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中国科学院国际特聘研究员,博士生导师。荒漠与绿洲生态国家重点实验室积雪水文团队首席,新疆干旱区水循环与水利用自治区重点实验室主任,中科院伊犁河流域生态系统研究站站长,天山积雪雪崩研究站站长。曾任职于中国、英国、泰国、日本与加拿大的各类研究所、大学、国际机构及咨询公司。多年来主要从事气候变化评价、积雪遥感、流域水文、积雪水文、灾害风险评估等研究工作,原创性提出应用有效生态积温反映冬季土壤物理性状和植被动态变化的理论方法和体系,独立开发了以有效活动积温为核心的流域水文动力学模型,提出了量化气象要素对流域基流和融雪径流影响路径与强度的研究方法。完成的相关研究成果,近年来已被学术界广泛参考应用,并被用于指导实际工程设计。主持中科院“****”项目、国家自然科学基金项目、基金委-新疆联合基金重点支持项目、中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目、科技部973项目前期专项课题和科技部973计划研究,国际合作等项目。目前担任国际数字地球学会中国国家委员会数字山地专业委员会委员、中国自然资源学会山地资源委员会委员、新疆自然资源学会常务理事、新疆地理学会常务理事等社会职务。开设中国科学院大学精品课程《环境系统动力学模型与应用》。2005度获得国际水产工程学会唯一的最高学术成就奖:最佳论文奖(Superior Paper Award),2013年获新疆维吾尔自治区科技进步一等奖,2015年“中国天山奖”获得者。发表各类论文近200余篇,包括water resources management,international journal of climatology,land degradation and development, hydrological processes, Science of the Total Environment,Remote Sensing等主流SCI/SSCI和EI杂志论文70余篇。
杂志论文 Journal Papers
1. HAO, J.-S., WANG, Y., Lan-Hai, L., (2024) Snowpack variations and their hazardous effects under climate warming in the central Tianshan Mountains, Advances in Climate Change Research, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.accre.2024.06.001.
2. Murodov, M.; Li, L.; Safarov, M.; Lv, M.; Murodov, A.; Gulakhmadov, A.; Khusrav, K.; Qiu, Y. A Comprehensive Examination of the Medvezhiy Glacier’s Surges in West Pamir (1968–2023). Remote Sens. 2024, 16, 1730. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs16101730
3. Rosette Ambiance Shema, Li Lanhai, 2024, A geo-spatial analysis of precipitation distribution and its impacts on vegetation in Rwanda,Advanced GIS – 2024; 4(1); 24-30
4. David Izere, Lanhai Li et al, 2024,Suitability Analysis for Resettlement Potential Sites of Flood Vulnerable Community in Kigali city, Rwanda,Earth Systems and Environment, https://doi.org/10.1007/s41748-024-00387-z
5. Wei WY, Liu Y, Zhang LX, et al. (2024) Distribution assessment of soil erosion with revised RUSLE model in Tianshan Mountains. Journal of Mountain Science 21(3). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11629-022-7881-9
6. Tao Yang a , Xi Chen , Rafiq Hamdi , Qian Li , Fengqi Cui g , Lanhai Li, Yang Liu , Philippe De Maeyer , Weili Duan, 2024, Assessment of snow simulation using Noah-MP land surface model forced by various precipitation sources in the Central Tianshan Mountains, Central Asia ,Atmospheric Research 300 (2024) 107251
7. Zulqarnain Satti, Muhammad Naveed, Muhammad Shafeeque, Lanhai Li,(2024)Investigating the impact of climate change on trend shifts of vegetation growth in Gilgit Baltistan,Global and Planetary Change, 232:104341 ,DOI: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2023.104341
8. Yang Liu,Jinming Yang, Xi Chen,Junqiang Yao, Lanhai Li,Yubao Qiu,(2024)Moderate-resolution snow depth product retrieval from passive microwave brightness data over Xinjiang using machine learning approach,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DIGITAL EARTH ,VOL. 17, NO. 1, 2299208,https://doi.org/10.1080/17538947.2023.2299208
9. Tao Yang,Qian Li,Qiang Zou,Rafiq Hamdi,Xi Chen,Diding Bao,Fengqi Cui,Philippe De Maeyer, Lanhai Li*, (2023), Quantifying the snowfall variations in the Third Pole region from 1980 to 2020,Atmospheric Research, Available online 28 August 2023, 106985. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosres.2023.106985
10. Richard Mind’je,Lanhai Li*,Patient Mindje Kayumba,Christophe Mupenzi, Mapendo Mindje,Jiansheng Hao. (2023), Exploring a form of pixel-based information value model for flood probability assessment and geo-visualization over an East African basin: a case of Nyabarongo in Rwanda. Environ Earth Sci 82, 402. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-023-11088-7
11. Yang Liu, Xi Chen, Jinming Yang , Lanhai Li*, Tingting Wang, (2023), Snow avalanche susceptibility mapping from tree-based machine learning approaches in ungauged or poorly-gauged regions,Catena 224 (106997)
12. Xue Yan,Lanhai Li*, (2023), Spatiotemporal characteristics and influencing factors of ecosystem services in Central Asia,Journal of Arid Land, Vol. 15 (1): 1-19
13. Jiansheng Hao,Xueqin Zhang,Peng Cui1,Lanhai Li,Yan Wang,Guotao Zhang,Chaoyue Li。 (2023)Impacts of Climate Change on Snow Avalanche Activity Along a Transportation Corridor in the Tianshan Mountains. Int J Disaster Risk Sci (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13753-023-00475-0
14. Xuemei Li, Xinyu Liu1, Kaixin Zhao, Xu Zhang, and Lanhai Li, (2023), Change in the potential snowfall phenology: past, present, and future in the Chinese Tianshan mountainous region, Central Asia The Cryosphere, 17, 2437–2453, 2023 ,https://doi.org/10.5194/tc-17-2437-2023
15. Tao Yang,Qian Li,Rafiq Hamdi ,Xi Chen ,Qiang Zou,Fengqi Cui ,Philippe De Maeyer,Lanhai Li*,(2022), Trends and spatial variations of rain-on-snow events over the High Mountain Asia, Journal of Hydrology,614 (2022) 128593
16. Zulqarnain Satti1,Muhammad Naveed,Muhammad Shafeeque,Sikandar Ali,Farkhod Abdullaev,Tauseef Muhammad Ashraf,Muhammad Irshad,Lanhai Li* (2023) Effects of climate change on vegetation and snow cover area in Gilgit Baltistan using MODIS data. Environ Sci Pollut Res 30, 19149–19166 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-022-23445-3
17. Maniraho, A.P., Liu, W., Mupenzi, C. et al. (2023). Mapping soil erosion and analyzing its severity using the RUSLE model and local farmers’ perception in the agricultural area of Rwanda. Modeling Earth Systems and Environment volume 9, pages1069–1087 (2023) https://doi.org/10.1007/s40808-022-01498-0
18. Yang, Tao, Qian Li, Qiang Zou, Rafiq Hamdi, Fengqi Cui, and Lanhai Li*. 2022. Impact of Snowpack on the Land Surface Phenology in the Tianshan Mountains, Central Asia, Remote Sensing 14, no. 14: 3462.
