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中国科学院上海微系统与信息技术所 19970401--20000410 博士研究生
中国科学院上海微系统与信息技术所 19970401--20000410 博士研究生 工学博士学位
2000.4~2002.4 中科院上海微系统所,上海汽车电子工程中心,博士后,微电子与固态电子学专业,从事芯片设计、微电子薄膜工艺研究。
2002.4~2003.8 中科院上海微系统所一室,从事MEMS芯片设计与制作研究,封装工艺研究。负责漕河泾分部MEMS净化工艺线的筹建,按照ISO9000要求建立相关管理规范。2003年6月正式科研流片成功。
2003.9~2008.1 中科院上海微系统与信息技术所 副研 硕导 主要从事无线传感器网络节点封装技术研究。负责AM基金项目;应用于无线传感网的多芯片模块设计与制造。
2008.1-2012.12 中科院上海微系统所 副研究员, 主要从事薄膜太阳电池关键技术研究与开发,晶体硅太阳光电子器件技术研究与开发、光捕获与储存集成系统微型化技术研究、太阳电池模组可靠性测试与标准建立.毫米波成像算法技术
2016.4-2021.12 中科院上海微系统所 四级研究员,主要从事毫米波探测器技术研究,负责复合毫米波探测器技术研究。
2022.1-现在 中科院上海微系统所 三级研究员,主要从事射频超导器件工艺与测试技术研究。
专利1、 一种可调带隙三节薄膜太阳能电池及其制作方法 周健,孙晓玮;王伟;谈惠祖;周舟 申请号:CN200810200672.1,公开号:CN101383385,授权号:CN100555674,已许可使用,使用费合同额50万元。申请日:2008.09.27,公开日:2009.03.11,授权日:2009.10.28
专利2、一种野外应急可再生能源管理系统及其实施方法 周健,孙晓玮;谈惠祖;王伟;周舟 申请号:CN200910056429.1 公开号:CN101625558,授权号:ZL101625558B,申请日:2009.08.14,公开日2010.01.13,授权日:2011.09.21
专利3、宽谱宽角吸收太阳电池类蛾眼减反结构及其制作方法 周健,孙晓玮;谈惠祖;周舟;周建华 申请号:CN201010175937.4公开号:CN101866959A,申请日2010.05.14,公开日2010.10.20,授权号:ZL201010175937.4授权公告日:2013.9.11
专利4、一种宽谱高反射率异形分布式布拉格结构及其制作方法 周健; 孙晓玮;谈惠祖;周舟;周建华;王伟 申请号:CN201110180063.6,申请日:2011.06.24,公开日2012.02.15,驳回(2014.03.19).
专利5、一种全固态高循环寿命薄膜锂电池及其制作方法 周健; 孙晓玮;谈惠祖;周舟;周建华;王伟 申请号:CN201110180043.9,专利号:ZL201110180043.9申请日:2011.06.24,公开日:2011.12.2。授权公告日:2014.6.11
专利6:一种高重量比能量密度微能源系统其制作方法及其应用 周健; 孙晓玮;谈惠祖;周舟;周建华;王伟 申请号:CN201110180076.3,专利号:ZL201110180076.3, 申请日2011.06.24,公开日:2012.01.18授权日:2015.04.22
专利7:一种高体积比能量微能源系统及其制作方法 周健; 孙晓玮;谈惠祖;周舟;周建华;王伟;刘正新 申请号:CN201110180049.6,专利号:ZL201110180049.6申请日2011.06.24,公开日:2012.02.08. 授权公告日:2014.1.22
专利8:一种物联网节点及其微型化集成方法 周健;孙晓玮;周舟;周建华;李红飞 申请号:CN201210147694.2 专利号:ZL201210147694.2,申请日:2012.05.11, 公开日:2012.09.12.授权日:2014.12.24
专利9:一种数据远程采集与管理系统及其实施方法 周健;孙晓玮;周舟;周建华;李红飞 刘正新 申请号:201210342472.6 申请日:2012.9.14,专利号:ZL201210342472.6 公开日:2013.03.27,授权日:2016.03.16
