LONG Hualou
BSc, MSc, PhD (PKU), FAcSS
Professor of Human Geography
Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research
Chinese Academy of Sciences
11A Datun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100101, China
Email: longhl@igsnrr.ac.cn
Research Areas
Rural geography / Rural restructuring / Urban-rural development
Land use change / Land use transition / Sustainable land use
July 1999: Ph.D. in Geography, Peking University, China
July 1996: M.S. in Geography, Northeast Normal University, China
July 1993: B.S. in Geography, Hunan Normal University, China
Since July 2021: Professor, Guangxi University
Since January 2011: Professor, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research (IGSNRR) of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) & University of Chinese Academy of Sciences of CAS
August 2006 to January 2011: Associate Professor, IGSNRR, CAS
January 2009 to April 2009: Visiting Scholar, Institute of Geography and Earth Sciences (IGES), Aberystwyth University, Aberystwyth, UK
July 2001 to August 2006: Associate Research Fellow, Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation Center, the Ministry of Land and Resources of China
February 2005 to December 2005: Research Scholar, Sustainable Rural Development, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Laxenburg, Austria
July 1999 to July 2001: Postdoctoral Researcher, IGSNRR, CAS, Beijing, China
Honors & Distinctions
Prizes, Honours and Professional Services
2021: Hualou was elected as Distinguished Professor of the CJ Scholars Program in the field of Social Sciences, the Ministry of Education of China
2019-: Council Member & Director of the Commission on Agricultural Geography and Rural Development, the Geographical Society of China
2019-: Highly Cited Researcher in the field of Social Sciences from Clarivate™
2016-: Executive Council Member & Director of the Working Committee on Youth, China Land Science Society
2015-: Most Cited Chinese Researcher in the field of Social Sciences from Elsevier
2022: Excellent sci-tech paper of China Association for Science and Technology
2019-2021: Director of the Department of Agricultural Geography and Rural Development, IGSNRR, CAS
2021: External reviewer for technical report of the Science-Policy Interface (SPI) of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD)
2021: Springer Nature - China New Development Award for Land Use Transitions and Rural Restructuring in China
2021: National Advanced Collective in Poverty Alleviation by the CPC Central Committee & State Council of China
2018: Science and Technology Promotion and Development Prize, CAS
2018: PhD External Examiner, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur
2017-2022: BaGui Scholar of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China
2017: Advanced Individual in Poverty Alleviation by the Poverty Alleviation Office of the State Council of China
2017-2022: Deputy Director of the Center for Assessment and Research on Targeted Poverty Alleviation, CAS
2016: Visiting professor invited by TAOYAKA Program, Hiroshima University, Japan
2014: Consultant for International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), United Nations
Editorial Board Membership
2024- : Associate Editor of Journal of Rural Studies
2015- : Associate Editor of Habitat International
2020- : Member of the advisory board of Land
2010- : Member of the editorial board of Land Use Policy
2013-2015: Member of the editorial board of Habitat International
2012-2024: Member of the editorial board of Journal of Rural Studies
2021- : Member of the editorial board of Chinese Geographical Science
2020- : Member of the editorial board of Journal of Urban and Regional Analysis
2017- : Member of the editorial board of Journal of Sustainable Rural Development
2022- : Collection Editor of Land, Collection on Land Use Transitions and Land System Science
2020-2021 : Guest Editor of Land , Special Issue on Land Use Transitions under Rapid Urbanization
2015-2016 : Guest Editor of Journal of Rural Studies, Special Issue on Rural Restructuring in China
2013-2014 : Guest Editor of Land Use Policy, Special Issue on Land Use Policy in China
2022-: Chief Editor of Series on Land Use and Rural Transformation (The Commercial Press, in Chinese)
2021- : Member of the editorial board of Journal of Land Economics (in Chinese)
2015- : Member of the editorial board of Geographical Research (in Chinese)
2015- : Member of the editorial board of Progress in Geography (in Chinese)
2015- : Member of the editorial board of Mountain Research (in Chinese)
2013- : Member of the editorial board of Economic Geography (in Chinese)
Referee for the International Journals
* Annals of the American Association of Geographers * African Journal of Agricultural Research * Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment * Agricultural Sciences in China * Agricultural Systems * Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems * Agronomy for Sustainable Development * Applied Geography * Area Development and Policy * China: An International Journal * Chinese Geographical Science * Cities * Current Science * Disaster Advances * Ecological Economics * Ecological Indicators * Environment and Planning B *Environmental Earth Sciences * Environmental Management * Environmental Monitoring and Assessment * Framing the Debate Series * Frontiers of Earth Science * Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering * Geoforum * Geografiska Annaler B: Human Geography * Habitat International * Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology * Journal of Coastal Research * Journal of Development Studies * Journal of Earth System Science * Journal of Environmental Management * Journal of Geographical Sciences * Journal of Geography and Regional Planning * Journal of Integrative Agriculture * Journal of Mountain Science * Journal of Rural and Community Development * Journal of Rural Studies * Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture * Journal of Zhejiang University - SCIENCE B * Land Degradation& Development * Land * Land Use Policy * Landscape and Urban Planning * Nature Communications * Nature Food * Outlook on Agriculture * Pedosphere * PLOS ONE * Quality & Quantity * Regional Environmental Change * Research in Globalization * Rural Sociology * SAGE Open * Science * Science Bulletin * Scientific World Journal * Social Indicators Research * Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment * Sustainability * Sustainable Development * Thai Journal of Agricultural Science * The Professional Geographer * The Social Science Journal * Theoretical and Applied Climatology * Tourism Geographies * Urban Studies * World Development
Books, Book Chapters & Journal Articles (in English)
1. Zhou Guipeng, Long Hualou*. Explanation of land-use system evolution: Modes, trends, and mechanisms. Land Use Policy, 2025, 150, 107470.