19. 郝建盛, 崔鹏, 张雪芹, 李兰海, 2022, 天山中部大陆性雪气候条件下不同类型雪崩的诱发机制, In Journal of 中国科学: 地球科学,第 52卷 第12期:2428~2440,https://doi.org/10.1360/SSTe-2021-0076.
20. 朱淑珍,黄法融,冯挺,赵 鑫,李兰海, 2022,1979—2020年天山地区积雪量估算及其特征分析[J]. 冰川冻土,44(3):1-14.
21. Xiang Liu, Xiaotao Huang, Wenping Qin, Xiaoan Li, Zhiwen Ma, Hongxiao Shi, Lanhai Li, Changzhong Li. (2022) Effects of establishing cultivated grassland on soil organic carbon fractions in a degraded alpine meadow on the Tibetan Plateau. PeerJ. Sep 13;10:e14012. doi: 10.7717/peerj.14012. PMID: 36117537; PMCID: PMC9480066
22. J. Hao, R. Mind'je, X. Zhang, et al., 2022, Implementation of an early warning for snowfall-triggered avalanche to road safety in the Tianshan Mountains, Cold Regions Science and Technology,Volume 204, December 2022, 103675, https://doi.org/10.1016/ j.coldregions.2022.103675
23. FENG Ting, HUANG Farong, ZHU Shuzhen, BU Lingjie, QI Zhiming , LI Lanhai*, 2022, Dew amount and its long-term variation in the Kunes River Valley, Northwest China ,J Arid Land, 14, pages753–770 。
24. Ting Feng, Shuzhen Zhu, Farong Huang, Jiansheng Hao,Richard Mind'je, Jiudan Zhang, Lanhai Li, 2022, Spatial variability of snow density and its estimation in different periods of snow season in the middle Tianshan Mountains, China,Hydrological Processes 36(8),https://doi.org/10.1002/hyp.14644
25. Lanhai Li*, Lamek Nahayo, Gabriel Habiyaremye and Mupenzi Christophe. (2022) Applicability and performance of statistical index, certain factor and frequency ratio models in mapping landslides susceptibility in Rwanda, Geocarto international, v. 37 ,.2 pp. 638-656.
26. Qian Li, Tao Yang, Lanhai Li*, 2022, Quantitative assessment of the parameterization sensitivity of the WRF/Noah-MP model of snow dynamics in the Tianshan Mountains, Central Asia,Atmospheric Research 277 (2022) 106310
27. YAO Linlin, ZHOU Hongfei*, YAN Yingjie, LI Lanhai, SU Yuan. (2022) Projection of hydrothermal condition in Central Asia under four SSP-RCP scenarios , Journal Arid Land, 14(5): 521–536
28. REN Rui, LI Xue-mei* , LI Zhen, LI Lan-hai, HUANG Yi-yu. (2022) Projected change in precipitation forms in the Chinese Tianshan Mountains based on the Back Propagation Neural Network Model, Journal of Mountain Science, 19(3): 689-703
29. Xuemei Li*, Bo Zhang, Rui Ren, Lanhai Li and Slobodan P. Simonovic. (2022) Spatio-Temporal Heterogeneity of Climate Warming in the Chinese Tianshan Mountainous Region,Water, 14, 199.
30. 郝建盛,李兰海*. (2022) 雪崩灾害防治研究进展及展望[J]. 冰川冻土,44(2):1-9.
31. Wei Wenyu, Kaisar Kashagan, Li Lanhai*. (2022) Sensitivities of Wheat and Maize Productivity in Kazakhstan to Future Climate Change Scenarios,International Journal of Plant Production,16, pages365–383 ;https://doi.org/10.1007/s42106-022-00193-5
32. Tao Yang, Qian Li, Rafiq Hamdi, Qiang Zou, Xi Chen, Philippe De Maeyer, Fengqi Cui, Lanhai Li*. (2022) Snowfall climatology in the Tianshan Mountains based on 36 cold seasons of WRF dynamical downscaling simulation, Atmospheric Research, Volume 270,106057
33. Xiaoping Chen , Zhiming Qi*, Dongwei Gui, Matthew W. Sima, Fanjiang Zeng, Lanhai Li, Xiangyi Li, Shaoyuan Feng. (2022) Responses of cotton photosynthesis and growth to a new irrigation control method under deficit irrigation,Field Crops Research,Volume 275, 1 January 2022, 108373
34. Qian Li,Tao Yang, Li Lanhai*. (2022) Evaluation of snow depth and snow cover represented by multiple datasets over the Tianshan Mountains: Remote sensing, reanalysis, and simulation,International Journal of Climatology, Volume42, Issue8, Pages 4223-4239
35. Qian Li,Tao Yang, Li Lanhai*. (2022) Impact of forcing data and land surface properties on snow simulation in a regional climate model: a case study over the Tianshan Mountains, Central Asia. Journal of Mountain Science 18(12): 3147-3164 . https://doi.org/10.1007/s11629-020-6621-2,
36. Hao, J., Zhang, Z. & Li, L*. (2021) Timing and identification of potential snow avalanche types: a case study of the central Tianshan Mountains. Landslides.volume 18, pages3845–3856 (2021) https://doi.org/10.1007/s10346-021-01766-7
37. Jiansheng Hao, Richard Mind'je; Ting Feng; Li Lanhai*. (2021) Performance of snow density measurement systems in snow stratigraphies, Hydrology Research,52 (4): 834–846. nh2021133.https://doi.org/10.2166/nh.2021.133
38. Nahayo, Lamek, Lanhai Li, et al. . (2021) Climate Variability and Its Associated Community Losses in Gicumbi District, Northern Rwanda. IJDREM vol.4, no.2 2021: pp.35-45.
