Zhi-Ping Zhong Professor
Telephone: 82640470
Address: College of Physical Sciences, Graduate University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, P.O. Box 4588, Beijing , China
Postcode: 100049

Research Areas

Atomic, molecular, and optical  Physics

1.Project(1998-1999): Theoretical studies on molecular inner-shell    
                                        excitations   and molecular geometric effect and  
                                        Experimental studies on highly excited states of atoms
     Support by China Postdoctoral Science Foundation 

2.Project(1998-2001): Experimental studies on highly excited states of atoms 
      Support by Chinese National Science Foundation (19734030) 

3.Project(2001-2003): The Study on Excitation,Ionization and Dissociation  
                                  Cross Sections of Atoms and Molecules by Electron Impact 
    Support by Chinese National Science Foundation (10004010) 

4. Project(2001-2003): The study on molecular superexcited states
                  Support by Chinese National Science Foundation (10574162) 

5. Project(2011-2013): The study on some interference patterns in atomic      
                                               and  molecular spectra
                Support by Chinese National Science Foundation (11074299)


Ph. D :   1997.7,    Department of Moder Physics, University of
               Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui
               Thesis: The Study on oscillator strengths of CO, H2 and noble gases
                Adviser: Ke Zun Xu

BS :        992.6, Department of Moder Physics, University of
                Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui


1999.9-now :  College of Physical Sciences, Graduate University    
                         of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

1997.9-1999.8 : Post doctor in Tsinghua University
Work Experience
1999.9-now : Teacher,   in   College of Physical Sciences, Graduate University
                        of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
Teaching Experience
Theory of Atomic and Molecular Spectra and Structure

Laser Spectroscopy

Theory of Molecular Spectra and Structure

Experiment of Advanced Physics

Some Topics of Atomic and Molecular Spectra and Structure Seminar



1.Title: Stokes identification in an atomic ensemble using a filtering system
Authors:Xiao-Ming Luo, Bo Ning,Li-Qing Chen, Yue Zhou, Zhi-Ping Zhong and Shuo Jiang

2.Title: Observation of prolonged coherence time of the collective spin wave of an atomic ensemble in a paraffin-coated 87Rb vapor cell
Authors:Jiang Shuo Xiao-Ming Luo, Li-Qing Chen, Bo Ning, Shuai Chen, Jing-Yang Wang, Zhi-Ping Zhong, and Jian-Wei Pan
Journal:Phys.Rev.A 80,062303(2009).

3.Title: Theoretical analysis of ionic autoionization spectra of lanthanum via an intermediate state [Xe]5d6d 1P1
Authors:Yin-Peng Zhong, Feng-Dong Jia and Zhi-Ping Zhong
Journal:Chin.Phys. B18, 4242(2009).

4.Title: Spectrum of scandium in the energy region 52625-54046 cm-1
Authors:Feng-Dong Jia, Zhi-Ping Zhong, Wei Sun, Ping Xue and Xiang-Yuan Xu
Journal:Phys.Rev.A 79,032505(2009).

5.Title: Relativistic multichannel treatment of the autoionization Rydberg series 3d4s(1D2)np 2Po 1/2 of scandium
Authors:S.L. Fan, X.M. Li, F.D. Jia, J.G. Wang, Y.Z. Qu and Z.P. Zhong
Journal:J.Phys.B 43,135002(2010).

6.Title: A Novel Observation of "a Sharp Absorption Line" Using Much More Broad Laser Lights: Quantum Interference
in the Autoionization Spectra of Sc
Authors:Zhi-Ping Zhong, Xiang Gao,X.L.Zhang and Jia-Ming Li

7.Title: Available material for prolonging the decoherence time of Rb atom
Authors: X. M. Luo, L. Q. Chen, B. Ling, S. Jiang and Zhi-Ping Zhong
Journal:Acta Physica Sinica 59,2207(2010).
8.Title:Experimental study of diffusion-induced Ramsey narrowing in time domain
Authors:X. M. Luo, L. Q. Chen, Zhi-Ping Zhong and S. Jiang
Journal:Acta Physica Sinica 59,2200(2010).
在时域实验研究扩散诱导的Ramsey 压窄
9.Title:Theoretical study of autoionization Rydberg series 3d4s(^1D_2)nf ^2D_{3/2},3d4s(^1D_2)nf ^2F_{5/2} and 3d4s(^1D_2) np^2D_{3/2} of Sc
Authors:Zhang Xin-Feng, Fan Shi-Lin, Jia Feng-Dong, Xue Ping, Xy Xiang-Yuan and Zhong Zhi-Ping
Journal:Acta Physica Sinica 59,6036(2010).

10.Title:Measurement of the absolute photoionization cross section for the 5P3/2 state of 87Rb in a vapor cell magneto-optic trap
Authors:HUANG Wei(黄 巍), RUAN Ya-Ping(阮亚平), JIA Feng-Dong(贾凤东), ZHONG Yin-Peng(仲银鹏), LIU Long-Wei(刘龙为), DAI Xing-Can(戴星灿), XUE Ping(薛 平), XU Xiang-Yuan(许祥源)and ZHONG Zhi-Ping(钟志萍)

11.Title:Theoretical Study of the Rydberg Series Energy Levels of ns 2S1/2、np 2P1/2,3/2、nd 2D3/2,5/2、andnf 2F5/2,7/7 for alkali-metal Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs and Fr
Authors: Li Xin-Mei Ruan Ya-Ping Zhong Zhi-Ping
Journal: Acta Physica Sinica61,023104(2012)

12.Title: Momentum transfer dependence behaviors of ionization and dissociation of oxygen
Authors: Lin Mei, Liu Ya-Wei, Zhong Zhi-Ping, Zhu Lin-Fan
Journal: Chin.Phys.B 22,23404 (2013)

13.Title: The Probe Transmission Spectra of87Rb in an Operating Magneto-Optical Trap in the Presence of an Ionizing Laser
Authors: Liu Long-Wei, Jia Feng-Dong, Ruan Ya-Ping, Huang Wei,Lv Shuang-Fei, Xue Ping, Xu Xiang-Yuan, Dai Xing-Can and ,Zhong Zhi-Ping
Journal: Chin.Phys.Lett.30,043201(2013).