1. Long Hualou. Rural Development. In: Warf, B. (eds) The Encyclopedia of Human Geography. Springer Nature, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-25900-5_95-1
2. Huang Yingqian, Long Hualou*, Jiang Yanfeng, Feng Dedong, Ma Zizhou, Mumtaz Faisal. Motivating factors of farmers’ adaptation behaviors to climate change in China: A meta-analysis. Journal of Environmental Management, 2024, 359, 121105.
3. Jiang Yanfeng, Long Hualou*, Tang Yu-ting**, Deng Wu. Measuring the role of land consolidation to community revitalization in rapidly urbanizing rural China: A perspective of functional supply-demand. Habitat International, 2024, 154, 103237.
4. Li Sijie, Zhang Yingnan*, Long Hualou**, Xu Linzeng. Understanding rural gentrification in China: Examining the evolving concept and comparative insights. Journal of Rural Studies, 2024, 108, 103301.
5. Jiang Yanfeng, Long Hualou*, Tang Yu-ting**, Deng Wu. Deciphering how promoting land consolidation for village revitalization in rural China: A comparison study. Journal of Rural Studies, 2024, 110, 103349.
6. Chen Kunqiu, Chen Yunya, Long Hualou*, Li Ninghui. How does land consolidation affect rural development transformation?. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2024, 34(3): 417-438.
7. Li Simeng, Yang Ren*, Long Hualou**, Li Yuancheng, Ge Yusi. Rural spatial restructuring in suburbs under capital intervention: Spatial construction based on nature. Habitat International, 2024, 150, 103112.
8. Feng Dedong, Jiang Yanfeng*, Long Hualou**, Huang Yingqian. Spatio-temporal pattern and correlation effects of regional rurality and poverty governance change : A case study of the rocky desertification area of Yunnan-Guangxi-Guizhou, China. Habitat International, 2024, 146, 103044.
9. Ma Li, He Qiulian, Long Hualou*, Zhang Yingnan**, Liao Liuwen. Rural return migration in the post COVID-19 China: incentives and barriers. Journal of Rural Studies, 2024, 107, 103258.
10. Lyu Ligang, Zhu Junjun, Long Hualou*, Liao Kaihua, Fan Yeting, Wang Junxiao. Effects of farmland use transition on soil organic carbon in dry farming areas. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 2024, 26(3): 7055–7078.
11. Zhou Guipeng, Long Hualou*, Jiang Yanfeng, Tu Shuangshuang. Ecological function transitions of land use in the Beibu Gulf Economic Zone from the perspective of production-living-ecological spaces. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2024, 34(11): 2212-2238.
1. Zhang Yingnan, Long Hualou*, Chen Shuocun, Ma Li, Gan Muye. The development of multifunctional agriculture in farming regions of China: Convergence or divergence?. Land Use Policy, 2023, 127, 106576.
2. Hu Zhichao, Li Yurui, Long Hualou*, Kang Changjiang. The evolution of China's rural depopulation pattern and its influencing factors from 2000 to 2020. Applied Geography, 2023, 159, 103089.
3. Liu Yongqiang, Long Hualou*, Dai Lin. Theories and practices of comprehensive land consolidation in promoting multifunctional land use. Habitat International, 2023, 142, 102964.
4. Liao Liuwen,Long Hualou*,Ma Enpu.Factors influencing the recessive morphology of farmland use under labor changes based on production input willingness and behavior of farmers. Journal of Geographical Sciences, Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2023, 33(12), 2467-2488.