39. Yang Liu, Xi Chen, Yubao Qiu, Jiansheng Hao, Jinming Yang, Li Lanhai*. (2021) Mapping snow avalanche debris by object-based classification in mountainous regions from Sentinel-1 images and causative indices, CATENA, Volume 206,105559
40. Tao Yang, Qian Li, Xi Chen, Rafiq Hamdi, Philippe De Maeyer, Li Lanhai*. (2021) Variation of Snow Mass in a Regional Climate Model Downscaling Simulation Covering the Tianshan Mountains, Central Asia, JGR: Atmospheres, 126, e2020JD034183. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020JD034183
41. HAO Jiansheng, Richard MIND'JE, LIU Yang, HUANG Farong, ZHOU Hao, Li Lanhai*. (2021) Characteristics and hazards of different snow avalanche types in the continental snow climate - a mid-altitude region in the central Tianshan Mountains, J Arid Land, 13(4): 317–331
42. Yang Liu, Wei Wenyu, Tingting Wang, Lanhai Li*. (2021) Spatial and temporal variations of vegetation cover and surface soil moisture during growing season across mountain-oasis-desert system in Xinjiang, China, Geocarto International , https://doi.org/10.1080/10106049.2021.1871666
43. 朱淑珍,黄法融,李兰海. (2021) 巴基斯坦干旱特征及其风险评估[J]. 干旱区地理. 第4期1058-1069,
44. 冯挺,黄法融,郝建盛,李兰海. (2020) 巩乃斯河谷地带地表土壤水分和电导率空间分布特征[J]. 干旱区研究. Vol.37 No.6 pp1457-1468
45. 于水,黄法融,李倩,李兰海. . (2021) 中亚农业水资源脆弱性及其变化特征分析 [J]. 中国生态农业学报(中英文). 29(2):256-268. DOI: 10.13930/j.cnki.cjea.200433
46. Xiang Liu,Zhaoqi Wang,Kai Zheng,Chenglong Han,Lanhai Li*,Haiyan Sheng, Zhiwen Ma,(2021)Changes in soil carbon and nitrogen stocks following degradation of alpine grasslands on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau: A meta-analysis,Land Degrad Dev.Vol:32 (3):1262-1273,15 February 2021
47. 李兰海,郝建盛. (2020) 雪,飘落人间的精灵,《人与生物圈》杂志,第 5-6 期,pp154-156
48. 郝建盛,张飞云,黄法融,李兰海*. (2020) 新疆伊犁地区季节冻土沿海拔的分布规律及其影响因素[J]. 冰川冻土,2020,42(4):1179-1185.
49. 马杰,刘志民,刘翔,陈文娜,宋宏利,尚明,侯毅凯,李兰海*. (2020) 伊犁河谷东部不同草地类型土壤-植被硒元素特征, .江苏农业科学,2020,48(17):257-261
50. Yang, J.; Li, C.; Li, L.; Ding, J.; Zhang, R.; Han, T.; Liu, Y. . (2020) Automatic Detection of Regional Snow Avalanches with Scattering and Interference of C-band SAR Data. Remote Sens. 12, 2781.
51. 闫雪, 黄法融, 李倩, 周宏飞, 李兰海*. (2021) 基于生态系统服务和PSO-SOFM神经网络的中亚水土热资源匹配分区[J]. 中国生态农业学报(中英文), 29(2):241~255, DOI: 10.13930/j.cnki.cjea.200412)
52. Tao Yang, Qian Li, Xi Chen, Rafiq Hamdi, Philippe De Maeyer, Alishir Kurban, Lanhai Li*, (2020), Improving snow simulation with more realistic vegetation parameters in a regional climate model in the Tianshan Mountains, Central Asia, Journal of Hydrology, Volume 590, November 2020, 125525
53. Yang Tao,Li Qian,CHEN Xi,YIN Gang,LI Lanhai*,De Maeyer Philippe. (2020),Evaluation of spatiotemporal variability of temperature and precipitation over the Karakoram Highway region during the cold season by a Regional Climate Model,Journal of Mountain Science,Vol:17 (9): 2108-2122, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11629-019-5772-5
54. Farong Huang; Xingguo Mo; Shi Hu; Lanhai Li. (2020),Agricultural water optimization coupling with a distributed ecohydrological model in a mountain-plain basin, Journal Of Hydrology,vol 590:125336
55. Mind’je, R., Li, L*., Nsengiyumva, J.B. et al. (2020) Landslide susceptibility and influencing factors analysis in Rwanda, Environment, Development and Sustainability, 22:7985–8012, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10668-019-00557-4
56. A. C. Amanambu, O. A. Obarein, Joann Mossa, Lanhai Li* et al. (2020) Groundwater System and Climate Change: Present Status and Future Considerations, Journal of Hydrology, Volume 589, October 2020, 125163, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.125163
57. Yang Liu, Xi Chen, Qian Li, Jinming Yang, Lanhai Li*. (2020) Impact of different microphysics and cumulus parameterizations in WRF for heavy rainfall simulations in the central segment of the Tianshan Mountains, China, Atmospheric Research, Volume 244, 1 November, 105052, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosres.2020.105052
58. Li, X., Simonovic, S.P., Li, L. et al. (2020) Performance and uncertainty analysis of a short-term climate reconstruction based on multi-source data in the Tianshan Mountains region, China. Journal of Arid Land,12(3): 374–396, https://doi.org/10.1007/s40333-020-0065-y
59. Chen D, Liu W, Huang F, Li Q, Ochenna F, Li Lanhai*, et al. (2020) Spatial-temporal characteristics and influencing factors of relative humidity in arid region of Northwest China during 1966-2017. Journal of Arid Land. 12(3): 397–412,https://doi.org/10.1007/s40333-020-0098-2
60. 于水,陈迪桃,黄法融,李兰海*. (2020) 中亚农业水资源脆弱性空间格局及分区研究, 中国农业资源与区划, vol. 41 (4): pp11-20
61. Xiaoping Chen,Zhiming Qi,Dongwei Gui, Matthew W.Sima, Fanjiang Zeng, Lanhai Li, Xiangyi Li, Zhe Gu. (2020) Evaluation of a new irrigation decision support system in improving cotton yield and water productivity in an arid climate, Agricultural Water Management, Volume 234, 1 May, 106139
62. Liu, X., Ma, Z., Huang, X., Li, L. *. (2020) How does grazing exclusion influence plant productivity and community structure in alpine grasslands of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau?, Global Ecology and Conservation, Vol(23):e01066,doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gecco.2020.e01066.
