Hua Li, professor at the Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology (SIMIT), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). He received the Ph. D degree in microelectronics and solid state electronics from SIMIT, CAS in 2009. From 2009 to 2012, he worked at the Walter Schottky Institute, Technical University of Munich in Germany as an Alexander von Humboldt research fellow. From 2012 to 2013, he worked as a JSPS postdoctoral fellow at the Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo in Japan. From 2013 to 2014, he moved to France and worked at the Laboratoire Matériaux et Phénomènes Quantiques, University Paris 7 as a postdoctoral research associate. In 2015, he was appointed as a full professor at SIMIT and selected as a fellow of “100-talent” program of Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Currently, his research interests include terahertz and mid-infrared lasers, frequency combs, and their applications. He has been supported by several programs, such as, National Science Fund for Excellent Young Scholars, Shanghai Outstanding Academic Leaders Plan, Shanghai Youth Top Talent Program, "From 0 to 1" Innovation Program of CAS, "Hundred-Talent" Program of CAS, etc. He received several awards, such as, Shanghai Science and Technology Award for Natural Science, Alexander von Humboldt fellowship, JSPS postdoctoral research fellowship, Excellent scientist award of Chinese Institute of Electronics, President Excellence Award of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and so on. He has authored and co-authored more than 60 peer-review papers and obtained 15 Chinese patents.
Research Areas
Terahertz photonic devices and applications;
Terahert and mid-infrared frequency combs;
Mode locking of terahertz and mid-infrared semiconductor lasers.
September 2006 – July 2009
Ph. D. in Microelectronics and Solid State Electronics (Engineering), Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
September 2004 - June 2006
Master degree in Physics, Wuhan University, China
September 2000 - July 2004
Bachelor degree in Physics, Hubei University, China
Work Experience
January 2015-now:“Hundred-Talent” full professor, Key Laboratory of Terahertz Solid-State Technology, Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
April 2013-May 2015: Postdoctoral research associate, Laboratoire MPQ, University Paris Diderot, France
April 2012-March 2013: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) postdoctoral research fellow, Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan
March 2010-February 2012: Alexander von Humboldt postdoctoral research fellow, Walter Schottky Institute, Technical University of Munich
2006-2009: Research Assistant, Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Yiran Zhao#, Ziping Li#, Kang Zhou#, Xiaoyu Liao, Wen Guan, Wenjian Wan, Sijia Yang, J. C. Cao, Dong Xu, Stefano Barbieri, and Hua Li*, Active Stabilization of terahertz semiconductor dual-comb laser sources Employing a Phase Locking Technique, Laser & Photonics Reviews 15, 2000498 (2021). [Featured on inside back cover]
Michael Hakl, Quyang Lin, Sylvie Pirotta, Maximilien Billet, Jean-Francois Lampin, Stefano Pirotta, Raffaele Colombelli, Wenjian Wan, J. C. Cao, Hua Li, Emilien Peytavit, and Stefano Barbieri*, Ultrafast Quantum-Well Photodetectors Operating at 10 μm with a Flat Frequency Response up to 70 GHz at Room Temperature, ACS Photonics 8, 464 (2021).
Wen Guan, Ziping Li, Kang Zhou, Wenjian Wan, Xiaoyu Liao, Yiran Zhao, Sijia Yang, J. C. Cao, and Hua Li*, “Repetition Frequency Locking of a Terahertz Quantum Cascade Laser Emitting at 4.2 THz”, Terahertz Science and Technology 13, 32 (2020)
Long Sun, Zhitao Zhou, Junjie Zhong, Zhifeng Shi, Ying Mao, Hua Li, Juncheng Cao*, Tiger H. Tao*, “Implantable, Degradable, Therapeutic Terahertz Metamaterial Devices”, Small 16, 2000294 (2020). [Featured on front cover]
Hua Li*, Ziping Li, Wenjian Wan, Kang Zhou, Xiaoyu Liao, Chengjie Wang, J. C. Cao, and Heping Zeng, “Toward Compact and Real-Time Terahertz Dual-Comb Spectroscopy Employing a Self-Detection Scheme”, ACS Photonics 7, 49 (2020). [Featured on front cover]
Peng Bai, Yueheng Zhang, Tianmeng Wang, Zhanglong Fu, Dixiang Shao, Ziping Li, Wenjian Wan, Hua Li, Juncheng Cao, Xuguang Guo, and Wenzhong Shen, “Broadband THz to NIR up-converter for photontype THz imaging”, Nature Communications 10, 3513 (2019).
