systems for Ground & Space Appl.)科学委员会等
会议主席:第12届亚洲微重力会议(12th Asian Microgravity Symposium, AMS2018)
- Xue YF, Zhao JF, Wei JJ, Zhang YH, Qi BJ. Experimental study of nucleate pool boiling of FC-72 on micro-pin-finned surface under microgravity. Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 2013, 63: 425-433.
- Wei JJ, Zhang YH, Zhao JF, Guo D. Enhanced heat transfer of flow boiling combined with jet impingement. Interfacial Phenomena and Heat Transfer, 2013, 1 (1): 15–28.
- Du WF, Li K, Wang SF, Zhao JF. Flashing liquid jets in low-pressure environment. Interfacial Phenomena and Heat Transfer, 2013, 1 (2): 173–180.
- Wei JJ, Xue YF, Zhao JF, Li J. Bubble behavior and heat transfer of nucleate pool boiling on micro-pin-finned surface in microgravity. Chin. Phy. Lett., 2011, 28(1): 016401.
- Zhao JF, Zhang L, Li ZD, Qin WT. Topological structure bifurcation of temperature field of deformable drop in Marangoni migration. Theo. Appl. Mech. Lett., 2011, 1: 032005
- Zhao JF, Zhang L, Li ZD, Qin WT. Topological structure evolvement of flow and temperature fields in deformable drop Marangoni migration in microgravity. Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 2011, 54: 4655-4663
- Xue YF, Zhao JF, Wei JJ, Li J, Guo D, Wan SX. Experimental study of nucleate pool boiling of FC-72 on smooth surface under microgravity. Microgravity Sci. Tech., 2011, 23(supppl. 1): S75-S85.
- Zhao JF. Two-phase flow and pool boiling heat transfer in microgravity. Int. J. Multiphase flow, 2010, 36(2): 135-143.
- Zhao J.F., Li J., Yan N., Wang S.F. Transition to film boiling in microgravity: influence of subcooling. Chin. Phys. Lett., 2010, 27(7): 076401.
- Zhao J.F., Li Z.D.*, Li H.X., Li J*. Thermocapillary Migration of Deformable Bubbles at Moderate to Large Marangoni Number in Microgravity. Microgravity Sci. Technol., 2010, 22(3): 295-303.
- Ye F., Wu F., Zhao J.F., Guo H., Wan S.X., Lv C.P., Ma C.F. Experimental Investigation of Performance of a Miniature Direct Methanol Fuel Cell in Short-Term Microgravity. Microgravity Sci. Technol., 2010, 22(3): 347-352.
- Zhao J. F., Wan S. X., Liu G., Yan N., Hu W. R. Subcooling pool boiling on thin wire in microgravity. Acta Astronautica, 2009, 64(2-3): 188-194.
- Wan S. X., Zhao J. F., Liu G. Dynamics of discrete bubble in nucleate pool boiling on thin wires in microgravity. J. Thermal Sci., 2009, 18(1): 13 – 19.
- Long X., Yao H., Zhao J. Investigation on mechanism of critical cavitating flow in liquid jet pumps under operating limits. Int J Heat Mass Transfer, 2009, 52: 2415 – 2420.
- Zhao J. F., Li J., Yan N., Wang S. F. Bubble behavior and heat transfer in quasi-steady pool boiling in microgravity. Microgravity Sci. Tech., 2009, 21(S1): S175 – S183.
- Wei J., Zhao J., Yuan M., Xue Y. Boiling heat transfer enhancement by using micro-pin-dinned surface for electronics cooling. Microgravity Sci. Tech., 2009, 21(S1): S159 – S173.
- Pu L., Li H. X., Zhao J. F., Chen T. K. Numerical simulation of condensation of bubble under microgravity conditions by moving mesh method. Microgravity Sci. Tech., 2009, 21(S1): S159 – S173.
- Guo H., Wu F., Ye F., Zhao J. F., Wan S. X., Lv C. P., Ma C. F. Two-phase flow in anode flow field of a small direct methanol fuel cell in different gravities. Sci. China E-Tech Sci, 2009, 52(6): 1576 – 1582.