63. Yang Liu, Chen Xi, Hao Jian-Sheng, Lanhai Li*. (2020) Snow cover estimation from MODIS and Sentinel-1 SAR data using machine learning algorithms in the western part of the Tianshan Mountains,Journal of Mountain Science, 17(4):884-897
64. Tao Yang,Qian Li,Xi Chen,Philippe De Maeyer,Xue Yan,Yang Liu,Tianbao Zhao,Lanhai Li*. (2020) Spatiotemporal variability of the precipitation concentration and diversity in Central Asia, Atmospheric Research, Vol 241 (1): 104954
65. 朱薇, 周宏飞,李兰海,闫英杰. (2020) 哈萨克斯坦农业水土资源承载力评价及其影响因素识别,干旱区研究,vol 37(1):254-263
66. 闫雪, 孟德坤, 陈迪桃,李倩,杨涛,李兰海*. (2020) 基于生态系统服务的中亚水土热资源匹配度时空变化特征[J]. 应用生态学报,31(3): 794-806
67. Tao Yang, Qian Li, Wenjiang Liu, Xiang Liu, Lanhai Li*, Philippe De Maeyer, Yang, T., Li, Q., Liu, W. et al. (2020) Spatiotemporal variability of snowfall and its concentration in northern Xinjiang, Northwest China. Theor Appl Climatol 139, 1247–1259. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00704-019-02994-7
68. Liu, X.; Sheng, H.; Wang, Z.; Ma, Z.; Huang, X.; Li, L. (2020) Does Grazing Exclusion Improve Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Stocks in Alpine Grasslands on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau? A Meta-Analysis. Sustainability 12, 977.
69. Xiang Liu, Ditao Chen,Tao Yang, Farong Huang,Shuai Fu, Lanhai Li*. (2020) Changes in soil labile and recalcitrant carbon pools after land-use change in a semi-arid agro-pastoral ecotone in Central Asia, Ecological Indicators, Volume 110, 105925,
70. Chen, X.; Qi, Z.; Gui, D.; Gu, Z.; Ma, L.; Zeng, F.; Li, L.; Sima, M.W. (2019) A Model-Based Real-Time Decision Support System for Irrigation Scheduling to Improve Water Productivity. Agronomy, 9, 686.
71. Richard Mind'je, Lanhai Li*, et al. (2019) Flood susceptibility modeling and hazard perception in Rwanda, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Volume 38, August, 101211
72. Xiaoping Chen, Zhiming Qi, Dongwei Gui, Zhe Gu, Liwang Ma, Fanjiang Zeng, Lanhai Li. (2019) Simulating impacts of climate change on cotton yield and water requirement using RZWQM2, Agricultural Water Management, Vol:222, Pages 231-241
73. Lamek Nahayo,Christophe Mupenzi,Gabriel Habiyaremye, Egide Kalisa,Madeleine Udahogora,Vincent Nzabarinda and Lanhai Li*. (2019) Landslides Hazard Mapping in Rwanda using Bivariate Statistical Index Method,Environmental Engineering Science,Vol:36(8):Pages:892–902, https://doi.org/10.1089/ ees.2018.0493
74. Tao Yang,Qian Li, Sajjad Ahmad,Hongfei Zhou and Lanhai Li*. (2019) Changes in Snow Phenology from 1979 to 2016 over the Tianshan Mountains, Central Asia,Remote Sensing,11(5), 499; doi:10.3390/rs11050499
75. Shuai Fu,Chaoyang Wei,Yuan Xiao,Lanhai Li and Daishe Wu. (2019) Heavy metals uptake and transport by native wild plants: implicationsfor phytoremediation and restoration,Environmental Earth Sciences,78:103
76. Lamek Nahayo, Felix Ndayisaba, Fidele Karamage, Jean Baptiste Nsengiyumva, Egide Kalisa, Richard Mind’je, Christophe Mupenzi, and Lanhai Li*. (2019) Estimating Landslides Vulnerability in Rwanda using Analytic Hierarchy Process and Geographic Information System,Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management,15 (3):pp.364–373,DOI 10.1002/ieam.4132
77. ZHANG Xueting, LI Xuemei, LI Lanhai, ZHANG Shan, QIN Qirui. (2019) Environmental factors influencing snowfall and snowfall prediction in the Tianshan Mountains, Northwest China. Journal of Arid Land, 11(1): 15–28.
78. Qian Li, Tao Yang, Hongfei Zhou, Lanhai Li*. (2019) Patterns in snow depth maximum and snow cover days during 1961–2015 period in the Tianshan Mountains, Central Asia, Atmospheric Research, Volume 228,Pages 14-22;
79. Qian Li, Tao Yang, Feiyun Zhang, Zhiming Qi, Lanhai Li*. (2019) Snow depth reconstruction over last century: trend and distribution in the Tianshan Mountains, China,Global and Planetary Change,173:73–82
80. Xiang Liu,Peini Mao,Lanhai Li*,Jie Ma. (2019) Impact of biochar application on yield-scaled greenhouse gas intensity: A meta-analysis,Science of the Total Environment, 656,969–976
81. Fa-rong Huang, Tao Yang, Qian Li, Si-si Li, Lanhai Li*, Suwannee Adsavakulchai. (2019) Reference evapotranspiration concentration and its relationship with precipitation concentration at southern and northern slopes of Tianshan Mountains, China, Journal of Mountain Science, Vol.16(6):pp 1381–1395, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11629-018-5159-z
82. Amobichukwu C. Amanambu, Lanhai Li*, Christiana N. Egbinola等. (2019) Spatio-temporal variation in rainfall-runoff erosivity due to climate change in the Lower Niger Basin, West Africa,CATENA,172:324-334
83. 银永安, 陈林,李兰海,范晓勇,王永强,陈伊锋. (2018) 活化水对膜下滴灌水稻农艺性状的影响[J]. 中国稻米, 24(6): 70-72.