Ziping Li, Wenjian Wan, Kang Zhou, Xiaoyu Liao, Sijia Yang, J. C. Cao, and Hua Li*, “On-chip dual-comb source based on terahertz quantum cascade lasers under microwave double injection”, Phys. Rev. Applied 12(4), 044068 (2019). [Best paper award at ITQW 2019]
G. X. Zhang, X. G. Guo*, H. X. Wang, D. X. Shao, Z. L. Fu, Z. Y. Tan, H. Li, J. C. Cao, and Y. M. Zhu*, “Bias-Polarity-Dependent Photocurrent Spectra of Terahertz Stepped-Quantum-Well Photodetectors”, Phys. Rev. Applied 12(2), 024035 (2019).
K. Zhou, Hua Li*, Wenjian Wan, Ziping Li, and Juncheng Cao, “Croup velocity dispersion analysis of terahertz quantum cascade laser frequency comb”, Acta. Phys. Sin. 68(10), 109501 (2019).
K. Zhou, H. Li*, W. J. Wan, Z. P. Li, and J. C. Cao, “Ridge width effect on comb operation in terahertz quantum cascade lasers”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 114, 191106 (2019).
Hua Li*, “Semiconductor-based terahertz frequency combs”, J. Semicond. 40, 050402 (2019).
Hua Li*, Ming Yan, Wenjian Wan, Tao Zhou, Kang Zhou, Ziping Li, Juncheng Cao*, Qiang Yu, Kai Zhang*, Min Li, Junyi Nan, Boqu He, and Heping Zeng*, “Graphene-coupled terahertz semiconductor lasers for enhanced passive frequency comb operation”, Advanced Science 6, 1900460 (2019). [Featured on cover]
Ziping Li, Hua Li*, Wenjian Wan, Kang Zhou, Juncheng Cao, Gaolei Chang, and Gangyi Xu, “Sideband generation of coupled-cavity terahertz semiconductor lasers under active radio frequency modulation”, Opt. Express 26(25), 32675 (2018).
Hao Chen, Zhixiang Wu, Zeyu Li, Zhenfei Luo, Xue Jiang, Zhongquan Wen, Liguo Zhu, Zun Zhou, Hua Li, Zhengguo Shang, Zhihai Zhang, Kun Zhang, Gaofeng Liang, Senlin Jiang, Lianghui Du, and Gang Chen*, “Sub-wavelength tight-focusing of terahertz waves by polarization-independent high-numerical-aperture dielectric metalens”, Opt. Express 26(23), 29617 (2018).
O. Kliebisch*, D. C. Heinecke, S. Barbieri, G. Santarelli, H. Li, C. Sirtori, and T. Dekorsy, “Unambiguous real-time terahertz frequency metrology using dual 10 GHz femtosecond frequency combs”, Optica 5(11), 1431 (2018).
Wei Miao, Hao Gao, Zheng Lou, Jie Hu, Wen Zhang, Yuan Ren, Kangmin Zhou, Shengcai Shi, Hua Li, Juncheng Cao, and Yan Delorme, “An ultra-high-sensitivity superconducting hot-electron-bolometer heterodyne receiver at 2.5 THz with an integrated low-power-consumption quantum cascade laser”, IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology 8(6), 581 (2018).
Zhitao Zhou, Tao Zhou, Shaoqing Zhang, Zhifeng Shi, Ying Chen, Wenjian Wan, Xinxin Li, Xinzhong Chen, Stephanie N Gilbert Corder, Zhanglong Fu, Liang Chen, Ying Mao, Juncheng Cao*, Fiorenzo G Omenetto, Mengkun Liu, Hua Li*, and Tiger H Tao*, “Multicolor T‐Ray Imaging Using Multispectral Metamaterials”, Advanced Science 5, 1700982 (2018). [Featured on cover]
Z. Z. Zhang, H. Li*, and J. C. Cao*, “Ultrafast terahertz detectors”, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA 67 (9), 090702 (2018). Review article
J. W. Zhang, X. Z. Chen, S. Mills, T. Ciavatti, Z. H. Yao, R. Mescall, H. Hu, V. Semenenko, Z. Fei, H. Li, V. Perebeinos, H. Tao, Q. Dai, X. Du, and M. K. Liu*, "Terahertz Nanoimaging of Graphene", ACS Photonics 5 (7), 2645 (2018).