5. Liao Liuwen, Ma Enpu, Long Hualou*, Peng Xiaojun. Land use transition and its ecosystem resilience response in China during 1990–2020. Land, 2023, 12, 141. https://doi.org/10.3390/land12010141
6. Tang Lisha, Long Hualou*, Daniel P. Aldrich. Ecosystem service value, evolution of ecological risk, and their correlation in the Dongting Lake Area, China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2023, 20, 4649. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph20054649
1. Long Hualou. Theorizing land use transitions: A human geography perspective. Habitat International, 2022, 128, 102669.
2. Long Hualou, Ma Li*, Zhang Yingnan, Qu Lulu. Multifunctional rural development in China: Pattern, process and mechanism. Habitat International, 2022, 121, 102530.
3. Liu Yongqiang, Dai Lin, Long Hualou*, Michael Woods*, Francesca Fois. Rural vitalization promoted by industrial transformation under globalization: The case of Tengtou village in China. Journal of Rural Studies, 2022, 95: 241-255.
4. Jiang Yanfeng, Tang Yu-ting*, Long Hualou*, Deng Wu. Land consolidation: A comparative research between Europe and China. Land Use Policy, 2022, 112, 105790.
5. Jiang Yanfeng, Long Hualou*, Christopher D. Ives, Deng Wu, Chen Kunqiu, Zhang Yingnan. Modes and practices of rural vitalisation promoted by land consolidation in a rapidly urbanising China: A perspective of multifunctionality. Habitat International, 2022, 121, 102514.
6. Zhang Yingnan, Long Hualou*, Ma Li, Tu Shuangshuang*, Li Yurui, Ge Dazhuan. Analysis of rural economic restructuring driven by e-commerce based on the space of flows: The case of Xiaying village in central China. Journal of Rural Studies, 2022, 93: 196-209.
7. Zheng Yuhan, Long Hualou*, Chen Kunqiu. Spatio-temporal patterns and driving mechanism of farmland fragmentation in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2022, 32(6): 1020-1038.
8. Tang Lisha, Long Hualou*. Simulating the development of resilient human settlement in Changsha. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2022, 32(8): 1513-1529.
9. Wu Yuzhe, Long Hualou, Zhao Pengjun, Hui Eddie Chi Man. Land use policy in urban-rural integrated development. Land Use Policy, 2022, 115, 106041.
1. Long Hualou, Kong Xiangbin, Hu Shougeng, Li Yurui (eds). Land Use Transitions under Rapid Urbanization. MDPI, Switzerland, 2021, 553 pp.
2. Long Hualou, Zhang Yingnan, Ma Li*, Tu Shuangshuang. Land use transitions: Progress, challenges and prospects. Land, 2021, 10, 903.
3. Long Hualou*, Kong Xiangbin, Hu Shougeng, Li Yurui. Land use transitions under rapid urbanization: A perspective from developing China. Land, 2021, 10, 935.
4. Ma Li, Long Hualou*, Tang Lisha, Tu Shuangshuang, Zhang Yingnan, Qu Yi. Analysis of the spatial variations of determinants of agricultural production efficiency in China. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2021, 180, 105890.
5. Zhang Yingnan, Long Hualou*, Li Yurui*, Tu Shuangshuang, Jiang Tianhe. Non-point source pollution in response to rural transformation development: A comprehensive analysis of China’s traditional farming area. Journal of Rural Studies, 2021, 83: 165-176.
6. Lyu Ligang, Gao Zhoubing, Long Hualou*, Wang Xiaorui, Fan Yeting. Farmland use transition in a typical farming area: The case of Sihong county in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain of China. Land, 2021, 10(4): 347.
7. Jiang Yanfeng, Long Hualou*, Tang Yu-ting*, Deng Wu, Chen Kunqiu, Zheng Yuhan. The impact of land consolidation on rural vitalization at village level: A case study of a Chinese village. Journal of Rural Studies, 2021, 86: 485-496.
1. Long Hualou. Land Use Transitions and Rural Restructuring in China. Springer Nature, Singapore, 2020, 563 pp.
2. Long Hualou, Qu Yi*, Tu Shuangshuang, Zhang Yingnan, Jiang Yanfeng. Development of land use transitions research in China. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2020, 30(7): 1195-1214.
3. Frank K.I., Hibbard M., Shucksmith M., Tonts M., Long Hualou, Zhang Yingnan, Dandekar H.C. Comparative rural planning cultures introduction to the interface. Planning Theory & Practice, 2020, 21(5), 769-795.
4. Ma Li, Long Hualou*, Tu Shuangshuang*, Zhang Yingnan, Zheng Yuhan. Farmland transition in China and its policy implications. Land Use Policy, 2020, 92, 104470.
5. Chen Kunqiu, Long Hualou∗, Qin Chenrong. The impacts of capital deepening on urban housing prices: Empirical evidence from 285 prefecture-level or above cities in China. Habitat International, 2020, 99, 102173.
