宋国峰 男 博导 中国科学院半导体研究所
电子邮件: sgf@red.semi.ac.cn
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电子邮件: sgf@red.semi.ac.cn
通信地址: 半导体所
邮政编码: 100083
2001-09--中国科学院半导体研究所 博士后1999-03--中国科学院研究生院 博士1998-03--北京理工大学 博士1989-09--中国科学院研究生院 硕士1983-09--北京工业学院 学士
2001-09~现在, 中国科学院半导体研究所, 博士后1999-03~现在, 中国科学院研究生院, 博士1998-03~现在, 北京理工大学, 博士1989-09~现在, 中国科学院研究生院, 硕士1983-09~现在, 北京工业学院, 学士
(1) 多通道太阳望远镜, 二等奖, 国家级, 1996(2) 多通道太阳望远镜, 一等奖, 部委级, 1995
( 1 ) 太赫兹吸收器的结构单元、吸收器及调控方法, 2024, 第 1 作者, 专利号: CN118352796A( 2 ) 双崖层调控高速单行载流子光电探测器, 2024, 第 2 作者, 专利号: CN117913160B( 3 ) 双崖层调控高速单行载流子光电探测器, 2024, 第 2 作者, 专利号: CN117913160A( 4 ) 基于波导传输的高效太赫兹偏振分束器, 2023, 第 2 作者, 专利号: CN113805272B( 5 ) 高速光电探测器的外延结构, 2023, 第 1 作者, 专利号: CN116565040A( 6 ) 基于波导传输的高效太赫兹偏振分束器, 2021, 第 2 作者, 专利号: CN113805272A( 7 ) 基于二氧化钒的超材料太赫兹可调吸收器, 2021, 第 2 作者, 专利号: CN213026519U( 8 ) 一种纳米线状狄拉克半金属砷化镉及其制备方法, 2020, 第 5 作者, 专利号: CN111554567A( 9 ) 纳米线状狄拉克半金属砷化镉及其制备方法, 2018, 第 7 作者, 专利号: CN108109904A( 10 ) 一种柔性超表面结构, 2017, 第 3 作者, 专利号: CN106918850A( 11 ) 可延展柔性无机光电子器件及其制备方法, 2017, 第 3 作者, 专利号: CN106783745A( 12 ) 具有吸收增强结构的II类超晶格光电探测器及其制备方法, 2017, 第 1 作者, 专利号: CN106684180A( 13 ) InAs/InSb/GaSb/InSbⅡ类超晶格材料制造方法及产品, 2016, 第 1 作者, 专利号: CN105932106A( 14 ) 一种表面等离子体增强量子阱红外探测器及其制备方法, 2016, 第 3 作者, 专利号: CN105870219A( 15 ) 表面增强的相干反斯托克斯拉曼散射的结构, 2016, 第 1 作者, 专利号: CN105576497A( 16 ) 用于表面增强相干反斯托克斯拉曼散射的纳米结构, 2016, 第 1 作者, 专利号: CN105573010A( 17 ) 基于无机半导体材料的柔性LED阵列的制备方法, 2016, 第 1 作者, 专利号: CN105489716A( 18 ) 一种高响应度雪崩光电二极管制备方法, 2015, 第 6 作者, 专利号: CN105118886A( 19 ) 一种可延展无机柔性LED阵列的制备方法, 2015, 第 1 作者, 专利号: CN105006450A( 20 ) 表面等离子体调制的倒装VCSEL激光器及其制造方法, 2015, 第 1 作者, 专利号: CN104882787A( 21 ) 一种激光夜视光源系统, 2015, 第 3 作者, 专利号: CN104362511A( 22 ) 基于表面等离子体效应增强吸收的InGaAs光探测器, 2014, 第 1 作者, 专利号: CN103943714A( 23 ) 基于一维光子晶体结构的液晶光开关, 2014, 第 1 作者, 专利号: CN103823276A( 24 ) InGaAs红外光探测器, 2014, 第 3 作者, 专利号: CN103811580A( 25 ) 非对称Au粒子阵列和FP腔耦合的折射率传感器, 2014, 第 1 作者, 专利号: CN103808691A( 26 ) 一种双色量子阱红外光探测器, 2013, 第 1 作者, 专利号: CN103325862A( 27 ) 可调谐有源滤波器, 2013, 第 1 作者, 专利号: CN103278942A( 28 ) 大面积表面增强拉曼活性基底的倾斜生长制备方法, 2013, 第 1 作者, 专利号: CN103274353A( 29 ) 局域表面等离子体和波导模式耦合的结构, 2013, 第 1 作者, 专利号: CN103267742A( 30 ) 具有宽度周期性渐变表面的全息光栅制备方法, 2013, 第 1 作者, 专利号: CN103226215A( 31 ) 周期阵列的局域等离子体共振传感器, 2013, 第 1 作者, 专利号: CN103163104A( 32 ) 亚波长自聚焦的径向偏振垂直腔面发射激光器及制备方法, 2012, 第 1 作者, 专利号: CN102637999A( 33 ) 大面积有序可控表面增强拉曼活性基底的制备方法, 2012, 第 1 作者, 专利号: CN102621128A( 34 ) “W”型锑化物二类量子阱的外延生长方法, 2011, 第 6 作者, 专利号: CN102157903A( 35 ) 一种制备具有稳定偏振输出的垂直腔面发射激光器的方法, 2010, 第 1 作者, 专利号: CN101888058A( 36 ) 基于微小孔激光器的扫描近场光学显微镜系统, 2010, 第 1 作者, 专利号: CN101881786A( 37 ) 半导体激光器腔面温度的测量方法, 2010, 第 2 作者, 专利号: CN101865729A( 38 ) 利用纳米压印技术制备面发射表面等离子体激光器的方法, 2010, 第 1 作者, 专利号: CN101834407A( 39 ) 一种用于疾病诊断的光学生物芯片与制备方法, 2010, 第 1 作者, 专利号: CN100582743C( 40 ) 实现超高真空半导体外延片解理和腔面多层镀膜的系统, 2009, 第 1 作者, 专利号: CN101519766A( 41 ) 一种垂直腔面发射纳米尺度半导体激光光源及制法, 2008, 第 1 作者, 专利号: CN101202419A( 42 ) 含高掺杂隧道结的垂直腔面发射激光器, 2008, 第 5 作者, 专利号: CN101192739A( 43 ) 微小孔垂直腔面发射激光器的制备方法, 2008, 第 2 作者, 专利号: CN101145672A( 44 ) 近场光学固体浸墨透镜型微小孔径激光器及制作方法, 2006, 第 2 作者, 专利号: CN1832279A( 45 ) 窗口隔离型极小孔半导体激光器和制作方法, 2005, 第 2 作者, 专利号: CN1219346C
(1) A Highly Efficient Plasmonic Polarization Conversion Metasurface Supporting a Large Angle of incidence, Crystals, 2024, 第 1 作者 通讯作者(2) FullStokes polarization mid-wave infrared photodetector based on theoolarization-converting metasurface, Optics communication, 2024, 第 1 作者 通讯作者(3) Ultrahigh-Reflectivity Circularly Polarized Mirrors Based on the High-Contrast Subwavelength Chiral metasurace, Photonics, 2024, 第 1 作者(4) Full Stokes Mid-Wavelength Infrared Polarization Photodetector Based on the Chiral Dielectric Metasurface, PHOTONICS, 2024, 第 3 作者 通讯作者(5) Full-stokes polarization photodetector based on the chiral metasurface with the dislocated double gold rod configurations, OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY, 2024, 第 3 作者 通讯作者(6) Tailoring of Circularly Polarized Beams Employing Bound States in the Continuum in a Designed Photonic Crystal Metasurface Nanostructure, NANOMATERIALS, 2024, 第 10 作者(7) Terahertz broadband tunable multifunctional metasurface based on VO2, Optics materials express, 2024, 第 1 作者 通讯作者(8) Ultrahigh-reflectivity chiral mirrors based on the metasurface of the quarter-waveplate, Heliyon, 2024, 第 1 作者 通讯作者(9) Full-Stokes polarization photodetector based on the hexagonal lattice chiral metasurface, Optics Express, 2023, 第 1 作者 通讯作者(10) High spatial resolution Stokes metasurface based on three-pixel technology, OPTICAL