陈清  男  硕导  中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所
电子邮件: qchen@nigpas.ac.cn
通信地址: 江苏省南京市北京东路39号
邮政编码: 210008







2010-09--2014-01   中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所   古生物学与地层学理学博士
2007-09--2010-07   中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所   古生物学与地层学理学硕士
2003-09--2007-06   南京大学   地质学(古生物)学士


2022-03~现在, 中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所, 副研究员
2014-01~2022-02,中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所, 助理研究员


( 1 ) 地质剖面地层信息全景可视化系统V1.0, 发明专利, 2020, 第 1 作者, 专利号: 2020SR1867626

( 2 ) 基于ArcGIS的三维地质体纵切分析软件V1.0, 发明专利, 2019, 第 2 作者, 专利号: 2019SR1414472


[1] 陈中阳, 陈清, 王光旭, 方翔, 唐鹏, 闫冠州, 袁文伟, 黄冰, 张小乐, 燕夔, 张元动, 王怿. 青藏高原及其周边志留纪综合地层、古生物群与古地理演化. 中国科学:地球科学[J]. 2024, 第 2 作者54(4): 1026-1057, 
[2] Nie, Haikuan, Li, Pei, Chen, Qing, Jin, Zhijun, Liu, Quanyou, Dang, Wei, Chen, Qian, Ding, Jianghui, Zhai, Changbo. A world-class source rock in southern China formed during the periods from Katian to Rhuddanian: Biostratigraphic distribution, depositional model and shale gas potential. GONDWANA RESEARCH[J]. 2024, 第 3 作者126: 267-288, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gr.2023.10.007.
[3] Chen, Zhongyang, Chen Qing, Wang Guangxu, Fang Xiang, Tang Peng, Yan Guanzhou, Yuan Wenwei, Huang Bing, Zhang Xiaole, Yan Kui, Zhang Yuandong, Wang Yi. Integrative Silurian stratigraphy, biotas and palaeogeographical evolution of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and its surrounding areas. Science China Earth Sciences[J]. 2024, 第 2 作者67(4): 1005-1035, 
[4] Zhang, Linna, Fan, Junxuan, Wang, Bo, Zhang, Yuandong, Liu, Jianbo, Huang, Hao, Chen, Qing. Quantitative paleogeographical reconstructions and basin evolution of South China during the Ordovician. EARTH-SCIENCE REVIEWS[J]. 2023, 第 7 作者241: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2023.104400.
[5] Song, Licai, Chen, Qing, Li, Huijun, Deng, Changzhou. Roller-coaster atmospheric-terrestrial-oceanic-climatic system during Ordovician-Silurian transition: Consequences of large igneous provinces. GEOSCIENCE FRONTIERS[J]. 2023, 第 2 作者14(3): 148-162, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gsf.2023.101537.
[6] Zhang, Linna, Hou, Zhangshuai, Shen, Boheng, Chen, Qing, Dong, Shaochun, Fan, Junxuan. Paleobiogeographic Knowledge Graph: An Ongoing Work with Fundamental Support for Future Research. JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCE[J]. 2023, 第 4 作者34(5): 1339-1349, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12583-023-1845-z.
[7] Yu Liu, Yuanchun Li, Mingcai Hou, Jun Shen, Thomas J Algeo, Junxuan Fan, Xiaolin Zhou, Qing Chen, Zongyuan Sun, Chao Li. Terrestrial rather than volcanic mercury inputs to the Yangtze Platform (South China) during the Ordovician-Silurian transition. GLOBAL AND PLANETARY CHANGE. 2023, 第 8 作者220: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gloplacha.2022.104023.
[8] Wu, Xuejin, Luo, Hui, Zhang, Junpeng, Chen, Qing, Fang, Xiang, Wang, Wenhui, Li, Wenjie, Shi, Zhensheng, Zhang, Yuandong. Volcanism-driven marine eutrophication in the end-Ordovician: Evidence from radiolarians and trace elements of black shale in South China. JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES[J]. 2023, 第 4 作者253: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2023.105687.
[9] 罗情勇, 钟宁宁, 李美俊, 吴进, Imran, Khan, 张烨, 陈清, 叶祥忠, 李文浩, 纪文明, 刘安吉, 郝婧玥, 姚立朋, 吴嘉. 前寒武纪——早古生代沉积岩显微组分分类、成因及演化. 石油与天然气地质[J]. 2023, 第 8 作者44(5): 1084-1101, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=7110767371.