6. Ge Dazhuan, Long Hualou∗, Qiao Weifeng∗, Wang Zhiwei, Sun Dongqi, Yang Ren. Effects of rural–urban migration on agricultural transformation: A case of Yucheng City, China. Journal of Rural Studies, 2020, 76: 85-95.
7. Zhang Yingnan, Long Hualou*, Li Yurui*, Ge Dazhuan, Tu Shuangshuang. How does off-farm work affect chemical fertilizer application? Evidence from China’s mountainous and plain areas. Land Use Policy, 2020, 99, 104848.
8. Zhang Yingnan, Long Hualou*, Mark Yaolin Wang*, Li Yurui, Ma Li, Chen Kunqiu, Zheng Yuhan, Jiang Tianhe. The hidden mechanism of chemical fertiliser overuse in rural China. Habitat International, 2020, 102, 102210.
9. Wang Fang*, Deng Xiaoyue, Gao Yuan, Long Hualou*, Liu Zhao. Shrinking or Expanding? Spatial distribution and simulation analysis of cities along the Yellow River based on regionalization. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 2020, 146(4): 04020035.
10. Chen Kunqiu, Long Hualou*, Liao liuwen, Tu Shuangshuang*, Li Tingting. Land use transitions and urban-rural integrated development: Theoretical framework and China’s evidence. Land Use Policy, 2020, 92, 104465.
11. Wu Yuzhe, Galdini R, Hui ECM, Long Hualou. Urban regeneration and re-use: China and Europe. Cities, 2020, 106, 102863.
1. Long Hualou, Zhang Yingnan, Tu Shuangshuang*. Rural vitalization in China: A perspective of land consolidation. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2019, 29(4): 517-530.
2. Ma Li, Long Hualou*, Zhang Yingnan, Tu Shuangshuang, Ge Dazhuan, Tu Xiaosong*. Agricultural labor changes and agricultural economic development in China and their implications for rural vitalization. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2019, 29(2): 163-179.
3. Ma Li, Long Hualou*, Chen Kunqiu, Tu Shuangshuang*, Zhang Yingnan, Liao Liuwen. Green growth efficiency of Chinese cities and its spatio-temporal pattern. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 2019, 146: 441–451.
4. Ge Dazhuan, Wang Zhihua, Tu Shuangshuang, Long Hualou*, Yan Huili, Sun Dongqi, Qiao Weifeng. Coupling analysis of greenhouse-led farmland transition and rural transformation development in China’s traditional farming area: A case of Qingzhou City. Land Use Policy, 2019, 86: 113-125.
5. Zhang Yingnan, Long Hualou*, Ma Li, Tu Shuangshuang, Liao Liuwen, Chen Kunqiu, Xu Zening. How does the community resilience of urban village response to the government-led redevelopment? A case study of Tangjialing village in Beijing. Cities, 2019, 95, 102396.
6. Liao Liuwen, Long Hualou*, Gao Xiaolu*, Ma Enpu. Effects of land use transitions and rural aging on agricultural production in China’s farming area: A perspective from changing labor employing quantity in the planting industry. Land Use Policy, 2019, 88, 104152.
7. Zhang Yingnan, Long Hualou*, Tu Shuangshuang*, Ge Dazhuan, Ma Li, Wang Lingzhi. Spatial identification of land use functions and their tradeoffs/synergies in China: Implications for sustainable land management. Ecological Indicators, 2019, 107, 105550.
1. Long Hualou*, Ge Dazhuan*, Zhang Yingnan, Tu Shuangshuang, Qu Yi, Ma Li. Changing man-land interrelations in China's farming area under urbanization and its implications for food security. Journal of Environmental Management, 2018, 209: 440-451.
2. Long Hualou*, Qu Yi. Land use transitions and land management: A mutual feedback perspective. Land Use Policy, 2018, 74: 111-120.
3. Ge Dazhuan, Long Hualou*, Zhang Yingnan, Ma Li, Li Tingting. Farmland transition and its influences on grain production in China. Land Use Policy, 2018, 70: 94-105.
4. Qu Yi, Long Hualou*. The economic and environmental effects of land use transitions under rapid urbanization and the implications for land use management. Habitat International, 2018, 82: 113-121.
5. Ge Dazhuan, Long Hualou*, Zhang Yingnan, Tu Shuangshuang. Analysis of the coupled relationship between grain yields and agricultural labor changes in China. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2018, 28(1), 93-108.
6. Zhang Yingnan, Long Hualou*, Ma Li, Ge Dazhuan, Tu Shuangshuang, Qu Yi. Farmland function evolution in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain: Processes, patterns and mechanisms. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2018, 28(6): 759-777.