MATERIALS EXPRESS, 2023, 第 3 作者 通讯作者(11) Directly and instantly seeing through random diffusers by self-imaging in scattering speckles, PHOTONIX, 2023, 第 3 作者(12) Polarization-sensitive broadband bidirectional absorber in the optical communication band, OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, 2023, 第 3 作者(13) A three-band perfect absorber based on a parallelogram metamaterial slab with monolayer MoS2, A three-band perfect absorber based on a parallelogram metamaterial slab with monolayer MoS2, Chinese Physics B, 2023, 第 6 作者(14) The full-space metasurface holography of ultraviolet range, OPTICS AND LASERS IN ENGINEERING, 2023, 第 6 作者 通讯作者(15) Broadband ultra-thin Long-Wave InfraRed metamaterial absorber based on trapezoidal pyramid array, RESULTS IN PHYSICS, 2023, 第 7 作者 通讯作者(16) The Ultra-Large-Bandwidth Cascade Full-Stokes-Imaging Metasurface Based on the Dual-Major-Axis Circular Dichroism Grating, NANOMATERIALS, 2023, 第 2 作者(17) Antimonide-based high operating temperature infrared photodetectors and focal plane arrays: a review and outlook, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS, 2023, 第 5 作者(18) Detecting the non-magnetism and magnetism switching of point defects in graphene at the atomic scale, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 2022, 第 6 作者 通讯作者(19) Mutual coupling of corner-localized quasi-BICs in high-order topological PhCs and sensing applications, OPTICS EXPRESS, 2022, 第 5 作者(20) Mid-Infrared Sensor Based on Dirac Semimetal Coupling Structure, SENSORS, 2022, 第 3 作者 通讯作者(21) A Three-band perfect absorber based on a parallelogram metamaterial slab with monolayer MoS2, Chinese Physics B, 2022, 第 1 作者 通讯作者(22) Resonance-Enhanced Quantum Well Micropillar Array with Ultra-Narrow Bandwidth and Ultra-High Peak Quantum Efficiency, ELECTRONICS, 2022, 第 5 作者(23) Switchable trifunctional terahertz absorber for both broadband and narrowband operations, OPTICS EXPRESS, 2022, 第 1 作者 通讯作者(24) Flexible alternating current electroluminescent devices integrated with high voltage triboelectric nanogenerators, NANOSCALE, 2022, 第 5 作者(25) Dual-Band Chiral Nonlinear Metasurface Supported by Quasibound States in the Continuum, ANNALEN DER PHYSIK, 2022, 第 1 作者 通讯作者(26) Novel optical XOR/OR logic gates based on topologically protected valley photonic crystals edges, JOURNAL OF OPTICS, 2021, 第 6 作者 通讯作者(27) Large bandwidth and high-efficiency plasmonic quarter-wave plate, OPTICS EXPRESS, 2021, 第 7 作者 通讯作者(28) Discovering a Cr-Induced Novel Superstructure on Top of a GaN Pseudo 1 x 1 Surface by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Using a Fe/W Tip, CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN, 2021, 第 7 作者 通讯作者(29) Design and calculation of type-II superlattice resonant cavity-enhanced photodetector with high quantum efficiency and low dark current, PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER, 2021, 第 4 作者(30) Strong-coupling anisotropic s-wave superconductivity in the type-II Weyl semimetal TaIrTe4, PHYSICALREVIEWB, 2021, 第 11 作者(31) Giant Nonlinear Circular Dichroism from High Q-Factor Asymmetric Lithium Niobate Metasurfaces, ANNALEN DER PHYSIK, 2021, 第 6 作者 通讯作者(32) Micro-Crack Assisted Wrinkled PEDOT: PSS to Detect and Distinguish Tensile Strain and Pressure Based on a Triboelectric Nanogenerator, ADVANCED MATERIALS TECHNOLOGIES, 2021, 第 8 作者(33) Resonant cavity enhanced waveguide transmission for high-efficiency Terahertz polarization beam splitter, MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS B, 2021, 第 4 作者 通讯作者(34) Efficient and multifunctional terahertz polarization control device based on metamaterials, Efficient and multifunctional terahertz polarization control device based on metamaterials*, Chinese Physics B, 2020, 第 4 作者 通讯作者(35) Growth Control of High-Performance InAs/GaSb Type-II Superlattices via Optimizing the In/Ga Beam-Equivalent Pressure Ratio, Growth Control of High-Performance InAs/GaSb Type-II Superlattices via Optimizing the In/Ga Beam-Equivalent Pressure Ratio*, CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS, 2020, 第 4 作者(36) Tunable Dual Broadband Terahertz Metamaterial Absorber Based on Vanadium Dioxide, APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, 2020, 第 5 作者 通讯作者(37) Polarization-Selective Bidirectional Absorption Based on a Bilayer Plasmonic Metasurface, MATERIALS, 2020, 第 6 作者(38) Structure and electronic properties of closed-ring defects in epitaxial