专利10:一种光能捕获与储存微能源演示系统及制作方法 周健;孙晓玮;周舟;周建华;李红飞 申请号:201210295388.3,专利号:ZL201210295388.3,申请日:2012.08.17, 公开日:2013.01.23,授权日:2015.07.29
专利11:一种光伏自供能、遥控车位地锁管理系统及其实施方法 周 健 孙 浩 钱 蓉 孙晓玮,申请号:201510990168.6,申请日2015.12.24
专利12:一种空间三维多参数分布测试系统及其实施方法 周 健 孙 浩 钱 蓉 孙晓玮,申请号:201511015605.9,申请日2015.12.29
专利13:一种基于有源毫米波成像的隐私部位定位与保护方法 周健 叶金晶 孙谦晨 钱蓉 朱玉琨 杨明辉 孙晓玮,发明专利,申请号:201610858411.3,申请日2016.09.27,公布日:2017.2.22,专利号:201610858411.3,授权日:2018.2.27
专利14:一种微型化、低功耗、长寿命资产追踪终端及其实施方法,周健 孙谦晨 叶金晶 孙浩 钱蓉 孙晓玮 申请号:201621373646.5,申请日2016.12.14实用新型,授权号:ZL201621373646.5,授权日:2018.1.23
专利15:一种主动毫米波人体图像性别识别方法及其实施 周 健 叶金晶 孙谦晨 黄冰 钱 蓉 孙晓玮,申请号:201711369674.9,申请日:2017.12.19
专利16:一种毫米波自校准虚拟仪器及其实施方法 郑双均 周 健 孙谦晨 黄冰 高一强 孙晓玮 申请号:201711193383.9,申请日:2017.11.24。驳回
专利17:一种宽水平角窄俯仰角狭缝天线及其制作方法 周 健 黄冰 孙芸 佟瑞钱蓉 孙晓玮 申请号:201811560725.0 申请日:2018.12.20.
专利18:一种前倾双狭缝天线及其制作方法 周 健 黄冰 孙芸 佟瑞钱蓉 孙晓玮申请号:201811567450.3,申请日:2018.12.20.
专利19:一种宽水平角窄俯仰角狭缝天线 周 健 黄冰 孙芸 佟瑞钱蓉 孙晓玮,实用新型,申请号:201822141748.X,申请日:2018.12.21.授权号:201822141748.X,授权日:2019.8.20.
专利20:一种前倾双狭缝天线结构 周 健 黄冰 孙芸 佟瑞 钱蓉 孙晓玮,实用新型,申请号:201822143007.5,申请日:2018.12.20. 授权号:201822143007.5,授权日:2019.8.20.
专利21:一种平板型双频段探测器前端及其制作方法 周 健 孙芸 钱蓉 孙晓玮。申请号:201910699625.4,申请日:2019.07.16.
专利22:一种平板型双频段探测器前端系统. 周 健 孙芸 钱蓉 孙晓玮。申请号:201921221093.5, 实用新型, 申请日:2019.07.31. 授权号:201921221093.5,授权日:2020.05.22.
专利23:一种L型三频段抗干扰近距离探测器前端及其安装方法 周 健 孙芸 赵敏 钱蓉 孙晓玮。申请号:201910686316.3,申请日:2019.07.29.
专利24:一种L型三频段抗干扰近距离探测器前端 周 健 孙芸 赵敏 钱蓉 孙晓玮。实用新型,申请号:201921200070.6,申请日:2019.07.29.
专利25:一种基于前倾波束的功率测试装置及其测试方法,周 健 孙芸 钱蓉 孙晓玮。申请号:202010334240.0,申请日:2020.04.24.
专利26:一种基于前倾波束的功率测试装置,周 健 孙芸 钱蓉 孙晓玮。实用新型,申请号:202020638815.3,申请日:2020.04.24.
Publications in refereed journals: (53 papers published. 14 of them were collected by SCI (6 first author+8 other). 16(10 first author+6 other) of them were collected by EI (first author or corresponding author).
