计算机辅助几何设计,计算几何,数控技术,计算机图形学,计算机视觉,数据挖掘, 应用统计,深度学习,机器学习
2008-12~现在, 中国科学院大学, 教师
2017-09~2017-10,西班牙阿尔卡拉大学, 访问学者
2016-05~2017-04,美国莱斯大学, 访问学者
2015-11~2016-01,美国莱斯大学, 访问学者
2015-09~2015-10,日本新瀉大学, 访问学者
2010-02~2010-05,香港大学, 访问学者
2007-07~2008-12,华东师范大学, 教师
2005-09~2007-07,中科院系统所, 博士后
1. GLOBAL OPTIMAL FEED SPEED PLANNING METHOD FOR CRADLE-TYPEMACHINE TOOLS,gehecht met nummer 2031103 en dagtekening,6 November 2023,Liyong Shen, Chunming Yuan, Hongyu Ma, Xiaoshan Gao, Netherland.
2. Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum Erzeugen einer CAM-orientierten Zeit-SplineKurve und –Oberflache,IPC:G05B 19/416, Patents Nr. 10 2022 101 000, Liyong Shen, Chunming Yuan,Xiaoshan Gao, Qin Wu, Shitao He,21 March 2024, German.
3. 一种保留尖锐特征的非均匀不规则样条基函数的构造方法(ZL 2021 1 0911630.4) , 授 权 公 告 日:2023年10月27日, 专利权人:中国科学院大学 发明人:冯毅飞;申立勇;李新
4. 一种面向数控加工的自由曲面的分割方法及系统(授权公告号:CN112330679B 授权公告日:2023.08.01专利权人:中国科学院大学 发明人:申立勇;马鸿宇;王孟醒)
5. 一种基于CAM的时间样条曲面生成方法(授权公告号:CN114217572B 授权公告日:2023.07.25 专利权人:中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院
6. 一种屏幕检测方法及系统(授权公告号:CN111724375B 授权公告日:2023.05.09 专利权人:中国科学院大学 发明人:高岩;王孟醒;申立勇)
7. 一种基于高斯像的可展面分割-拟合方法(授权公告号:CN114419055B授权公告日:2023.04.14专利权人:中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院 发明人:贾晓红;曾铮;申立勇)
8. 一种应用于五轴数控机床的时间样条曲线拟合与插补方法(授权公告号:CN114115131B授权公告日:2023.02.03 专利权人:中国科学院大学 发明人:申立勇;袁春明;高小山;吴芹)
9. 一种用于摇篮式机床的全局最优进给速度规划方法(授权公告号:CN113189939B 授权公告日:2022.05.17 专利权人:中国科学院大学 发明人:
10.一种数控机床加工前瞻处理方法及系统(授权公告号:CN111880484B 授权公告日:2021.09.21专利权人:中国科学院大学, 发明人:申立勇)
1. 有理曲线曲面隐式化maple程序软件包V1.0 登记号:2020SR0139477, 著作权人:申立勇
2. 非均匀非结构样条函数软件 G-NURBS1.0 登记号:2021SR2132792, 著作权人:申立勇; 李新;冯毅飞
3. 三维软件隐式重建软件V1.0 登记号:2023SR0174805, 著作权人:吕博文,申立勇
1. Hui Chen, Li-Yong Shen, Shaoqiang Ma, Tolerance-Based Geometry Constraint Update Scheme for High-precision Direct Modeling, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity.
2. Hong-Yu Ma, Yi-Bo Kou, Li-Yong Shen, Chun-Ming Yuan, Efficient Tool Path Planning Method of Ball-end Milling for High Quality Manufacturing, Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing.
3. Li-Yong Shen, Bowen Lyu, Hong-Yu Ma, Shuo-Peng Chen, Single Start End Tool Path Generation for Arbitrary Porous Surfaces, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 132, 249-260, 2024.
4. Yi-Bo Kou, Yi-Fei Feng, Li-Yong Shen, Xin Li, Chun-Ming Yuan, Adaptive spline surface fitting with arbitrary topological control mesh, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol.30(12), 7736-7748, 2024.
5. Chang Yu, Sanguo Zhang, Li-Yong Shen, GETr: A Geometric Equivariant Transformer for Point Cloud Registration, Computer graphics Forum, Vol. 43(7), 15216, 2024.
6. Chaoqian Zhang, Chun-Ming Yuan, Li-Yong Shen, Hong-Yu Ma, Global tool path planning method for smooth and length-optimal machining based on vector fields, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 134, 245–259, 2024.
7. Xin-Yu Wang, Li-Yong Shen, Chun-Ming Yuan, Sonia Pérez-Díaz, On G2 approximation of planar algebraic curves under certified error control by quintic Pythagorean-hodograph splines, Computer Aided Geometric Design, Vol. 113(10), 102374, 2024.
8. Yifei Hu, Xin Jiang, Guanying Huo, Cheng Su, Hexiong Li, Li-Yong Shen, Zhiming Zheng, Enhancing five-axis CNC toolpath smoothing: Overlap elimination with asymmetrical B-splines, CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, Vol. 52: 36-57, 2024.
