

主要从事天体生物学研究,关注非生物成因有机与生命起源、太古宙生命痕迹的保存及其受非生物作用的影响,以及古海洋氧化原条件演域。已在PNASNature CommunicationsGeologyEarth and Planetary Science LettersGeophysical Research Letters等国内外期刊上20余篇。现为Origin of Life Early-career Network,担任Geophysical Research LettersScientific ReportsOre Geology ReviewsMicrobial EcologyFrontiers in Marine Science等学期刊稿人。













  • Nan, J., Luo, S., Tran, Q.P., Fahrenbach, A.C., Lu, W.-N., Hu, Y., Yin, Z., Ye, J., and Van Kranendonk, M.J., 2024. Iron sulfide-catalyzed gaseous CO2 reduction and prebiotic carbon fixation in terrestrial hot springs. Nature Communications, 15, 10280. 

  • Nan, J., Peng, X., Plümper, O., Ten Have, I.C., Lu, J.G., Liu, Q.B., Li, S.L., Hu, Y., Liu, Y., Shen, Z., Yao, W., Tao, R., Preiner, M., and Luo, Y. 2024. Unraveling abiotic organic synthesis pathways in the mafic crust of mid-ocean ridges. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 121(43), e2308684121.

  • Nan, J., Peng, Z., Wang, C., Papineau, D., She, Z., Guo, Z., Peng, X., Zhou, J., Hu, Y., Yao, W., Zhang, R., Wang, C., and Tao, R., 2023. Molecular mechanism of metamorphic alteration on traces of early life in banded iron formations. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 615, 118226.

  • Nan, J., King, H.E., Delen, G., Meirer, F., Weckhuysen., B.M., Guo, Z., Peng, X., and Plümper, O., 2021. The nanogeochemistry of abiotic carbonaceous matter in serpentinites from the Yap Trench, western Pacific Ocean. Geology, 49(3), 330-334.

  • Nan, J., Tsang, M-Y., Li, J., Köster, M., Henkel, S., Lin, F., and Yao, W., 2023. Postdepositional behavior of molybdenum in deep sediments and implications for paleoredox reconstruction. Geophysical Research Letters, 50, e2023GL104706. 

  • Nan, J., Zhu, K., Ren, J., Yao, W., and Peng, X., 2023. Assessing micrometer-scale contamination from organic materials in serpentinite analysis. Science of the Total Environment, 903, 166609.

  • Nan, J., Tsang, M.Y. and Yao, W., 2024. Organic carbon oxidation and the associated pyrite formation in deep sediments at the Nankai subduction zone. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 169, 107081.

  • Wu, X., Hu, Y., Nan, J., and Yao, W., 2024. A marine barite perspective of the late Miocene biogenic bloom in the equatorial Indian Ocean and equatorial western Atlantic Ocean. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(22), p.e2024GL111748.

  • Peng, Z., Nan, J., Zhang, L., Poulton, S.W., Zhou, J., Yuan, Y., Ta, K., Wang, C. and Zhai, M., 2023. Evidence for abundant organic matter in a Neoarchean banded iron formation. American Mineralogist, 108(12), 2164-2181.

  • Chen, F., Wang, Q., Pufahl, P.K., Matheson, E.J., Xian, H., Nan, J., Ma, H. and Deng, J., 2023. Carbonate-hosted manganese deposits and ocean anoxia. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 622, 118385.

  • Jia, L., Xue, H., Xian, F., Sugahara, Y., Sakai, N., Nan, J., Yamauchi, Y., Sasaki, T. and Ma, R., 2023. Porous and Partially Dehydrogenated Fe2+‐Containing Iron Oxyhydroxide Nanosheets for Efficient Electrochemical Nitrogen Reduction Reaction (ENRR). Small, p.2303221.

  • Wang, C., Tao, R., WALTERS, J.B., Ren, T., Nan, J. and Zhang, L., 2023. Deciphering the Origin of Abiotic Organic Compounds on Earth: Review and Future Prospects. Acta Geologica Sinica‐English Edition, 97(1), 288-308.

  • Asche, S., Bautista, C., Boulesteix, D., … Nan, J. …, Vieira, A. and Xavier, JC., 2023. What it takes to solve the Origin (s) of Life: An integrated review of techniques. arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.11665.

  • Wang, C., Huang, H., Tong, X., Zheng, M., Peng, Z., Nan, J., Zhang, L. and Zhai, M., 2016. Changing provenance of late Neoarchean metasedimentary rocks in the Anshan-Benxi area, North China Craton: Implications for the tectonic setting of the world-class Dataigou banded iron formation. Gondwana Research, 40, 107-123.

  • 佟小雪;张连昌;王长乐;彭自栋;南景博.鞍本地区大孤山条带状铁建造含铁矿物和相分带特征及形成环境分析[J].岩石学报, 2018, 34(04), 1119-1138.

  • 彭自栋;张连昌;王长乐;佟小雪;南景博.新太古代清原绿岩带下甸子BIF铁矿地质特征及含黄铁矿条带BIF的成因探讨[J].岩石学报, 2018, 34(02), 398-426.

  • 佟小雪;王长乐;彭自栋;南景博;黄华;张连昌.早前寒武纪BIF原生矿物组成及演化,沉积相模式研究进展[J].地球科学进展, 2018, 33(2), 14.

  • 彭自栋王长乐赵刚朱明田张连昌佟小雪;南景博..前寒武纪VMSBIF铁矿床共生组合研究进展[J].矿床地质, 2017, 36(4), 16.

  • 南景博;黄华;王长乐;彭自栋;佟小雪;张连昌.内蒙古固阳绿岩带条带状铁建造地球化学特征与沉积环境讨论[J].中国地质, 2017, 44(02), 331-345.