[10] Sun, Zongyuan, Zhao, Fangqi, Melchin, Michael J, Fan, Junxuan, Zhang, Bolin, Jin, Xin, Zhang, Zihu, Yang, Shengchao, Chen, Qing, Deng, Yiying, Zhang, Linna. A high-resolution record of the late Hirnantian to Aeronian marine redox change in South China and its relationship with the record of graptolite biodiversity. PALAEOGEOGRAPHY PALAEOCLIMATOLOGY PALAEOECOLOGY[J]. 2023, 第 9 作者629: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2023.111793.
[11] 张雨晨, 唐鹏, 陈清, 魏鑫, 张园园, 王怿, 詹仁斌, 戎嘉余. 塔里木柯坪地区奥陶纪-志留纪界线地层——西克尔层的建立及其意义. 地层学杂志[J]. 2023, 第 3 作者47(4): 396-415, 
[12] Zhang, Junpeng, Lyons, Timothy W, Li, Chao, Fang, Xiang, Chen, Qing, Botting, Joseph, Zhang, Yuandong. What triggered the Late Ordovician mass extinction (LOME)? Perspectives from geobiology and biogeochemical modeling. GLOBAL AND PLANETARY CHANGE[J]. 2022, 第 5 作者216: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gloplacha.2022.103917.
[13] Hu, Xiaolong, Muller, Inigo A, Zhao, Ankun, Ziegler, Martin, Chen, Qing, Han, Lu, Shi, Zhiqiang. Clumped isotope thermometry reveals diagenetic origin of the dolomite layer within late Ordovician black shale of the Guanyinqiao Bed (SW China). CHEMICAL GEOLOGY[J]. 2022, 第 5 作者588: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2021.120641.
[14] 孙川翔, 聂海宽, 熊亮, 杜伟, 张光荣, 陈清, 李东晖. 从\“源盖控烃\”探讨四川盆地威远地区深层页岩气田富集高产地质因素. 海相油气地质. 2022, 第 6 作者27(2): 135-145, https://d.wanfangdata.com.cn/periodical/hxyqdz202202003.
[15] 聂海宽, 陈清, 李世臻, 李沛, 张金川, 包书景, 余川, 孙川翔, 李鹏, 苏海琨. 重庆綦江观音桥剖面五峰组—龙马溪组地层特征及其对页岩气勘探开发的启示. 地层学杂志[J]. 2022, 第 2 作者46(3): 271-285, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=7108485996.
[16] Chen, Zhongyang, Zhang, Di, Zhen, Yong Yi, Li, Wenjie, Wu, Rongchang, Chen, Qing, Zhao, Ankun, Zhang, Yuandong. Uppermost Katian (Ka4, Upper Ordovician) conodonts in South China: Biostratigraphy, biofacies, and paleobiogeography. MARINE MICROPALEONTOLOGY[J]. 2022, 第 6 作者175: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.marmicro.2022.102154.
[17] Chen, Zhongyang, Männik, Peep, Fan, Junxuan, Wang, Chengyuan, Chen, Qing, Sun, Zongyuan, Chen, Dongyang, Li, Chao. Age of the Silurian Lower Red Beds in South China: Stratigraphical Evidence from the Sanbaiti Section. JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCE[J]. 2021, 第 5 作者32(3): 524-533, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12583-020-1350-6.
[18] Li, Chao, Zhang, Junpeng, Li, Wenjie, Botting, Joseph, Chen, Qing, Fan, Junxuan, Zhang, Yuandong. Multiple glacio-eustatic cycles and associated environmental changes through the Hirnantian (Late Ordovician) in South China. GLOBAL AND PLANETARY CHANGE[J]. 2021, 第 5 作者207: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gloplacha.2021.103668.
[19] Wang, Chaoyong, Dong, Zaitian, Fu, Xuehai, Chen, Qing, Liu, Xiaofan, Tang, Mengmeng, Wang, Zetang. Spatiotemporal Evolution and Genesis of the Late Ordovician-Early Silurian Marine Euxinia in Northeastern Upper Yangtze Basin, South China. FRONTIERS IN EARTH SCIENCE[J]. 2021, 第 4 作者9: http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/feart.2021.788349.
[20] Deng, Yiying, Fan, Junxuan, Zhang, Shuhan, Fang, Xiang, Chen, Zhongyang, Shi, Yukun, Wang, Haiwen, Wang, Xinbing, Yang, Jiao, Hou, Xudong, Wang, Yue, Zhang, Yuandong, Chen, Qing, Yang, Aihua, Fan, Ru, Dong, Shaochun, Xu, Huiqing, Shen, Shuzhong. Timing and patterns of the Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event and Late Ordovician mass extinction: Perspectives from South China. EARTH-SCIENCE REVIEWS[J]. 2021, 第 13 作者220: 103743, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2021.103743.
