1986-1989 山东农业大学,硕士研究生,农学硕士
1998-2001 日本国立鸟取大学研究生院,硕士研究生,农学硕士
2001-2004 日本国立鸟取大学联合研究生院,博士研究生,博士(农学)
2004-2007 日本鸟取大学,研究助理教授,博士后研究员
2007- 中国科学院教育部水土保持与生态环境研究中心研究员,入选中国科学院“****”。
常乐,刘美君,吕金林,杜盛 (2024). 树干液流对蒸腾驱动因子响应的土壤水分限制与非限制特征。应用生态学报,35(4): 1064-1072.
翟博超,朱燕,申小娟,孙美美,杜盛 (2024). 黄土丘陵区两个典型成熟森林群落土壤水分时空变化特征及对降雨事件的响应。水土保持研究,31(4): 170-178.
郭海宁,刘美君,杜盛 (2024). 降雨减少对刺槐树干液流特征的影响。生态学杂志,43(1): 122-130.
Liu MJ, Chang L, Chen QW, Li GQ, Du S (2024). Soil water consumption along the profile in response to soil water content variations in a black locust plantation with a rainfall exclusion in Loess Plateau. Journal of Hydrology. 640: 131721. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2024.131721
Liu Y, Kong CX, Zhang YN, Liu G, Huang JH, Li GQ, Du S (2024). Monitoring and evaluation of the effects of Grain for Green Project on the Loess Plateau: A case study of Wuqi County in China. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 132: 104006. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jag.2024.104006
Liu G, Liu Y, Zhang YN, Huang JH, Li GQ, Du S (2024). The influence of climatic and human-induced factors on the spatial distribution of invasive plant species richness across the Loess Plateau. Global Ecology and Conservation. 54: e03083. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gecco.2024.e03083
Kong CX, Huang JH, Du S, Li GQ (2024). Exploring the driving forces of vegetation greening on the Loess Plateau at the county scale . Forests. 15(3): 486. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/f15030486
Guo HN, Wang YR, Li GQ, Du S (2024). Effects of rainfall exclusion treatment on photosynthetic characteristics of black locust in the sub-humid region of the Loess Plateau, China. Plants. 13(5): 704. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/plants13050704
Zhai BC, Sun MM, Shen XJ, Zhu Y, Li GQ, Du S (2024). Effects of stand density on growth, soil water content and nutrients in black locust plantations in the semiarid loess hilly region. Sustainability. 16(1): 376. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/su16010376
Liu MJ, Chen QW, Guo HN, Lyu JL, Li GQ, Du S (2023). Daily and seasonal patterns of stem diameter micro-variations in three semiarid forest species in relation to water status and environmental factors. Dendrochronologia. 82: 126146. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dendro.2023.126146
Tatsumi C, Taniguchi T, Hyodo F, Du S, Yamanaka N, Tateno R (2023). Mycorrhizal type affects forest nitrogen availability, independent of organic matter quality. Biogeochemistry. 165(3): 327-340. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10533-023-01087-y
Liu G, Zhang Y, Lu Q, An K, Li Y, Xiong D, Li GQ, Du S (2023). Uncertainties of climate change on suitable habitat of Calligonum mongolicum Turcz. (Polygonaceae) in desert areas of central Asia. Forests. 14(5): 1053. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/f14051053
Lyu JL, Li GQ, Otsuki K, Yamanaka N, Wang YC, Yue M, Du S (2023). Different transpiration and growth patterns of the black locust plantation and natural oak forest on China's Loess Plateau. Ecohydrology. 16(4): e2523. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/eco.2523
朱燕,翟博超,孙美美,罗伶书,王瑛,杜盛 (2023). 黄土丘陵区不同密度刺槐和油松人工林土壤理化性质与化学计量特征。水土保持研究,30(6): 160-167.
罗伶书,王一佩,杜盛 (2023). 模拟降雨减少对刺槐人工林土壤养分和微生物群落的影响。生态学报,43(14): 5916-5925.
罗伶书,杜盛 (2023). 降雨梯度对林地土壤呼吸温度敏感性影响研究进展。西北林学院学报,38(2): 76-83.
王瑛,刘美君,郭海宁,杜盛 (2023). 减雨处理环境下刺槐冠层气孔导度变化特征。水土保持研究,30(5): 209-216.
王瑛,刘美君,杜盛 (2023). 树干液流时滞特征及影响因素研究进展。应用与环境生物学报,29(2): 507-514.