84. 刘洋,李兰海,杨金明,陈曦,张润. (2018) D-InSAR技术的积雪深度反演.遥感学报,22(5):802-809)
85. 陈迪桃,黄法融,李倩,李兰海*. (2018) 1966—2015年天山南北坡空气湿度差异及其影响因素[J]. 气候变化研究进展, 14(6): 562-572.
86. 张飞云,郝建盛,黄法融,李兰海*. (2018) 新疆开都河流域季节性冻土特征的控制和影响因子分析.水文,Vol.38 No.4:12-18
87. Otgon Shinebayar,Lanhai Li*,Shareef Muhammad,Mukanyandwi Valentine. (2018) CHARACTERIZATION OF LONG-TERM SEASONAL CLIMATE AND ITS IMPACT ON RUNOFF OF KHARKHIRAA RIVER IN WESTERN MONGOLIA,East European Scientific Journal,12(40):pp7-17
88. Qian Li, Tao Yang, Zhiming Qi and Lanhai Li*. (2018) Spatiotemporal Variation of Snowfall to Precipitation Ratio and Its Implication on Water Resources by a Regional Climate Model over Xinjiang, China, water,10, 1463
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129. Feiyun Zhang, Sajjad Ahmad, Hongqi Zhang, Xin Zhao, Xianwei Feng, Lanhai Li*. (2016) Simulating Low and High Streamflow Driven by Snowmelt in an Insufficiently Gauged Alpine Basin, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 30:59–75, DOI 10.1007/s00477-015-1028-2
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134. Lanhai Li, Qing-long Fu, Varenyam Achal, Yonglin Liu. (2015) A Comparison of the Potential Health Risk of Al and Heavy Metals in Tea Leaves and Tea Infusion of Commercially Available Green Tea in Jiangxi, China, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 187:228, DOI 10.1007/s10661-015-4445-2
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136. Lanhai Li, Qing-long Fu, Varenyam Achal. (2015) A comparison of the output performance on the study of microbial extracellular polymeric substances between Mainland China and other countries by bibliometric methods, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, Volume 24(3a). 888_895
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151. Yeqing Ying,Haitao Zhu,Guoyou Ye,Guiquan Zhang,Lanhai Li,Guifu Liu. (2014) Detection of QTL on panicle number in rice (Oryza sativa L.) under different densities with single segment substitution lines,Euphytica,February 2014, 195(3): pp 355-368
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167. 郭玲鹏,李兰海*,徐俊荣,李雪梅. (2012) 温变化条件下融雪速率和土壤水分变化的同步观测试验,干旱区研究,29(5):890-897
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171. Lanhai Li*, Robert Hoffman et al. (2012) Impacts of Alternative Vehicle Fuel Policies on Canadian Energy Demand and Emissions,Transport Policy 21:92–100
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175. 胡增运,袁山林,吉力力,李兰海*. (2012) 开都河日径流时间序列混沌分析与模拟,资源科学,34(4):644-651
176. 李雪梅,张飞云,尚明,吉力力,李兰海*. (2012) 天山南北坡气象因子对出山口径流影响通径分析,资源科学,34(4):652-659
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179. Mupenzi Jean de la Paix, Li Lanhai 等. (2012),Plant algae method for arsenic removal from arsenic contaminated groundwater,Water Science & Technology,Vol 65 No 5 pp 927–931
180. Mupenzi Jean de la Paix, Li Lanhai*, Bao Anming,Ge Jiwen, Nzayisenga Theoneste. (2012) Analysis of snowmelt model for flood forecast for water in arid zone: Case of Tarim River in Northwest China, Environmental Earth Sciences,66:1423–1429,DOI: 10.1007/s12665-011-1353-9
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182. Mupenzi Jean de la Paix, Li Lanhai, Chen Xi, Achal Varenyam, Bao Anming. (2011) Study on Impacts of floods on the water quality in arid zone: Case of Tarim River in Northwest China, Water Science and Technology,64(10):1973-1979,DIO:10.2166/wst/2011.788
183. Li Lanhai, Mupenzi Jean de la Paix, Chen Xi, Achal Varenyam Bao Amning and Habiyaremye Gabriel. (2011) Study on productivity of epilithic algae in Urumqi River Basin in Northwest China,African Journal of Microbiology Research Vol. 5(14), pp. 1888-1895
184. Xuemei Li,Fengqing Jiang,Lanhai Li. (2011) Spatial and temporal variability of precipitation concentration index, concentration degree and concentration period in Xinjiang, China,International Journal of Climatology, Vol:31 (11), pp 1679–1693, DOI: 10.1002/joc.2181
185. Yan Dou, Xi Chen, Anmin Bao, Lanhai Li. (2011) The simulation of snowmelt runoff in the ungauged Kaidu River Basin of TianShan Mountains, China, Environmental Earth Science, Vol:62 (5),pp1039-1045, DOI 10.1007/s12665-010-0592-5
186. Meiyan Yu, Xi Chen, Lanhai Li, Anming Bao, Mupenzi Jean de la Paix. (2011) Streamflow Simulation by SWAT Using Different Precipitation Sources in Large Arid Basins with Scarce Raingauges, Water Resources Management, 25:2669-2681, DOI 10.1007/s11269-011-9832-z
187. Jean de la Paix Mupenzi, Lanhai Li, et al. (2011) Assessment of soil degradation and chemical compositions in Rwandan tea-growing areas, GEOSCIENCE FRONTIERS,2(4):599–607, doi:10.1016/j.gsf.2011.05.003
188. Xuemei Li, Lanhai Li* et al. (2011) Impact of climate factors on runoff in the Kaidu River watershed: path analysis of 50-year data, Journal of Arid Land, 2011, VOL. 3, NO. 2, 132−140.