W. J. Wan, H. Li*, and J. C. Cao*, “Homogeneous spectral broadening of pulsed terahertz quantum cascade lasers by radio frequency modulation”, Opt. Express 26, 980 (2018). [Record beam divergence of THz QCLs]
T. Zhou, H. Li*, W. J. Wan, Z. L. Fu, and J. C. Cao*, “Terahertz imaging using photomixers based on quantum well photodetectors”, AIP Advances 7, 105215 (2017).
H. Li*, W.-J. Wan, Z.-Y. Tan, Z.-L. Fu, H.-X. Wang, T. Zhou, Z.-P. Li, C. Wang, X.-G. Guo, J.-C. Cao*, “6.2-GHz modulated terahertz light detection using fast terahertz quantum well photodetectors”, Sci. Rep. 7, 3452 (2017).
L. Gu, W. J. Wan, Y. H. Zhu, Z. L. Fu, H. Li*, J. C. Cao*, “High frequency modulation and injection locking of terahertz quantum cascade lasers”, J. Opt. 19, 065706 (2017).
W. J. Wan, H. Li*, T. Zhou, and J. C. Cao*, “Homogeneous spectral spanning of terahertz quantum cascade lasers with radio frequency modulation”, Sci. Rep. 7, 44109 (2017).
Y. H. Zhu, H. Li*, W. J. Wan, T. Zhou, J. C. Cao*, “Far-field analysis of third-order distributed feedback terahertz quantum cascade lasers”, Acta Physica Sinica 66, 099501 (2017).
Z. Y. Tan, H. Li, W. J. Wan, Z. L. Fu, C. Wang, and J. C. Cao, “Direct detection of a fast modulated terahertz light with a spectrally matched quantum-well photodetector”, Electron. Lett. 53, 91 (2017).
A. Mottaghizadeh, D. Gacemi, P. Laffaille, H. Li, M. Amanti, C. Sirtori, G.. Santarelli, W. Hansel, R. Holzwart, L. H. Li, E. H. Linfield, and S. Barbieri, “5-ps-long terahertz pulses from an active-mode-locked quantum cascade laser”, Optica 4 (1), 168 (2017).
Y. H. Zhu, H. Li*, W. J. Wan, L. Gu, T. Zhou, S. Barbieri, and J. C. Cao, “Beat note analysis and spectral modulation of terahertz quantum cascade lasers with radio frequency injection”, Chin. Opt. Lett. 15 (1), 011404 (2017)
C. Yao, T. H. Xu, W. J. Wan, H. Li, and J. C. Cao, “Single-mode tapered terahertz quantum cascade lasers wth lateral gratings”, Solid-State Electronics 122, 52-55 (2016).
H. Li, Pierre Laffaille, Djamal Gacemi, Marc Apfel, Carlo Sirtori, Jeremie Leonardon, Giorgio Santarelli, Markus Rösch, Giacomo Scalari, Mattias Beck, Jerome Faist, Wolfgang Hänsel, Ronald Holzwarth, and Stefano Barbieri, "Dynamics of ultra-broadband terahertz quantum cascade lasers for comb operation", Opt. Express 23 (26), 33270 (2015).
H. Li, J. M. Manceau, A. Andronico, V. Jagtap, C. Sirtori, L. Li, E. H. Linfield, A. G. Davies, and S. Barbieri, “Coupled-cavity terahertz quantum cascade lasers for single mode operation”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 241102 (2014).
H. Li, K. Hirakawa, J. C. Cao, “How Important Is the Influence of Poisson Potential on the Band Structures of Terahertz Quantum-Cascade Lasers”, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys 52, 082701 (2013).
H. Li, S. Katz, G. Boehm, M. C. Amann, “Broad gain bandwidth injectorless quantum-cascade lasers with a step well design”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 98 (13), 131113 (2011).
