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Yaowen Zheng, Ali Davanian†, Heng Yin†, Chengyu Song, Hongsong Zhu, and Limin Sun, FIRM-AFL: High-Throughput Greybox Fuzzing of IoT Firmware via Augmented Process Emulation. Proceedings of the 28th USENIX Security Symposium(USENIX Security 2019)
Xuan Feng, Xiaojing Liao, XiaoFeng Wang, Haining Wang, Qiang Li, Kai Yang, Hongsong Zhu, and Limin Sun, Understanding and Securing Device Vulnerabilities through Automated Bug Report Analysis. Proceedings of the 28th USENIX Security Symposium(USENIX Security 2019)
Hui Wen, Weidong Zhang, Yan Hu, Qing Hu, Hongsong Zhu and Limin Sun, Lightweight IoT Malware Visualization Analysis via Two-Bits Networks, WASA 2019
Yucheng Wang, Xu Wang, Hongsong Zhu, Hai Zhao, Hong Li and Limin Sun, ONE-Geo: Client-Independent IP Geolocation Based on Owner Name Extraction, 14’ International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications (WASA) 2019
Xu Wang, Yucheng Wang, Xuan Feng, Hongsong Zhu, Limin Sun, Yuchi Zou, IoTTracker: An Enhanced Engine for Discovering Internet-of-Thing Devices, IEEE WoWMoM 2019
Feng Yi, Hui Wen, Hongsong Zhu, Limin Sun. Mining Human Periodic Behaviors using Mobility Internation and Relative Entropy. Proceedings of the 22nd Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Date Mining (PAKDD 2018). Melbourne, Australia, Jun.3-6, 2018.【CCF-C】
Ke Li, Hui Wen, Hong Li, Hongsong Zhu, Limin Sun. Security OSIF:Toward Automatic Discovery and Analysis of Event Based Cyber Threat Intelligence. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (IEEE UIC 2018).. Guang Zhou, China, Oct. 8-12. 【CCF-C】
Weidong Zhang, Hong Li, Hui Wen, Hongsong Zhu, Limin Sun. A graph neural network based efficient firmware information extraction method for IoT devices. Proceedings of the 37th International Performance Computing and Communications Conference(IPCCC 2018). Orlando, Florida, USA, Nov.17-19.【CCF-C】
Hongtao Wang, Hui Wen, Feng Yi, Hongsong Zhu, Limin Sun. Road Traffic Anomaly Detection via Collaborative Path Inference from GPS Snippets. Sensors (Basel), 2017, 17(3):550.
F. Xuan, L. Qiang, H. Qi, Z. Hongsong, L. Yan, and S. Limin, “,Identification of visible industrial control devices at internet scale”in IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2016.【通信作者,CCF-C】
F. Xuan, L. Qiang, H. Qi, Z. Hongsong, L. Yan, J. Cui and S. Limin, “Active Profiling of Physical Devices at Internet Scale,” in The 25th IntNernational Conference on Computer Communication and Networks (ICCCN), 2016.【CCF-C】
Zheng Y., Cheng K., Li Z., Pan S., Zhu H., Sun L. (2016) A Lightweight Method for Accelerating Discovery of Taint-Style Vulnerabilities in Embedded Systems. In: Lam KY., Chi CH., Qing S. (eds) Information and Communications Security. ICICS 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 9977. Springer, Cham【CCF-C】
Li, Liqun; Sun, Limin; Xing, Guoliang; Huangfu, Wei; Zhou, Ruogu; Zhu, Hongsong; ROCS: Exploiting FM Radio Data System for Clock Calibration in Sensor Networks, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MOBILE COMPUTING, VOL. 14, NO. 10, OCTOBER 2015【SCI,通信作者,CCF-A,影响因子2.543】