9. Yi-Fei Feng, Li-Yong Shen, Xin Li, Chun-Ming Yuan, Xin Jiang, Patching Non-Uniform Extraordinary Points, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, VOL. 30, NO. 8, 4683-4693, 2024.
10. Mengxing Wang, Yi-Fei Feng, Bowen Lyu, Li-Yong Shen, Chun-Ming Yuan, An attention enhanced dual graph neural network for mesh denoising, Computer Aided Geometric Design, Vol. 111(8):102307, 2024.
11. Bowen Lyu, Li-Yong Shen, Chun-Ming Yuan, IGF-Fit: Implicit gradient field fitting for point cloud normal estimation, Graphical Models, 133, 101214, June, 2024.
12. Yi-Fei Feng, Hong-Yu Ma, Li-Yong Shen, Chun-Ming Yuan, Xin Jiang, Real-time tool path planning using deep learning for subtractive manufacturing, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 20(4), 5979-5988, 2024.
13. Shi-Tao He, Li-Yong Shen, Qin Wu, Chun-Ming Yuan, A Certified Cubic B-Spline Interpolation Method with Tangential Direction Constraints, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 37(3), 1271–1294, 2024.
14. Xin-Yu Wang, Li-Yong Shen*, Chun-Ming Yuan, Sonia Pérez-Díaz, Globally certified G1 approximation of planar algebraic curves, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 436, 115399, 15 January 2024.
15. Shuang Feng, Li-Yong Shen, Rational Solutions of First Order Algebraic Ordinary Differential Equations, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 37(2), 567–580, 2024.
16. Hong-Yu Ma, Chun-Ming Yuan, Li-Yong Shen, Tool path planning with confined scallop height error using optimal connected Fermat spirals, Communications in Mathematics and Statistics, 12, 55-78, 2024.
17. Hao-nan Zhao, Li-Yong Shen, Ji-Wei Wang, Image inpainting via multi-resolution network with Fourier convolutions, Signal, Image and Video Processing, 18:4753–4762, 2024.
18. Yu Zhang, Li-Yong Shen, Detection of Moiré pattern in high-resolution images, Signal, Image and Video Processing, 18:561–568, 2024.
19. Ji-Wei Wang, Li-Yong Shen, Hao-nan Zhao, MA2Net: Multi-scale Adaptive Mixed Attention Network for Image Demoiréing, accepted by Computational Visual Media, 2023.
20. Sonia Pérez-Díaz, M.F. Sevilla, R.F Benedicto, Li-Yong Shen, Detecting and parametrizing polynomial surfaces without base points, Computer Aided Geometric Design, Vol. 107, 102255, 2023.
21. Qin Wu, Chunming Yuan, Li-Yong Shen, Shi-Tao He, Xiao-Shan Gao, Cubic time-spline fitting and interpolation for five-axis CNC machining, Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, 10(6), 2345-2360, 2023.
22. Wenkai Hu, Xin Li, Li-Yong Shen, T.W. Sederberg, Improved local refinement for S-splines-based isogeometric analysis, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 416(1), 116337, 2023.
23. Bowen Lyv, Li-Yong Shen*, Chun-Ming Yuan, MixNet: A Neural Network for Learning 3D Implicit Representations, Graphical Models, Volume 129, October 2023, 101190.
24. Hongyu Ma, Chun-ming Yuan, Li-Yong Shen*, Yi-Fei Feng, A theoretically complete surface segmentation method for CNC subtractive fabrication, CSIAM Transactions on Applied Mathematics, Vol. 4, No. 2, 325-344, 2023.
25. Yi-Fei Feng, Li-Yong Shen, Chun-Ming Yuan, Xin Li, Deep Shape Representation with Sharp Feature Preservation, Computer-Aided Design, 157, 103468, 2023.
26. Hongyu Ma, Chunming Yuan, Li-Yong Shen*, Xiao-Shan Gao, Optimal feedrate planning on a five-axis parametric tool path with global geometric and kinematic constraints, Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, 9, 2355–2374, 2022.
27. Zheng Zeng, Xiaohong Jia, Li-Yong Shen, Pengbo Bo, Developable Mesh Segmentation by Detecting Curve-like Features on Gauss Images, Computers & Graphics, 19:42–54,2022.
28. Li-Yong Shen, Mengxing Wang, Hongyu Ma, Yi-Fei Feng and Chunming Yuan, A framework from geometric data clouds to workpieces, Computing for Industry, Biomedicine, and Art, 5:21, 2022.
29. Xin Jiang, Yifei Hu, Guanying Huo, Cheng Su, Bolun Wang, Hexiong Li, Li‑Yong Shen, Zhiming Zheng, Asymmetrical Pythagorean‑hodograph spline‑based C4 continuous local corner smoothing method with jerk‑continuous feedrate scheduling along linear toolpath, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 121, 5731–5754, 2022.