graphene, MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS, 2020, 第 6 作者(39) High-Efficiency All-Dielectric Metasurfaces for the Generation and Detection of Focused Optical Vortex for the Ultraviolet Domain, APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, 2020, 第 4 作者 通讯作者(40) Corrosion-resistant and high-performance crumpled-platinum-based triboelectric nanogenerator for self-powered motion sensing, NANO ENERGY, 2020, 第 7 作者(41) Full-Stokes imaging polarimetry based on a metallic metasurface, OPTICS EXPRESS, 2020, 第 5 作者 通讯作者(42) Growth Control of High-Performance In As/Ga Sb Type-Ⅱ Superlattices via Optimizing the In/Ga Beam-Equivalent Pressure Ratio, Growth Control of High-Performance In As/Ga Sb Type-��� Superlattices via Optimizing the In/Ga Beam-Equivalent Pressure Ratio, 中国物理快报:英文版, 2020, 第 4 作者(43) Enhanced Performance of a Soft Strain Sensor by Combining Microcracks with Wrinkled Structures, PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI-RAPID RESEARCH LETTERS, 2020, 第 5 作者(44) Theoretical Analysis of Strain-Optoelectronic Properties in Externally Deformed Ge/GeSi Quantum Well Nanomembranes via Neutral Plane Modulation, PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASIC SOLID STATE PHYSICS, 2020, 第 5 作者(45) Theoretical analysis on the energy band properties of N- and M-structure type-II superlattices, SUPERLATTICES AND MICROSTRUCTURES, 2020, 第 3 作者(46) Investigation of modulation transfer function in InGaAs photodetector small pitch array based on three-dimensional numerical analysis, OPTICAL AND QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, 2020, 第 3 作者(47) High performance graphene photodetector by introducing porous interface, MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS, 2019, 第 4 作者(48) Self-Powered Flexible Blood Oxygen Monitoring System Based on a Triboelectric Nanogenerator, NANOMATERIALS, 2019, 第 5 作者(49) Strain-optoelectronic coupling properties of externally deformed nanoribbons with embedded quantum well, MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS, 2019, 第 5 作者(50) Enhanced stretchable graphene-based triboelectric nanogenerator via control of surface nanostructure, NANO ENERGY, 2019, 第 5 作者(51) Efficient generation of broadband short- wave infrared vector beams with arbitrary polarization, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 2019, 第 7 作者(52) Optimization of contact-mode triboelectric nanogeneration for high energy conversion efficiency, Optimization of contact-mode triboelectric nanogeneration for high energy conversion efficiency, 中国科学:信息科学(英文版), 2018, 第 8 作者(53) Optimization of contact-mode triboelectric nanogeneration for high energy conversion efficiency, Optimization of contact-mode triboelectric nanogeneration for high energy conversion efficiency, SCIENCE CHINA-INFORMATION SCIENCES, 2018, 第 8 作者(54) Wearable and robust triboelectric nanogenerator based on crumpled gold films, NANO ENERGY, 2018, 第 7 作者(55) Theoretical System of Contact-Mode Triboelectric Nanogenerators for High Energy Conversion Efficiency, NANOSCALE RESEARCH LETTERS, 2018, 第 5 作者(56) A fully verified theoretical analysis of strain-photonic coupling for quantum wells embedded in wavy nanoribbons, NANOSCALE, 2018, 第 9 作者(57) Engineering of Fano resonance in a cross bowtie nanostructure for surface enhanced coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering, Infrared and Laser Engineering, 2017, 第 1 作者 通讯作者(58) Crumpled Graphene Triboelectric Nanogenerators: Smaller Devices with Higher Output Performance, ADVANCED MATERIALS TECHNOLOGIES, 2017, 第 9 作者(59) Epidermal Inorganic Optoelectronics for Blood Oxygen Measurement, ADVANCED HEALTHCARE MATERIALS, 2017, 第 14 作者(60) Molecular Beam Epitaxy of GaSb on GaAs Substrates with Compositionally Graded LT-GaAsxSb1-x Buffer Layers, Molecular Beam Epitaxy of GaSb on GaAs Substrates with Compositionally Graded LT-GaAsxSb1-x Buffer Layers, 中国物理快报:英文版, 2017, 第 4 作者(61) High quantum efficiency N-structure type-II superlattice mid-wavelength infrared detector with resonant cavity enhanced design, SUPERLATTICES AND MICROSTRUCTURES, 2017, 第 9 作者(62) A self-consistent numerical approach for characterizing the band structures and gain spectrum of tensile-strained and n(+)-doped Ge/GeSi quantum wells, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS, 2017, 第 8 作者(63) Numerical simulation of the modulation transfer function in planar InGaAs dense arrays, INFRARED PHYSICS