1、Songliu Yuan and Jian Zhou, Chinese Journal of Low Temperature Physics Vol.17 (1995) 268. (in Chinese)
Possible Expression of Magnetic Flux Dynamics in Mixed State of High Temperature Superconductor
2、Jian Zhou and Songliu Yuan, Chinese Journal of Low Temperature physics Vol.17 (1995) 320. (in Chinese)
The Difficulty of Lorenz Force Related Magneto-resistance Model in the High Temperature Superconductivity
3、Songliu Yuan, Jian Zhou and Zheng Huang, Chinese Journal of Low Temperature Physics Vol.18 (1996) 135.(in Chinese)
New Interpretation of Magneto-resistance in the Mixed State of a Type-Ⅱ Superconductor.
4、Songliu Yuan and Jian Zhou, Physics Vol.25 (1996) 675.(in Chinese),EI
Lorenz Force Independent Magneto-resistance in Mixed State of High Temperature Superconductor
5、Songliu Yuan, Jian Zhou, Xia Sun, Yue Chen, Zheng Huang, N.F. Yao, Physica C Vol.277 (1997) 271. SCI, Times Cited: 0
Scaling Approach to the In-plane Resistivity of Single Crystalline La1.85Sr0.15CuO4 as a Function of Temperature, Magnetic Field and Its Orientation.
6、Jian Zhou, The Forth Graduate Symposium of the Institute of Plasma Physics , Academia Sinica, Hefei, China, (1997) 24.
Scaling Analysis to the In-plane resistivity of La1.85Sr0.15CuO4 Single Crystalline Sample.
7、Jian Zhou, The Forth Graduate Symposium of the Institute of Plasma Physics , Academia Sinica, Hefei, China, (1997) 32.
The Possible Interpretation of Magnetoresistance in the Mixed State of a Typed-ⅡSuperconductor on the Basis of the Josephson Phase Slippage Theory
Giant Magnetic Resistance(GMR)
8、YD Li, XF Duan, JH Zhang, YT Qian, Z Huang,J Zhou, SL Yuan et al, Journal of Materials Research, Vol.12 (1997) 2648.SCI
Giant Magnetoresistance in bulk La0.6Mg0.4MnO3.
9、Zhihong Lu, Jianjun Qiu, Kun Xun, Dandan Wu, Xinghua Yao, Rui Xiong, Jian Zhou, Zhuoyi Li and Defang Shen, Chinese Journal of Functional Materials and Devices Vol.4 (1998) 268 (in Chinese)EI
Fabrication and Exchange Coupling of NiO/NiFe Bilayers.
Optical Disk and Magneto-optical Material
10、Kun Xun, Jian Zhou and Defang Shen , Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 202 (1999) 185~190.SCI, Times Cited: 1
Decoupled Polar MO Kerr Enhancement Multilayer Structure
11、Kun Xun, Zhu Liu, Jian Zhou, Yuxiang Zheng, Defang Shen and Liangyao Chen. Chinese Journal of Functional Materials and Devices Vol.4 (1998) 250.EI, (in Chinese)
Basic Optic and Magneto-optical Constant of Sputtered Pt1-xCox(x=0.2~0.4) Alloy Films
12.、Kun Xun, Ming Li, Jian Zhou, and Defang Shen, Thin Solid Films 347 (1999) 253~257.SCI, Times Cited: 13
High-Coercivity CoPt Alloy Films Prepared at Ultrahigh Ar Pressure
13、Kun. Xun,Ming. Li,Jian. Zhou ,The Fifth National Symposium on Magnetic Film, Hangzhou China, (1998) 99. (In Chinese)
the Preparation of PtCo Alloy Film by Sputtering a PtCo Alloy Target
14、Jian Zhou, Kun Xun, Defang Shen,Guoqiang Xia,Yuxiang Zheng,Liangyao Chen,The Tenth National Simpsium of Magnetism and Magnetic Material,1999.8,Beijing, China,P.529。
The Effect of Ni Addition to (CoPt3)1-xNix Alloy Films
15、Jian Zhou, Huizhong Song, Kun Xun and Defang Shen, Acta Optica Sinica Vol.19 (1999) 1197. (in Chinese)EI
The New Thermal Design Method of the Laser-lighted MO Multilayer
