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2017-01~至今, 中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院,生物医药与技术研究所,研究员、所长助理.
2012-02~2016-12, 美国斯坦福大学医学院, 博士后. 导师:Calvin J. Kuo.
1. 畅君雷,杨时伦,马寅仲,朱亚东。左氧氟沙星或其药物可接受盐在制备抗脑缺血再灌注损伤的药物或保健品中的应用,中国专利,申请号:202010972345.9,申请日期 2020年9月16日;专利号:ZL 2020 1 0972345.9,授权日期 2022年3月8日。
2. 畅君雷,杨时伦,李思梦。一种A-FABP蛋白抑制剂及其应用,中国专利,申请号:202111349737.0,申请日期 2021年11月15日;专利号:ZL 2021 1 1349737.0,授权日期 2023年1月10日。
1. 畅君雷,魏鹏举,黄晓雯。锂剂在制备预防和/或治疗脓毒症脑病药物中的应用,中国专利,申请号:202211480803.2,申请日期2022年11月24日。
2. 何丽庄,徐爱民,廖博雅,畅君雷,杨时伦,李思梦。一种A-FABP中和单克隆抗体及其制备方法和用途,中国专利,申请号:202211439397.5,申请日期2022年11月17日。
3. 畅君雷,杨时伦,李思梦。一种A-FABP单克隆抗体2B8及其制备方法和用途,PCT专利,申请号:PCT/CN2022/102639,申请日期 2022年06月30日。
4. 畅君雷,杨时伦,李思梦。一种A-FABP单克隆抗体2B8及其制备方法和用途,中国专利,申请号:202210755954.8,申请日期 2022年06月30日。
5. 畅君雷,杨时伦,李思梦。一种A-FABP单克隆抗体2C6及其制备方法和用途,中国专利,申请号:202210756000.9,申请日期 2022年06月30日。
6. 畅君雷,杨时伦,李思梦。一种A-FABP单克隆抗体2C6及其制备方法和用途,PCT专利,申请号:PCT/CN2022/102637,申请日期 2022年06月30日。
7. 畅君雷,杨时伦,余敏,李思梦。一种分泌抗A-FABP单克隆抗体3G5的杂交瘤细胞株及其用途,中国专利,申请号:202210755900.1,申请日期 2022年06月30日。
8. 畅君雷,杨时伦,余敏,李思梦。一种分泌抗A-FABP单克隆抗体4A12的杂交瘤细胞株及其用途,中国专利,申请号:202210755920.9,申请日期 2022年06月30日。
9. 畅君雷,杨时伦,余敏,李思梦。一种分泌抗A-FABP单克隆抗体6C11的杂交瘤细胞株及其用途,中国专利,申请号:202210756655.6,申请日期 2022年06月30日。
10. 畅君雷,杨时伦,李思梦。一种A-FABP蛋白抑制剂及其应用,PCT专利,申请号:PCT/CN2021/137800,申请日期 2021年12月14日。
11. 畅君雷,余敏,胡小燕,杨时伦。一种噻唑基重氮萘酚类化合物在制备治疗恶性脑胶质瘤药物中的应用,中国专利,申请号:202110994420.6,申请日期 2021年08月27日。
12. 畅君雷,余敏,胡小燕,杨时伦。一种噻唑基重氮萘酚类化合物在制备治疗恶性脑胶质瘤药物中的应用,PCT专利,申请号:PCT/CN2021/137746,申请日期 2021年12月14日。
13. 畅君雷,方程,冀雅彬。TGFb通路抑制剂在制备预防或治疗血脑屏障损害的药物或保健品中的应用,中国专利,申请号:202110539270.X,申请日期 2021年5月18日。
14. 畅君雷,方程,冀雅彬。TGFb通路抑制剂在制备预防或治疗血脑屏障损害的药物或保健品中的应用,PCT专利,申请号:PCT/CN2021/094947,申请日期 2021年5月20日。
15. 畅君雷,冀雅彬。抑制TNF信号通路的药物用于治疗脑梗的用途,中国专利,申请号:202110315013.8,申请日期 2021年3月24日。
16. 畅君雷,冀雅彬。一种医药组合物及其医药用途,中国专利,申请号:202011241775.X,申请日期 2020年11月9日。
17. 畅君雷,冀雅彬。一种医药组合物及其医药用途,PCT专利,申请号:PCT/CN2020/127619,申请日期 2020年11月9日。
18. 畅君雷,杨时伦,马寅仲,朱亚东。左氧氟沙星或其药物可接受盐在制备抗脑缺血再灌注损伤的药物或保健品中的应用,PCT专利,申请号:PCT/CN2020/115620,申请日期 2020年9月16日。
19. 畅君雷,杨弋,塔淞,郭珍妮,靳航。缺血性脑卒中溶栓治疗后出血转化风险评估相关基因序列的芯片及其试剂盒,中国专利,申请号:201911225194.4,申请日期 2019年12月04日。
20. 畅君雷,王田喜,尹美芳,丘林辉。一种用于快速检测经典Wnt信号通路活性的脑血管内皮细胞系,中国专利,申请号:201910412805.X,申请日期 2019年5月17日。
21. 畅君雷,马寅仲,何岍妍,尹美芳,刘翠莲。小鼠血栓性脑卒中模型的制备方法。中国专利,申请号:201811100745.X,申请日期 2018年9月20日。
刘芮伶 博士研究生 071010-生物化学与分子生物学
黄晓雯 硕士研究生 071010-生物化学与分子生物学
李思梦 硕士研究生 071010-生物化学与分子生物学
胡小燕 博士研究生 071010-生物化学与分子生物学
冯梓莹 硕士研究生 086000-生物与医药
王悦庆 硕士研究生 086000-生物与医药
40. Yabin Ji#, Qiang Gao#, Yinzhong Ma#, Fang Wang, Xixi Tan, Dengpan Song, Ruby L.C. Hoo, Zening Wang, Xin Ge, Hongjie Han, Fuyou Guo*, Junlei Chang*. An MMP-9 exclusive neutralizing antibody attenuates blood-brain barrier breakdown in mice with stroke and reduced stroke patient-derived MMP-9 activity. Pharmacological Research, 2023 Mar;190:106720. (IF 10.334)