刘美君,陈秋文,吕金林,李国庆,杜盛 (2023). 黄土丘陵区辽东栎和刺槐树干径向生长与微变化季节动态特征。植物生态学报,47(2): 227-237.
申小娟,杜盛 (2023). 甘肃省5种典型人工林健康状况。水土保持研究,30(3): 295-300.
刘颖,李国庆,杜盛 (2022). 西北地区成过熟人工林质量衰退状况、原因与对策。陆地生态系统与保护学报,2(5): 55-61.
王淑春,程然然,杜盛 (2022). 黄土丘陵区2种典型林分降雨分配特征及其主要影响因素。水土保持学报,36(3): 173-180.
张艳如,李国庆,刘冠,鲁奇,杜盛 (2022). 陕西省延安市燕沟流域水系分形与地貌侵蚀发育研究。水土保持研究,29(2): 7-10.
Chen QW, Liu MJ, Lyu JL, Li GQ, Otsuki K, Yamanaka N, Du S (2022). Characterization of dominant factors on evapotranspiration with seasonal soil water changes in two adjacent forests in the semiarid Loess Plateau. Journal of Hydrology. 613(B): 128427. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2022.128427
Liu XJ, Tang XL, Lie ZY, He XH, Zhou GY, Yan JH, Ma KP, Du S, Li SG, Han SJ, Ma YX, Wang GX, Liu JX (2022). Tree species richness as an important biotic factor regulates the soil phosphorus density in China's mature natural forests. Science of The Total Environment. 845: 157277. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.157277
Tatsumi C, Taniguchi T, Du S, Chen QW, Yamanaka N, Otsuki K, Tateno R (2022). Differences in the short-term responses of soil nitrogen and microbial dynamics to soil moisture variation in two adjacent dryland forests. European Journal of Soil Biology. 110: 103394. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejsobi.2022.103394
Zhang YR, Liu G, Lu Q, Xiong DY, Li GQ, Du S (2022). Understanding the limiting climatic factors on the suitable habitat of Chinese alfalfa. Forests. 13(3): 482. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/f13030482
Lyu JL, He QY, Chen QW, Cheng RR, Li GQ, Otsuki K, Yamanaka N, Du S (2022). Distinct transpiration characteristics of black locust plantations acclimated to semiarid and subhumid sites in the Loess Plateau, China. Agricultural Water Management. 262: 107402. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2021.107402
Sun MM, Zhai BC, Chen QW, Li GQ, Du S (2022). Response of density-related fine root production to soil and leaf traits in coniferous and broad-leaved plantations in the semiarid loess hilly region of China. Journal of Forestry Research. 33(3): 1071-1082. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11676-021-01358-0
Sun MM, Zhai BC, Chen QW, Li GQ, Tateno R, Yamanaka N, Du S (2021). Effects of soil nutrients and stand structure on aboveground net primary productivity of oak secondary forests in the forest-steppe transition zone of Loess Plateau, China. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 51(9): 1208-1217. http://dx.doi.org/10.1139/cjfr-2020-0459
He HH, Zhang ZK, Peng Q, Chang C, Su R, Cheng X, Li YX, Pang JY, Du S, Lambers H (2021). Increasing nitrogen supply to phosphorus-deficient Medicago sativa decreases shoot growth and enhances root exudation of tartrate to discharge surplus carbon dependent on nitrogen form. Plant and Soil. 469(1-2): 193-211. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11104-021-05161-y
Chang ZB, Hobeichi S, Wang YP, Tang XL, Abramowitz G, Chen Y, Cao NN, Yu MX, Huang HB, Zhou GY, Wang GX, Ma KP, Du S, Li SG, Han SJ, Ma YX, Wigneron J-P, Fan L, Saatchi SS, Yan JH (2021). New forest aboveground biomass maps of China integrating multiple datasets. Remote Sensing. 13(15): 2892. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/rs13152892
Tatsumi C, Taniguchi T, Hyodo F, Du S, Yamanaka N, Tateno R (2021). Survival rate, chemical and microbial properties of oak seedlings planted with or without oak forest soils in a black locust forest of a dryland. Forests. 12(6): 669. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/f12060669
Tatsumi C, Hyodo F, Taniguchi T, Shi WY, Koba K, Fukushima K, Du S, Yamanaka N, Templer P, Tateno R (2021). Arbuscular mycorrhizal community in roots and nitrogen uptake patterns of understory trees beneath ectomycorrhizal and non-ectomycorrhizal overstory trees. Frontiers in Plant Science. 11: 583585. http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2020.583585
刘美君,吕金林,陈秋文,杨洁,李国庆,杜盛 (2021). 黄土丘陵区两典型造林树种生长季树干直径微变化动态及其影响因素。应用生态学报,32(5): 1673-1680.
