
Research Areas

Biogeomagnetism and Biomineralization
(1) The mechanism of magnetoreception in animals
The earth’s magnetic field represents a very reliable, omnipresent source of information for all living organisms. A great deal of researches proved that many animals can use the geomagnetic field to orientation and navigation in their lives. The mechanism of magnetoreception in animals remains unknown. The biogenic magnetic minerals or the photopigments in retina has been postulated as an ideal magnetoreceptor. I am interested in studying the ultrastructure of biogenic magnetic minerals in animals using rock magnetic measurements and biological slicing technique.
(2) The biomineralization of nano-magnetic particles in ferritin
Iron biomineralization widely occurs in living organisms due to the fundamental role that iron plays in biological processes. Ferritin is a vital iron storage protein for all living organisms. It plays major roles in iron storage and iron detoxification. Recent years, ferritin was applied to reconstitute diverse novel nanomaterials within the protein shell by biomimetic syntheses in vitro. I am interested to investigate the mechanism of ferritin biomineralization.


B.Sc. (1996-2000 Biology, Shandong Normal University
M.A.Sc.(2000-2003) Animal Ecology, Institute of Zoology, CAS
Ph. D (2005-2008) Solid Geophysics, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, CAS


Work Experience
January 2011-Present, Associate Professor
France-China biomineralization and nano-structure laboratory (BioMNSL), Institute of Geology and Geophysics, CAS
July 2008-December 2010, Post Doctor
Biogeomagnetism Group, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, CAS
July 2004-August 2005, Research Assistant
Biogeomagnetism Group, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, CAS
July 2003- August 2004, Research Assistant
Bioelectromagnetism Group, Institute of electrical engineering, CAS


  1. Tian, L., Cao, C., and Pan, Y., 2011, The influence of reaction temperature on biomineralization of ferrihydrite cores in human H-ferritin. BioMetals. DOI:10.1007/s10534-011-9497-3.
  2. Tian, L., Lin, W., Zhang, S., and Pan, Y., 2010, Bat head contains soft magnetic particles: evidence from magnetism, Bioelectromagnetics, 31,499-503.
  3. Tian, L., Cao, C., Liu, Q., and Pan, Y., 2010, Low-temperature magnetic properties of horse spleen ferritin. Chinese Sci Bull, 55: 3174−3180.
  4. Cao, C., Tian, L., Liu, Q., Liu, W., Chen, G., and Pan, Y., 2010, Magnetic characterization of noninteracting, randomly oriented, nanometer-scale ferrimagnetic particles, Journal of geophysical research, 115, B07103, doi:10.1029/2009JB006855.
  5. Pan, Y., Lin, W., Li, J., Wu, W., Tian, L., Deng, C., Liu, Q., Zhu, R., Winklhofer, M., and Petersen, N., 2009, Reduced efficiency of magnetotaxis in magnetotactic coccoid bacteria in higher than geomagnetic fields. Biophys. J. 97:986-991.
  6. Pan, Y., Lin, W., Tian, L., Zhu, R., and Petersen, N, 2009, Combined approaches for characterization of an uncultivated magnetotactic coccus from Lake Miyun near Beijing. Geomicrobiol. J. 26:313-320.
  7. Lin, W., Tian, L., Li, J., and Pan. Y., 2008, Does capillary racetrack-based enrichment reflect the diversity of uncultivated magnetotactic cocci in environmental samples? FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 279:202-206.
  8. Tian, L., Xiao, B., Lin, W., Zhang, S., Zhu, R., Pan, Y., 2007, Testing for the presence of magnetite in the upper-beak skin of homing pigeons. BioMetals 20,197-203.

  1. A synthetic method of mono-dispersed magnetoferritin from reconstituted human H-ferritin. Application number:200910244505.1
  2. A novel method of purifying ferritin from biological tissues and engineering bacteria. Application number:201010034208.7



张兵芳  硕士研究生  0709Z1-地球生物学  

张盈盈  硕士研究生  0709Z1-地球生物学  

詹蔼生  硕士研究生  0709Z1-地球生物学  

罗于凯  硕士研究生  0709Z1-地球生物学  


罗于凯  博士研究生  0709Z1-地球生物学  


Work Experience
January 2011-Present, Associate Professor
France-China biomineralization and nano-structure laboratory (BioMNSL), Institute of Geology and Geophysics, CAS
July 2008-December 2010, Post Doctor
Biogeomagnetism Group, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, CAS
July 2004-August 2005, Research Assistant
Biogeomagnetism Group, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, CAS
July 2003- August 2004, Research Assistant
Bioelectromagnetism Group, Institute of electrical engineering, CAS


  1. Tian, L., Cao, C., and Pan, Y., 2011, The influence of reaction temperature on biomineralization of ferrihydrite cores in human H-ferritin. BioMetals. DOI:10.1007/s10534-011-9497-3.
  2. Tian, L., Lin, W., Zhang, S., and Pan, Y., 2010, Bat head contains soft magnetic particles: evidence from magnetism, Bioelectromagnetics, 31,499-503.
  3. Tian, L., Cao, C., Liu, Q., and Pan, Y., 2010, Low-temperature magnetic properties of horse spleen ferritin. Chinese Sci Bull, 55: 3174−3180.
  4. Cao, C., Tian, L., Liu, Q., Liu, W., Chen, G., and Pan, Y., 2010, Magnetic characterization of noninteracting, randomly oriented, nanometer-scale ferrimagnetic particles, Journal of geophysical research, 115, B07103, doi:10.1029/2009JB006855.
  5. Pan, Y., Lin, W., Li, J., Wu, W., Tian, L., Deng, C., Liu, Q., Zhu, R., Winklhofer, M., and Petersen, N., 2009, Reduced efficiency of magnetotaxis in magnetotactic coccoid bacteria in higher than geomagnetic fields. Biophys. J. 97:986-991.
  6. Pan, Y., Lin, W., Tian, L., Zhu, R., and Petersen, N, 2009, Combined approaches for characterization of an uncultivated magnetotactic coccus from Lake Miyun near Beijing. Geomicrobiol. J. 26:313-320.
  7. Lin, W., Tian, L., Li, J., and Pan. Y., 2008, Does capillary racetrack-based enrichment reflect the diversity of uncultivated magnetotactic cocci in environmental samples? FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 279:202-206.
  8. Tian, L., Xiao, B., Lin, W., Zhang, S., Zhu, R., Pan, Y., 2007, Testing for the presence of magnetite in the upper-beak skin of homing pigeons. BioMetals 20,197-203.

  1. A synthetic method of mono-dispersed magnetoferritin from reconstituted human H-ferritin. Application number:200910244505.1
  2. A novel method of purifying ferritin from biological tissues and engineering bacteria. Application number:201010034208.7