AND TECHNOLOGY, 2017, 第 7 作者(64) Metallic metasurfaces for high efficient polarization conversion control in transmission mode, OPTICS EXPRESS, 2017, 第 7 作者 通讯作者(65) Nanostructure-induced colored tio2 array photoelectrodes with full solar spectrum harvesting, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A, 2017, 第 7 作者(66) Molecular Beam Epitaxy of GaSb on GaAs Substrates with Compositionally Graded LT-GaAs_xSb_(1-x) Buffer Layers, CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS, 2017, 第 4 作者(67) High enhancement factor of Au nano triangular prism structure for surface enhanced coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering, Journal of Semiconductors, 2017, 第 1 作者 通讯作者(68) Transfer method of crumpled grapheme and its application for human strain monitoring, Sensors and Actuators, 2017, 第 1 作者(69) 交叉蝴蝶结纳米结构的Fano共振效应用于表面增强相干反斯托克斯拉曼散射的理论研究, Engineering of Fano resonance in a cross bowtie nanostructure for surface enhanced coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering, 红外与激光工程, 2017, 第 3 作者(70) High-Efficiency Broadband Vector Beams Using Polarization Rotation Metasurfaces, IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, 2017, 第 5 作者 通讯作者(71) Transfer method of crumpled graphene and its application for human strain monitoring, SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL, 2017, 第 7 作者(72) 可集成的硅基光互连技术研究, 2013 Annual Report on Investigation of Integratable Si-based Optical Interconnect Technology, 科技创新导报, 2016, 第 1 作者(73) In_(0.53)Ga_(0.47)As/In_(0.52)Al_(0.48)As雪崩光电二极管的数值模拟研究, Numerical simulation study on In_(0.53)Ga_(0.47)As/In_(0.52)Al_(0.48)As avalanche photodiode, 红外与激光工程, 2016, 第 7 作者(74) 大功率及高转换效率2.1μm GaInSb/AlGaAsSb量子阱激光器, High power 2.1 ��m GaInSb/AlGaAsSb quantum well laser diodes with high power conversion efficiency, 红外与激光工程, 2016, 第 6 作者(75) Coupled optical and electrical study of thin-film InGaAs photodetector integrated with surface InP Mie resonators, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 2016, 第 8 作者(76) Efficient self-consistent Schr��dinger���Poisson-rate equation iteration method for the modeling of strained quantum cascade lasers, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D: APPLIED PHYSICS, 2016, 第 7 作者(77) A Buckling-Based Method for Measuring the Strain-Photonic Coupling Effect of GaAs Nanoribbons, ACS NANO, 2016, 第 9 作者(78) Investigation of polarization-selective InGaAs sensor with elliptical two-dimensional holes array structure, INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON OPTOELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATION, 2016, 第 5 作者(79) Unidirectional Coupling of Surface Plasmon Polaritons by a Single Slit on a Metal Substrate, IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, 2016, 第 6 作者(80) Performance analysis of an N-structure type-II superlattice photodetector for long wavelength infrared applications, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, 2016, 第 10 作者(81) 基于外延剥离技术的薄膜LEDs的电流扩展和热效应研究, 中国科学(物理学·力学·天文学), 2016, 第 5 作者(82) Molecular Beam Epitaxy of Zero Lattice-Mismatch InAs/GaSb Type-Ⅱ Superlattice, Molecular Beam Epitaxy of Zero Lattice-Mismatch InAs/GaSb Type-��� Superlattice, 中国物理快报:英文版, 2016, 第 4 作者(83) Efficient self-consistent Schrodinger-Poisson-rate equation iteration method for the modeling of strained quantum cascade lasers, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS, 2016, 第 7 作者(84) Nanoplasmonic-gold-cylinder-array-enhanced terahertz source, JOURNAL OF SEMICONDUCTORS, 2016, 第 4 作者(85) Molecular Beam Epitaxy of Zero Lattice-Mismatch InAs/GaSb Type-Ⅱ Superlattice, Molecular Beam Epitaxy of Zero Lattice-Mismatch InAs/GaSb Type-��� Superlattice, 中国物理快报:英文版, 2016, 第 4 作者(86) Molecular Beam Epitaxy of Zero Lattice-Mismatch InAs/GaSb Type-II Superlattice, Molecular Beam Epitaxy of Zero Lattice-Mismatch InAs/GaSb Type-II Superlattice, Chinese Physics Letters, 2016, 第 4 作者(87) Tunable plasmon-induced transparency in hybrid waveguide-magnetic resonance system, APPLIED OPTICS, 2015, 第 7 作者 通讯作者(88) Exploring electromagnetic response of tellurium dielectric resonator metamaterial at the infrared wavelengths, CHIN. PHYS. B, 2015, 第 7 作者(89) Active metasurface terahertz deflector with phase discontinuities, OPT. EXPRESS, 2015, 第 6 作者(90) Tunable plasmon-induced transparency in hybrid waveguide-magnetic resonance system, APPL. OPTICS, 2015, 第 7 作者(91) Single Mode 2 μm GaSb Based Laterally Coupled Distributed Feedback