张飞武  男  博导  中国科学院地球化学研究所
电子邮件: zhangfeiwu@vip.gyig.ac.cn
通信地址: 贵阳市观山湖区林城西路99号
邮政编码: 550002




2005-02--2008-04 苏黎世联邦工大,瑞士 博士


2014-03--今 中国科学院地球化学研究所 研究员
2008-07--2014-02 Curtin University,澳大利亚 Research fellow
2008-04--2008-08 日本地震研究所,东京大学 客座教授


[1] Zhang, Feiwu, Xiao, Tingting, Muir, Joshua M R. Solid solution of CaSiO3 and MgSiO3 perovskites in the lower mantle: The role of ferrous iron. AMERICAN MINERALOGIST[J]. 2023, 108(3): 439-446, http://dx.doi.org/10.2138/am-2022-8356.
[2] Muir, Joshua M R, Chen, Yuying, Liu, Xi, Zhang, Feiwu. Extremely Stable, Highly Conductive Boron-Hydrogen Complexes in Forsterite and Olivine. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SOLID EARTH[J]. 2022, 127(6): http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/2022JB024299.
[3] Muir, Joshua M R, Zhang, Feiwu, Walker, Andrew M. Fast anisotropic Mg and H diffusion in wet forsterite. PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF MINERALS[J]. 2022, 49(8): [4] Muir, Joshua M R, Jollands, Michael, Zhang, Feiwu, Walker, Andrew M. Controls on the distribution of hydrous defects in forsterite from a thermodynamic model. PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF MINERALS[J]. 2022, 49(4): http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00269-022-01182-w.
[5] Muir, Joshua M R, Zhang, Feiwu. The effect of Ti on Ca-pv and Mg-pv phase stability. PHYSICS OF THE EARTH AND PLANETARY INTERIORS[J]. 2022, 322: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.pepi.2021.106825.
[6] Yang, Hua, Muir, Joshua M R, Zhang, Feiwu. Iron Hydride in the Earth's Inner Core and Its Geophysical Implications. GEOCHEMISTRY GEOPHYSICS GEOSYSTEMS[J]. 2022, 23(12): http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/2022GC010620.
[7] Muir, Joshua M R, Zhang, Feiwu, Brodholt, John P. The effect of water on the post-spinel transition and evidence for extreme water contents at the bottom of the transition zone. EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS[J]. 2021, 565: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2021.116909.
[8] Muir, Joshua M R, Thomson, Andrew R, Zhang, Feiwu. The miscibility of calcium silicate perovskite and bridgmanite: A single perovskite solid solution in hot, iron-rich regions. EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS[J]. 2021, 566: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2021.116973.
[9] 杨华, 蒋佳俊, 余天成, 张飞武. 地球内部结构水含量的估算. 矿物学报[J]. 2020, 40(1): 73-82, https://kns.cnki.net/KCMS/detail/detail.aspx?dbcode=CJFQ&dbname=CJFDLAST2020&filename=KWXB202001008&v=MjY2NTk4ZVgxTHV4WVM3RGgxVDNxVHJXTTFGckNVUjdxZVorZG1GeXJsVUw3SkxqclRiTEc0SE5ITXJvOUZiSVI=.
[10] Feiwu Zhang. Theoretical study of Lithium diffusion and fractionation in forsterite and its high-pressure phase. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals. 2019, [11] Jiang, Jiajun, Zhang, Feiwu, Yang, Hua, Yu, Tiancheng. Theoretical study of lithium diffusion and fractionation in forsterite and its high-pressure phases. PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF MINERALS[J]. 2019, 46(7): 663-673, https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000472227400002.
[12] Jiang, Jiajun, Zhang, Feiwu. Theoretical studies on the hydrous lower mantle and D '' layer minerals. EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS[J]. 2019, 525: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2019.115753.
[13] 张飞武. 高温高压下含水林伍德石的红外光谱理论计算研究. 矿物学报. 2019, [14] 靳佳冀, 余天成, 张飞武. 林伍德石含水机制的第一性原理研究. 矿物学报[J]. 2018, 474-480, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=75878866504849564853484850.
[15] 张飞武. 上地幔矿物中Li同位素扩散,分馏与分配的理论对比研究. 岩石学报. 2018, [16] Jiang JiaJun, Liang GuangMing, Jin JiaJi, Zhang FeiWu. Theoretical study of lithium diffusion and fractionation in the lattice of clinoenstatite, pyrope and spinel. ACTA PETROLOGICA SINICA[J]. 2018, 34(9): 2811-2818, http://ir.iggcas.ac.cn/handle/132A11/90539.
[17] 张飞武. 顽火辉石中Li同位素扩散与分馏的理论研究. 矿物学报. 2018, [18] Teng, Zhuang, Jiang, Jiajun, Chen, Gaoyuan, Ma, Chunlan, Zhang, Feiwu. The electronic structures and optical properties of B, C or N doped BaTiO3. AIP ADVANCES[J]. 2018, 8(9): http://ir.iggcas.ac.cn/handle/132A11/89188.