李国庆,王国梁,许明祥,韩新辉,杜盛 (2021). 流域植被配置技术与价值权衡模型算法研究。水土保持学报,35(3): 221-227.
刘冠,李国庆,李洁,张艳如,鲁奇,杜盛 (2021). 基于InVEST模型的1999-2016年麻塔流域碳储量变化及空间格局研究。干旱区研究,38(1): 267-274.
孙美美,宋变兰,时伟宇,山中典和,李国庆,杜盛 (2020). 黄土丘陵区刺槐、辽东栎林生态系统碳汇功能特征。水土保持研究,27(2): 55-61.
王一佩,孙美美,程然然,关晋宏,李国庆,杜盛 (2020). 黄土高原中西部人工针叶林浅层土壤有机碳积累及影响因素。水土保持研究,27(3): 30-36.
邓磊,朱春云,于世川,祁银燕,张文辉,杜盛,关晋宏 (2020). 祁连山青海云杉中龄林混交度对细根形态特征的影响。林业科学,56(1): 191-200.
李国庆,黄菁华,刘冠,李洁,翟博超,杜盛 (2020). 基于Landsat8卫星影像土地利用景观破碎化研究--以陕西省延安麻塔流域为例。国土资源遥感,33(3): 121-128.
Li GQ, Huang JH, Guo H, Du S (2020). Projecting species loss and turnover under climate change for 111 Chinese tree species. Forest Ecology and Management. 477: 118488. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2020.118488
Yu Z, Zhao HR, Liu SR, Zhou GY, Fang JY, Yu GR, Tang XL, Wang WT, Yan JH, Wang GX, Ma KP, Li SG, Du S, Han SJ, Ma YX, Zhang DQ, Liu JX, Liu SZ, Chu GW, Zhang QM, Li YL (2020). Mapping forest type and age in China's plantations. Science of The Total Environment. 744: 140790. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.140790
Liu XX, Yin LN, Deng XP, Gong D, Du S, Wang SW, Zhang ZY (2020). Combined application of silicon and nitric oxide jointly alleviated cadmium accumulation and toxicity in maize. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 395: 122679. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2020.122679
Lyu JL, He QY, Yang J, Chen QW, Cheng RR, Yan MJ, Yamanaka N, Du S (2020). Sap flow characteristics in growing and non-growing seasons in three tree species in the semiarid Loess Plateau region of China. Trees ― Structure and Function. 34(4): 943-955. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00468-020-01972-1
Cheng RR, Chen QW, Zhang JG, Shi WY, Li GQ, Du S (2020). Soil moisture variations in response to precipitation in different vegetation types: A multi-year study in the loess hilly region in China. Ecohydrology. 13(3): e2196. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/eco.2196
He QY, Yan MJ, Miyazawa Y, Chen QW, Cheng RR, Otsuki K, Yamanaka N, Du S (2020). Sap flow changes and climatic responses over multiple-year treatment of rainfall exclusion in a sub-humid black locust plantation. Forest Ecology and Management. 457: 117730. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2019.117730
Tatsumi C, Taniguchi T, Du S, Yamanaka N, Tateno R (2020). Soil nitrogen cycling is determined by the competition between mycorrhiza and ammonia‐oxidizing prokaryotes. Ecology. 101(3): e02963. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ecy.2963