7. Yang Yuanyuan, Li Yuheng, Long Hualou. Report on the First IGU-AGLE Commission Conference on Global Rural Development and Land Capacity Building. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2018, 28(1): 124-128.
8. Chen Cong, Long Hualou*, Zeng Xueting. Planning a sustainable urban electric power system with considering effects of new energy resources and clean production levels under uncertainty: A case study of Tianjin, China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 173: 67-81.
9. Tu Shuangshuang, Long Hualou*, Zhang Yingnan, Ge Dazhuan*, Qu Yi. Rural restructuring at village level under rapid urbanization in metropolitan suburbs of China and its implications for innovations in land use policy. Habitat International, 2018, 77: 143-152.
10. Wu Yuzhe, Hui Eddie C.M., Zhao Pengjun, Long Hualou. Land use policy for urbanization in China. Habitat International, 2018, 77: 40-42.
11. Tu Shuangshuang, Long Hualou, Zhang Yingnan, Ge Dazhuan, Qu Yi. Rural Restructuring in Metropolitan Suburbs: The Case of Huangshandian Village (Beijing). Editors: Paül C.V., Lois G.R.C., Trillo S.J.M., Haslam M.F. Infinite Rural Systems in a Finite Planet: Bridging Gaps towards Sustainability. Publisher: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 2018, 154-160.
12. Zhang Yingnan, Long Hualou, Tu Shuangshuang, Li Yurui, Ma Li, Ge Dazhuan. Rural Restructuring Driven by E-Commerce: The Case of Xiaying Village in Central China. Editors: Paül C.V., Lois G.R.C., Trillo S.J.M., Haslam M.F. Infinite Rural Systems in a Finite Planet: Bridging Gaps towards Sustainability. Publisher: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 2018, 173-180.
1. Tu Shuangshuang, Long Hualou*. Rural restructuring in China: Theory, approaches and research prospect. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2017, 27(10): 1169-1184.
2. Li Yurui, Cao Zhi, Long Hualou*, Liu Yansui, Li Wangjun. Dynamic analysis of ecological environment combined with land cover and NDVI changes and implications for sustainable urban–rural development: The case of Mu Us Sandy Land. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, 142: 697-715.
3. Li Tingting, Long Hualou*, Zhang Yingnan, Tu Shuangshuang, Ge Dazhuan, Li Yurui, Hu Baoqing. Analysis of the spatial mismatch of grain production and farmland resources in China based on the potential crop rotation system. Land Use Policy, 2017, 60: 26-36.
. Ge Dazhuan, Long Hualou*, Ma Li, Zhang Yingnan, Tu Shuangshuang*. Analysis framework of China’s grain production system: A spatial resilience perspective. Sustainability 2017, 9, 2340; doi:10.3390/su9122340.5. Ge Dazhuan, Long Hualou*. Coupling relationship between land use tr
ansitions and grain yield in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain, China. 6th International Conference on Agro-Geoinformatics, 2017, 1-6. IEEE, DOI: 10.1109/Agro-Geoinformatics.2017.8047052.6. Chen Mingxing, Long Hualou, Wang Chengjin, Huang Jinchuan, Niu Fangqu. Review of and prospects for China’s human and economic geography. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2017, 27(12): 1556-1576.
1. Long Hualou*, Liu Yansui. Rural restructuring in China. Journal of Rural Studies, 2016, 47: 387-391.
2. Long Hualou*, Tu Shuangshuang, Ge Dazhuan, Li Tingting,Liu Yansui.The allocation and management of critical resources inrural China under restructuring: Problems and prospects.Journal of Rural Studies, 2016, 47: 392-412.
3. Yang Ren*, Xu Qian, Long Hualou*. Spatial distribution characteristics and optimized reconstruction analysis of China’s rural settlements during the process of rapid urbanization. Journal of Rural Studies, 2016, 47: 413-424.
4. Liu Yongqiang, Long Hualou*. Land use transitions and their dynamic mechanism: The case of the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain.Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2016, 26(5): 515-530.
5. LIU Yansui, LONG Hualou, CHEN Yufu, WANG Jieyong, LI Yurui, LI Yuheng, YANG Yuanyuan, ZHOU Yang. Progress of research on urban-rural transformation and rural development in China in the past decade and future prospects. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2016, 26(8): 1117-1132.
6. Hu Zhichao, Wang Yanglin, Liu Yansui, Long Hualou, Peng Jian. Spatio-temporal patterns of urban-rural development and transformation in east of the “Hu Huanyong Line”, China.ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 2016, 5(3), 24, doi:10.3390/ijgi5030024
7. Chen C, Long HL*, Wan J, Jia JL, Li X, Chu CJ. Economic-energy-industrial-environmental optimization (EEIEO) model for identification of optimal strategies - a case study of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, China. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2016, 40, 012005, doi:10.1088/1755-1315/40/1/012005
1. Long Hualou, Liu Yansui.A brief background to Rural Restructuring in China: A forthcoming special issue of Journal of Rural Studies. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2015, 25(10): 1279-1280.