[19] Jiang, HuaLong, Jia, SongHao, Zhou, DaWei, Pu, ChunYing, Zhang, FeiWu, Zhang, Shuai. First-Principles Calculations of the Mechanical and Elastic Properties of 2H(c)- and 2H(a)-WS2/CrS2 Under Pressure. ZEITSCHRIFT FUR NATURFORSCHUNG SECTION A-A JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL SCIENCES[J]. 2016, 71(6): 517-524, https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000377244300006.
[20] Pu, ChunYing, Xun, XianChao, Song, HaiZhen, Zhang, FeiWu, Lu, ZhiWen, Zhou, DaWei. Prediction of Pressure-Induced Structural Transition and Mechanical Properties of MgY from First-Principles Calculations. COMMUNICATIONS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS[J]. 2016, 65(1): 92-98, https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000372333900016.
[21] Zhou, Dawei, Pu, Chunying, He, Chaozheng, Zhang, Feiwu, Lu, Cheng, Bao, Gang. Pressure-induced phase transition of BiOF: novel two-dimensional layered structures. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS[J]. 2015, 17(6): 4434-4440, https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000349005900053.
[22] Pu, Chunying, Zhou, Dawei, Song, Yuling, Wang, Zhuo, Zhang, Feiwu, Lu, Zhiwen. Phase transition and thermodynamic properties of YAg alloy from first-principles calculations. COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE[J]. 2015, 102: 21-26, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.commatsci.2015.02.011.
[23] Pu ChunYing, Ye XiaoTao, Jiang HuaLong, Zhang FeiWu, Lu ZhiWen, He JunBao, Zhou DaWei. Two-dimensional arsenic monolayer sheet predicted from first-principles. CHINESE PHYSICS B[J]. 2015, 24(3): http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1674-1056/24/3/036301.
[24] Jia, Jinhuan, Zhou, Dawei, Zhang, Jie, Zhang, Feiwu, Lu, Zhiwen, Pu, Chunying. First-principles investigation of elastic and thermodynamic properties of SiCN under pressure. COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE[J]. 2014, 95: 228-234, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.commatsci.2014.07.044.
[25] Feiwu Zhang. Elastic and thermodynamic properties of VN under pressure and effect of metallic bonding on its hardness. Chinese Physics B. 2013, [26] Cheng, Zhijun, Liu, Tingyu, Yang, Chenxing, Gan, Haixiu, Chen, Jianyu, Zhang, Feiwu. Ab initio atomic thermodynamics investigation on oxygen defects in the anatase TiO2. JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS[J]. 2013, 546: 246-252, https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000311503000037.
[27] Zhang, F, Gale, J D, Uberuaga, B P, Stanek, C R, Marks, N A. Importance of dispersion in density functional calculations of cesium chloride and its related halides. PHYSICAL REVIEW B[J]. 2013, 88(5): https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000323328000004.
[28] Zhang, Feiwu, Wright, Kate. Coupled (Li+, Al3+) substitutions in hydrous forsterite. AMERICAN MINERALOGIST[J]. 2012, 97(2-3): 425-429, https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000300209500019.
[29] Gu, Qinfen, Gao, Liang, Guo, Yanhui, Tan, Yingbin, Tang, Ziwei, Wallwork, Kia S, Zhang, Feiwu, Yu, Xuebin. Structure and decomposition of zinc borohydride ammonia adduct: towards a pure hydrogen release. ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE[J]. 2012, 5(6): 7590-7600, http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/c2ee02485c.
[30] Feiwu Zhang. Study on the electronic structures of the reduced anatase TiO2 by the first-principles calculation. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. 2012, [31] Zhang, Feiwu, Wright, Kate. Lithium defects and diffusivity in forsterite. GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA[J]. 2012, 91: 32-39, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2012.05.034.


(1) ‘****’研究津费,主持,院级级,2014-03--2017-03
(2) 科学院‘****’启动经费,主持,研究所(学校)级,2014-03--2017-03
(1) The effect of chemical evolution in 137CsCl on radionuclide leaching.,2013-08,Feiwu Zhang



梁光明  硕士研究生  070902-地球化学  

靳佳冀  硕士研究生  070902-地球化学