16、Jian Zhou, Kun Xun, Shiyong Liu and Defang Shen, Acta Physica Sinica Vol.48(4) (1999) 620. (in Chinese).EI, Times Cited: 0
The Study of Laser-induced Lacal Heating of MO Multilayers
17、Jian Zhou, Kun Xun, Defang Shen and Tianyan Pu Chinese Journal of Laser Vol. A26(11) (1999) 997.(in Chinese) EI
The Optical and Thermal Structure Design for PtCo Alloy
18、Jian Zhou, Kun Xun, Defang Shen, Guoqiang Xia,Yuxiang Zheng,Liangyao Chen,ACTA Physica Sinica Vol.48 supplement (1999) 45.EI,Times Cited: 2
The Study of Structure , Magnetic and Magneto-optical Properties of (CoPt3)1-xNix Alloy Films
19、Jian Zhou, Defang Shen, Guoqiang Xia, Kun Xun, Yingjun Zhang, Yuxiang Zheng, Shiyong Liu, Liangyao Chen Applied Physics A Vol.70(2000) 453-456. SCI,Times Cited: 1
Structure and Magneto-optical Properties of (CoPt3)1-xNix Alloy Films
20、Jian Zhou, Kun Xun, Shaojian Hu, Defang Shen, Guoqiang Xia, Yingjun Zhang, Yuxiang Zheng, Liangyao Chen Thin Solid Films Vol.368(2000)138-141.SCI, Times Cited: 0
Magnetic and Magneto-optical Properties of DC-sputtered (CoPt3)1-xNix(x=0.5) Alloy Films
21、Jian Zhou, Defang Shen, Lixing Yang, Bin Ma, Zhiqiang Zou, Shiyong Liu, Shihu Sun, Yuxiang Zheng, Liangyao Chen Jinglian Wang, Ke Wang. Thin Solid Films. 382(2001)235. SCI,Times Cited: 0
DC-sputtered Pt3(Co1-xNix)(x=0.4) Alloy Films at Different Ultra-high Ar Pressure with Perpendicular Ansotropy
22、Jian Zhou, Defang Shen, Zhiqiang Zou, Bin Ma, Shiyong Liu, Lixing Yang, Songyou Wang, Shihu Sun, Yuxiang Zheng, Liangyao Chen, Jinglian Wang. Physics Letters A. 271 (2000)115-120. SCI,Times Cited: 1
Structural, Magnetic and Magneto-optical Properties of Co1-xNixPt3 Alloy Films with Perpendicular Anisotropy
Semiconductor Physics and Device
23、Jian Zhou, Guanqun Xia, Binhan Li and Wenchao Liu, Applied Physics.A 76 (2003)939. SCI,Times Cited: 3
Structural and electrical properties of Au/Pt/Ti ohmic contacts to degenerated doped n-GaAs
24、Jian Zhou, Guanqun Xia, Binhan Li, Wenchao Liu,Jiakuan Wang, Yousheng Hao, Journal of Functional Materials and Devices, 8 (2002) 56 (in Chinese),EI.
Study of the properties of Ta-N/Cu films on Si substrate
25、Jian ZHOU, Guanqun XIA, Binhan LI and Wenchao LIU,Japanese Journal of applied Physics 42 (2003) No.5A.SCI, Times Cited: 1
Electrical and structural properties of refractory metal multilayer Au/Ti/W/Ti ohmic contacts to n-GaAs
26、Binhe Wu, Guanqun Xia, Zhihuan Li and Jian Zhou. Applied Physics Letters Vol 80(6),(2002)50. SCI, Times Cited: 15
Sulphur passivation of the InGaAsSb/GaSb photodiodes
27、Jian ZHOU, Guanqun XIA, Binhan LI and Wenchao LIU. AWAD2002 (Invited for presentation 2002 Asia-Pasific Workshop on Fundamentals and Applications of Advanced Semiconductor Devices, July 1 to 3, 2002)
Electrical properties and thermally stability of Au/W/Ti ohmic contacts to (NH4)2S treated n-GaAs
Advanced 3-MCM package
28、Gaowei Xu, Jian Zhou, and Le Luo, ICEPT2007 Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Electronics Packaging Technology,Shanghai, China, 2007, pp: 701-707.
"Warpage and Reliability of Three-dimensional Multi-chip Module with High Density Embedded Substrate ".
29、Yanhong Wu,Gaowei Xu, Minghua Zhu, Jian Zhou and Le Luo. Journal of Functional Materials and Devices,14(2008)3,p580 (in Chinese).EI
Design and Fabrication of 3D-MCM Packaging on WSN module.