189. Xiangliang Pan, Daoyong Zhang, Xi Chen, Anming Bao and Lanhai Li. (2011) Antimony Accumulation, Growth Performance, Antioxidant Defense System and Photosynthesis of Zea mays in Response to Antimony Pollution in Soil,Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, v 215, n 1-4, p 517-523 DOI:10.1007/s11270-010-0496-8
190. Pan, Xiangliang,Liu, Jing; Zhang, Daoyong; Chen, Xi; Li, Lanhai; Song, Wenjuan; Yang, Jianying. (2010) A comparison of five extraction methods for extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) from biofilm by using three-dimensional excitation-emission matrix (3DEEM) fluorescence spectroscopy,Water SA, Vol.36, n1, p111-116
191. Xiangliang Pan, Daoyong Zhang, Xi Chen, Lanhai Li, Guijin Mu, Li Li, Wenjuan Song. (2010) Sb Uptake and Photosynthesis of Zea mays Growing in Soil Watered with Sb Mine Drainage: an OJIP Chlorophyll Fluorescence Study, Polish J. of Environ. Stud. Vol. 19, No. 5:981-987
192. 包安明,陈晓娜,李兰海.(2010)融雪径流研究的理论与方法及其在干旱区的应用[J]. 干旱区地理,33(5):684-691.
193. 李雪梅,姜逢清,李兰海,王桂钢,韦炳干. (2010) 塔里木河北源及下游区域降水变化趋势与多尺度特征对比. 冰川冻土. Vol.32:3.pp1-10.)
194. 窦燕,陈曦,包安明,李兰海. (2010) 2000-2006年中国天山山区积雪时空分布特征研究,冰川冻土. Vol.32:1.pp28-34.
195. Lanhai Li*, Xu Honggang, Chen Xi, S. P. Simonovic. (2010) Streamflow forecast and reservoir operation performance assessment under climate change, Water Resources Management, 24:83–104,DOI 10.1007/s11269-009-9438-x.
196. Xiangliang Pan, Daoyong Zhang, Xi Chen, Guijin Mu, Lanhai Li, Anming Bao. (2009) Effects of levofloxacin hydrochlordie on photosystem II activity and heterogeneity of Synechocystis sp.,Chemosphere,77:413–418
197. Xiangliang Pan, Daoyong Zhang, Xi Chen, Guijin Mu, Lanhai Li, et al. (2009) Effects of short-term low temperatures on photosystem II function of samara and leaf of Siberian maple (Acer ginnala) and subsequent recovery. Journal of Arid Land. Vol.1 No.1,pp57-63
198. S. P. Simonovic and L. Li, 2004. Sensitivity of the Red River Basin Flood Protection System to Climate Variability and Change. Water Resources Management 18, 89-110.
199. S. P. Simonovic and L. Li, 2003. Methodology for Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on Large-Scale Flood Protection System. Water Resour. Plann. Manage., ASCE 129(5), 361-372.
200. L. Li and A. Yakupitiyage, 2003. A Model for Food Nutrient Dynamics of Semi-intensive pond Fish Culture. Aquacultural Engineering 27, 9-38.
201. L. Li, S. P. Simonovic, 2002. System Dynamics Model for Predicting Floods from Snowmelt in North American Prairie Watersheds. Hydrological Processes, 16, 2645-2666.
202. Li Lanhai and Amararatne Yakupitiyage, 2000, A Model for Nitrogen Dynamics, Food Production and Fish Growth in Fertilized Tropical Ponds, Journal of Aquaculture in the Tropics, pp159-189.
203. Li Lanhai, Amararatne Yakupitiyage and Khalid Saeed, 1998, Food nutrient dynamics model for fertilized ponds. System Dynamics: An International Journal of Policy Modeling. Vol. X, Nos. 1 & 2, pp.85-115.
204. 168. Li Lanhai, 1998. Comparison of Conventional and Fuzzy Land Classification and Evaluation Techniques in Oxfordshire, England. Agricultural Engineering Journal, 7(1):1-12.
205. 李兰海。1994年,广西红水河流域生态经济环境特征及其区域开发。生态经济,第一期,34到37页。
206. 李兰海,蒋世逵,1991,农业资源生态学,地球科学进展,第二期。
207. 李兰海。1991,红壤丘陵区农村生态环境特征及其改善—以江西省泰和县千烟洲为例。农村生态环境,第四期,18到22页
208. 李兰海,1991,资源开发的生态经济原则,生态经济,第三期
209. 李兰海,刘厚培。1990年,赣江流域山区资源经济结构梯度的数量分析。自然资源学报,第五卷,第一期。74到83页.
210. 李兰海,1988年,农业生态系统能流分析指标的探讨,农业现代化研究,第一期,18到19页。
1. Li, L., Mind’je, R. (2023). Hydrogeological Hazard Susceptibility and Community Risk Perception in Rwanda - A Case Study of Floods and Landslides. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-1751-8, Hardcover ISBN978-981-99-1750-1,Softcover ISBN978-981-99-1753-2
2. 于静洁,李兰海,杨永辉等,2022,中亚水土资源与农业可持续发展,气象出版社,北京
3. 李兰海等著,2018,中国天山积雪研究,中国农业出版社,北京
4. Chansheng He, Lanhui Zhang, Li Fu, Yi Luo, Lanhai Li, Carlo DeMarchi(2013) Simulation of River Flow for Downstream Water Allocation in the Heihe River Watershed, Northwest China,Landscape Ecology for Sustainable Environment and Culture, pp 173-186 (章节)
5. Y Rusuli;L Li;H Sidik;M Mamathan;A Rahman;Miklas Scholz.(2015)A method for lake water table and volume estimation using Landsat TM/ETM+ images.Water Resources and Environment.2015:131-135., DOI: 10.1201/b19079-24
6. Lanhai Li,S P Simonovic,2008,section 8:simulation,in the book:Managing Water Resources:Methods and Tools for a Systems Approach,(edited by Slobodan P. Simonovic),NESCO Publishing - Paris and Earthscan – London
7. 主编:姚建华,1991年,红水河流域资源开发研究,中国科学技术出版社,北京,编委:姚建华,刘厚培,李兰海等
8. 主编:程彤,1993年, 红壤丘陵生态系统恢复与农业持续发展研究。地震出版社,编委:孙文线,李兰海,李家永,杨宝珍,张红旗,徐光亮,程彤,蒋世逵。
Conference Papers
1. 白磊,李兰海*,师春香,李倩,孙帅,刘宇. (2018) 伊犁-巴尔喀什湖盆地百年气温和降水重建,第35届中国气象学会年会
2. Zhang, Feiyun;Li, Lanhai;Ahmad, Sajjad. (2017) Streamflow Pattern Variations Resulting from Future Climate Change in Middle Tianshan Mountains Region in China[J].WORLD ENVIRONMENTAL AND WATER RESOURCES CONGRESS 2017: GROUNDWATER, SUSTAINABILITY, AND HYDRO-CLIMATE/CLIMATE CHANGE. 437-446
3. Y Rusuli;L Li;H Sidik;M Mamathan;A Rahman;Miklas Scholz. (2015) A method for lake water table and volume estimation using Landsat TM/ETM+ images[J].Water Resources and Environment.2015:131-135., DOI: 10.1201/b19079-24
4. LingPeng Guo, LanHai Li, Haroon Stephen, Sajjad Ahmad (2015) Simulation of snow accumulation and ablation processes in the upstream of Kunes River, Yili valley, Xinjiang, ASCE World Environmental & Water Resources Congress, Austin, TX, May 17-21.