2. Li Yurui, Long Hualou*, Liu Yansui.Spatio-temporal pattern of China’s rural development: A rurality index perspective. Journal of Rural Studies, 2015, 38: 12-26.
3. Liu Yongqiang, Long Hualou*, Li Tingting, Tu Shuangshuang.Land use transitions and their effects on water environment in Huang-Huai-Hai Plain, China. Land Use Policy, 2015, 47: 293-301.
4. Li Tingting, Long Hualou*, Liu Yongqiang, Tu Shuangshuang.Multi-scale analysis of rural housing land transition under China’s rapid urbanization: The case of Bohai Rim. Habitat International, 2015, 48: 227-238.
5. Li Tingting, Long Hualou*, Tu Shuangshuang, Wang Yanfei. Analysis of income inequality based on income mobility for poverty alleviation in rural China. Sustainability, 2015, 7: 16362-16378.
6. Xiong Shangao, Long Hualou*, Tang Guoping, Wan Jun, Li Hongyuan.The management in response to marine oil spill from ships in China: A systematic review. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2015, 96: 7-17.
7. Yang Ren, Liu Yansui, Long Hualou, Qiao Luyin.Spatio-temporal characteristics of rural settlements and land use in the Bohai Rim of China. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2015, 25(5): 559-572.
8. Long Hualou, Liu Yansui, Li Tingting. Agricultural production in China under globalization. Editors: Guy M. Robinson, Doris A. Carson. Handbook on the Globalisation of Agriculture. Publisher: Edward Elgar, 2015, 214-234.
9. Liu Yansui, Long Hualou. Transformation of rural China. Editors: Michael Dunford, Weidong Liu. The Geographical Transformation of China. Publisher: Routledge, 2015, 88-110.
1. Long Hualou.Land consolidation: An indispensable way of spatial restructuring in rural China. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2014, 24(2): 211-225.
2. Long Hualou.Land use policy in China: Introduction. Land Use Policy, 2014, 40: 1-5.
3. Long Hualou, Liu Yongqiang, Hou Xuegang, Li Tingting, Li Yurui.Effects of land use transitions due to rapid urbanization on ecosystem services: Implications for urban planning in the new developing area of China. Habitat International, 2014, 44: 536-544.
4. Long Hualou.Themed issue on “Land Use Policy in China” published in Land Use Policy. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2014, 24(6): 1198.
5. Liu Yansui, Yang Ren, Long Hualou, Gao Jay, Wang Jieyong.Implications of land-use change in rural China: a case study of Yucheng, Shandong province. Land Use Policy, 2014, 40: 111-118.
6. Li Yurui, Liu Yansui, Long Hualou, Cui Weiguo.Community-based rural residential land consolidation and allocation can help to revitalize hollowed villages in traditional agricultural areas of China: Evidence from Dancheng County, Henan Province. Land Use Policy, 2014, 39: 188-198.
7. Li Yurui, Wang Jing, Liu Yansui, Long Hualou.Problem regions and regional problems of socioeconomic development in China: A perspective from the coordinated development of industrialization, informatization, urbanization and agricultural modernization. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2014, 24(6): 1115-1130.
1. Long Hualou, Liu Yansui.International Conference on Land Use Issues and Policy in China under Rapid Rural and Urban Transformation. Chinese Geographical Science, 2013, 23(1): 129-130.
2. Lu Shasha, Liu Yansui, Long Hualou, Guan Xingliang.Agricultural production structure optimization: a case study of major grain producing areas, China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2013, 12(1): 184-197.
3. Li Yurui, Liu Yansui, Long Hualou, Wang Jieyong.Local responses to macro development policies and their effects on rural system in China’s mountainous regions: The case of Shuanghe village in Sichuan province. Journal of Mountain Science, 2013, 10(4): 588-608.
4. Zhang Xingna, Long Hualou.MDG hunger target: Analysis of cereal production system and the evaluation of cereal production potential in Africa. Journal of Sustainable Development, 2013, 6(11): 82-97.
5. Long Hualou, Li Yurui, Liu Yansui, Zhang Xingna.Population and Settlement Change in China’s Countryside: Causes and Consequences. Editors: Cawley M., Bicalho A.M.S.M., Laurens L. The Sustainability of Rural Systems: Global and Local Challenges and Opportunities. Publisher: The Commission on the Sustainability of Rural Systems (CSRS) of the International Geographical Union (IGU) and the Whitaker Institute, National University of Ireland Galway, 2013, 123-133.