Tatsumi C, Imada S, Taniguchi T, Du S, Yamanaka N, Tateno R (2020). Soil prokaryotic community structure is determined by a plant-induced soil salinity gradient rather than other environmental parameters associated with plant presence in a saline grassland. Journal of Arid Environments. 176: 104100. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jaridenv.2020.104100
Li J, Liu G, Lu Q, Zhang YR, Li GQ, Du S (2019). Future climate change will have a positive effect on Populus davidiana in China. Forests. 10(12): 1120. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/f10121120
Guan JH, Deng L, Zhang JG, He QY, Shi WY, Li GQ, Du S (2019). Soil organic carbon density and its driving factors in forest ecosystems across a northwestern province in China. Geoderma. 352: 1-12. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2019.05.035
Liu XX, Ma DK, Zhang ZY, Wang SW, Du S, Deng XP, Yin LN (2019). Plant lipid remodeling in response to abiotic stresses. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 165: 174-184. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.envexpbot.2019.06.005
Zhou GY, Xu S, Ciais P, Manzoni S, Fang JY, Yu GR, Tang XL, Zhou P, Wang WT, Yan JH, Wang GX, Ma KP, Li SG, Du S, Han SJ, Ma YX, Zhang DQ, Liu JX, Liu SZ, Chu GW, Zhang QM, Li YL, Huang WJ, Ren H, Lu XK, Chen XZ (2019). Climate and litter C/N ratio constrain soil organic carbon accumulation. National Science Review. 6(4): 746-757. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/nsr/nwz045
Liu JX, Fang X, Tang XL, Wang WT, Zhou GY, Xu S, Huang WJ, Wang GX, Yan JH, Ma KP, Du S, Li SG, Han SJ, Ma YX (2019). Patterns and controlling factors of plant nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry across China's forests. Biogeochemistry. 143(2): 191-205. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10533-019-00556-7
Tatsumi C, Taniguchi T, Du S, Yamanaka N, Tateno R (2019). The steps in the soil nitrogen transformation process vary along an aridity gradient via changes in the microbial community. Biogeochemistry. 144(1): 15-29. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10533-019-00569-2
杨洁,吕金林,何秋月,闫美杰,李国庆,杜盛 (2019). 黄土丘陵区辽东栎和刺槐树干液流时滞效应与蒸腾特征的关联性。应用生态学报,30(8): 2607-2613.
李国庆,温仲明,杜盛 (2019). 延安麻塔流域植被对土壤侵蚀的控制效率研究。国土与自然资源研究,51(6): 64-68.
邓磊,关晋宏,高万里,杜盛,张文辉,朱春云 (2018). 黄土区辽东栎群落细根生物量对物种多样性及气候的响应。西北林学院学报,33(5): 16-22.
张晓芹,李国庆,杜盛 (2018). 未来气候变化对沙枣适宜分布区的影响预测。应用生态学报,29(10): 3213-3220.
岳军伟,关晋宏,邓磊,张建国,李国庆,杜盛 (2018). 甘肃亚高山云杉人工林生态系统碳、氮储量动态和分配格局。生态学报,38(21): 7790-7800.
刘潇潇,何秋月,闫美杰,李国庆,王仕稳,杜盛 (2018). 黄土丘陵区辽东栎群落优势种和主要伴生种树干液流动态特征。生态学报,38(13): 4744-4751.
张艳如,陈秋文,孙美美,时伟宇,杜盛 (2018). 黄土丘陵区4种植被类型土壤呼吸季节及年际变化。应用与环境生物学报,24(4): 729-734.
吕金林,何秋月,闫美杰,李国庆,杜盛 (2018). 黄土丘陵区辽东栎树干液流特征对边材面积和土壤水分的响应。应用生态学报,29(3): 725-731.
何秋月,闫美杰,张建国,杜盛 (2018). 黄土高原半湿润区刺槐树干液流对人工截留降雨输入及环境因子的响应。植物生态学报,42(4): 466-474.