30、Gaowei Xu, Yanhong Wu, Jian Zhou, and Le Luo. Chinese Journal of Semiconductors. 29(2008)9 p1837 (in Chinese).EI
Investigation on the 3D-MCM Packaging Structure Based on pre-buried board.
31、Gaowei Xu, Le Luo, Fei Geng, Qiuping Huang, Jian Zhou, Chinese Journal of Electronics 37(2009) 5.p1006 (in Chinese)EI.
Invesitigation on the warpage of 3D-MCM Packaging Structure Based on pre-buried board
32、Gaowei Xu, Jian Zhou and Le Luo, IEEE Transactions Components and Packaging Technology (CPMT) 33(2010)3 p571.
Warpage Study of a 3D-MCM on an Embedded Substrate with Multiple Interconnection Method
33、X.Q. Bao, J.W. Jiao, J. Zhou and Y.L. Wang. Electro-chemical Acta (SCI 2.955) Volume 52, Issue 24, 1 August 2007, P6728-6733. SCI, Times Cited: 7
Fast speed pore formation via strong oxidizers
Optoelectronic Devices design and fabrication
34、K. A. Broderick, L. Zeng, B. A. Alamariu, X. Duan, J. Zhou, Z. Zhou and Y. Yi. 2010 CLEO/QELS conference [The Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) is held in conjunction with the Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (QELS)].
Enhanced Absorption in Thin Film Si Solar Cells with Textured Photonic Back Reflector.
35、Zhou Zhou , Jian Zhou , Xiaowei Sun ,Huizu Tan,Acta Optica Sinica,31(2011)07.EI, (In Chinese)
Design and Fabrication of Irregulated-Shaped Distributed Brag Reflector Structure
36、Zhou Zhou , Jian Zhou , Xiaowei Sun , Tim Cheng , Shengqi Wang and Yasha Yi Cambridge Journals:Proc. of Mat. Res. Soc.Vol. 1303(2011)DOI:10.1557/opl.2011.341 (2011).
Comprehensive light trapping study of next generation thin film solar cells
37、Jian Zhou, Hongfei Li, Yuchen Liu, Huizu Tan, Zhengxin Liu. Acta Optica Sinica 33(9) (2013) 09310031-1 (In Chinese). EI.
Design and fabrication of an irregularly shaped distributed Brag reflector for hetero-junction with intrinsic thin layer solar cells
38、Jian Zhou, Hongfei Li, Yuchen Liu, Yasha Yi, Shiyong Liu, Fanying Meng, Zhengxin Liu Acta Photonica Sinica 42(9) (2013) 1077 (In Chinese). EI.
A comprehensive approach to modeling and simulation of photovoltaic module under natural environment.
39、Jian Zhou, Jieyu Bian, Hongfei Li, Yuchen Liu, Yingshuo Qiao Yasha Yi, Shiyong Liu, Fanying Meng, Zhengxin Liu. Optics and Precision Engineering 22(6)(2014):1517-1523. (In Chinese) EI.
Investigation on Crystal Silicon Solar cell Standard Measurement Technology
40. Hongfei Li, Jian Zhou, Yucheng Liu, Fanying Meng, Zhengxin Liu. Chinese Journal of Power Sources, 38(11)(2014) :2092-2102. (In Chinese).
Improvement of PV module model under natural conditions.
Sensor and microsystem technology
41.Ye Jinjing, Zhou Jian, Qiao Yingshuo, Sun Qianchen. Sensor and Microsystem. 35(8)(2016):67-73. (In Chinese)
Design and Fabrication on the PM2.5, Temperature and Humidity Real Time Detector Based on Arduino
42. Yingshuo Qiao, Jian Zhou, Jinjing Ye, Qianchen Sun. Chinese Journal of Power Sources.42(10) 2018:1559-1562 (In Chinese)
Simulation research for the topology circuit and control strategy of photovoltaic MPPT.
43.Ye Jinjing, Zhou Jian, Bian Jieyu, Sun Qianchen. Acta Photonica Sinica. 9 (2016):111-116. EI.