H. Li and J. C. Cao, “Effect of injection coupling strength on terahertz quantum-cascade lasers”, Semicond. Sci. Technol. 26 (9), 095029 (2011). [IOP SELECT]
H. Li, S. Katz, A. Vizbaras, G. Boehm, M. C. Amann, “High Efficiency Injectorless Quantum-Cascade Lasers Emitting at 8.8 μm With 2-W Peak Pulsed Power per Facet at Room Temperature”, IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 22 (24), 1811 (2010).
H. Li, J. C. Cao, J. T. Lü, and Y. J. Han, “Monte Carlo simulation of extraction barrier width effects on terahertz quantum cascade lasers”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 92 (22), 221105 (2008).
H. Li, J. C. Cao, Z. Y. Tan, and S. L. Feng, “Comparison of resonant-phonon-assisted terahertz quantum-cascade lasers with one-well injector and three-well module”, J. Appl. Phys. 104 (10), 103101 (2008).
H. Li, J. C. Cao, Y. J. Han, X. G. Guo, Z. Y. Tan, J. T. Lü, H. Luo, S. R. Laframboise, and H. C. Liu, “A study of terahertz quantum-cascade lasers: Experiment versus simulation”, J. Appl. Phys. 104 (4), 043101 (2008).
H. Li, J. C. Cao, and J. T. Lü, “Monte Carlo simulation of carrier transport and output characteristics of terahertz quantum cascade lasers”, J. Appl. Phys. 103 (10), 103113 (2008).
H. Li, Y. J. Han, Z. Y. Tan, R. Zhang, and J. C. Cao, “Device fabrication of semi-insulating surface-plasmon terahertz quantum-cascade lasers”, Acta Physica Sinica 59 (3), 2169-2172 (2010).
H. Li, J. C. Cao, Y. J. Han, Z. Y. Tan, and X. G. Guo, “Temperature profile modelling and experimental investigation of thermal resistance of terahertz quantum-cascade lasers”, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 42 (20), 205102 (2009).
H. Li, J. C. Cao, Z. Y. Tan, Y. J. Han, X. G. Guo, S. L. Feng, H. Luo, S. R. Laframboise, and H. C. Liu, “Temperature performance of terahertz quantum-cascade lasers: experiment versus simulation”, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 42 (2), 025101 (2009).
H. Li, J. C. Cao, and H. C. Liu, “Effects of design parameters on the performance of terahertz quantum-cascade lasers”, Semicond. Sci. Technol. 23 (12), 125040 (2008).
H. Li, J. C. Cao, H. Luo, S. R. Laframboise, Z. R. Wasilewski, and H. C. Liu, “The effect of phonon extraction level separation on the performance of three-well resonant-phonon terahertz quantum-cascade lasers”, Semicond. Sci. Technol. 24 (6), 065012 (2009).
H. Li, J. P. Sang, F. Mei, F. Ren, L. Zhang, and C. Liu, “Observation of ferromagnetism at room temperature for Cr+ ions implanted ZnO films”, Appl. Surf. Sci. 253, 8524 (2007).
H. Li, J. P. Sang, C. Liu, H. B. Lu, and J. C. Cao, “Microstructural study of MBE-grown ZnO film on GaN/sapphire (0001) substrate”, Cent. Eur. J. Phys. 6, 638 (2008).
Z. Y. Tan, Z. Chen, Y. J. Han, R. Zhang, H. Li, X. G. Guo, and J. C. Cao, “Experimental realization of wireless transmission based on terahertz quantum cascade laser”, Acta Physica Sinica 61 (9), 098701 (2012).
F. Wang, X. G. Guo, H. Li, and J. C. Cao, “Emitter injection in terahertz quantum cascade lasers: Simulation of an open system”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 100 (10), 102102 (2012).
Z. Chen, Z. Y. Tan, Y. J. Han, R. Zhang, X. G. Guo, H. Li, and J. C. Cao, “Wireless communication demonstration at 4.1 THz using quantum cascade laser and quantum well photodetector”, Electron. Lett. 47 (17), 1002 (2011).
J. C. Cao, H. Li, and J. T. Lü, “Study of Resonant-Phonon Terahertz Quantum-Cascade Lasers”, Progress in Physics 31 (1), 22 (2011).
Z. Y. Tan, X. G. Guo, J. C. Cao, H. Li, X. Wang, S. L. Feng, Z. R. Wasilewski, and H. C. Liu, “Temperature dependence of current-voltage characteristics of terahertz quantum-well photodetectors”, Semicond. Sci. Technol. 24 (11), 115014 (2009).