5. Jiangang HAN, Lanhai Li, Sajjad AHMAD. (2014) Removal efficiency of nitrogen by Chlamydomonas reinhardtii under three kinds of inorganic nitrogen treatments in a water-sediment system, Nevada Water Resources Association Annual Conference, Las Vegas, NV, February 4-6, 2014.
6. ZHANG Fei-Yun, LI Lan-Hai, AHMAD Sajjad, and Han Jiangang. (2014) Modeling Streamflow Dominated by Snowmelt in an Ungauged Basins of Northwestern China, ASCE World Water and Environmental Resources Congress, Portland, OR. June 1-5, 2014.
7. Li-Gang Xu; Lan-Hai Li; Jia-Hu Jiang; Jin-Bao Wan. (2013) "Impacts of Water Level Fluctuation on the Flood Disaster around Poyang Lake," Intelligent System Design and Engineering Applications (ISDEA), 2013 Third International Conference on , vol., no., pp.850,853, 16-18 Jan. 2013, doi: 10.1109/ISDEA.2012.201
8. Lanhai Li, Xuemei Li, Ajay Kalra, Sajjad Ahmad. (2012) Relationship between oceanic-atmospheric oscillations and streamflow of Kaidu River, Xinjiang, China,ASCE World Environmental & Water Resources Congress,Albuquerque,New Mexico,USA,Jan 20-24, 2012
9. 李雪梅,李兰海,白磊,郭玲鹏,李倩. (2011) 开都河流域历史气候资料重建,中国自然资源学会2011年学术年会论文集摘要,乌鲁木齐,2011年7月
10. 郭玲鹏,李兰海,徐俊荣,罗家伦. (2011) 玛纳斯河上游温度、降水及径流变化特征分析,中国自然资源学会2011年学术年会论文集摘要,乌鲁木齐,2011年7月
11. 马杰,卞芬茹,马文奇,李兰海. (2011) 施磷对玉米磷素分配及植酸磷积累的影响,中国自然资源学会2011年学术年会论文集摘要,乌鲁木齐,2011年7月
12. Yusufujiang Rusuli, Lanhai Li, Xuemei Li. (2011) System Dynamics Model for Water and Salt Balance of the Bosten Lake in Xinjiang, China, The 2011 World Conference on Natural Resource Modeling in Ottawa, Canada, June 14 to June 17, 2011
13. 玉素普江·如素力,李兰海,李雪梅. (2011) 塔里木河下游天然胡杨林生态服务价值的估算研究,中国地理学会2011年学术年会论文集摘要,乌鲁木齐,2011年7月
14. Xiao-ming Cao, Chen Xi, An-ming Bao, Li Lan-hai. (2011) "Study on Spatio-Temporal Vegetation Cover Changes Based on FVC in Xinjiang, 1998-2009," kam, pp.374-378, Fourth International Symposium on Knowledge Acquisition and Modeling, 2011
15. Xuemei Li, Lanhai Li. (2011) Surface runoff modeling using artificial neural network in alpine watersheds of Tianshan Mountains, Northwestern China, 2011 International conference on Fuzzy Systems and Neural Computing (FSNC 2011) Hong Kong, China, February 20-21, 2011.
16. Mupenzi Jean de la Paix; Ge, Jiwen; Lanhai Li; Habiyaremye, Gabriel; Theoneste, Nzayisenga; Emmanuel, Kamanzi. (2010) Assessment of pH and soil degradation: Case of Rwanda tea growing areas, 2nd IITA International Conference on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IITA-GRS 2010, v 1, p 596-599.
17. Mupenzi Jean de la Paix; Ge, Jiwen; Lanhai Li; Habiyaremye, Gabriel; Theoneste, Nzayisenga. (2010) Erosion control verification: "Method of hole", 2nd IITA International Conference on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IITA-GRS 2010, v 1, p 600-602
18. Mupenzi Jean de la Paix, Lanhai Li. (2010) Tea land degradation in Rwanda: Case study of Gicumbi District, 2010 International conference on Biology, Envionment and Chemistry, IEEE,pp60-63.
19. Xue Xun, Xu Honggang,Lanhai Li. (2010) Climate Change Vulnerability and Grwoth Strategy of Ski Industry In Xinjiang—An SD Approach,The Proceedings of 2010 Conference on Systems Science, Management Science and System Dynamics,Vol.4:237-240,Publishing House of Electronics Industry.
20. Yusupjan rusul,Lanhai Li,Xuemei Li. (2010) System Dynamics Model for Water Balance of Bagrash Lake in Xinjiang, China,The Proceedings of 2010 Conference on Systems Science, Management Science and System Dynamics,Dec 10-12, 2010,Shanghai, China,Vol.3:193-199,Publishing House of Electronics Industry.
