Dehua Wang, Professor and Dr.
Institute of Zoology Chinese Academy of Sciences
Email: wangdh@ioz.ac.cn
Phone (office): 8610 64807073
Research Areas
Molecular mechanisms of thermogenesis and thermoregulation in small mammals
Energy metabolism, digestive physiology, and body mass regulation in small mammals
Animal Physiology and Behavior
1990.8- 1993.7 Ph.D Beijing Normal University.
1985.6- 1988.10 Master Degree, Northwest Plateau Institute of Biology Chinese Academy of Sciences
1981.8- 1985.6 Shandong Normal University
2000-, Professor, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
2002-, Adjunct Professor of the Graduate University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
1995-2000, Associate Professor, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
1993-1995, Postdoctoral fellow, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
1990-, Assistant professor, Northwest Plateau Institute of Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
October 1997-April 1998, Visiting scholar in the Lab of Digestive Physiology, School of Biological Sciences, Sydney University of Australia
October 2000-March 2001, Visiting professor in the Institute of Animal Physiology, Department of Biology, Phillips University Marburg, Germany
Jan 2002- March 2002, Visiting professor in the Physiological Ecology Lab, Department of Zoology, and University of New England, Australia
June 2002-August 2002, Visiting Professor in the Animal Nutritional Lab, Agricultural Faculty of Okayama University
Jan 2004-April 2004, Visiting professor in the Lab of Social Behavior and Neuroscience, Department of Psychology, Florida State University, USA
Jan 2007- April 2007, Visiting professor in the Lab of Integrative Physiology, Department of Zoology, Aberdeen University, Scotland, UK
Editor- in- Chief, Acta Theriologica Sinica
Associate Editor, Journal of Animal Ecology
Editorial member of Hormones and Behavior
Editorial member of Journal of Thernal Biology
Editorial member of Journal of Experimental Zoology A
Editorial member of PloS One
Editorial member of Acta Zoologica Sinica
Editorial member of Chinese Journal of Zoology
Editorial member of Acta Ecologica Sinica
Membership of Scientific Societies:
President of the Division of Animal Ecology, China Ecological Society
Member of China Zoological Society
Member of the Division of Mammalogy, China Zoological Society
- Xu YC., Yang DB; JR Speakman., Wang DH*. 2014. Oxidative stress in response to natural and experimentally elevated reproductive effort is tissue dependent. Functional Ecology, 28:402-410.
- Yang HD Q Wang and Wang DH. 2014. Food hoarding, but not food intake, is attenuated by acute diazepam treatment in female Mongolian gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus). Hormones and Behavior, 66: 186-195.
- Pan Q, M Li, YL Shi, HW Liu, JR Speakman and Wang DH. 2014. Lipidomics reveals mitochondrial membrane remodeling associated with acute thermoregulation in a rodent with a wide thermoneutral zone. Lipid, 49:715-730.
- Yang DB., Xu YC., DH Wang*., JR Speakman. 2013. Effects of reproduction on immuno-suppression and oxidative damage, and hence support or otherwise for their roles as mechanisms underpinning life history tradeoffs, are tissue and assay dependent. Journal of Experimental Biology, 216:4242-4250.
- Liu QS, Zhang ZQ, Caviedes-Vidal E and Wang DH *. 2013. Seasonal plasticity of gut morphology and small intestinal enzymes in free-living Mongolian gerbils. Journal of Comparative Physiology B, 183:511-523.
- Yang DB, Li L, Wang LP, Chi QS, Hambly C, Wang DH* and JR Speakman. 2013. Limits to sustained energy intake. XIX. A test of the heat dissipation limitation hypothesis in Mongolian gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus). Journal of Experimental Biology, 216:3358-3368.
- Chen JF; Zhong WQ; Wang DH*. 2012. Seasonal changes in body mass, energy intake and thermogenesis in Maximowiczi's voles (Microtus maximowiczii) from the Inner Mongolian grassland. Journal of comparative physiology B-biochemical systemic and environmental physiology, 182(2):275-285.
- Xu YC; Yang DB; Wang DH*. 2012.No evidence for a trade-off between reproductive investment and immunity in a rodent. PLoS ONE. 7(5):e37182.
- Yang DB; Xu YC; Wang DH*.2012. Partial removal of brown adipose tissue enhances humoral immunity in warm-acclimated Mongolian gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus). General and comparative endocrinology, 175(1):144-152.
- Cui JG, Tang GB, Wang DH*, Speakman JR. 2011. Effects of leptin infusion during peak lactation on food intake, body composition, litter growth and maternal neuroendocrine status in female Brandt’s voles (Lasiopodomys brandtii). Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol.300: R447-R459.
- Zhang XY, Zhang Q, Wang DH*. 2011.Pre- and post-weaning cold exposure does not lead to an obese phenotype in adult Brandt's voles (Lasiopodomys brandtii). Horm Behav. 60:210–218.