[21] Chen, Qing, Chen, Xu, Zhang, Linna, Muir, Lucy A. A restudy of Early Devonian graptolites from the Himalayan Mountains, southern ***, China. GEOLOGICAL JOURNAL[J]. 2021, 第 1 作者56(12): 5894-5909, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/gj.4246.
[22] 武学进, 陈清, 李关访, 樊隽轩, 李超, 张元动, 王媛, 杨娇, 孙宗元. 黔北习科1井五峰组―龙马溪组黑色页岩的地层划分与对比. 地层学杂志[J]. 2020, 第 2 作者44(1): 1-11, https://kns.cnki.net/KCMS/detail/detail.aspx?dbcode=CJFQ&dbname=CJFDLAST2020&filename=DCXZ202001001&v=MDg3MzhNMUZyQ1VSN3FlWitkbUZ5cmhXcnZBSVM3VGRMRzRITkhNcm85RlpZUjhlWDFMdXhZUzdEaDFUM3FUclc=.
[23] Chen, Xu, Chen, Qing, Aung, Kyi Pyar, Muir, Lucy A. Latest Ordovician graptolites from the Mandalay Region, Myanmar. PALAEOWORLD[J]. 2020, 第 2 作者29(1): 47-65, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.palwor.2019.09.003.
[24] Fan, Junxuan, Shen, Shuzhong, Erwin, Douglas H, Sadler, Peter M, MacLeod, Norman, Cheng, Qiuming, Hou, Xudong, Yang, Jiao, Wang, Xiangdong, Wang, Yue, Zhang, Hua, Chen, Xu, Li, Guoxiang, Zhang, Yichun, Shi, Yukun, Yuan, Dongxun, Chen, Qing, Zhang, Linna, Li, Chao, Zhao, Yingying. A high-resolution summary of Cambrian to Early Triassic marine invertebrate biodiversity. SCIENCE[J]. 2020, 第 17 作者367(6475): 273-+, https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000509802700033.
[25] Chen Xu, Chen Zhongyang, C. E. Mitchell, Chen Qing, Zhang Linna. A restudy of the Katian (Upper Ordovician) graptolites from the East Qilianshan (Chilianshan), Northwest China. Journal of Paleontology[J]. 2019, 第 4 作者93(6): 1175-1209, 
[26] ZHANG Linna, FAN Junxuan, CHEN Qing. Deep-time Paleogeographic Reconstruction Based on Database:Taking the South China T. approximatus Biozone(Early Ordovician) as an Example. 地质学报:英文版[J]. 2019, 第 3 作者76-79, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=00002H8CK9407JP167508JP0M9R.
[27] Sun, Zongyuan, Fan, Junxuan, Wu, Lei, Chen, Qing, Chen, Zhongyang, Li, Chao. Stratigraphy of the Lungmachi black shales from the Huaying drill core in southwestern China and its palaeogeographic implications. PALAEOWORLD[J]. 2019, 第 4 作者28(3): 295-302, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.palwor.2019.01.001.
[28] 李超, 武学进, 樊隽轩, 陈清, 李关访, 孙宗元, 张元动. 贵州习科1井奥陶-志留系之交的碳同位素化学地层学. 地球化学[J]. 2019, 第 4 作者48(6): 533-543, https://kns.cnki.net/KCMS/detail/detail.aspx?dbcode=CJFQ&dbname=CJFDLAST2020&filename=DQHX201906003&v=Mjg4NTVoVmIzSUlUekRkckc0SDlqTXFZOUZaNFI4ZVgxTHV4WVM3RGgxVDNxVHJXTTFGckNVUjdxZVorWm1GQ24=.
[29] 陈清, 唐鹏, 燕夔, 李越. 华北板块西缘甘肃平凉上奥陶统平凉组灰岩微相和沉积环境. 微体古生物学报[J]. 2019, 第 1 作者36(2): 130-139, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=7002713093.
[30] CHEN Qing, ZHANG Linna, FAN Junxuan, LI Chao, ZHANG Yuandong. Are There Any Links between Biodiversity and Paleogeographic Differentiation in the Ordovician?. 地质学报:英文版[J]. 2019, 第 1 作者90-93, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=00002H8CK9407JP167508JP06LR.
[31] 陈旭, 陈清, 甄勇毅, 王红岩, 张琳娜, 张俊鹏, 王文卉, 肖朝晖. 志留纪初宜昌上升及其周缘龙马溪组黑色笔石页岩的圈层展布模式. 中国科学:地球科学[J]. 2018, 第 2 作者48(9): 1198-1206, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=676355978.