Quantum-Well Laser Diodes with Metal Grating, Single Mode 2 ��m GaSb Based Laterally Coupled Distributed Feedback Quantum-Well Laser Diodes with Metal Grating, 中国物理快报:英文版, 2015, 第 7 作者(92) Exploring electromagnetic response of tellurium dielectric resonator metamaterial at the infrared wavelengths, Exploring electromagnetic response of tellurium dielectric resonator metamaterial at the infrared wavelengths, Chinese Physics B, 2015, 第 7 作者 通讯作者(93) Plasmon-Induced Transparency and Dispersionless Slow Light in a Novel Metamaterial, IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, 2015, 第 8 作者(94) Low-Dimensional Semiconductor Structures for Optoelectronic Applications, ADVANCES IN CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS, 2015, 第 4 作者(95) Plasmon-Induced Transparency and Dispersionless Slow Light in a Novel Metamaterial., IEEEPHOTONICSTECHNOLLETT, 2015, 第 8 作者(96) Single Mode 2 mu m GaSb Based Laterally Coupled Distributed Feedback Quantum-Well Laser Diodes with Metal Grating, CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS, 2015, 第 7 作者(97) Exploring the effective photon management by InP nanoparticles: Broadband light absorption enhancement of InP/In0.53Ga0.47As/InP thin-film photodetectors, J. APPL. PHYS., 2015, 第 6 作者(98) Single Mode 2 μm GaSb Based Laterally Coupled Distributed Feedback Quantum-Well Laser Diodes with Metal Grating, Single Mode 2 ��m GaSb Based Laterally Coupled Distributed Feedback Quantum-Well Laser Diodes with Metal Grating, Chinese Physics Letters, 2015, 第 7 作者(99) Exploring the effective photon management by InP nanoparticles: Broadband light absorption enhancement of InP/In0.53Ga0.47As/InP thin-film photodetectors, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 2015, 第 6 作者(100) 量子阱红外探测器双面金属光栅设计优化, Design and optimization of dual-side metal grating for quantum well infrared photodetector, 红外与激光工程, 2014, 第 6 作者(101) Sensitive refractive index sensing with tunable sensing range and good operation angle-polarization-tolerance using graphene concentric ring arrays, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS, 2014, 第 6 作者(102) 红外探测器倒装互连技术进展, Flip chip bonding technology for IR detectors, 红外与激光工程, 2014, 第 3 作者(103) Finite difference method for analyzing band structure in semiconductor heterostructures without spurious solutions, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 2014, 第 4 作者 通讯作者(104) Tunable and angle-insensitive plasmon resonances in graphene ribbon arrays with multispectral diffraction response, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 2014, 第 5 作者(105) Dynamically Tunable Plasmon-Induced Transparency in Planar Metamaterials, IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, 2014, 第 6 作者(106) Polarization-independent broadband absorption enhancement of thin-film InGaAs photodetector, INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON OPTOELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATION 2014: INFRARED TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS, 2014, 第 5 作者(107) Stable finite element method of eight-band k center dot p model without spurious solutions and numerical study of interfaces in heterostructures, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 2014, 第 6 作者 通讯作者(108) A high figure of merit localized surface plasmon sensor based on a gold nanograting on the top of a gold planar film, A high figure of merit localized surface plasmon sensor based on a gold nanograting on the top of a gold planar film, 中国物理B:英文版, 2013, 第 6 作者(109) Absorption enhancement of In0.53Ga0.47As photodetector with rear plasmonic nanostructure, INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON PHOTOELECTRONIC DETECTION AND IMAGING 2013: MICRO/NANO OPTICAL IMAGING TECHNOLOGIES AND APPLICATIONS, 2013, 第 6 作者(110) Tunable coupling-induced transparency band due to coupled localized electric resonance and quasiguided photonic mode in hybrid plasmonic system, OPTICS EXPRESS, 2013, 第 7 作者(111) Design and experimental research of all-optical scanning device, HIGH POWER LASER AND PARTICLE BEAMS, 2013, 第 4 作者(112) Double Plasmon-Induced Transparency in Hybrid Waveguide-Plasmon System and Its Application for Localized Plasmon Resonance Sensing with High Figure of Merit, PLASMONICS, 2013, 第 4 作者 通讯作者(113) Two-band finite difference method for the bandstructure calculation with nonparabolicity effects in quantum cascade lasers, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 