
余少刚(Shaogang Yu),中国科学院精密测量科学与技术创新研究院
电子邮件: sgyu@apm.ac.cn
通信地址: 武汉市武昌小洪山西30号
邮政编码: 430071
从事量子多维相干谱学研究。面向量子科学前沿与国家重大需求,自主创新发展基于超短激光脉冲-物质相互作用的时频空高分辨、高灵敏的“量子多维相干谱学”新技术、新仪器,包括全共线多维相干光谱、低温多维光谱显微成像、光频梳多维光谱、多维电子谱等,精密感知与调控原子、分子、团簇、微纳材料等体系的量子相干物性,在PRL,Light,ACS Photonics,PRA等国际期刊发表论文30余篇,主持承担科技委专项、国家自然科学基金面上项目/青年项目、中国博士后特别项目/面上项目、武汉英才等项目。
2024.01-2024.01, 中国科学院精密测量科学与技术创新研究院,副研究员
2013.09-2019.06,中国科学院武汉物理与数学研究所,直博,导师:柳晓军研究员 (click here)
2013.09-2019.06,其间2017.03-2018.11, Florida International University,国家公派联合培养博 士,导师:Hebin Li教授(now at University of Miami)
- YiFeng Geng, ShaoGang Yu*, YanZuo Chen, SongPo Xu, YanLan Wang, LinQiang Hua, XuanYang Lai, and XiaoJun Liu*, Observation of collective nonradiative coherence in potassium atoms with two-dimensional coherent spectroscopy, Phys. Rev. A 111, 013102(2025).
- YanLan Wang*, ShaoGang Yu*, RenPing Sun, HuiPeng Kang, SongPo Xu, XuanYang Lai, Wei Quan, and XiaoJun Liu†, Timing correlated-electron emission from strong field atomic double ionization with polarization-gated attoclock, Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 223202 (2024) (Editors' Suggestion). News Link: 中国科学院精密测量院在阿秒电子动力学探测方面取得新进展.
- Yan Li, Yan Zeng, ZhenWei Ou, Wei Dai, Cheng Wang, Zhe Li, WenBo Li, JiaKai Yan, ShaoGang Yu*, YiLing Yu, Ti Wang*, and HongXing Xu*, Tunability of the energy transfer process in Type-II heterostructures, ACS Photonics 11, 3722 (2024).
- XuanYang Lai†, RenPing Sun†, ShaoGang Yu, YanLan Wang, Wei Quan, A. Staudte*, and XiaoJun Liu*, Reconstructing molecular orbitals with laser-induced electron tunneling spectroscopy, Ultrafast Sci. 4, 0038(2024).
- T. Khurelbaatar, J. Heo, ShaoGang Yu, XuanYang Lai*, XiaoJun Liu, and D. E. Kim*, Strong-field photoelectron holography in the subcycle limit, Light. Sci. Appl. 13, 108 (2024).
- ShiJun Wang*, ShaoGang Yu*, XuanYang Lai†, and XiaoJun Liu†, High harmonic generation from an atom in a squeezed-vacuum environment, Phys. Rev. Research 6, 033010 (2024).
- YanZuo Chen, ShaoGang Yu*, Tao Jiang, XiaoJun Liu, XinBin Cheng, and Di Huang*, Optical two-dimensional coherent spectroscopy of excitons in transition-metal dichalcogenides. Front. Phys. 19, 23301 (2024).
- ShaoGang Yu, YiFeng Geng, DanFu Liang, HeBin Li, and XiaoJun Liu*, Double-quantum zero-quantum 2D coherent spectroscopy reveals quantum coherence between collective states in an atomic vapor, Optics Letters 47, 997(2022).
- ShaoGang Yu, XuanYang Lai*, SongPo Xu, YanLan Wang, LinQiang Hua, Wei Quan, and XiaoJun Liu*, Nonadiabatic effect on temporal double-slit interference structures in an orthogonal two-color laser field, Phys. Rev. A 105, 013116(2022).
- ShaoGang Yu, XuanYang Lai*, YanLan Wang, SongPo Xu, LinQiang Hua, Wei Quan, and XiaoJun Liu*, Photoelectron holography from multiple-return backscattering electron orbits, Phys. Rev. A 101, 023414(2020).