[32] 陈清, 樊隽轩, 张琳娜, 陈旭. 下扬子区奥陶纪晚期古地理演变及华南“台-坡-盆”格局的打破. 中国科学:地球科学[J]. 2018, 第 1 作者48(6): 767-777, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=675468068.
[33] Chen, Xu, Chen, Qing, Zhen, Yongyi, Wang, Hongyan, Zhang, Linna, Zhang, Junpeng, Wang, Wenhui, Xiao, Zhaohui. Circumjacent distribution pattern of the Lungmachian graptolitic black shale (early Silurian) on the Yichang Uplift and its peripheral region. SCIENCE CHINA-EARTH SCIENCES[J]. 2018, 第 2 作者61(9): 1195-1203, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=676287584.
[34] 王涛利郝爱胜陈清李王庆涛卢鸿刘大永. 中扬子宜昌地区五峰组和龙马溪组页岩发育主控因素. 天然气地球科学[J]. 2018, 29(5): 616-631, http://www.nggs.ac.cn/CN/10.11764/j.issn.1672-1926.2018.03.009.
[35] Yu, SY (Yu, Shenyang), Chen, Q (Chen, Qing), Kershaw, S (Kershaw, Stephen), 李越, Li, C (Li, Chao). Upper Ordovician continuous lithological succession in outer-shelf facies, Yangtze Platform, South China: Facies changes and oceanographic reconstruction up to the Late Ordovician Hirnantian glaciatio. ISLAND ARC[J]. 2018, 27(5): 文献号: e12259, http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcApp=PARTNER_APP&SrcAuth=LinksAMR&KeyUT=WOS:000443393300003&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=ALL_WOS&UsrCustomerID=3a85505900f77cc629623c3f2907beab.
[36] Chen, Qing, Fan, Junxuan, Zhang, Linna, Chen, Xu. Paleogeographic evolution of the Lower Yangtze region and the break of the "platform-slope-basin" pattern during the Late Ordovician. SCIENCE CHINA-EARTH SCIENCES[J]. 2018, 第 1 作者  通讯作者  61(5): 625-636, http://ir.nigpas.ac.cn/handle/332004/14278.
[37] Wang, WenHui, Hu, WenXuan, Chen, Qing, Jia, Dong, Chen, Xu. Temporal and spatial distribution of Ordovician-Silurian boundary black graptolitic shales on the Lower Yangtze Platform. PALAEOWORLD[J]. 2017, 第 3 作者26(3): 444-455, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.palwor.2016.11.002.
[38] 樊隽轩, 陈清, 孙冬胜, 李双建, 孙宗元, 张琳娜, 杨娇. 利用GBDB数据库与GIS技术绘制高精度古地理图. 古地理学报[J]. 2016, 第 2 作者18(1): 115-125, http://ir.nigpas.ac.cn/handle/332004/12501.
[39] 张琳娜, 樊隽轩, 侯旭东, 孙宗元, 陈清. 地层数据的常用空间插值方法介绍和比较分析——以上扬子区宝塔组厚度重建为例. 地层学杂志[J]. 2016, 第 5 作者40(4): 420-428, 
[40] 樊隽轩, 黄冰, 泮燕红, 史宇坤, 陈中阳, 陈清, 张琳娜, 杨娇. 定量古生物学及重要名词释义. 古生物学报[J]. 2016, 第 6 作者55(2): 220-243, http://ir.nigpas.ac.cn/handle/332004/12525.
[41] 张琳娜, 樊隽轩, 陈清. 华南上奥陶统观音桥层的空间分布和古地理重建. 科学通报[J]. 2016, 第 3 作者61(18): 2053-2063, http://ir.nigpas.ac.cn/handle/332004/12324.
[42] 陈旭, 樊隽轩, 张元动, 王红岩, 陈清, 王文卉, 梁峰, 郭伟, 赵群, 聂海宽, 文治东, 孙宗元. 五峰组及龙马溪组黑色页岩在扬子覆盖区内的划分与圈定. 地层学杂志[J]. 2015, 第 5 作者39(4): 351-358, http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/1035681.
[43] Wang Qingtao, Shen Chenchen, Chen Qing, Zhang Li, Lu Hong. Pore Characteristics and Gas Released by Crush Methods of Wufeng-Longmaxi Shale in the Northwest of Hubei Province, China. ACTA GEOLOGICA SINICA-ENGLISH EDITION[J]. 2015, 第 3 作者89: 93-96, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=671440066.