30. Juan Gerardo Alcazar, Carlos Hermoso, Sonia Pérez-Díaz, Li-Yong Shen, Using μ-bases to reduce the degree in the computation of projective equivalences between rational curves in n-space, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 416:114571, 2022.
31. Ruyong Feng, Shuang Feng, Li-Yong Shen, Quasi-equivalence of heights in algebraic function fields of one variable, Advances in Applied Mathematics 139(2):102373, 2022.
32. Hongyu Ma, Chunming Yuan, Li-Yong Shen*, Fengming Lin, Lixian Zhang, Hybrid Line-Arc Toolpath Machining with Corner Transition and Grouping Lookahead Scheme(Full), Computer-Aided Design & Applications, 19(4), 854-867, 2022.
33. Sonia Pérez-Díaz and Li-Yong Shen*, Computing the μ-basis of algebraic monoid curves and surfaces, Computers & Graphics, Vol. 97. pp. 78-87, 1, 2021.
34. Peipei Liu etal, Li-Yong Shen etal, Ambient climate determines the directional trend of community stability under warming and grazing, Global Change Biology 27(5), 5198–5210, 2021.
35. Sonia Pérez-Díaz and Li-Yong Shen, The μ-basis of improper rational parametric surface and its application, Mathematics, 9(6), 640, 2021.
36. Chunming Yuan, Sonia Pérez-Díaz and Li-Yong Shen*. A Survey of the Representations of Rational Ruled Surfaces. Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, Vol. 34, 2357–2377, 2021.
37. Sonia Pérez-Díaz and Li-Yong Shen*, Inversion, Degree, Reparametrization and Implicitization of Improperly Parametrized Planar Curves Using µ-Basis, Computer Aided Geometric Design, Vol.84, 101957, 2021.
38. Chunming Yuan., Zhenpeng Mi, Xiaohong Jia, Fenming Lin, and Li-Yong Shen*, Tool Orientation Optimization and Path Planning for 5-Axis Machining. Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, Vol. 34, 83–106, 2021.
39. Sonia Pérez-Díaz and Li-Yong Shen*, Parametrization of rational translational surfaces. Theoretical Computer Sciences, Vol. 835, 156-167, 2020.
40. Sonia Pérez-Díaz, Li-Yong Shen*, A Symbolic-Numeric Approach for Parametrizing Ruled Surfaces, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, Vol.33, 799–820, 2020.
41. Shanshan Yao, Yi-Fei Feng, Xiaohong Jia, Li-Yong Shen*, A package to compute implicit equations for rational curves and surfaces, ACM Communications in Computer Algebra, Vol 53(2), 33-36, 2019 (Software Presentation in ISSAC’2019).
42. Li-Yong Shen*, Sonia Pérez-Díaz, Ron Goldman, Yi-Fei Feng, Representing rational curve segments and surface patches using semi-algebraic sets, Computer Aided Geometric Design, Vol.74, 101770, 2019.
43. Li-Yong Shen*, Sonia Pérez-Díaz, Zhengfeng Yang, Numerical Proper Reparametrization of Space Curves and Surfaces, Computer-Aided Design, Vol.106, 102732, 2019.
44. Li-Yong Shen*, Sonia Pérez-Díaz, Numerical polynomial reparametrization of rational curves, Computer Aided Geometric Design, Vol. 71, 90-104, 2019. (GMP’2019)
45. Fengming Lin, Li-Yong Shen*, ChunMing Yuan, Zhenpeng Mi, Certified space curve fitting and trajectory planning for CNC machining with cubic B-splines, Computer-Aided Design. Vol. 106, 13-29,2019. (Invited paper presentation in SIAM/GD 2019)
46. Li-Yong Shen*, Ron Goldman, Combining complementary methods for implicitizing rational tensor product surfaces, Computer-Aided Design, 104, 100-112, 2018
47. Li-Yong Shen, Ron Goldman, Implicitizing Rational Tensor Product Surfaces Using the Resultant of Three Moving Planes. ACM Transactions on Graphics, Vol. 36, No. 5, Article 167, 2017. (Presented in Siggraph 2018)
48. Li-Yong Shen, Ron Goldman, Strong µ-bases for rational tensor product surfaces and extraneous factors associated to bad base points and anomalies at infinity. SIAM Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry, Vol.1(1), 328–351, 2017.
49. Li-Yong Shen, Ron Goldman, Algorithms for Computing Strong μ-Bases for Rational Tensor Product Surfaces. Computer Aided Geometric Design, 52-53, 48 – 62. Geometric Modeling and Processing 2017 (Best Paper Award).
50. Zhenpeng Mi, Chun-Ming Yuan, Xiaohui Ma, Li-Yong Shen*, Tool orientation optimization for 5-axis machining with C-space method, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol.88(5), 1243–1255, 2017.
Li-Yong Shen, Haohao Wang, Jerzy Wojdylo, Linear Algebra, Mercury Learning & Information, Dulles, Virginia, Boston, Massachusetts, New Delhi, ISBN: 978-1-68392-376-3 Pub Date: January 2019.
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