39. Qianyan He#, Yinzhong Ma#, Cheng Fang, Zijun Deng, Fang Wang, Yang Qu, Meifang Yin, Ruoyu Zhao, Dianhui Zhang, Fuyou Guo, Yi Yang*, Junlei Chang*, Zhen-Ni Guo*. Remote ischemic conditioning attenuates blood-brain barrier disruption after recombinant tissue plasminogen activator treatment via reducing PDGF-CC. Pharmacological Research, 2023 Jan;187:106641. (IF 10.334)
38. Yinzhong Ma#, Zhiyu Chen#, Qianyan He, Zhen-Ni Guo, Yi Yang, Fulin Liu, Fang Li, Qian Luo*, Junlei Chang*. Spatiotemporal lipidomics reveals key features of brain lipid dynamic changes after cerebral ischemia and reperfusion therapy. Pharmacological Research, 2022 Nov;185:106482. (IF 10.334)
37. Shilun Yang#, Simeng Li#, Junlei Chang*. Discovery of Cobimetinib as a novel A-FABP inhibitor using machine learning and molecular docking-based virtual screening. RSC Advances, 2022 May 4; 12(21):13500-13510. (IF 4.036)
36. Basharat Hussain#, Cheng Fang#, Xiaowen Huang, Ziying Feng, Yuxuan Yao, Yu Wang, Junlei Chang*. Endothelial b-catenin deficiency causes blood-brain barrier breakdown via enhancing the paracellular and transcellular permeability. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience, 2022 May 9; 15:895429. (IF 6.261)
35. Niaz Muhammad Khan, Muhammad Shareef Masoud, Shahid Mahmood Baig, Muhammad Qasim*, Junlei Chang*. Identification of pathogenic mutations in three primary microcephaly (MCPH) related genes CENPJ, CASK and MCPH1 in consanguineous Pakistani families. BioMed Research International, 2022:3769948. (IF 3.246)
34. Dengpan Song#, Yabin Ji#, Xiaowen Huang, Yinzhong Ma, Cheng Fang, Linhui Qiu, Xixi Tan, Yiman Chen, Shengnan Wang, Junlei Chang*, Fuyou Guo*. Lithium attenuates blood-brain barrier damage and brain edema following intracerebral hemorrhage via an endothelial Wnt/β-catenin signaling-dependent mechanism in mice. CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics, 2022 Jun;28(6):862-872. (IF 7.035)
33. Yinzhong Ma#, Shilun Yang#, Qianyan He, Dianhui Zhang, Junlei Chang*. The role of immune cells in post-stroke angiogenesis and neuronal remodeling: the known and the unknown, Frontiers in Immunology, 2021 Dec 16;12:784098. (IF 8.787)
32. Guo ZN#, Liu J#, Chang J, Zhang P, Jin H, Sun X, Yang Y*. GAS6/Axl Signaling Modulates Blood-Brain Barrier Function Following Intravenous Thrombolysis in Acute Ischemic Stroke. Frontiers in Immunology, 2021 Oct 18;12:742359. (IF 8.787)
31. Min Yu#, Xiaoyan Hu#, Jingyu Yan, Ying Wang, Fei Lu*, Junlei Chang*. RIOK2 Inhibitor NSC139021 Exerts Anti-Tumor Effects on Glioblastoma via Inducing Skp2-Mediated Cell Cycle Arrest and Apoptosis. Biomedicines, 2021 Sep 17; 9(9): 1244. (IF 4.757)