Miyazawa Y, Du S, Taniguchi T, Yamanaka N, Kumagai T (2018). Gas exchange by the mesic-origin, arid land plantation species Robinia pseudoacacia under annual summer reduction in plant hydraulic conductance. Tree Physiology. 38(8): 1116-1179. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/treephys/tpy032
Iwaoka C, Imada S, Taniguchi T, Du S, Yamanaka N, Tateno R (2018). The impacts of soil fertility and salinity on soil nitrogen dynamics mediated by the soil microbial community beneath the halophytic shrub Tamarisk. Microbial Ecology. 75(4): 985-996. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00248-017-1090-z
Zhang XQ, Li GQ, Du S (2018). Simulating the potential distribution of Elaeagnus angustifolia L. based on climatic constraints in China. Ecological Engineering. 113: 27-34. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoleng.2018.01.009
He QY, Niu CM, Yan MJ, Du S (2018). Sap flow of black locust trees in response to supplementary interception of throughfall rainfall. Acta Horticulturae. 1222: 147-154. http://dx.doi.org/10.17660/ActaHortic.2018.1222.20
Yue JW, Guan JH, Yan MJ, Zhang JG, Deng L, Li GQ, Du S (2018). Biomass carbon density in natural oak forests with different climate conditions and stand ages in northwest China. Journal of Forest Research. 23(6): 354-362. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13416979.2018.1536313
Yue JW, Guan JH, Deng L, Zhang JG, Li GQ, Du S (2018). Allocation pattern and accumulation potential of carbon stock in natural spruce forests in northwest China. PeerJ. 6: e4859. http://dx.doi.org/10.7717/peerj.4859
Li GQ, Zhang XQ, Huang JH, Wen ZM, Du S (2018). Afforestation and climatic niche dynamics of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia). Forest Ecology and Management. 407: 184-190. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2017.10.019
Huang JH, Li GQ, Li J, Zhang XQ, Yan MJ, Du S (2018). Projecting the range shifts in climatically suitable habitat for Chinese sea buckthorn under climate change scenarios. Forests. 9(1): 9. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/f9010009
Tang XL, Zhao X, Bai YF, Tang ZY, Wang WT, Zhao YC, Wan HW, Xie ZQ, Shi XZ, Wu BF, Wang GX, Yan JH, Ma KP, Du S, Li SG, Han SJ, Ma YX, Hu HF, He NP, Yang YH, Han WX, He HL, Yu GR, Fang JY, Zhou GY (2018). Carbon pools in China's terrestrial ecosystems: new estimates based on an intensive field survey. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS). 115(16): 4021-4026. http://dx.doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1700291115
Xu S, Zhou GY, Tang XL, Wang WT, Wang GX, Ma KP, Han SJ, Du S, Li SG, Yan JH, Ma YX (2017). Different spatial patterns of nitrogen and phosphorus resorption efficiencies in China's forests. Scientific Reports. 7: 10584. http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41598-017-11163-7
Tateno R, Taniguchi T, Zhang J, Shi WY, Zhang JG, Du S, Yamanaka N (2017). Net primary production, nitrogen cycling, biomass allocation, and resource use efficiency along a topographical soil water and nitrogen gradient in a semi-arid forest near an arid boundary. Plant and Soil. 420(1-2): 209-222. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11104-017-3390-y
Shi WY, Du S, Morina JC, Guan JH, Wang KB, Ma MG, Yamanaka N, Tateno R (2017). Physical and biogeochemical controls on soil respiration along a topographical gradient in a semiarid forest. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 247: 1-11. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2017.07.006
Tian Q, Taniguchi T, Shi WY, Li GQ, Yamanaka N, Du S (2017). Land-use types and soil chemical properties influence soil microbial communities in the semiarid Loess Plateau region in China. Scientific Reports. 7: 45289. http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/srep45289
田琴,牛春梅,谷口武士,山中典和,时伟宇,杜盛 (2017). 黄土丘陵区植被类型与土壤微生物区系及生物量的关系。生态学报,37(20): 6847-6854.
李国庆,张晓芹,杜盛 (2017). 基于随机森林模型的黄土高原林草界线模拟研究。中国科技论文,12(15): 1780-1784.
程然然,关晋宏,张建国,何秋月,邓磊,侯浩,李国庆,杜盛 (2017). 甘肃省5种典型人工林生态系统固碳现状与潜力。应用生态学报,28(4): 1112-1120.
牛春梅,关晋宏,程然然,李国庆,吴春荣,程积民,杜盛 (2017). 黄土高原中西部刺槐人工林生态系统碳密度及其影响因子。生态学报,37(15): 5049-5058.
吕金林,闫美杰,宋变兰,关晋宏,时伟宇,杜盛 (2017). 黄土丘陵区刺槐、辽东栎林地土壤碳、氮、磷生态化学计量特征。生态学报,37(10): 3385-3393.
孙美美,关晋宏,吴春荣,岳军伟,李国庆,杜盛 (2017). 黄土高原西部3个降水量梯度近成熟油松人工林碳库特征。生态学报,37(8): 2665-2672.
孙美美,关晋宏,岳军伟,李国庆,杜盛 (2017). 黄土高原西部针叶林植物器官与土壤碳氮磷化学计量特征。水土保持学报,31(3): 202-208.
刘潇潇,李国庆,闫美杰,杜盛 (2017). 黄土高原主要树种树干液流研究进展。水土保持研究,24(3): 369-373.
侯浩,张宋智,关晋宏,杜盛 (2016). 小陇山不同林龄锐齿栎林土壤有机碳和全氮积累特征。生态学报,36(24): 8025-8033.