21. 李倩,李兰海,白磊. (2010) 开都河基流估算研究,中国自然资源学会2010年学术年会论文集摘要,重庆,2010年10月
22. 白磊,李兰海,李倩. (2010) 新疆省级应急储备仓库选址, ,中国自然资源学会2010年学术年会论文集摘要,重庆,2010年10月
23. 李雪梅,李兰海,郭玲鹏,张飞云,尚明. (2010) 天山南北坡山区积温和降水对于径流深的影响,中国自然资源学会2010年学术年会论文集摘要,重庆,2010年10月
24. Dai shanshan,Lanhai Li,Honggang Xu. (2010) The system dynamic study of regional development of Manas Basin Under the constraints of water resources,International System Dynamics Conferences, Seoul, Korea,July 2010
25. Xiong Liangshi,Xu jinrong and Lanhai Li. (2010) Energy Balance Model for Estimating Snowmelt in Western Tianshan Mountains, International conference on Mountain geographical systems and ecological security,Changchun, August 2010
26. Li Xuemei, Lanhai Li, Guo lingpeng. (2010) Mapping the spatial distribution of temperature through GIS and statistical analysis techniques for Tianshan Mountains, Northwestern China,International conference on Mountain geographical systems and ecological security
27. Lanhai Li,Xu Honggang,Bao Anming et al. (2009) Environmental sustainability of Urban Lake Dianchi,vol. III,pp217-222,The Proceedings of 2009 Conference on Systems Science, Management Science and System Dynamics,May 29-30, 2009,Tongji University,Shanghai, China
28. Liu Chunyan,Wang Weiwei,Lanhai Li. (2009) Outcomes and Challenges of Prevention and Control of Stroke -- Applications of Systems Theory,vol. IV,pp101-106,The Proceedings of 2009 Conference on Systems Science, Management Science and System Dynamics,May 29-30, 2009,Tongji University,Shanghai, China
29. Xianwei Feng, Xi Chen, Patrick Willems, Tie Liu, Lanhai Li, Anming Bao and Yue Huang. (2009) Multisource remote sensing supported large scale fully distributed hydrological modeling of the Tarim River Basin in Central Asia, Proc. SPIE 7471, 74711Z; doi:10.1117/12.847909.
30. Cao Xiaoming, Bao Anming, Lanhai Li. (2009) "A Study of Retrieval Land Surface Temperature and Evapotranspiration in Response to LUCC Based on Remote Sensing Data in Sanggong River," esiat, vol. 2, pp.325-329, International Conference on Environmental Science and Information Application Technology, 2009
31. Hoffman R, McInnis B, Li LH, CanTEEM: A Canadian Transportation Energy and Emissions Model, Conference of System Dynamics and Management Science, Nov 04-06, 2005, Proceedings Of The 2005 Conference Of System Dynamics And Management Science, Vol 1 - Sustainable Development Of Asia Pacific: 60-66, 2005
32. Li LH, Modeling primary production and nutrient dynamics in aquatic ecosystems, Conference of System Dynamics and Management Science, Nov 04-06, 2005 Proceedings Of The 2005 Conference Of System Dynamics And Management Science, Vol 1 - Sustainable Development Of Asia Pacific: 242-250, 2005
33. Xu HG, Li LH, Li J, A preliminary study on urban transportation growth in Guangzhou, Conference of System Dynamics and Management Science, Nov 04-06, 2005 Proceedings Of The 2005 Conference Of System Dynamics And Management Science, Vol 1 - Sustainable Development Of Asia Pacific: 366-372, 2005
34. Robert Hoffman, Bert McInnis, Lanhai Li, 2005,Methods and Software Tools for Expanding Perceptive Capacity: The Case of the Global Systems Simulator, 23rd International Conference of the System Dynamics Society, July 17 - 21, 2005, Boston
35. Simonovic, S.P and L. Li, 2001,Impact of climate variability and change on the reliability of complex flood protection systems, 15th Canadian Hydrotechnical Conference,Victoria, British Columbia, contributed, CSCE, H46, p.8, May, 2001.
36. Li Lanhai and Amararatne Yakupitiyage, Modeling Nitrogen Dynamics and Natural food production in N-fertilized pond (Abstract). The Fifth Asian Fisheries Forum. 11-14 Nov., 1998. ChiangMai, Thailand.
37. Karl Iver Dahl-Madsen and Li Lanhai, A Preliminary Eutrophication Model of the Gulf of Thailand, Proceeding of International Conference on Computer Applications in Environmental Engineering, September 29-30, 1998. Malaysia.
38. Li Lanhai and A. Yakupitiyage, Food Nutrient Dynamics and Regulation in An Aquaculture pond. Proceeding of International Conference of System Dynamics'97, 1997。 Istanbal, Turkey
39. Xu Honggang and Li Lanhai. The Influence of Rising Management Cost on the Failure of the Chinese Agricultural Collective, Proceeding of International conference of System Dynamics'97, 1997, Istanbal, Turkey.
40. 李兰海,生态危机及其趋势,气候变化与环境问题研讨会,1991年1月9-11日,北京。
41. 李兰海,1990,资源开发的生态经济原则,全国青年自然资源年会,中国自然资源学会,1990年10月,四川成都
42. 李兰海,1990,红壤丘陵区生态系统恢复与建设,第三届全国青年生态学大会,中国生态学会,1990年9月,江西庐山
43. 李兰海,1987,北城圩农场土地利用优化模型,第三届全国灰色系统会议,1987年7月,湖北武汉
44. 李兰海, 1986,生态危机与人类态度, 首届全国青年生态学大会,中国生态学会,1986年6月,湖南大庸
白磊 硕士研究生 070501-自然地理学
李倩 硕士研究生 070501-自然地理学
李雪梅 博士研究生 070501-自然地理学
玉素甫江·如素力 博士研究生 070501-自然地理学
郭玲鹏 博士研究生 070501-自然地理学
马杰 博士研究生 070501-自然地理学
尚明 硕士研究生 070501-自然地理学
武广洋 博士研究生 071012-生态学
张飞云 博士研究生 070501-自然地理学
孙桂燕 硕士研究生 070501-自然地理学
姚亚楠 硕士研究生 085229-环境工程
李思思 硕士研究生 070501-自然地理学
白磊 博士研究生 070501-自然地理学
靳佳 博士研究生 070503-地图学与地理信息系统
张思楠 硕士研究生 070501-自然地理学
马奕 硕士研究生 071300-生态学
刘翔 博士研究生 070501-自然地理学
徐璐 博士研究生 070503-地图学与地理信息系统
李倩 博士研究生 070501-自然地理学
陈迪桃 硕士研究生 070501-自然地理学
郝建盛 博士研究生 070501-自然地理学
闫雪 硕士研究生 071300-生态学
于水 硕士研究生 070501-自然地理学
朱淑珍 硕士研究生 070501-自然地理学
杨涛 博士研究生 070503-地图学与地理信息系统
魏雯瑜 博士研究生 070501-自然地理学
冯挺 博士研究生 070501-自然地理学
刘东 博士研究生 070501-自然地理学
晁宁 硕士研究生 070501-自然地理学
李宏达 博士研究生 070501-自然地理学
卜令杰 博士研究生 070501-自然地理学
杜帅良 硕士研究生 070501-自然地理学