30. Basharat Hussain#, Cheng Fang#, Junlei Chang*. Blood-brain barrier breakdown: an emerging biomarker of cognitive impairment in normal aging and dementia. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2021 Aug 19;15:688090. Review. (IF 5.152)
29. Yinzhong Ma#, Lisha Wang#, Shilun Yang, Dongyu Liu, Yi Zeng, Lilong Lin, Linhui Qiu, Jiahao Lu, Junlei Chang*, Zhihuan Li*. The tissue origin of human mesenchymal stem cells dictates their therapeutic efficacy on glucose and lipid metabolic disorders in type II diabetic mice. Stem Cell Research & Therapy, 2021 July 7;12(1):385. (IF 8.088)
28. Zhang D, Ren J, Luo Y, He Q, Zhao R, Chang J, Yang Y*, Guo ZN*. T Cell Response in Ischemic Stroke: From Mechanisms to Translational Insights. Frontiers in Immunology, 2021 Jul 15;12:707972. (IF 8.787)
27. Niaz Muhammad Khan#, Basharat Hussain#, Chenqing Zheng#, Muhammad Shareef Masoud, Ayaz Khan, Qingquan Gu, Linhui Qiu, Naveed Altaf Malik, Muhammad Qasim*, Muhammad Tariq and Junlei Chang*. Updates on clinical and genetic heterogeneity of ASPM in 12 autosomal recessive primary microcephaly families in Pakistani population. Frontiers in Pediatrics, 2021 July 6;9:695133. (IF 3.569)
26. Ya-Bin Ji, Tian-Xi Wang, Qiang Gao, Xiao-Wen Huang, Junlei Chang*. Normalization of non-canonical Wnt signalings does not compromise blood-brain barrier protection conferred by upregulating endothelial Wnt/β-catenin signaling following ischemic stroke. CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics, 2021 May 31;27(9):1085-96. (IF 7.035)
25. Khalid Bin Waleed, Gary Tse, Yong-Kang Lu, Chang-Nong Peng, Hong Tu, Li-Gang Ding, Yun-Long Xia, Shu-Lin Wu, Xin-Tao Li, Hou-Qing Zhou, Qi-Ying Chen, Ai-Mei Sun, Afrasyab Altaf, Junlei Chang*, Li-Li Wang*. Trimethylamine N-oxide is associated with coronary atherosclerotic burden in non-ST-segment myocardial infarction patients: SZ-NSTEMI prospective cohort study. Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine, 2021 Mar 30; 22(1):231-238. (IF 4.430)
24. Ya-Bin Ji, Qiang Gao, Xi-Xi Tan, Xiao-Wen Huang, Yin-Zhong Ma, Cheng Fang, Sheng-Nan Wang, Lin-Hui Qiu, Yong-Xian Cheng, Fu-You Guo, Junlei Chang*. Lithium alleviates blood-brain barrier breakdown after cerebral ischemia and reperfusion by upregulating endothelial Wnt/β-catenin signaling in mice. Neuropharmacology, 2021 Mar 15;186:108474. (IF 5.273)
23. Xiaowen Huang#, Basharat Hussain#, Junlei Chang*. Peripheral inflammation and blood–brain barrier disruption: effects and mechanisms. CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics, 2021 Jan; 27(1):36-47. Review. (IF 7.035) Citation 9.
