电子邮件: shanjun@issas.ac.cn
通信地址: 江苏省南京市北京东路71号
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1984年生,山东泰安人,博士,研究员,博导,国家高层次人才计划青年拔尖人才获得者。国际腐殖物质协会(IHSS)会员,中国土壤学会氮素工作组委员,中国科学院青年创新促进会会员,江苏省土壤学会青年工作委员会副主任委员。现任European Journal of Soil Science和Soil Use & Management副主编、Journal of Hazardous Materials和Soil &Tillage Research编委、Biochar和 Carbon Research青年编委。主持国家自然科学基金联合基金重点项目、面上项目和中科院仪器设备研制青年人才类项目等10余项科技项目。长期从事土壤碳氮循环和面源污染防控研究,已在Global Change Biology、Environmental Science & Technology、Soil Biology & Biochemistry等期刊发表论文70余篇,论文总被引2600余次,H因子29,连续入选2023,2024斯坦福全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单。曾获南京大学优秀博士论文、中国生态网络十佳青年优秀论文、中国土壤学会优秀青年学者奖。
李进芳 硕士研究生 085238-生物工程
金科 硕士研究生 085229-环境工程
周晗 硕士研究生 077601-环境科学
冯雪莹 博士研究生 083001-环境科学
黄静文 博士研究生 083001-环境科学
余恒 硕士研究生 090707-水土保持与荒漠化防治
1. 国家自然科学基金联合基金重点项目,U20A20113,宁夏引黄灌区农田面源氮磷迁移规律及其地表水水质响应机制,2021/01-2024/12,260万,在研,主持;
2. 国家重点研发计划课题子课题,2021YFD1700802,南方水网区“薄”包气带氮素转化及其消纳机制研究,2021/05-2025.12,100万,在研,主持;
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,42177303,利用MIMS 和15N示踪研究水稻土自生生物固氮速率、影响因素和调控措施,2022/01-2025/12,56万,在研,主持;
4. 国家重点研发计划课题子课题,2022YFD2300300,新型土壤固碳技术及其机制研究,2022/11-2025/12,50万,在研,主持。
1. Wei, Z.J., Senbayram, M., Zhao, X., Li, C., Jin, K., Wu, M., Rahman, M.M., Shan, J.#, Yan, X.Y.#, 2022. Biochar amendment alters the partitioning of nitrate reduction by significantly enhancing DNRA in a paddy field. Biochar 4, 44. (#Corresponding author).
2. Wang, Y., Tian, L., Wang, L., Yan, X., Shan, J.#, Ji, R., 2021. Degradation, transformation, and non-extractable residue formation of nitrated nonylphenol isomers in an oxic soil. Environ. Pollut. 289, 117880. (#Corresponding author).
3. Shan, J., Sanford, R.A., Chee-Sanford, J., Ooi, S.K., Loeffler, F.E., Konstantinidis, K.T., Yang, W.H., 2021. Beyond denitrification: the role of microbial diversity in controlling nitrous oxide reduction and soil nitrous oxide emissions. Glob. Chang. Biol. 27, 2669-2683.
4. Wang, Y., Shan, J.#, Zhao, Y., Li, F., Corvini, P.F.X., Ji, R.#, 2020. Degradation and transformation of nitrated nonylphenol isomers in activated sludge under nitrifying and heterotrophic conditions. J. Hazard. Mater. 393, 122438. (#Corresponding author).
5. Dou, S.*, Shan, J. *, Song, X.Y., Cao, R., Wu, M., Li, C.L., Guan, S., 2020. Are humic substances soil microbial residues or unique synthesized compounds? A perspective on their distinctiveness. Pedosphere 30, 159-167. (*Equal contribution).
6. Shan, J., Zhao, X., Sheng, R., Xia, Y.Q., Ti, C.P., Quan, X.F., Wang, S.W., Wei, W.X., Yan, X.Y., 2016. Dissimilatory nitrate reduction processes in typical Chinese paddy soils: rates, relative contributions and influencing factors. Environ. Sci. Technol. 50, 9972-9980.
7. Shan, J., Liu, J., Wang, Y.F., Yan, X.Y., Guo, H.Y., Li, X.Z., Ji, R., 2013. Digestion and residue stabilization of bacterial and fungal cells, protein, peptidoglycan, and chitin by the geophagous earthworm Metaphire guillelmi. Soil Biol. Biochem. 64, 9-17.
8. Shan, J., Jiang, B.Q., Yu, B., Li, C.L., Sun, Y.Y., Guo, H.Y., Wu, J.C., Klumpp, E., Schaeffer, A., Ji, R., 2011. Isomer-specific degradation of branched and linear 4-nonylphenol isomers in an oxic soil. Environ. Sci. Technol. 45, 8283-8289.
9. Shan, J., Wang, T., Li, C.L., Klumpp, E., Ji, R., 2010. Bioaccumulation and bound-residue formation of a branched 4-nonylphenol isomer in the geophagous earthworm Metaphire guillelmi in a rice paddy soil. Environ. Sci. Technol. 44, 4558-4563.
10. Shan, J., Brune, A., Ji, R., 2010. Selective digestion of the proteinaceous component of humic substances by the geophagous earthworms Metaphire guillelmi and Amynthas corrugatus. Soil Biol. Biochem. 42, 1455-1462.