1. Long Hualou, Li Yurui, Liu Yansui, Woods M., Zou Jian.Accelerated restructuring in rural China fueled by ‘increasing vs. decreasing balance’ land-use policy for dealing with hollowed villages. Land Use Policy, 2012, 29(1): 11-22.
2. Long Hualou, Li Tingting.The coupling characteristics and mechanism of farmland and rural housing land transition in China. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2012, 22(3): 548-562.
3. Long Hualou, Liu Yansui.A commentary on the International Conference on Land Use Issues and Policy in China. Journal of Resources and Ecology, 2012, 3(4): 384-384.
4. Wang Lingzhi, Long Hualou*, Liu Huiqing, Dong Guihua.Analysis of the Relationship Between Drought-Flood Disasters and Land-Use Changes in West Jilin, China. Disaster Advances, 2012, 5(4): 652-658.
1. Long Hualou, Woods M.Rural restructuring under globalization in eastern coastal China: What can be learned from Wales?. Journal of Rural and Community Development, 2011, 6(1): 70-94.
2. Long Hualou, Zou Jian, Pykett J., Li Yurui.Analysis of rural transformation development in China since the turn of the new millennium. Applied Geography, 2011, 31(3): 1094-1105.
3. Long Hualou.Disaster prevention and management: A geographical perspective. Disaster Advances, 2011, 4(1): 3-5. (Invited Editorial)
4. Liu Yansui, Chen Yangfen, Long Hualou.Regional diversity of peasant household response to new countryside construction based on field survey in eastern coastal China. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2011, 21(5): 869-881.
1. Long Hualou, Liu Yansui, Li Xiubin, Chen Yufu.Building new countryside in China: A geographical perspective. Land Use Policy, 2010, 27(2): 457-470.
2. Long Hualou, Zou Jian.Farmland destroyed by natural hazards in China: spatio-temporal pattern and integrated prevention and treatment system. Disaster Advances, 2010, 3(4): 592-597.
3. Long Hualou, Zou Jian.Grain production driven by variations in farmland use in China: an analysis of security patterns. Journal of Resources and Ecology, 2010, 1(1): 60-67.
4. LI Yurui, LONG Hualou*, LIU Yansui.Industrial development and land use/cover change and their effects on local environment: a case study of Changshu in eastern coastal China. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering in China, 2010, 4(4): 438-448.
5. Liu YS, Wang JY, Long HL.Analysis of arable land loss and its impact on rural sustainability in Southern Jiangsu Province of China. Journal of Environmental Management, 2010, 91(3): 646-653.
6. Liu Yansui, Liu Yu, Chen Yangfen, Long Hualou.The process and driving forces of rural hollowing in China under rapid urbanization. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2010, 20(6): 876-888.
7. Liu Yansui, Long Hualou. China’s Agricultural and Rural Development Roadmap. Editors: Lu Dadao, Fan Jie. Regional Development Research in China: A Roadmap to 2050. Publisher: Science Press Beijing and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2010, 101-109.
1. Long Hualou, Zou Jian, Liu Yansui.Differentiation of rural development driven by industrialization and urbanization in eastern coastal China. Habitat International, 2009, 33(4): 454-462.
2. Long Hualou, Liu Yansui, Wu Xiuqin, Dong Guihua.Spatio-temporal dynamic patterns of farmland and rural settlements in Su-Xi-Chang region: Implications for building a new countryside in coastal China. Land Use Policy, 2009, 26(2): 322-333.
1. Long Hualou, Wu Xiuqin, Wang Wenjie, Dong Guihua.Analysis of urban-rural land-use change during 1995–2006 and its policy dimensional driving forces in Chongqing, China. Sensors, 2008, 8(2), 681-699.
2. Liu Yansui, Wang Lijuan, Long Hualou.Spatio-temporal analysis of land-use conversion in the eastern coastal China during 1996-2005. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2008, 18(3): 274-282.
1. Long Hualou, Heilig G.K., Li Xiubin, Zhang Ming.Socio-economic development and land-use change: analysis of rural housing land transition in the Transect of the Yangtse River, China. Land Use Policy, 2007, 24(1): 141-153.
2. Long Hualou, Tang Guoping, Li Xiubin, Heilig G.K.Socio-economic driving forces of land-use change in Kunshan, the Yangtze River Delta Economic Area of China. Journal of Environmental Management, 2007, 83(3): 351-364.
3. Long Hualou, Liu Yansui. China-France International Symposium on Rural Construction and Development, Beijing, China, 23-24 September 2007. Chinese Geographical Science, 2007, 17(4): 348.
1. LONG HL, HEILIG GK, WANG J, LI XB, LUO M, WU XQ, ZHANG M.Land use and soil erosion in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River: some socio-economic considerations on China’s Grain-for-green Programme. Land Degradation & Development, 2006, 17(6): 589-603.