22. Song Ta#, Xianfang Rong#, Zhen-Ni Guo, Hang Jin, Peng Zhang, Fenge Li, Zhihuan Li, Lilong Lin, Chenqing Zheng, Qingquan Gu, Yuan Zhang, Wenlan Liu, Yi Yang*, Junlei Chang*. Variants of WNT7A and GPR124 are associated with hemorrhagic transformation following intravenous thrombolysis in ischemic stroke. CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics, 2021 Jan; 27(1):71-81. (IF 7.035) Citation 3.
21. Bin Waleed K, Lu Y, Liu Q, Zeng F, Tu H, Wei Y, Xu S, Zhang Z, Rongfeng Y, Fan A, Altaf A, Chang JL*, Wang L*. Association of trimethylamine N-oxide with coronary atherosclerotic burden in patients with non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction. Medicine (Baltimore), 2020 Jul 2; 99(27):e20794. (IF 1.817) Citation 2.
20. Liao B, Geng L, Zhang F, Shu L, Wei L, Yeung PKK, Lam KSL, Chung SK, Chang JL, Vanhoutte PM, Xu A, Wang K*, Hoo RLC*. Adipocyte fatty acid-binding protein exacerbates cerebral ischaemia injury by disrupting the blood-brain barrier. European Heart Journal, Sep 1;41(33):3169-3180 (2020). (IF 35.855) Citation 9.
19. Liu H, Hong G, Luo Z, Chen J, Chang JL, Gong M, He H, Yang J, Yuan X, Li L, Mu X, Wang J, Mi W, Luo J, Xie J*, Zhang XD*. Atomic-precision gold clusters for NIR-II imaging. Advanced Materials, Oct 1; e1901015 (2019). (IF 32.086) Citation 80.
18. Huang BB#, Zhu W#, Chang JL#, Dai XY, Yu GY, Huang C, Wang E, Li ZH, Lin LL, Wang BB, Chen J, Xiao TX, Niu JM, Zhang J*. The role of G protein-coupled receptor 1 in choriocarcinoma progression. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol, Sep 1; 317(3):C556-C565 (2019). (IF 5.282)
17. Guo ZN, Guo WT, Liu J, Chang JL, Ma H, Zhang P, Zhang FL, Han K, Hu HH, Jin H, Sun X, Simpson DM, Yang Y*. Changes in cerebral autoregulation and blood biomarkers after remote ischemic preconditioning. Neurology, Jul 2; 93(1): e8-e19 (2019). (IF12.258) Citation 15.
16. Vallon M, Yuki K, Nguyen TD, Chang JL, Yuan J, Siepe D, Miao Y, Essler M, Noda M, Garcia KC and Kuo CJ*. A RECK-WNT7 receptor-ligand interaction enables isoform-specific regulation of Wnt bioavailability. Cell Reports, Oct 9; 25(2): 339-349 (2018). (IF 9.995) Citation 31.
