电子邮件: wangqiu@imech.ac.cn
通信地址: 北四环西路15号
邮政编码: 100190
2004-09--2008-06 北京航空航天大学 能源与动力工程学院 学士
2017.10~ , 中国科学院力学研究所, 高级工程师
2017.11~2018.10,Aachen University Shock Wave Laboratory, 访问学者
2013.07~2017.10, 中国科学院力学研究所, 助理研究员
中国空气动力学会 第八届高超声速空气动力学专业委员会委员
中国空气动力学会 第八届物理气体动力学专业委员会委员
Processes杂志Guest Editor
(1)一种基于硅氧烷修饰光致发光物质的压力敏感涂料及其制备的涂层, 发明, 专利号: 202010281635.9
(2)基于平衡状态条件的激波管流动状态计算软件V1.0 ,软著,登记号:2021SR0149831
Kai Luo, Qiu Wang, Jinping Li, Wei Zhao, Sangdi Gu. A quasi-one-dimensional model for the stagnation streamline in hypersonic magnetohydrodynamic flows. Physics of Fluids, 2023, 35(3): 036101, doi: 10.1063/5.0138366
Sangdi Gu, Jiaao Hao, Qiu Wang, Chih-Yung Wen. Influence of thermochemical nonequilibrium on expansion tube air test conditions – A numerical study. Physics of Fluids, 2023, 35(3): 036106, doi: 10.1063/5.0141281
Weiqi Tang, Kun Zhang, Tianyu Chen, Qiu Wang, Bingchen Wei. Microstructural evolution and energetic characteristics of TiZrHfTa0.7W0.3 high-entropy alloy under high strain rates and its application in high-velocity penetration. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2023, 132(1): 144-153
尚甲豪, 胡国暾, 汪球, 王业军, 张坤, 项高翔, 赵伟, 魏炳忱. 高速弹丸诱导斜爆轰激波结构实验研究. 力学学报, 2023, 55(2): 309-317
卓越, 罗凯, 尚甲豪, 于庆豪, 汪球, 王业军, 梁金虎, 赵伟. 高超声速稀薄流中横向喷流干扰特性实验研究. 力学学报, 2023, 55(4): 1-10
尚甲豪, 邢好运, 汪球, 李进平, 赵伟, 魏炳忱. 气相爆轰驱动二级轻气炮内弹道数值模拟. 力学学报, 2022, 54(3): 811-822
罗凯, 王永海, 汪球, 栗继伟, 李峥, 聂春生, 李铮. 高焓风洞中等离子体激励流动控制实验研究. 航空学报, 2022, 43(S2): 727720
罗凯, 汪球, 李进平, 赵伟. 基于高温真实气体效应双锥MHD流动控制研究. 航空学报, 2022, 43(S2): 727718
Sangdi Gu, Herbert Olivier, Chih-Yung Wen, Jiaao Hao, Qiu Wang. Characterization of reflected shock tunnel air conditions using a simple method. Physics of Fluids, 2022, 34(5): 056103. doi: 10.1063/5.0089120
Yixiang Li, Qiu Wang, Kai Luo, Wei Zhao. Formation of bow shock waves around a blunt body in magnetohydrodynamics flows. Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 2022, 59(4): 1372-1379. doi: 10.2514/1.A35315
Jiangmen Yu, Jinping Li, Qiu Wang, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Shizhong Zhang. Numerical and experimental study on the duration of nozzle starting of the reflected high-enthalpy shock tunnel. Applied Sciences, 2022, 12(6): 2845. doi: 10.3390/app12062845
Zhitong Chen, Pankaj Attri, Qiu Wang. Special Issue on “Advances in Plasma Diagnostics and Applications”. Processes, 2022, 10(4): 654. doi: 10.3390/pr10040654
Zheng Zhang, Wubingyi Shen, Wei Yao, Qiu Wang, Wei Zhao. Effect of helical fins on the combustion performance in a micro-step combustor. Fuel, 2022, 319:123718. doi: 10.1016/j.fuel.2022.123718
Qiu Wang, Jinping Li, Kai Luo, Jiwei Li, Wei Zhao. Evolution of heat transfer at the stagnation point during the detached bow shock establishment. Shock Waves, 2021, 31:133-140.
Di Yang, Jiwei Li, Junkai Ren, Qinglin Wang, Shuyun Zhou, Qiu Wang, Zheng Xie, Xiaozhong Qu. Fast-response oxygen sensitive transparent coating for inner pressure ratiometric optical mapping. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2021, 9: 3917-3927.
罗凯, 汪球, 李逸翔, 李进平, 赵伟. 基于高温气体效应的磁流体流动控制研究进展. 力学学报, 2021, 53(6):1515-1531.
李逸翔, 汪球, 罗凯, 李进平, 赵伟. 高超声速MHD球头激波脱体距离理论求解. 力学学报, 2021, 53(9): 2493-2500. doi: 10.6052/0459-1879-21-127
Jiangpeng Yu, Jinping Li, Qiu Wang, Shizhong Zhang, Xiaoyuan Zhang. Numerical and experimental study on high-speed hydrogen-oxygen combustion gas flow and aerodynamic heating characteristics. Physics of Fluids, 33(2):076103, 2021.
Aifeng Wang, Jiahao Shang, Qiu Wang, Kuanliang Wang. Effects of cowl-induced expansion on the wave complex induced by oblique detonation wave reflection. Processes, 9(7):1215, 2021.