- Hu W. R., Long M., Kang Q., Xie J. C., Hou M. Y., Zhao J. F., Duan L., Wang S. F. Space experimental studies of microgravity fluid science in Chin. Chinese Sci Bulletin, 2009, 54(22): 4035-4048.
- S. X. Wan, J. F. Zhao. Pool Boiling in Microgravity: Recent Results and Perspectives for the Project DEPA-SJ10. Microgravity Sci. Technol., 2008, 20(3-4): 219-224.
- H. Guo, J. F. Zhao, F. Ye, F. Wu, C. Lv, C. Ma. Two-phase flow and performance of fuel cell in short-term microgravity condition. Microgravity Sci. Technol., 2008, 20(3-4): 265-270.
- Pu L, Li HX, Lv X, Zhao JF, Chen TK, Zhu YQ. 2008. Numerical simulation of bubble dynamics in microgravity. Microgravity Sci. Technol., 20(3-4): 247-251.
- J.F. Zhao, G. Liu, S.X. Wan, N. Yan. Bubble dynamics in nucleate pool boiling on thin wires in microgravity. Microgravity Sci. Technol., 2008, 20(2): 81-89.
- J. F. Zhao, S. X. Wan, G. Liu, Z. D. Li, W. R. Hu. Pool Boiling Heat Transfer in Microgravity. Microgravity Sci. Tech., 2007, 19(3/4):135-136.
- Zhao JF, Gabriel KS. Two-phase flow patterns in a 90 bend at microgravity. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2004, 20(3): 206-211.
- Zhao JF, Liu G, Li B. Two-phase flow patterns in a square micro-channel. J. Thermal Sci., 2004, 13(2): 174-178.
- Li B, Zhao JF, Zhou FD, Tang ZM, Hu WR. Experimental study on convective boiling heat transfer in narrow-gap annulus tubes. Nucl. Sci. Tech., 2004, 15(2): 123-128.
- Zhao JF, Xie JC, Lin H & Hu WR. Pressure drop of bubbly two-phase flow through a square channel at reduced gravity. Adv. Space Res., 2002, 29(4): 681-686.
- Zhao Jianfu, Xie J, Lin H, Hu W, Ivanov AV, Belyeav AYu. Microgravity experiments of two-phase flow patterns aboard Mir space station. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2001, 17(2): 151 – 159.
- Zhao JF, Xie JC, Lin H & Hu WR. Experimental study on two-phase gas-liquid flow patterns at normal and reduced gravity conditions. Science in China, Ser. E, 44(5): 553 – 560.
- Zhao JF, Xie JC, Lin H, Hu WR, Ivanov AV, Belyeav AYu. Experimental studies on two-phase flow patterns aboard the Mir space station. Int. J. Multiphase Flow, 2001, 27(11): 1931 – 1944.
- Zhao JF, Hu WR. Slug to annular flow transition of microgravity two-phase flow. Int. J. Multiphase Flow, 2000, 26(8): 1295 – 1304.
- Xie JC, Zhao JF, Lin H, Hu WR, Ivanov AV, Belyaev AYu, Yegorov SD, Voiteshonok VS & Firsov VP. Microgravity experiment of two-phase flow pattern on board the “Mir” space station. Microgravity & Space Station Utilization, 2000, 1(3): 13 – 16.
刘刚 硕士研究生 080103-流体力学
闫娜 硕士研究生 080103-流体力学
李震东 博士研究生 080103-流体力学
鲁仰辉 硕士研究生 080103-流体力学
杜王芳 博士研究生 080103-流体力学
李晶 博士研究生 080103-流体力学
彭超 硕士研究生 080103-流体力学
张良 博士研究生 080103-流体力学
吴克 博士研究生 080103-流体力学
魏列 硕士研究生 080103-流体力学
刘鹏 博士研究生 080103-流体力学
乐述文 博士研究生 080103-流体力学
何发龙 博士研究生 080103-流体力学