Yongle Chen, Wei Liu, Yongping Xiong, Jing Duan, Zhi Li, Hongsong Zhu, A Fuzzy Similarity Elimination Algorithm for Indoor Fingerprint Positioning, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 1, 2015 【SCI】
Hongsong Zhu, Xinrong Li, Yongjun Xu, Xiaowei Li, Yan Liu. An energy-efficient link quality monitoring scheme for wireless networks. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 2012, 12(4): 333-344 【第一作者,通信作者,CCF-C】
Hong Li, Yunhua He, Xiuzhen Cheng, Hongsong Zhu, Limin Sun. Security and Privacy in Localization for Underwater Sensor Networks. IEEE Communications Magazine Vol. 53(11), Nov. 2015, pp. 56~52. 【通信作者,中科院一区期刊,SCI, 影响因子4.007】
Yuyan Sun, Hongsong Zhu, Yong Liao, Limin Sun. Vehicle Anomaly Detection based on Trajectory Data of ANPR System. Accepted by The 2015 IEEE GLOBECOM. 6-10 Dec 2015, San diego, USA.【通信作者,CCF-C】
Shiming Ge, Hongsong Zhu, and etc., Learning Multi-Channel Correlation Filter Bank for Eye Localization.In:neurocomputing Available online 1 September 2015:1-19【通信作者,CCF-C】
Yongming Jin,Hongsong Zhu,and etc., Cryptanalysis and Improvement of two RFID-OT Protocols Based on Quadratic Residues,In: Communications (ICC), 2015 IEEE International Conference on. 2015 8(12):7234-7239.【通信作者,CCF-C类】
Yuyan Sun,Hongsong Zhu,Xinyun Zhou,Limin Sun. VAPA: Vehicle activity patterns analysis based on Automatic Number Plate Recognition System Data. In: Procedia Computer Science,2014,31:48-57. doi:10.1016/j.procs.2014.05.244【通信作者,EI】
Li, Zhi.; Liu, Yan; Zhu, Hongsong; Sun, Limin, "Coff: Contact Duration Aware Cellular Traffic Offloading Over DTN," in Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on , , 2015 , 64 (11) :5257-5268, doi: 10.1109/TVT.2014.2381220【SCI,CCF-C,影响因子1.978】
Wei Liu, Hong Li, Yongle Chen, Hongsong Zhu, Limin Sun, LARES: latency-reduced neighbour discovery for contagious diseases prevention, Int. J. of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, 2014 Vol.16, No.1, pp.3 – 13【SCI】
Wei Liu,Yongle Chen,Yongping Xiong,Limin Sun,and Hongsong Zhu. Optimization of Sampling Cell Size for Fingerprint Positioning. In:International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks,2014:pp. 1-6【SCI】
Di Wu, He Liu, Yingrong Bi, and Hongsong Zhu, “Evolutionary Game Theoretic Modeling and Repetition of Media Distributed Shared in P2P-Based VANET,” International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, vol. 2014, Article ID 718639, 14 pages, 2014. doi:10.1155/2014/718639【SCI】
Shanyan Gao, Hongsong Zhu, Xinyun Zhou, Yan Liu, Limin Sun, Design and Implementation of Smart Home Linkage System Based on OSGI and REST Architecture, Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol. 501, 2014
邹宇驰, 刘松, 于楠, 朱红松, 孙利民, 李红, 王旭. 基于搜索的物联网设备识别框架. 信息安全学报, 2018:3(4), pp.25-40.
李强, 贾煜璇, 宋金珂, 李红, 朱红松, 孙利民. 网络空间物联网信息搜索. 信息安全学报, 2018:3(5), pp.38-53.
张晨, 李志*, 朱红松, 孙利民. 基于时空相关性的多签到数据匹配算法. 计算机研究与发展. 2017.
任春林, 谷雨, 崔杰, 刘松, 朱红松*, 孙利民. 基于WEB信息的特定类型物联网终端识别方法. 通信技术, 2017: 50 (5) , pp.1003-1009.