[1] 薛白, 詹乃军, 王戟, 刘万伟. Reach-avoid Verification Based on Convex Optimization. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (IEEE TAC)[J]. 2023, [2] Xu, Xiong, Talpin, JeanPierre, Wang, Shuling, Zhan, Bohua, Zhan, Naijun. Semantics Foundation for Cyber-physical Systems Using Higher-order UTP. ACM TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND METHODOLOGY[J]. 2023, 32(1): http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/3517192.[3] Bai Xue, 詹乃军, Martin Fraenzle. Reach-Avoid Analysis for Stochastic Differential Equations. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL[J]. 2023, [4] Shenghua Feng, Mingshuai Chen, Han Su, Benjamin Lucien Kaminski, Joost-Pieter Katoen, 詹乃军. Lower Bounds for Possibly Divergent Probabilistic Programs. OOPSLAnull. 2023, [5] Liu, Wenyou, Bai, Yunjun, Jiao, Li, Zhan, Naijun. Safety guarantee for time-delay systems with disturbances. SCIENCE CHINA-INFORMATION SCIENCES[J]. 2023, 66(3): 114-128, [6] Hao Wu, Yu-Fang Chen, Zhilin Wu, Bican Xia, 詹乃军. A Decision Procedure for String Constraints with String-Integer Conversion and Flat Regular Constraints. Acta Informatica[J]. 2023, [7] Xu, Xiong, Zhan, Bohua, Wang, Shuling, Talpin, JeanPierre, Zhan, Naijun. A denotational semantics of Simulink with higher-order UTP. JOURNAL OF LOGICAL AND ALGEBRAIC METHODS IN PROGRAMMING[J]. 2023, 130: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jlamp.2022.100809.[8] Bai Xue, Qiuye Wang, 詹乃军, Martin Fraenzle, Shenghua Feng. Differential Games Based on Invariant Sets Generation. 2022 American Control Conference (ACC)null. 2022, [9] Xiaochen Tang, Wei Shen, Miaomiao Zhang, Jie An, Bohua Zhan, 詹乃军. Learning Deterministic One-Clock Timed Automata via Mutation Testing. ATVA 2022null. 2022, [10] Shicheng Yi, Shuling Wang, Bohua Zhan, 詹乃军. An Executable Semantics for Stateflow in Isabelle/HOL. ICFEM 2022null. 2022, [11] Xiong Xu, Shuling Wang, Bohua Zhan, Xiangyu Jin, Jean-Pierre Talpin, Naijun Zhan. 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IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL[J]. 2022, 67(2): 1053-1060, [16] Xue, Bai, Zhan, Naijun, Frnzle, Martin. Reach-Avoid Analysis for Stochastic Differential Equations. 2022, http://arxiv.org/abs/2208.10752.[17] Jie AN, Lingtai WANG, Bohua ZHAN, Naijun ZHAN, Miaomiao ZHANG. Learning real-time automata. SCIENCE CHINA-INFORMATION SCIENCES[J]. 2021, 64(9): 53-69, [18] Chen, Mingshuai, Fraenzle, Martin, Li, Yangjia, Mosaad, Peter N, Zhan, Naijun. Indecision and delays are the parents of failure-taming them algorithmically by synthesizing delay-resilient control. ACTA INFORMATICA[J]. 2021, 58(5): 497-528, [19] 詹乃军. Reach-Avoid Analysis for Delay Differential Equations. CDC. 2021, [20] Jin, Xiangyu, An, Jie, Zhan, Bohua, Zhan, Naijun, Zhan, Miaomiao. Inferring Switched Nonlinear Dynamical Systems. FORMAL ASPECTS OF COMPUTING[J]. 2021, 33(3): 385-406, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00165-021-00542-7.[21] 詹乃军. Reach-avoid Analysis for Stochastic Discrete-time Systems. 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