- YanLan Wang, XuanYang Lai, ShaoGang Yu, RenPing Sun, XiaoJun Liu, M. D. Kirchner, S. Erattupuzha, S. Larimian, M. Koch, V. Hanus, S. Kangaparambil, G. Paulus, A. Baltuska, X. Xie, and M. Kitzler, Laser-induced electron transfer in the dissociative multiple ionization of Argon dimers, Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 063202 (2020).
- RenPing Sun, XuanYang Lai, ShaoGang Yu, YanLan Wang, SongPo Xu, Wei Quan, and XiaoJun Liu, Tomographic extraction of the internuclear separation based on two-center interference with aligned diatomic molecules, Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 193202(2019).
- ShaoGang Yu, Michael Titze, Yifu Zhu, Xiaojun Liu, and Hebin Li, Observation of scalable and deterministic multi-atom Dicke states in an atomic vapor, Optics Letters 44, 2795(2019). (Citations: 56)
- ShaoGang Yu, Michael Titze, Yifu Zhu, Xiaojun Liu, and Hebin Li, Long range dipole-dipole interaction in low-density atomic vapors probed by double-quantum two-dimensional coherent spectroscopy, Optics Express 27, 28891(2019).
- XinHua Xie, Tian Wang, ShaoGang Yu, XuanYang Lai, S. Roither, D. Kartashov, A. Baltuska, XiaoJun Liu, A. Staudte, and M. Kitzler, Disentangling intracycle interferences in photoelectron momentum distributions using orthogonal two-color laser fields, Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 243201(2017). News Link: 武汉物数所等在原子分子超快动力学研究中取得进展,武汉物数所在原子分子超快动力学研究方面取得重要进展.
- ShaoGang Yu, YanLan Wang, XuanYang Lai, YiYi Huang, Wei Quan, and XiaoJun Liu, Coulomb effect on photoelectron momentum distributions in orthogonal two-color laser fields, Phys. Rev. A 94, 033418(2017).
- Wei Quan, XiaoLei Hao, XiaoQing Hu, RenPing Sun, YanLan Wang, YongJu Chen, ShaoGang Yu, SongPo Xu, ZhiLei Xiao, XuanYang Lai, XingYu Li, Wilhelm Becker, Yong Wu, JianGuo Wang, XiaoJun Liu, and Jing Chen, Laser-induced inelastic diffraction from strong-field double ionization, Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 243203(2017).
- MengWen Shi, XuanYang Lai, ShaoGang Yu, YanLan Wang, Wei Quan, and XiaoJun Liu, Wigner analysis of electron correlation in high-order above-threshold ionization, Phys. Rev. A 105, 013118 (2022).
- RenPing Sun, YanLan Wang, Yu Zhou, ShaoGang Yu, SongPo Xu, XuanYang Lai, Wei Quan, and XiaoJun Liu, Precise control of intracycle interference with a phase-stabilized polarization-gated laser pulse, Phys. Rev. A 105, L021103 (2022).
- ZhiLei Xiao, Wei Quan, ShaoGang Yu, XuanYang Lai, XiaoJun Liu, ZhengRong Wei, and Jing Chen, Nonadiabatic strong field ionization of noble gas atoms in elliptically polarized laser pulses, Optics Express 30, 14873(2022).
- SongPo Xu, MingQing Liu, Wei Quan, XiaoPeng Yi, ShiLin Hu, LiBin Zheng, ZhiQiang Wang, Meng Zhao, ShaoGang Yu, RenPing Sun, YanLan Wang, LinQiang Hua, XuanYang Lai, Wilhelm Becker, Jing Chen, and XiaoJun Liu, Wavelength scaling of strong-field Rydberg-state excitation: Toward an effective S-matrix theory, Phys. Rev. A 106, 063106 (2022).
- Martin Dorner Kirchner, Sonia Erattupuzha, Seyedreza Larimian, Markus Koch, Václav Hanus, Sarayoo Kangaparambil, Gerhard Paulus, Andrius Baltuška1, Xinhua Xie, Markus Kitzler Zeiler, YanLan Wang, XuanYang Lai, ShaoGang Yu, RenPing Sun and XiaoJun Liu, Laser-subcycle control of electronic excitation across system boundaries, J. Phys. B 54, 164004(2021).
- XuanYang Lai, SongPo Xu, ShaoGang Yu, MengWen Shi, Wei Quan, and XiaoJun Liu, Revealing the wave-function-dependent zeptosecond birth time delay in molecular photoionization with double-slit interference minima, Phys. Rev. A 104, 043105 (2021).