Di Yang, Yingying Ren, Jiwei Li, Qiu Wang, Xuebing Li, Xiaozhong Qu. Highly sensitive AIE-based mechanoresponsive luminescent polymer coatings for surface pressure imaging. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 431: 133449. doi: 10.1016/j.cej.2021.133449
Mengzhe Li, Zhikai Wang, Rongguang Xu, Xiangliang Zhang, Zhitong Chen, Qiu Wang. Advances in plasma-assisted ignition and combustion for combustors of aerospace engines. Aerospace Science and Technology, 117:106952, 2021. doi:10.1016/j.ast.2021.106952
罗凯, 汪球, 栗继伟, 李进平, 赵伟. 传感器安装对平板气动热测量精度的影响. 北京航空航天大学学报, 2021, 47(9): 1790-1798. doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2020.0315
Wei Xie, Zhenbing Luo, Yan Zhou, Tianxiang Gao, Yun Wu, Qiu Wang. Experimental study on shock wave control in high-enthalpy hypersonic flow by using SparkJet actuator. Acta Astronautica, 2021, 188: 416-425. doi: 10.1016/j.actaastro.2021.07.032
Qiu Wang, Kai Luo, Jiwei Li, Jinping Li, Wei Zhao. Investigation of dual ignition for a detonation-driven shock tunnel in the forward driving mode. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2020, 33(5):1468-1475.
Kai Luo, Qiu Wang, Jiwei Li, Jinping Li, Wei Zhao. Numerical modeling of a high-enthalpy shock tunnel driven by gaseous detonation. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2020, 104:105958.
Weiqi Tang, Qiu Wang, Bingchen Wei, Jiwei Li, Jinping Li, Jiahao Shang, Kun Zhang, Wei Zhao. Performance and modeling of a two-stage light gas gun driven by gaseous detonation. Applied Sciences, 2020, 10(12): 4383.
Shizhong Zhang, Qiu Wang, Jinping Li, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Hong Chen. A fast-response calorimeter with dynamic corrections for transient heat transfer measurements. Applied Sciences, 2020, 10(17): 6143.
Shizhong Zhang, Qiu Wang, Jinping Li, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Hong Chen. Coaxial thermocouples for heat transfer measurements in long-duration high enthalpy flows. Sensors, 2020, 20(18): 5254.
栗继伟, 卢盼, 汪球, 赵伟. 激波风洞7°尖锥边界层转捩实验研究. 北京航空航天大学学报, 2020, 46(11): 2087-2093.
罗凯, 汪球, 栗继伟, 李进平, 赵伟. 激波风洞/炮风洞动力学过程的模拟和分析. 气动研究与实验, 2020, 32(1):135-143.
Qiu Wang, Herbert Olivier, Julius Einhoff, Jinping Li, Wei Zhao. Influence of test model material on the accuracy of transient heat transfer measurements in impulse facilities. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2019, 104: 59-66.
Di Yang, Junkai Ren, Jiwei Li, Qinglin Wang, Qiu Wang, Zheng Xie, Xiaozhong Qu. Construction of bi-layer biluminophore fast-responding pressure sensitive coating for non-contact unsteady aerodynamic testing. Polymer Testing, 2019, 77:105922.
Qiu Wang, Jiwei Li, Jinping Li, Wei Zhao, Zonglin Jiang. Performance of copper calorimeter for heat transfer measurement in high enthalpy shock tunnel. Journal of Thermal Science, 2018, 27(4): 373-381.
Qiu Wang, Jinping Li, Wei Zhao, Zonglin Jiang. Influence of thermal sensor installation on measuring accuracy at stagnation points. Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 2017,31(2):318-323.
栗继伟, 汪球, 赵伟. 高超声速绕平板直立舵干扰气动热研究. 中北大学学报, 2017, 38(5): 609-613.
Qiu Wang, Jiwei Li, Pan Lu, Jinping Li, Wei Zhao, ZongLin Jiang. Pressure and heat flux calibration of the long-test duration hypervelocity detonation-driven shock tunnel. 21st AIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonics Technologies Conference, 2017.
Jiwei Li, Qiu Wang, Wei Zhao, Pan Lu, Yingxin Tan. Performance of a detonation driven shock tunnel. 21st AIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonics Technologies Conference, 2017.
Qiu Wang, Jiwei Li, Jinping Li, Wei Zhao, Zonglin Jiang. Comparative study on aerodynamic heating under perfect and nonequilibrium hypersonic flows. Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 2016, 59(2): 624701.
汪球, 黄建栋, 聂春生, 赵伟, 余西龙. 高焓流动中电子密度的静电探针测试技术研究. 中国科学: 技术科学, 2016, 46(5): 500-508.
周凯, 汪球, 胡宗民, 姜宗林. 爆轰驱动膨胀管性能研究. 航空学报, 2016, 37(3): 810-816.
汪球, 赵伟, 余西龙, 姜宗林. 高焓激波风洞有效试验时间的诊断. 航空学报, 2015, 36(11):3534-3539.
汪球, 赵伟, 滕宏辉, 姜宗林. 高焓激波风洞喷管流场非平衡特性研究. 空气动力学学报, 2015, 33(1):66-71.
jkw基础加强计划重点研究项目子课题: xxx目标特性抑制机理与主动隐身实现机制,2023.01-2025.12
jkw国防科技创新特区合同:等离子体试验与测量技术研究 ,2019.01-2019.12
航空科学基金:高Ma数内外流一体化构型热流测试技术研究 ,2017.10-2019.10
横向项目:等离子体流动控制对气动热影响的原理性验证试验 ,2019.1-2019.11
国家自然科学基金(面上项目)斜爆震实验技术研究 ,2020.10-2020.12