- Xu DL, Liu XY, Wang DH*. 2011. Food restriction and refeeding has no effect on cellular and humoral immunity in Mongolian gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus). Physiol Biochem Zool. 84(1):87-98.
- Yang Hui-Di, Wang Qian, Wang Zuoxin and Wang Dehua. 2011. Food hoarding and associated neuronal activation in brain reward circuitry in Mongolian gerbils. Physiology and Behavior 104: 429 – 436.
- Cui Jian-Guo, Tang Gang-Bin, Wang De-Hua* and John R Speakman. 2011. Effects of leptin infusion during peak lactation on food intake, body composition, litter growth and maternal neuroendocrine status in female Brandt’s voles (Lasiopodomys brandtii). American Journal of Physiology: Regul Integr Comp Physiol 300:R447-459.
- Chi Qing-Sheng and Wang De-Hua*. 2011. Thermal physiology and energetics in male desert hamsters (Phodopus roborovskii) during cold acclimation. J Comp Physiol B. 181: 91-103.
- Xu De-Li, Liu Xin-Yu and Wang De-Hua*. 2011. Food Restriction and Refeeding Has No Effect on Cellular and Humoral Immunity in Mongolian Gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus). Physiological and Biochemical Zoology. 84(1): 87-98.
- Zhao ZJ, Chen JF and Wang DH 2010. Diet-induced obesity in the short-day-lean Brandt's vole. Physiology & Behavior 99 : 47–53
- Tang GB Cui JG and Wang DH 2009. The role for hypoleptinemia in cold adaptation in Brandt's voles. American Journal of Physiology: Regul Integr Comp Physiol 297: R1293–R13.
- Wu Su-Hui, Li-Na Zhang, John R. Speakman and De-Hua Wang 2009 Limits to sustained energy intake. XI. A test of the heat dissipation limitation hypothesis in lactating Brandt’s voles (Lasiopodomys brandtii). The Journal of Experimental Biology 212, 3455-3465.
- Zhao ZJ, Chen JF and Wang DH. 2009. Plasticity in the physiological energetics of Mongolian gerbils is associated with diet quality. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 82:504-515.
- Tang, G. B., Cui, J. G., Wang, D. H., 2008. Hypothalamic suppressor-of-cytokine-signalling 3 mRNA is elevated and pro-opiomelanocortin mRNA is reduced during pregnancy in Brandt's voles (Lasiopodomys brandtii ). Journal of Neuroendocrinology. 20, 1038-44.
- Zhang, X. Y., Li, Y. L., Wang, D. H., 2008. Large litter size increases maternal energy intake but has no effect on UCP1 content and serum-leptin concentrations in lactating Brandt's voles (Lasiopodomys brandtii). Journal of Comparative Physiology [B]. 178, 637-45.
- Li Feng-Hua, Zhong Wen-Qin, Wang Zuoxin, Wang De-Hua. 2007. Rank in a food competition test and humoral immune functions in male Brandt's voles (Lasiopodomys brandtii). Physiology and Behavior. 90: 490-495.
- Li Xing-Sheng, Wang De-Hua. 2007. Photoperiod and temperature can regulate body mass, serum leptin concentration, and uncoupling protein 1 in Brandt's voles (Lasiopodomys brandtii) and Mongolian gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus). Physiological and Biochemical Zoology. 80: 326-334.
- Liu Quan-Sheng, Wang De-Hua. 2007. Effects of diet quality on phenotypic flexibility of organ size and digestive function in Mongolian gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus). Journal of Comparative Physiology B. 177: 509-518.
- Wang Jian-Mei, Zhang Yan-Ming, Wang De-Hua. 2006. Seasonal thermogenesis and body mass regulation in plateau pikas (Ochotona curzoniae). Oecologia. 149(3):373-82.
- Zhang Xue-Ying, Wang De-Hua. 2006. Energy metabolism, thermogenesis and body mass regulation in Brandt's voles (Lasiopodomys brandtii) during cold acclimation and rewarming. Hormone and Behavior. 50(1):61-9.
- Zhao Zhi-Jun, Wang De-Hua. 2006. Short photoperiod influences energy intake and serum leptin level in Brandt's voles (Microtus brandtii). Hormone and Behavior. 49(4):463-9.
- Wang Jian-Mei, Zhang Yan-Ming, Wang De-Hua. 2006. Seasonal regulations of energetics, serum concentrations of leptin, and uncoupling protein 1 content of brown adipose tissue in root voles (Microtus oeconomus) form the Qinghai-tibtan plateau. Journal of Comparative Physiology [B] 176: 663-671
- Li Xing-Sheng and Wang De-Hua 2005 Regulation of body weight and thermogenesis in seasonally acclimatized Brandt’s voles (Microtus brandti). Hormones and Behavior 48:321-328.
Research Interests
Energy metabolism, digestive physiology, and body mass regulation in small mammals
Animal Physiology and Behavior
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