[44] Zhang, Linna, Fan, Junxuan, Chen, Qing, Melchin, Michael J. Geographic dynamics of some major graptolite taxa of the Diplograptina during the Late Ordovician mass extinction in South China. GFF[J]. 2014, 第 3 作者136(1): 327-332, http://ir.nigpas.ac.cn/handle/332004/10992.
[45] Zhang, Linna, Fan, Junxuan, Chen, Qing, Wu, ShuangYe. Reconstruction of the mid-Hirnantian palaeotopography in the Upper Yangtze region, South China. ESTONIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES[J]. 2014, 第 3 作者63(4): 329-334, http://ir.nigpas.ac.cn/handle/332004/11430.
[46] Chen Qing, Fan Junxuan, Melchin M J, Zhang Linna. Temporal and spatial distribution of the Wufeng black shales (Upper Ordovician) in South China. GFF[J]. 2014, 第 1 作者136(1): 55-59, 
[47] 陈旭, 樊隽轩, 陈清, 唐兰, 侯旭东. 论广西运动的阶段性. 中国科学: 地球科学[J]. 2014, 第 3 作者44(5): 842-850, http://ir.nigpas.ac.cn/handle/332004/10908.
[48] Chen Xu, Fan JunXuan, Chen Qing, Tang Lan, Hou XuDong. Toward a stepwise Kwangsian Orogeny. SCIENCE CHINA-EARTH SCIENCES[J]. 2014, 第 3 作者57(3): 379-387, http://ir.nigpas.ac.cn/handle/332004/9926.
[49] 侯旭东, 樊隽轩, 陈清, 张清. GBDB数据平台中地层剖面全景显示功能的设计与实现. 地层学杂志[J]. 2014, 第 3 作者38(2): 129-136, http://ir.nigpas.ac.cn/handle/332004/11103.
[50] Fan, Junxuan, Hou, Xudong, Chen, Qing, Melchin, Michael J, Goldman, Daniel, Zhang, Linna, Chen, Zhongyang. Geobiodiversity Database (GBDB) in stratigraphic, palaeontological and palaeogeographic research: graptolites as an example. GFF[J]. 2014, 第 3 作者136(1): 70-74, http://ir.nigpas.ac.cn/handle/332004/11004.
[51] 王志浩, Stig M Bergstrom, 甄勇毅, 张元动, 吴荣昌, 陈清. 内蒙古乌海大石门奥陶系牙形刺和Histiodella动物群发现的意义. 微体古生物学报[J]. 2013, 第 6 作者30(4): 323-343, 
[52] Fan, Junxuan, Chen, Qing, Hou, Xudong, Miller, Arnold I, Melchin, Michael J, Shen, Shuzhong, Wu, Shuangye, Goldman, Daniel, Mitchell, Charles E, Yang, Qun, Zhang, Yuandong, Zhan, Renbin, Wang, Jun, Leng, Qin, Zhang, Hua, Zhang, Linna. Geobiodiversity Database: a comprehensive section-based integration of stratigraphic and paleontological data. NEWSLETTERS ON STRATIGRAPHY[J]. 2013, 第 2 作者46(2): 111-136, https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000323240400002.
[53] 樊隽轩, 吴磊, 陈中阳, 陈清, 张琳娜, Soo KwongYin, Singh Navpreet, 李学康, 王媛. 四川兴文县麒麟乡五峰组-龙马溪组黑色页岩的生物地层序列. 地层学杂志[J]. 2013, 第 4 作者37(4): 513-520, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=47627582.
[54] 樊隽轩, 侯旭东, 陈中阳, 陈清, 王媛. 基于GBDB数据库的地层学研究与应用. 地层学杂志[J]. 2013, 第 4 作者37(4): 400-409, 
[55] 张琳娜, 樊隽轩, Melchin M J, 陈清, Wu Shuangye, Goldman D, Mitchell C M, Sheets H D. 物种分布模型在古生物学研究中的应用. 古生物学报[J]. 2013, 第 4 作者52(2): 146-160, 
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(1) 中国志留纪地层及标志化石图集, Silurian Stratigraphy and Index Fossils of China, 浙江大学出版社, 2020-06, 第 其他 作者
(2) 中国奥陶纪地层及标志化石图集, Ordovician Stratigraphy and Index Fossils of China, 浙江大学出版社, 2020-06, 第 其他 作者
(3) 中国扬子区奥陶纪末至志留纪初含页岩气地层, Latest Ordovician to Early Silurian Shale Gas Strata of the Yangtze Region, China, 浙江大学出版社, 2022-04, 第 3 作者


( 1 ) 华南五峰组-龙马溪组黑色页岩高有机质富集与生物多样性相关性研究, 负责人, 国家任务, 2020-01--2023-12