2. Heilig G.K., Zhang Ming, Long Hualou, Li Xiubin, Wu Xiuqin.Poverty alleviation in China: a lesson for the developing world?Geographische Rundschau International Edition, 2006, 2(2): 4-13.
before 2006
1. Long Hualou.Adjustment of storm-runoff resources in semi-arid regions: taking West Jilin Province (WJP) in China as an example. Chinese Journal of Arid Land Research, 1998, 11(1): 33-40.
2. Long Hualou, Liu Huiqing, Tong Yuquan.Landscape classification for ecological construction: a case study of West Jilin in semi-arid China. Chinese Journal of Arid Land Research, 1998, 11(3): 207-215.
3. Meng Jijun, Long Hualou.Water resources in oasis ecological balance: the case of Zhangye oasis. Chinese Journal of Arid Land Research, 1998, 11(3): 255-262.
4. Cai Yunlong, Long Hualou, Meng Jijun. Ecological reconstruction of degraded land: a social approach. Editors: Pierce JT, Prager SD, Smith RA. Reshaping of rural ecologies, economies and communities. Vancouver, Brithish Columbia, Canada: Department of Geography, Simon Fraser University, 2000, pp. 93-108.
2021: Grant for the Key Program of National Social Science Foundation of China entitled Realizing effective connection of consolidating and expanding the achievements of poverty alleviation and rural vitalization (Grant No. 21AZD039) (Principle Investigator; 2021–2023: 350,000 RMB)
2019: Grant for the Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China entitled Mechanism and model of rural vitalization promoted by land consolidation under the background of urban-rural integration (Grant No. 41971216) (Principle Investigator; 2020–2023: 570,000 RMB)
2018: Grant for the Program of Poverty Alleviation by Science and Technology of CAS entitled Research on the Supporting Capacity of Poverty Alleviation by Science and Technology and the Promotion Strategy of Poverty Alleviation Effect (Grant No. KFJ-FP-201804) (Principal Investigator; 2018–2021: 4,500,000 RMB)
2017: Grant for the Key Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China entitled Land use transitions driven by urbanization and their effects on local environment in the farming areas of China: The case of Huang-Huai-Hai Plain (Grant No. 41731286) (Principle Investigator; 2018–2022: 3,160,000 RMB)
2015: Grant for the research project entitled Integration of the key technologies for the assessment of eco-environmental effects of land use transitions by the Ministry of Land and Resources of China (Grant No. 201511004-3) (Principle Investigator; 2015–2017: 2,040,000 RMB)
2014: Grant for the research project entitled Integration and demonstration of the key technologies for hollowed village consolidation in plain farming areas of China by the National Key Technology R&D Program of China (Grant No. 2014BAL01B05) (Principle Investigator; 2014–2016: 4,720,000 RMB)
First Supervisor: LIU Yongqiang (Ph.D.), LI Tingting (Ph.D.), TU Shuangshuang (Ph.D.), GE Dazhuan (Ph.D.), QU Yi (Ph.D.), MA Li (Ph.D.), ZHANG Yingnan (Ph.D.), CHEN Kunqiu (Ph.D.), ZHENG Yuhan (Ph.D.), ZHOU Guipeng (Ph.D.), LI Sijie (Ph.D.), XU Yuli (Ph.D.), FENG Dedong (Ph.D.), XU Linzeng (Ph.D.), HUANG Yingqian (Ph.D.), ZHANG Cong (Ph.D.), LI Simeng (Ph.D.), JIAN Daifei (Ph.D.), WANG Kun (Ph.D.), GU Guanhai (Ph.D.), XIANG Fangfang (Ph.D.), GUO Mengyao (Ph.D.)
ZOU Jian (M.S.), LI Tingting (M.S.), HU Zhichao (M.S.), ZHANG Xingna (M.S.), FAN Pengcan (M.S.), ZHOU Xingying (M.S.), LIANG Xiaoli (M.S.), WAN Shimeng (M.S.), LI Ping (M.S.), SHI Shuyang (M.S.), HOU Xinran (M.S.)
Co-Supervisor: LI Yurui (Ph.D.), FANG Fang (Ph.D.), HU Zhichao (Ph.D.), WANG Lingzhi (Ph.D.), JIANG Yanfeng (UNNC&IGSNRR, Ph.D.), ZHANG Shiwei (UNNC&IGSNRR, Ph.D.), JIAN Daifei (M.S.)
Post-doctoral Fellows: HOU Xuegang, CHEN Cong, XIONG Shangao, TU Xiaosong, FENG Yingbin, YANG Liguo, WANG Lingzhi, TU Shuangshuang, LYU Ligang, TANG Lisha