Light Soaking in Situ and Thermally Induced Transport Mechanism of Crystalline Silicon Solar Cell.
44.Sun Qianchen, Zhou Jian, Ye Jinjing, Qiao Yingshuo,Zhu Jiangang. Chinese Journal of Power Sources.42(9) (2018)1374-1380 (In Chinese)
Design and Simulation of Micropower Module based on Photovoltaic cell.
45.Heng Ma, Binhe Wu, Jian Zhou, Hao Huang, Xiaofeng Xu, Chunrui Wang,Optics Communications 393 (2017) 207–212. SCI.
Efficiency enhancement in ultrathin crystalline silicon solar cells with composite surface gratings.
Millimeter Waves
46. Ye Jinjing, Zhou Jian, Sun Qianchen, Zhu yukun,Yang Minghui, Sun Xiaowei. Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves. 2017,36(2):88-95 SCI.
A privacy protection algorithm for active millimeter-wave imaging
47.Sun Qianchen, Zhou Jian, Huang Bing, Sun Xiaowei. Sensor and Microsystem.38(4)(2019)44-50. (In Chinese).
Image Fusion via L0-Regularized Total Variation.
48. Binhe Wu; Min Zhao; Jian Zhou; Xiaofeng Xu; Chunrui Wang, Optics Communications 393 (2018) 207–212. SCI.
Numerical Investigation of Nonlinear Photothermal Effect in Vanadium Dioxide Phase-Change Particles.
49.Zhou Jian,Ye Jinjing,Sun Qianchen, Huangbin Yang minghui,Zhu yukun, Sun Xiaowei.Infrared,39(9),(2018) 23-27.
A gender identification algorithm for active millimeter-wave imaging.
50.Zhao min,Zhou Jian, Si-based embedded GaAs chip packaging technology and its thermal analysis, Electronic Devices,43(3),(2020) 5-10.
51. Zhou Jian, Zhao Min, Sun Yun, Wu Binhe,Sun Xiaowei. Infrared, 10,(2019) 23-27.
Design and fabrication of miniaturized forward millimeter wave dual-slit antenna
52. Zhou Jian, Sun Yun,Sun Xiaowei.Infrared, 40(12),(2019) 22-27.
Research on Doppler Signal Analysis and Target Recognition Method of Millimeter Wave Detector.
53. Zhou Jian, Sun Yun, Ruan Hao,Infrared,41(6),(2020) 9-16.
Development on solid-state lidar detector techonolgy.
54. YinMei He, Rui Wang, Xiangyang Wang,Jian Zhou, and Yi Yan, IEEE acess 8 (2020):73767-73779.
Novel Adaptive Filtering Algorithms Based on Higher-order Statistics and Geometric Algebra,
超高效HIT型太阳电池关键技术研究与开发 院重要方向项目 980万 负责人 2010.5-2012.5
应用于光电建筑的GeSi三结薄膜太阳能电池结构与材料设计与制作(09520714700) 上海市AM基金 15万 负责人 2009.5-2011.5
广谱广角太阳电池陷光结构优化设计与制作09ZR1437500 上海市自然科学基金 10万 负责人 2009.7-2011.7
应用于无线传感网的多芯片模块设计与制作(06SA12) 上海市AM基金 16万 负责人 2006.7-2008.6
面向典型行业的MEMS传感器应用研究2003AA404100 863 200万 骨干人员 2003.5-2005.5
系统级封装样品研究2009CB320207 973 266万 骨干人员 2009.1-2013.8
基于简并-解并原理的自参比高灵敏度生化检测微陀螺(60772030) NSFC面上 30万 骨干人员 2008.1-2010.12
李红飞 硕士研究生 085209-集成电路工程
乔颖硕 硕士研究生 085209-集成电路工程
叶金晶 硕士研究生 085209-集成电路工程
孙谦晨 硕士研究生 085209-集成电路工程
黄冰 硕士研究生 085209-集成电路工程
李辰辰 硕士研究生 085209-集成电路工程
指导博士1名 博士研究生:李冰寒
指导硕士1名 论文名称:硅太阳能电池光陷结构及相关薄膜特性研究,研究生,周舟
指导硕士2名 论文题目:太阳电池模组发电量预测研究,研究生:李红飞