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Du S, Sugano M, Tsushima M, Nakamura T, Yamamoto F (2004). Endogenous indole-3-acetic acid and ethylene evolution in tiltedMetasequoia glyptostroboidesstems in relation to compression-wood formation. Journal of Plant Research. 117(2): 171-174. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10265-003-0135-1
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- Yan MJ, Zhang JG, He QY, Du S (2016). Estimate of stand transpiration in a semiarid watershed of natural oak forest in the Loess Plateau of China. - Abstract of the 3rd Conference of the World Association of Soil and Water Conservation, 22-26 August, 2016, Belgrade, Serbia. P87.
- Du S, Chen QW, He QY, Zhang JG (2015). Soil water budget and evapotranspiration based on measurements along soil profiles in two typical forest stands in Loess Plateau. - Abstract of the 4th International Conference on Forest and Water in a Changing Environment, 6-9 July, 2015, Kelowna, Canada. P28.
- Yue JW, Guan JH, Li GQ, Du S (2015). Carbon and nitrogen in natural oak communities with different climate conditions in northwest China. - Abstract of the 4th International Conference on Forest and Water in a Changing Environment, 6-9 July, 2015, Kelowna, Canada. P149.
- Zhang JG, He QY, Du S (2015). Rainfall partitioning and soil water dynamic under continuous rainfall events in two typical forests in the loess hilly region of Chian. - Abstract of the 4th International Conference on Forest and Water in a Changing Environment, 6-9 July, 2015, Kelowna, Canada. P151.
- Zhang JG, Yan MJ, Shi WY, Guan JH, He QY, Du S (2013). Radial variations of xylem sap flow and their effect on water use estimates in a coniferous and a ring-porous broadleaved tree species in northern China. - Abstract of the 9th International Workshop on Sap Flow, 4-7 June, 2013, Ghent, Belgium. P47.
- He QY, Zhang JG, Guan JH, Yan MJ, Du S (2013). Comparison of water use estimates by 10mm thermal dissipation probes and weighing method in non-, diffuse- and ring-porous species in northern China. - Abstract of the 9th International Workshop on Sap Flow, 4-7 June, 2013, Ghent, Belgium. P54.
- Yamanaka N, Miyazaki M, Otsuki K, Hou QC, Du S, Yamamoto F (2012). Differences in drought tolerance among woody plants in Loess Plateau, China. - Abstract of the 3rd International Conference on Forest and Water in a Changing Environment, 18-20 September, 2012, Fukuoka, Japan. P50.
- Du S, Zhang JG, Guan JH, Otsuki K, Yamanaka N (2012). Water use properties of typical forestation species in the semiarid Loess Plateau of China. - Abstract of the 3rd International Conference on Forest and Water in a Changing Environment, 18-20 September, 2012, Fukuoka, Japan. P50.
- Zhang JG, Guan JH, He QY, Yan MJ, Shi WY, Otsuki K, Yamanaka N, Du S (2012). Interannual variation of stand transpiration estimated by sapflow measurement in a semiarid watershed of natural oak forest in the Loess Plateau of China. - Abstract of the 3rd International Conference on Forest and Water in a Changing Environment, 18-20 September, 2012, Fukuoka, Japan. P103.
- Yamanaka N, Otsuki, K, Tateno R, Nagamatsu D, Yamamoto F, Du S, Hou QC, Zhang WH (2010). Establishment of revegetation technology taking account of ecosystem service in the Loess Plateau, China. - Abstract of the Japan-China Joint Open Seminar on Combating Desertification in Inland China, 13-14 September, 2010, Tottori, Japan. Pp19-20.
- Du S, Shi WY, Tateno R, Zhang JG, Yamanaka N (2010). Soil respiration partitioning and responses to precipitation in two typical forest stands in the semiarid Loess Plateau region. - Abstract of the Japan-China Joint Open Seminar on Combating Desertification in Inland China, 13-14 September, 2010, Tottori, Japan. Pp66-67.
- Hou QC, Zhang WH, Xue ZD, Han RL, Yamanaka N, Yamamoto F, Otsuki K, Du S (2010). The nutrient characteristics of natural vegetation and its succession in the Yan’an research area. - Abstract of the Japan-China Joint Open Seminar on Combating Desertification in Inland China, 13-14 September, 2010, Tottori, Japan. Pp70-71.
