刘景时  男  博导  中国科学院青藏高原研究所
电子邮件: jsliu@itpcas.ac.cn
通信地址: 北京市朝阳区林萃路16号院3号楼
邮政编码: 100101







19799-19837     新疆大学地理系  理学学士
9-198810    中国科学院寒区旱区资源与环境工程研究所(兰州)理学硕士
10-19979   日本名古屋大学 地球科学   理学硕士
9-20033     日本长冈科学技术大学 环境工程系 博士


  1. 冯清华 刘景时 1989 喀喇昆仑山叶尔羌河冰湖突发洪水形成及其特征  喀喇昆仑山叶尔羌河冰湖突发洪水研究 48-59 北京 科学出版社
  2. 刘景时 1993 天山南坡库马力克河冰湖突发洪水及其对河流水情的影响  水文2期  25-29  水利出版社
  3. 刘景时 1993 天山南坡库马力克河冰湖突发洪水预报预测研究  干旱区地理 13(2)28-36
  4. 刘景时 1994 气候变化对天山北坡冰雪融水径流的影响  干旱区资源与环境 18(2)44-49
  5. 曲耀光 刘景时 马世明 1994 新疆和田地区的水资源及其潜力 干旱区资源与环境 8(2)31-39.
  6. 丁永建 刘风景 刘景时 1993 青海湖流域水量平衡要素的估算. 干旱区地理 16(4):25-30
  7. 丁永建 刘景时 1990. 我国冰湖溃决洪水和泥石流灾害研究. 中国减轻自然灾害研究, 中国科学技术出版社,496-501
  8. 曲耀光 马世明 刘景时 1995 西北干旱区水资源开发利用阶段及其潜力 自然资源学报 10(1)27-34.
  9. 沈永平 谢自楚 丁良福 刘景时 1997 流域冰川物质平衡的计算方法及其应用 冰川冻土 19(4) 302-307.
  10. Yaoguang Qu, Shimin Ma and Jingshi Liu 1997 Stages and Potentiality of water resources development in the arid Northeast China Chinese geographical science, Vol.7, No.2,140-148.
  11. 刘时银 程国栋 刘景时 1998 天山麦茨巴赫冰川湖突发洪水特征及其与气候变化的关系 冰川冻土20(1),30-37.
  12. Jingshi Liu et al. 1997. Hydrological responses of meltwater from glacier covered watersheds to climate change in the Northwest China  Vol.14:93 –97. (日本水文水资学会论文集)
  13. Ujihashi K., Jingshi Liu, Nakawo M. and Yaoguang Qu 1997  Contribution of meltwater runoff to the rivers in West Kunlun Mts., China  IAHS. No. 216:293 –307 国际水文协会论文集
  14. Liu Jingshi 1992 Jokulhlaups in Kumalike River in the Southern Tienshan, China. Annals of Glaciology 16: 85-88.
  15. Ding Yongjian, Liu Jingshi 1992 Jokulhlaup disasters in China. Annals of Glaciology,16: 180-184.
  16. Liu Jingshi, H. Fukushima, T. Hiyama 1999. Hydrological responses of meltwater from glacier covered watersheds to climate change in the Northwest China  IAHS. No. 256:193 –208.
  17. Liu Jingshi, H. Fukushima 1999. Forecasting and predicting to Glacier Dammed lake Outburst Flood from the Kumalik River in Tienshan Mountains IAHS. Publication No. 255:99 –108.
  18. Liu Jingshi, N. Hayakawa, MJ. Lu, D. Zhang, X Ma. 2002. Precipitation interpolation using spatial model and water balance in a mountainous watershed based on GIS and the DEM  J. Japan Soc. of Hydrol. and Water Resour., Vol. 15,No. 5, 496-504(in English).
  19. Jingshi Liu, N Hayakawa, M Lu, S Dong, J. Yuan 2003. Winter Streamflow, Ground Temperature and Active-layer Thickness in Northeast China. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes,14(1):11-18.