15. Ma YZ, Li L, Kong LL, Zhu ZM, Zhang W, Song JK, Chang JL* and Du GH*. Pinocembrin protects blood–brain barrier function and expands the therapeutic time window for tissue-type plasminogen activator treatment in a rat thromboembolic stroke model. BioMed Research International, Apr 22; 8943210 (2018). (IF 3.246) Citation 15.
14. Yan KS, Janda CY, Chang JL, Zheng GX, Larkin KA, Luca VC, Chia LA, Mah AT, Han A, Terry JM, Ootani A, Roelf K, Lee M, Yuan J, Li X, Bolen CR, Wilhelmy J, Davies PS, Ueno H, von Furstenberg RJ, Belgrader P, Ziraldo SB, Ordonez H, Henning SJ, Wong MH, Snyder MP, Weissman IL, Hsueh AJ, Mikkelsen TS, Garcia KC and Kuo CJ*. Non-equivalence of Wnt and R-spondin ligands during Lgr5+ intestinal stem-cell self-renewal. Nature, May 11; 545(7653): 238-242 (2017). **Previewed by Developmental Cell. (IF 69.504) Citation 170.
13. Janda CY#, Dang LT#, You CJ, Chang JL, de Lau W, Zhong ZA, Yan KS, Marecic O, Siepe D, Li XN, Moody JD, Williams BO, Clevers H, Piehler J, Baker D, Kuo CJ and Garcia KC*. Surrogate Wnt agonists that phenocopy canonical Wnt and beta-catenin signaling. Nature, May 11; 545(7653): 234-237 (2017). (IF 69.504) Citation 113.
12. Junlei Chang#, Michael R Mancuso#, Carolina Maier, Xibin Liang, Kanako Yuki, Lu Yang, Jeffrey W Kwong, Jing Wang, Varsha Rao, Mario Vallon, Cynthia Kosinski, J J Haijing Zhang, Amanda T Mah, Lijun Xu, Le Li, Sharareh Gholamin, Teresa F Reyes, Rui Li, Frank Kuhnert, Xiaoyuan Han, Jenny Yuan, Shin-Heng Chiou, Ari D Brettman, Lauren Daly, David C Corney, Samuel H Cheshier, Linda D Shortliffe, Xiwei Wu, Michael Snyder, Pak Chan, Rona G Giffard, Howard Y Chang, Katrin Andreasson, Calvin J Kuo*. Gpr124 is essential for blood-brain barrier integrity in central nervous system disease. Nature Medicine, Apr; 23(4): 450-460 (2017). Article. **Recommended by Faculty of 1000. (IF 87.244) Citation 81.
11. Furman D*, Chang JL, Lartigue L, Bolen CR, Haddad F, Gaudilliere B, Ganio EA, Fragiadakis GK, Spitzer MH, Douchet I, Daburon S, Moreau JF, Nolan GP, Blanco P, Dechanet-Merville J, Dekker CL, Jojic V, Kuo CJ, Davis MM*, Faustin B*. Expression of specific inflammasome gene modules stratifies older individuals into two extreme clinical and immunological states. Nature Medicine, Jan; 23(2): 174-184 (2017). Article. **Previewed by Immunity and reported by the Time (IF 87.241) Citation 161.
10. Lange C, Garcia MT, Decimo I, Bifari F, Quaegebeur A, Boon R, Zhao H, Boeckx B, Chang JL, Wu C, Le Noble F, Lambrechts D, Dewerchin M, Kuo CJ, Huttner WB and Carmeliet P*. Relief of hypoxia by angiogenesis promotes neural stem cell differentiation by targeting glycolysis. The EMBO Journal, May 2; 35(9): 924-941 (2016). Cover article. (IF 13.783) Citation 79.