- Nagamatsu D, Yamanaka N, Zhang J, Du S, Hou QC, Zhang WH (2010). The effect of microtopography on growth and structure of native Quercus forest at the semiarid area of Loess Plateau. - Abstract of the Japan-China Joint Open Seminar on Combating Desertification in Inland China, 13-14 September, 2010, Tottori, Japan. Pp73-74.
- Tateno R, Du S, Otsuki K, Yamanaka N (2010). River water chemistry in forested and non-forested watersheds on the Loess Plateau, China. - Abstract of the Japan-China Joint Open Seminar on Combating Desertification in Inland China, 13-14 September, 2010, Tottori, Japan. Pp75-76.
- Nagamatsu D, Fukumoto A, Yamanaka N, Du S, Hou QC, Zhang WH (2010). Forest development and topography in the Loess Plateau, inland China. - Abstract of the 4th Annual Conference of Northeast Asia Professors Association (NAPA 2010), 17-18 May, 2010, Chuncheon, Korea. Pp27-31.
- Du S, Otsuki K, Yamanaka N, Liu GB (2009). Integrated studies on combating desertification and rehabilitating degraded ecosystems in the Loess Plateau region of China. - Abstract of the Third International Symposium on the East Asian Environmental Problems, 3-4 December, 2009, Fukuoka, Japan. P226.
- Otsuki K, Yamanaka N, Tateno R, Tokuchi N, Du S, Hou QC, Kume T (2009). Ecohydrologic differences between a Robinia plantation and a Quercus forest in the Loess Plateau, China. - Abstract of the Second International Conference on Forests and Water in a Changing Environment, 14-16 September, 2009, Raleigh, USA. P52.
- Yamanaka N, Hara Y, Tamai T, Du S, Zhang WH (2009). Water relations of afforestation species in the Loess Plateau, China. - Abstract of the China-Japan Joint Open Seminar on Combating Desertification in Inland China, 14-15 September, 2009, Yangling, China. Pp26-27.
- Nagamatsu D, Yamanaka N, Du S, Hou QC, Zhang WH (2009). Tree death and recruitment in a Robinia plantation and semi-natural Quercus forests in the Loess Plateau. - Abstract of the China-Japan Joint Open Seminar on Combating Desertification in Inland China, 14-15 September, 2009, Yangling, China. Pp53-54.
- Du S, Wang YL, Kume T, Otsuki K, Yamanaka N, Liu GB (2009). Low transpiration in a middle-aged black locust plantation in the semiarid Loess Plateau region estimated by sapflow measurements. - Abstract of the China-Japan Joint Open Seminar on Combating Desertification in Inland China, 14-15 September, 2009, Yangling, China. Pp55-56.
- Yamamoto M, Liu G, Yamanaka N, Yamamoto F, Otsuki K, Hou Q, Du S (2009). Ecophysiological characteristics of woody species growing in the Loess Plateau, China. - Abstract of the China-Japan Joint Open Seminar on Combating Desertification in Inland China, 14-15 September, 2009, Yangling, China. Pp57-58.
- Du S (2008). Taking the trees’ pulse to understand forest eco-hydrological properties in the semiarid Loess Plateau. - Abstract of the Korea-China Joint Symposium on Combating Desertification, 17 December, 2008, Daejeon, Korea. P9.
- Yamanaka N, Du S, Yamamoto F, Otsuki K, Xue ZD, Wang SQ, Hou QC (2008). Stand structure and growth of a natural Quercus liaotungensis forest in a water-insufficient area of the Loess Plateau, China. - Abstract of the Ninth International Conference on Dryland Development, 7-10 November, 2008, Alexandria, Egypt. Pp16-17.
- Du S, Wang YL, Kume T, Otsuki K, Yamanaka N, Liu GB (2008). Sapflow dynamics before and after soil water recharge in seven forest species in the Loess Plateau region. - Abstract of the Japan-China Joint Open Seminar on Combating Desertification in Inland China, 7-8 September, 2008, Tottori, Japan. Pp68-69.
- Yu ZH, Chen YM, Du S (2008). Sapflow dynamics around the leaf-flushing period in a Robinia pseudoacacia plantation in the semi-arid Loess Plateau region. - Abstract of the Japan-China Joint Open Seminar on Combating Desertification in Inland China, 7-8 September, 2008, Tottori, Japan. Pp62-63.