  20. Liu Jingshi, N Hayakawa, M Lu, S Dong, J Yuan 2003. Hydrological and geocryological response of winter streamflow to climate warming in Northeast China  Cold Region Science & technology  37:12-21.
  21. 张菲,刘景时,巩同梁等 2006 喜马拉雅山北坡卡鲁雄曲径流与气候变化 地理学报61(11)1411-1418.
  22. 张菲, 刘景时,巩同梁等 2006 喜马拉雅山北坡典型高山冻土区冬季径流过程   地球科学进展 21(12) 1333-1338.
  23. 巩同梁,刘昌明,刘景时2006拉萨河冬季径流对气候变暖和冻土退化的响应 地理学报 61(5)519-526.
  24. 刘景时,魏文寿,黄玉英,商思成 2006 天山玛纳斯河冬季径流对暖冬和冻土退化的响应 冰川冻土 28(5):656-662.
  25. 田克明,刘景时,康世昌2006 西藏纳木错流域冻土环境初步研究  地球科学进展 21(12) 1324-1332.
  26. 刘伟刚,任贾文,秦翔,刘景时2006 珠穆朗玛峰绒布冰川水文过程初步研究  冰川冻土  28(5):663-671.
  27. 卢巍, 刘景时等 2007 喜马拉雅山北坡卡鲁雄曲径流模拟预测 兰州大学学报 11:14-18.
  28. Jingshi Liu,Siyuan Wang,Yuying Huang 2007 Effect of climate change on runoff in a basin with mountain permafrost, Northwest China, Permafrost and Periglaical processes,18:369-377.
  29. Wang Siyuan, Liu Jingshi 2007 Temporal change of landscape  erosion pattern in the Yellow 
  30. River Basin, China.  International Journal of GIS 21:1077-1092.
  31. Wang Siyuan, Liu Jingshi 2007 Evaluation of Eco-environmental vulnerability based on Spatial Information Fusion in Yellow River Basin, China.  Pedoshpere 18(2): 171-182.
  32. 黄玉英,刘景时,商思臣,丁永建,刘时银 2008 昆仑山克里雅河冬季径流及冻土与气候变化 干旱区研究  25(2)174-178.
  33. Keming Tian, Jingshi Liu, Shichang Kang,Iain B. Campbell, Fei Zhang,Qianggong Zhang 2008 Hydrothermal pattern of frozen soil in Nam Co lake basin, the Tibetan Plateau. Environmental Geology  DOI 10.1007/s00254-008-1462-2.
  34. 谢健,刘景时,杜明远,康世昌,汪奎奎 2009 拉萨河流域高山水热分布观测结果分析 地理科学进展 28(2),223-230.
  35. Jingshi Liu,Siyuan Wang, Shumei Yu, Daqing Yang, Lu Zhang 2009 Climate warming and growth of high-elevation inland lakes on the Tibetan Plateau. Global and Planetary Change 67, 209–217.
  36. Jingshi Liu, Shichang Kang, Tongliang Gong, Anxin Lu 2009 Growth of a high-elevation large inland lake, associated with climate change and permafrost degradation in Tibet. Hydrology and earth science system, 6: 5445-5469.
  37. 汪奎奎,刘景时,巩同梁,田克明,卢巍 水文气象学方法计算冰川物质平衡 2009 山地学报 (待发表)
  38. Siyuan Wang, Jingshi Liu, Tengbo Ma. 2009. Land use dynamics and spatial pattern change in Yellow River Basin, China. Land use policy (in press)
  39. Siyuan Wang, Chibiao Ding, Jingshi Liu 2009 Landscape evolution in the Yellow River Basin using satellite remote sensing and GIS during the past decade.  30: 5573–5591.
  40. 王迪,刘景时,胡林金,张明煊 2009 近期喀喇昆仑山叶尔羌河冰川阻塞湖突发洪水及冰川变化监测分析  冰川冻土