9. Tsai HH#, Niu JQ#, Munji R, Davalos D, Chang JL, Zhang HJ, Tien AC, Kuo CJ, Chan JR, Daneman R and Fancy SP*. Oligodendrocyte precursors migrate along vasculature in the developing nervous system. Science, Jan 22; 351(6271): 379-384 (2016). (IF 63.832) Citation 166.
8. Diao S#, Blackburn JL#, Hong GS#, Antaris AL, Chang JL, Wu JZ, Zhang B, Cheng K, Kuo CJ and Dai HJ*. Fluorescence imaging in vivo at wavelengths beyond 1500 nm. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl, Dec 1; 54(49): 14758-14762 (2015). (IF 16.823) Citation 162.
7. Hong GS#, Diao S#, Chang JL#, Antaris AL, Chen CX, Zhang B, Zhao S, Atochin DN, Huang PL, Andreasson KI, Kuo CJ* and Dai HJ*. Through skull fluorescence imaging of the brain in a new near-infrared window. Nature Photonics, Sep; 8(9): 723-730 (2014). (#co-first author). **Commented by Steen J. Madsen in the same issue of Nature Photonics and highlighted by Nature. (IF 39.728) Citation >600.
6. Vallon M#, Chang JL#, Zhang HJ and Kuo CJ*. Developmental and pathological angiogenesis in the central nervous system. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, Sep; 71(18):3489-3506 (2014). (#co-first author). Cover article. Review. (IF 9.234) Citation 73.
5. Chang JL, Atochin DN, Li Q, Lam KSL, Xu AM and Huang PL*. Bone marrow-derived circulating endothelial progenitor cells contribute to eNOS-regulated endothelial repair and vasodilation after arterial injury in vivo. Journal of Cardiology and Vascular Medicine, Aug; 1: 1-8 (2013). Citation 3. (IF 2.430)
4. Chang JL, Li YM, Huang Y, Lam KSL, Hoo RLC, Wong WT, Cheng KKY, Wang YQ, Vanhoutte PM and Xu AM*. Adiponectin prevents diabetic premature senescence of endothelial progenitor cells and promotes endothelial repair by suppressing the p38 MAP kinase/p16INK4A signaling pathway. Diabetes, Nov; 59(11): 2949-59 (2010). (IF 9.305) Citation 102.
3. Atochin DN, Yuzawa I, Li Q, Rauwerdink KM, Malhotra R, Chang JL, Broukaert P, Ayata C, Moskowitz MA, Bloch KD, Huang PL* and Buys ES*. Soluble guanylate cyclase a1b1 limits stroke size and attenuates neurological injury. Stroke, Aug; 41(8): 1815-9 (2010). (IF 10.17) Citation 20.
2. Du J, Chang JL, Guo SX, Zhang Q, and Wang Z*. ApoE 4 reduces the expression of Ab degrading enzyme IDE by activating the NMDA receptor in hippocampal neurons. Neuroscience Letters, Oct; 23; 464(2):140-145 (2009). (IF 3.197) Citation 21.
1. Hu QL, Chang JL, Tao LT, Yan GL, Xie MC and Wang Z*. Endoplasmic Reticulum mediated necrosis-like apoptosis of HeLa cells induced by Ca2+ oscillation. Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Nov 30; 38(6): 709-716 (2005). (IF 2.021) Citation 10.
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深圳市生物医药促进会 第二届理事会 常务理事
2021.01 中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院年度优秀员工,深圳,中国
2020.01 中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院年度优秀员工,深圳,中国
2015-2016 博士后奖学金,美国心脏学会,达拉斯,德克萨斯州,美国
2014 旅行奖学金,第六届梅奥诊所血管生成论坛,明尼苏达州,美国
2009 研究生海外交换交流活动奖学金,香港大学,香港
2007-2011 香港大学“大学研究生奖学金”(最优秀研究生奖),香港
2006 光华奖学金二等奖,清华大学,北京,中国
2004 社会活动优秀奖学金,清华大学,北京,中国
2002 社会活动优秀奖学金,清华大学,北京,中国