- Hou QC, Du S, Zhang WH, Chen YM, Yamanaka N, Yamamoto F, Otsuki K (2008). A dynamic change of soil water under the typical natural vegetation on the middle area of Loess Plateau. - Abstract of the Japan-China Joint Open Seminar on Combating Desertification in Inland China, 7-8 September, 2008, Tottori, Japan. Pp66-67.
- Tateno R, Yamanaka N, Du S, Otsuki K, Xue ZD, Wang SQ, Hou QC (2008). Temporal and special variability of river water chemistry on the Loess Plateau, China. - Abstract of the Japan-China Joint Open Seminar on Combating Desertification in Inland China, 7-8 September, 2008, Tottori, Japan. Pp75-76.
- Yamanaka N, Tojo M, Yamamoto M, Du S, Yamamoto F (2008). Effects of S-ABA application on the growth of tree seedlings from Loess Plateau, China. - Abstract of the Japan-China Joint Open Seminar on Combating Desertification in Inland China, 7-8 September, 2008, Tottori, Japan. Pp71-72.
- Otsuki K, Kume T, Yamanaka N, Tateno R, Du S, Hou QC, Zhang WH (2008). Ecohydrological aspects of a Robinia plantation and a Quercus forest in the Loess Plateau. - Abstract of the Japan-China Joint Open Seminar on Combating Desertification in Inland China, 7-8 September, 2008, Tottori, Japan. Pp73-74.
- Du S, Yamamoto F (2006). Reaction wood: An eternal topic concerning both dendrochronologists and physiologists. - Abstract of the 7th International Conference on Dendrochronology, June 11-17, 2006, Beijing, China. Pp45-46.
- Du S, Yamanaka N, Yamamoto F, Han RL, Liang ZS, Hou QC (2006). Leaf water potential and photosynthesis in water stressed seedlings of Robinia pseudoacacia and Quercus liaotungensis. - Abstract of the 8th International Conference on Development of Drylands, February 25-28, 2006, Beijing, China. Pp76-77.
- Yamamoto F, Du S, Yamanaka N, Otsuki K, Xue ZD, Wang SQ, Hou QC (2006). Drought tolerance and micro-structure of stomata in woody species in the Loess Plateau. - Abstract of the 8th International Conference on Development of Drylands, February 25-28, 2006, Beijing, China. Pp84-85.
- Yamanaka N, Du S, Yamamoto F, Otsuki K, Xue ZD, Wang SQ, Hou QC (2006). Differences in understory species diversity between artificial Robinia forests and natural Quercus forests in the Loess Plateau near Yan’an, China. - Abstract of the 8th International Conference on Development of Drylands, February 25-28, 2006, Beijing, China. P50.
- Du S, Sugano M, Tsushima M, Nakamura T, Yamamoto F (2005). Endogenous auxin and ethylene in relation to gravity-induced reaction wood formation. - Abstract of the 6th Pacific Regional Wood Anatomy Conference, 1-5 December 2005, Kyoto, Japan. P33.
- Du S, Yamanaka N, Yamamoto F, Otsuki K, Wang SQ, Hou QC (2005). Ring growth of Quercus liaotungensis on the Chinese Loess Plateau in relation to climatic factors. - Abstract of XXII IUFRO World Congress, 8-13 August 2005, Brisbane, Australia. The International Forestry Review. 7(5): 74.
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- Yamanaka N, Du S, Yamamoto F, Otsuki K, Xue Z, Wang S, Hou Q (2005). Stand structure of natural Quercus liaotungensis forests under drought stress in the loess plateau of China. - Abstract of XXII IUFRO World Congress, 8-13 August 2005, Brisbane, Australia. The International Forestry Review. 7(5): 101.
- Du S, Yamamoto F (2002). Is ethylene essential for reaction wood formation? - Abstract of the 5th Pacific Regional Wood Anatomy Conference, 9-14 September 2002, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. IAWA Journal. 23: 461-462.
- 国家重点研发计划重点专项项目“黄土高原人工生态系统结构改善和功能提升技术”,主持。
- 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项子课题“中西部温带植被区域森林固碳现状、速率、机制和潜力研究”,主持。
- 国家自然科学基金面上项目“黄土高原森林-森林草原区过渡带天然辽东栎林耗水特性研究”,主持。
- 国家自然科学基金国际合作(NSFC-JSPS)项目“黄土高原半干旱区森林群落的水分利用和物质循环”,主持。
- 黄土高原土壤侵蚀与旱地农业国家重点实验室团队研究项目“黄土高原植被建设的环境效应及其响应机制”,主持。