2013, 第 7 作者(114) Tunable Omnidirectional Broadband Band-Stop Filter in Symmetric Hybrid Plasmonic Structures, PLASMONICS, 2013, 第 5 作者 通讯作者(115) Sensitive refractive index sensing with good operation angle polarization tolerance using a plasmonic split-ring resonator array with broken symmetry, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS, 2013, 第 5 作者(116) A High Sensitivity Index Sensor Based on Magnetic Plasmon Resonance in Metallic Grating with Very Narrow Slits, A High Sensitivity Index Sensor Based on Magnetic Plasmon Resonance in Metallic Grating with Very Narrow Slits, Chinese Physics Letters, 2013, 第 6 作者 通讯作者(117) 全光扫描装置设计及实验研究, Design and experimental research of all-optical scanning device, 强激光与粒子束, 2013, 第 4 作者(118) Slow Surface Plasmons in Plasmonic Grating Waveguide, PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, IEEE, 2013, 第 3 作者(119) Terahertz light deflection in doped semiconductor slit arrays, OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, 2013, 第 6 作者(120) A high figure of merit localized surface plasmon sensor based on a gold nanograting on the top of a gold planar film, A high figure of merit localized surface plasmon sensor based on a gold nanograting on the top of a gold planar film, Chinese Physics B, 2013, 第 6 作者(121) High power 2-mu m room-temperature continuous-wave operation of GaSb-based strained quantum-well lasers, CHINESE PHYSICS B, 2013, 第 4 作者 通讯作者(122) The Generation of a Compact Azimuthally Polarized Vertical-Cavity Surface Emitting Laser Beam with Radial Slits, The Generation of a Compact Azimuthally Polarized Vertical-Cavity Surface Emitting Laser Beam with Radial Slits, Chinese Physics Letters, 2013, 第 7 作者 通讯作者(123) High power 2-μm room-temperature continuous-wave operation of GaSb-based strained quantum-well lasers, High power 2-��m room-temperature continuous-wave operation of GaSb-based strained quantum-well lasers, Chinese Physics B, 2013, 第 4 作者(124) Highly tunable Terahertz filter with magneto-optical Bragg grating formed in semiconductor-insulator-semiconductor waveguides, AIP ADVANCES, 2013, 第 7 作者 通讯作者(125) Slow Surface Plasmons in Plasmonic Grating Waveguide, IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, 2013, 第 3 作者(126) Gain-assisted indented plasmonic waveguide for low-threshold nanolaser applications, Gain-assisted indented plasmonic waveguide for low-threshold nanolaser applications, Chinese Physics B, 2012, 第 5 作者 通讯作者(127) Multiple Surface Plasmon Resonances in Compound Structure with Metallic Nanoparticle and Nanohole Arrays, MULTIPLE SURFACE PLASMON RESONANCES IN COMPOUND STRUCTURE WITH METALLIC NANOPARTICLE AND NANOHOLE ARRAYS, 2012, (128) Gain-assisted indented plasmonic waveguide for low-threshold nanolaser applications, Gain-assisted indented plasmonic waveguide for low-threshold nanolaser applications, 中国物理B:英文版, 2012, 第 5 作者(129) Theoretical analyses on improved beam properties of GaSb-based 2.X-μm quantum-well diode lasers with no degradation in laser parameters, Theoretical analyses on improved beam properties of GaSb-based 2.X-��m quantum-well diode lasers with no degradation in laser parameters, 中国物理B:英文版, 2012, 第 3 作者(130) High-temperature (T = 80 ��c) operation of a 2 ��m InGaSb - AlGaAsSb quantum well laser, JOURNAL OF SEMICONDUCTORS, 2012, 第 6 作者(131) Theoretical analyses on improved beam properties of GaSb-based 2.X-mu m quantum-well diode lasers with no degradation in laser parameters, CHINESE PHYSICS B, 2012, 第 3 作者(132) Multiple Surface Plasmon Resonances in Compound Structure with Metallic Nanoparticle and Nanohole Arrays, PLASMONICS, 2012, 第 7 作者 通讯作者(133) Theoretical analyses on improved beam properties of GaSb-based 2.X-μm quantum-well diode lasers with no degradation in laser parameters, Theoretical analyses on improved beam properties of GaSb-based 2.X-��m quantum-well diode lasers with no degradation in laser parameters, Chinese Physics B, 2012, 第 3 作者(134) High-temperature (T =80���) operation of a 2 ��m InGaSb_AlGaAsSb quantum well laser, JOURNAL OF SEMICONDUCTORS, 2012, 第 6 作者(135) Effect of compensation doping on the electrical and optical properties of mid-infrared type-II InAs/GaSb superlattice photodetectors, Effect of compensation doping on the electrical and optical properties of mid-infrared type-II InAs/GaSb superlattice photodetectors, 中国物理:英文版, 2011, 第 5 作者(136) Effect of compensation doping on the electrical and optical properties of mid-infrared