- Jin Zhang, LinQiang Hua, ShaoGang Yu, YanLan Wang, MuFeng Zhu, ZhengRong Xiao, Cheng Gong, and XiaoJun Liu, Laser-driven fluorescence emission in a nitrogen gas jet at 100 MHz repetition rate, Phys. Rev. A 103, 032822 (2021).
- Jin Zhang, LinQiang Hua, ShaoGang Yu, Zhong Chen, and XiaoJun Liu, Femtosecond enhancement cavity with kilowatt average power, Chin. Phys. B 28, 044206(2019).
- XuanYang Lai, Wei Quan, ShaoGang Yu, YiYi Huang, and XiaoJun Liu, Polarization effects in above-threshold ionization with a mid-infrared strong laser field, Suppression in high-order above-threshold ionization: Destructive interference from quantum orbits, J. Phys. B 51, 104003(2018).
- RenPing Sun, XuanYang Lai, Wei Quan, ShaoGang Yu, YanLan Wang, SongPo Xu, ZhiLei Xiao, Yu Zhou, MingZheng Wei, Meng Zhao, and XiaoJun Liu, Coulomb potential effects in strong-field atomic ionization under elliptical polarization, Phys. Rev. A 98, 053418 (2018).
- HuiPeng Kang, SongPo Xu, YanLan Wang, ShaoGang Yu, XiaoYun Zhao, XiaoLei Hao, XuanYang Lai, Thomas Pfeifer, XiaoJun Liu, and Jing Chen, Polarization effects in above-threshold ionization of Mg with a mid-infrared strong laser field, J. Phys. B 51,10(2018).
- YanLan Wang, ShaoGang Yu, XuanYang Lai, HuiPeng Kang, SongPo Xu, RenPing Sun, Wei Quan, and XiaoJun Liu, Separating intracycle interferences in photoelectron momentum distributions by a polarization-gated pulse, Phys. Rev. A 98, 043422(2018).
- YanLan Wang, ShaoGang Yu, XuanYang Lai, XiaoJun Liu, and Jing Chen, Above-threshold ionization of noble gases in elliptically polarized fields: Effects of atomic polarization on photoelectron angular distributions, Phys. Rev. A 95 063406(2017).
- XuanYang Lai, ShaoGang Yu, YiYi Huang, LinQiang Hua, Cheng Gong, Wei Quan, C. Figueira de Morisson Faria, and XiaoJun Liu, Near-threshold photoelectron holography beyond the strong-field approximation, Phys. Rev. A 96, 013414(2017).
- Wei Quan, XiaoLei Hao, YanLan Wang, YongJu Chen, ShaoGang Yu, SongPo Xu, ZhiLei Xiao, RenPing Sun, XuanYang Lai, ShiLin Hu, MingQing Liu, Zheng Shu, XiaoDong Wang, WeiDong Li, Wilhelm Becker, XiaoJun Liu, and Jing Chen, Quantum interference in laser-induced nonsequential double ionization, Phys. Rev. A 96, 032511(2017).
- Wei Quan, XiaoLei Hao, YongJu Chen, ShaoGang Yu, SongPo Xu, YanLan Wang, RenPing Sun, XuanYang Lai, ChengYin Wu, QiHuang Gong, XianTu He, XiaoJun Liu, and Jing Chen, Long-range Coulomb effect in intense laser-driven photoelectron dynamics, Scientific Reports 6, 27108 (2016).
- YongJu Chen, ShaoGang Yu, XuanYang Lai, Wei Quan, and XiaoJun Liu, Coulomb effect on the left-right asymmetry in photoelectron emission with few-cycle laser pulses, Physics Letters A 380, 2085(2016).
- YongJu Chen, ShaoGang Yu, RenPing Sun, Cheng Gong, LinQiang Hua, XuanYang Lai, Wei Quan and XiaoJun Liu, Double ionization dynamics of molecular Hydrogen in ultrashort intense laser fields, Chin. Phys. Lett. 33, 043301(2016).
- Wei Quan, MingHu Yuan, ShaoGang Yu, SongPo Xu, YongJu Chen, YanLan Wang, RenPing Sun, ZhiLei Xiao, Cheng Gong, LinQiang Hua, XuanYang Lai, XiaoJun Liu, and Jing Chen, Laser intensity determination using nonadiabatic tunneling ionization of atoms in close-to-circularly polarized laser fields, Optics Express 24, 23248(2016).