J. Chang, H. Li, Y. J. Han, Z. Y. Tan, J. C. Cao, “Material growth and characterization of terahertz quantum-cascade lasers”, Acta Physica Sinica 58 (10), 7083 (2009).
J. C. Cao, H. Li, Y. J. Han, Z. Y. Tan, J. T. Lü, H. Luo, S. R. Laframboise, and H. C. Liu, “Terahertz quantum cascade laser at 3.39 THz”, Chin. Phys. Lett. 25 (3), 953 (2008).
J. C. Cao, J. T. Lü, and H. Li, “Temperature performance of resonant-phonon-assisted terahertz quantum-cascade lasers”, Physica E 41 (2), 282 (2008).
Z. Y. Tan, X. G. Guo, J. C. Cao, H. Li, and Y. J. Han, “Emission spectra of terahertz quantum-cascade lasers based on the terahertz quantum-well photodetectors”, Acta Physica Sinica 59 (4), 2391 (2010).
R. Zhang, H. Li, J. C. Cao, and S. L. Feng, “Research on reflectors in terahertz wireless communication systems”, Acta Physica Sinica 58 (7), 4618-4623 (2009).
X. Y. He, H. Li, and X. Zhong, “Simulation investigation on waveguide properties of terahertz wave through subwavelength semiconductor gap”, Optik 121 (7), 604 (2010).
H. B. Lu, H. Li, L. Liao, Y. Tian, M. Shuai, J. C. Li, M. F. Hu, Q. Fu, and B. P. Zhu, “Low-temperature synthesis and photocatalytic properties of ZnO nanotubes by thermal oxidation of Zn nanowires”, Nanotechnology 19 (4), 045605 (2008).
H. B. Lu, L. Liao, H. Li, D. F. Wang, Y. Tian, J. C. Li, Q. Fu, B. P. Zhu, and Y. Wu, “Hollow MgO nanotube arrays by using ZnO nanorods as templates”, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2008 (17), 2727 (2008).
H. B. Lu, L. Liao, H. Li, Y. Tian, J. C. Li, D. F. Wang, and B. P. Zhu, “Zn-assisted synthesis and photoluminescence properties of MgO nanotubes”, J. Phys. Chem. C 111 (28), 10273 (2007).
H. B. Lu, L. Liao, H. Li, Y. Tian, D. F. Wang, J. C. Li, B. P. Zhu, and Y. Wu, “MgO nanobelts using a reactive and auto-removed ZnO nanobelt template”, Solid State Communications 147 (1-2), 57 (2008).
H. B. Lu, L. Liao, H. Li, D. F. Wang, J. C. Li, Q. Fu, B. P. Zhu, and Y. Wu, “Well-aligned ZnO microprism arrays with umbrella-like tips: Low-temperature preparation, structure and UV photoluminescence improvement”, Physica E 40 (9), 2931 (2008).
H. B. Lu, L. Liao, H. Li, D. F. Wang, J. C. Li, Q. Fu, B. P. Zhu, and Y. Wu, “Fabrication of CdO nanotubes via simple thermal evaporation”, Materials Letters 62 (24), 3928 (2008).
1. H. Li, W. J. Wan, and J. C. Cao, “Terahertz photonic devices for frequency comb operation and fast detection”, CLEO-Pacific Rim 2017, July 31-August 4, 2017, Singapore (Invited)
2. H. Li and J. C. Cao, Homogeneously spectral spanning of terahertz quantum cascade lasers, The 8th International Symposium on Ultrafast Phenomena and Terahertz Waves, October 10-12, 2016, Chongqing, China (Invited)
3. H. Li and J. C. Cao, Homogeneous broadband terahertz quantum cascade lasers, SPIE Photonics Asia, October 12-14, 2016, Beijing, China (Invited)
4. H. Li and J. C. Cao, Spectral modulation of terahertz quantum cascade lasers with radio frequency injection locking, 27th International Symposium on Space Terahertz Technology, April 12-15, 2016, Nanjing, China (Invited)
5. H. Li, et al., “Coherent properties of ultra-broadband terahertz quantum cascade lasers”, 2015 International Terahertz Technology and Applications Symposium, June 17-19, 2015, Suzhou, China (Invited).
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