type-II InAs/GaSb superlattice photodetectors, Effect of compensation doping on the electrical and optical properties of mid-infrared type-ii inas/gasb superlattice photodetectors, Chinese Physics B, 2011, 第 5 作者(137) Omnidirectional absorption enhancement in hybrid waveguide-plasmon system, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 2011, 第 5 作者(138) Simulation research on the control of terahertz beam direction by surface plasmon, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 2011, 第 6 作者 通讯作者(139) Design of plasmonic bowtie nanoring array with high sensitivity and reproducibility for surface-enhanced raman scattering spectroscopy, JOURNAL OF RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY, 2011, 第 6 作者 通讯作者(140) Fabrication of biomimic gaas subwavelength grating structures for broadband and angular-independent antireflection, MICROELECTRONICENGINEERING, 2011, 第 4 作者(141) Hybrid plasmonic waveguide with gain medium for lossless propagation with nanoscale confinement, OPTICS LETTERS, 2011, 第 5 作者 通讯作者(142) 基于表面等离子体的太赫兹光束方向调控的模拟研究, Simulation research on the control of terahertz beam direction by surface plasmon, 物理学报, 2011, 第 6 作者(143) Spatial Mode Selection by the Phase Modulation of Subwavelength Plasmonic Grating, PLASMONICS, 2010, 第 6 作者 通讯作者(144) 金属颗粒对微小孔激光器增强透射的研究, Study of enhanced transmission through nanoaperture laser with a metal particle, 光电子.激光, 2010, 第 2 作者(145) Flat surface plasmon polariton bands in bragg grating waveguide for slow light, JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY, 2010, 第 4 作者(146) Sub-wavelength beam lasers with surface plasmon structures, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 2010, 第 1 作者 通讯作者(147) Hybrid waveguide-plasmon resonance in gold pillar array on top of waveguide, optics letter, 2010, 第 1 作者 通讯作者(148) Broadband short-range surface plasmon structures for absorption enhancement in organic photovoltaics, OPTICS EXPRESS, 2010, 第 3 作者(149) Thermal analysis of the cavity facet for an 808 nm semiconductor laser by using near-field scanning optical microscopy, Thermal analysis of the cavity facet for an 808 nm semiconductor laser by using near-field scanning optical microscopy, 半导体学报, 2010, 第 2 作者(150) Plasmonic Back Structures Designed for Efficiency Enhancement of Thin Film Solar Cells, 2010 CONFERENCE ON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS CLEO AND QUANTUM ELECTRONICS AND LASER SCIENCE CONFERENCE (QELS): - 2010, 2010, (151) Generation of compact radially polarized beam at 850 nm in vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser via plasmonic modulation, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 2010, 第 6 作者 通讯作者(152) Thermal analysis of the cavity facet for an 808 nm semiconductor laser by using near-field scanning optical microscopy, Thermal analysis of the cavity facet for an 808 nm semiconductor laser by using near-field scanning optical microscopy, 半导体学报, 2010, 第 2 作者(153) Sub-wavelength beam lasers with surface plasmon structures, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 2010, 第 1 作者 通讯作者(154) Pseudo-Rhombus-Shaped Subwavelength Crossed Gratings of GaAs for Broadband Antireflection, Pseudo-Rhombus-Shaped Subwavelength Crossed Gratings of GaAs for Broadband Antireflection, Chinese Physics Letters, 2010, 第 4 作者(155) 具有金属纳米颗粒结构的微小孔面发射激光器, Nanoaperture Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser with Metal Nano-Particle, 激光与光电子学进展, 2010, 第 3 作者(156) 微小孔阵列垂直腔面发射激光器的研究, Study of Subwavelength Hole Array Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser, 激光与光电子学进展, 2010, 第 2 作者(157) Slow light at terahertz frequencies in surface plasmon polariton assisted grating waveguide, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 2009, 第 5 作者 通讯作者(158) 金膜上亚波长周期性孔阵的模拟与研制, Simulation and Development of Subwavelength Periodic Hole Array on Au Film, 光学学报, 2009, 第 3 作者(159) 亚波长金属光栅的光耦合增强效应及透射局域化的模拟研究, Simulation of light coupling enhancement and localization of transmission field via subwavelength metallic gratings, 物理学报, 2009, 第 5 作者(160) Design of plasmonic back structures for efficiency enhancement of thin-film amorphous Si solar cells, OPTICS LETTERS, 2009, 第 7 作者 通讯作者(161) Single mode vertical-cavity surface emitting laser with surface plasmon nanostructure, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 2009, 第 1 作者 通讯作者(162) Resonant Enhanced Wave Filter and Waveguide via Surface Plasmons, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NANOTECHNOLOGY, 