14.Title: An Analytical Derivation of a Symmetric Peak with Width Narrower than the Peak Width of the Probing Laser
Authors: XIE Feng,LI Dan,JIA Feng-Dong,ZHONG Zhi-Ping
Journal: Chin.Phys.Lett.31, 013201(2014).

15.Title: Decay pathways of superexcited states of nitrous oxide
Authors: Lin Mei,Liu Ya-Wei,Zhong Zhi-Ping,Zhu Lin-Fan
Journal: Chin.Phys.B23,053403(2014).

16.Title: The Inversionless Amplification in a Tripod System of87Rb Atoms in a Magneto-optical Trap
Authors: Sun Zhen,Jia Feng-Dong,Lv Shuang-Fei,Ruan Ya-Ping,Qing Bo,Xue Ping,Xu, Xiang-Yuan,Da, Xing-Can,Zhong Zhi-Ping
Journal: Chin.Phys.Lett.31, 043210(2014).

17.Title: Temperature of the Remaining Cold Atoms after Two-Step Photoionization in an 87Rb Vapor Cell Magneto-Optical Trap
Authors: RUAN Ya-Ping, JIA Feng-Dong, LIU Long-Wei,SUN Zhen, HUANG Wei, XUE Ping, XU Xiang-Yuan,DAI Xing-Can and ZHONG Zhi-Ping
Journal: Chin.Phys.Lett.31,073401(2014)
18.Title: Cascade splitting of two atomic energy levels due to multiphoton absorption
Authors: Ya-Ping Ruan, Feng-Dong Jia, Zhen Sun, Shuang-Fei Lv, Bo Qing, Wei Huang, Ping Xue, Xiang-Yuan XuXing-Can Dai and Zhi-Ping Zhong
Journal: Phys. Rev. A 90, 033811 (2014)

19. Title:The influence of density in ultracold neutral plasma   
     Authors:J. W.Gao,Y.Wu, Zhi-Ping Zhong and J.G.Wang
     Journal:Physics of Plasmas 23,123507(2016).
20. Tiltle:Measurement of the Low-Energy Rb+–Rb Total Collision Rate in an Ion-Neutral Hybrid Trap
     Authors:Shuang-Fei Lv, F.-D. J., Jin-Yun Liu, Xiang-Yuan Xu,Ping Xue, Zhi-Ping Zhong
     Journal: CHIN. PHYS. LETT. 34: 013401(2016). 
21. Title:Theoretical Analysis of Rydberg and Autoionizing State Spectra of Antimony
    Authors:Shuang-Fei Lv,Ruohong Li,Feng-Dong Jia,Xiao-Kang Li, JensLassen, and  ,Zhi-Ping Zhong,
     Journal:  Chinese Physics Letters 34(7): 073101(2017).
22. Title:Analytical solutions for a doubly driven two-level atom
     Authors:Jin-Yun Liu,Feng-Dong Jia, Xiao-Kang Li, Shuang-Fei Lv, Xiang-Yuan Xu, P.Xue and Zhi-Ping Zhong
     Journal: Chinese Physics B26,074203(2017).
23. Title: Even-parity Rydberg and autoionizing states of lutetium by laser resonance-ionization spectroscopy
    Authors:R. Li, J. Lassen, Z. P. Zhong,F. D. Jia, M. Mostamand,X. K. Li, B. B. Reich, A. Teigelhöfer, and H. Yan,
      Journal: Phys.Rev.A 95, 052501 (2017).
24. Title:Electron correlation effects in even Rydberg series converging to 4f13(2F◦7/2)6s(7/2,1/2)◦ 4 and 4f13(2F◦7/2)6s(7/2,1/2)◦ 3 of thulium atom
             Authors: Zhang Dian-Cheng Zhang Ying Li Xiao-Kang Jia Feng-Dong R. Li Zhong Zhi-Ping,
            Journal: Acta Physica Sinica, 67, 183102 (2018) DOI: 10.7498/aps.67.20180797
25. Title: The study on high n Rydberg state of La II
               Authors:Li Xiao-Kang      Jia Feng-Dong      Yu Fang-Chen      Li Ming-Yang      Xue Ping      Xu Xiang-Yuan      Zhong Zhi-Ping
               Journal: Acta Physica Sinica, 68, 043201 (2019)    DOI: 10.7498/aps.68.20181980
26. Title: Ab Initio Calculation on Spectroscopic Properties and Radiative Lifetimes of Low-Lying Excited States of NaK 
     Authors:Shi-yang Zhang, Feng Xie, Feng-dong Jia, Xiao-kang Li, Ru-quan Wang, Rui Li, Yong Wu, Zhi-ping Zhong
      Journal:  Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics 32,667(2019)

Research Interests

Atomic and molecular structure and dynamics
Cold atom physics
Quantum information