2009, 第 2 作者(163) Single mode vertical-cavity surface emitting laser with surface plasmon nanostructure, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 2009, 第 1 作者 通讯作者(164) Simulation of light coupling enhancement and localization of transmission field via subwavelength metallic gratings, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 2009, 第 5 作者 通讯作者(165) OPS-VECSEL芯片的生长与光谱研究, Growth and Spectral Analysis of OPS-VECSEL Chip, 半导体技术, 2009, 第 4 作者(166) Enhancement of the far-field output power and the beam properties of plasmonic very small aperture lasers, JOURNAL OF OPTICS A-PURE AND APPLIED OPTICS, 2008, 第 2 作者(167) Phosphor-conversion white light using ingan ultraviolet laser diode, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 2008, 第 4 作者(168) 高功率VCSEL中应变补偿量子阱的理论设计, Theoretical design method of strain compensated quantum well in high power VCSELs, 光电子.激光, 2008, 第 6 作者(169) Enhanced mid-infrared transmission in heavily doped n-type semiconductor film based on surface plasmons, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 2008, 第 2 作者(170) AlGaInP红光半导体激光器的增益光开关, Gain Switch of an AIGaInP Red Light Semiconductor Laser Diode, 半导体学报, 2008, 第 2 作者(171) Enhanced mid-infrared transmission in heavily doped n-type semiconductor film based on surface plasmons, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 2008, 第 2 作者(172) Numerical study of sub-wavelength plasmonic waveguide, OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, 2008, 第 2 作者(173) 表面等离子体调制的纳米孔径垂直腔面发射激光器, Surface plasmon modulated nano-aperture vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser, 物理学报, 2007, 第 2 作者(174) 高密度排列大功率垂直腔面发射激光器列阵, Densely Packed High Power VCSEL Arrays, 半导体学报, 2007, 第 6 作者(175) Plasmonic very-small-aperture lasers, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 2007, 第 2 作者(176) Grating optimization and experiment on high-power distributed feedback lasers, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 2007, 第 2 作者(177) Experimental and numerical study on algainas/algaas distributed feedback lasers with gainp gratings, APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING, 2007, 第 2 作者(178) Surface plasmon modulated nano-aperture vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 2007, 第 2 作者(179) 纳米孔径垂直腔面发射激光器的制备及特性, Fabrication and Characteristics of Nano-Aperture Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser, 半导体学报, 2007, 第 2 作者(180) Comparison of two kinds of active layers for high-power narrow-stripe distributed feedback laser diodes, CHINESE PHYSICS, 2007, 第 2 作者(181) Comparison of two kinds of active layers for high-power narrow-stripe distributed feedback laser diodes, Comparison of two kinds of active layers for high-power narrow-stripe distributed feedback laser diodes, Chinese Physics B, 2007, 第 2 作者(182) Grating optimization and experiment on high-power distributed feedback lasers, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 2007, 第 2 作者(183) 780nm InGaAsP/InGaP/AlGaAs高功率半导体激光器, 780nm InGaAsP/InGaP/AlGaAs High Power Semiconductor Laser, 半导体学报, 2006, 第 7 作者(184) High-power AlGaInP laser diodes with current-injection-free region near the laser facet, OPTICAL ENGINEERING, 2006, 第 5 作者(185) High-Power Distributed Feedback Laser Diodes Emitting at 820nm, 半导体学报, 2006, 第 1 作者(186) 激射波长为820nm的大功率分布反馈激光器, High-Power Distributed Feedback Laser Diodes Emitting at 820nm, 半导体学报, 2006, 第 3 作者(187) InGaAsP/InGaP/AlGaAs大光学腔量子阱激光器的优化, 半导体学报, 2006, 第 6 作者(188) 大功率GaInP/AlGaInP半导体激光器, Characteristic Analysis on High Power GaInP/AIGaInP Semiconductor Laser Diodes, 半导体学报, 2005, 第 4 作者(189) 高铝AlxGa1-xAs氧化层对垂直腔面发射激光器的影响, 半导体学报, 2004, 第 2 作者(190) High power AlGaInP laser diodes with zinc-diffused window mirror structure, CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS, 2004, 第 6 作者(191) 极小孔半导体激光器近场区光场分布研究, 光子学报, 2003, 第 2 作者(192) 窗口型极小孔激光器的研制, Fabrication of Windowed Very-Small-Aperture Laser Diodes, 半导体学报, 2003, 第 3 作者(193) 微小孔径激光器的研制与近场测试, 光学技术, 2003, 第 1 作者
( 1 ) XX器件, 负责人, 国家任务, 2024-01--2025-12( 2 ) 势场调控高灵敏红外探测器实现方法, 负责人, 中国科学院计划, 2024-01--2025-12( 3 ) XXX条件建设项目, 负责人, 国家任务, 2020-09--2023-08( 4 ) 超表面多维度光耦合与传输模式调控特性研究, 负责人, 中国科学院计划, 2020-01--2024-12( 5 ) 微纳结构偏振调控集成探测技术研究, 负责人, 其他国际合作项目, 2020-01--2022-12( 6 ) 表面等离激元波导与光源研究, 参与, 国家任务, 2015-01--2019-08( 7 ) XXX条件保障项目, 负责人, 国家任务, 2014-09--2017-08( 8 ) 基于SPP的纳米光源, 负责人, 国家任务, 2011-01--2014-12( 9 ) 可集成硅基光互连技术研究, 负责人, 国家任务, 2011-01--2015-12