袁泉子 博士
中国科学院 力学研究所 研究员/博士生导师
中国科学院大学 工程科学学院 教授
非线性力学国家重点实验室 党支部书记
电子邮件: yuanquanzi@lnm.imech.ac.cn
通信地址: 北京市海淀区北四环西路15号 中国科学院力学研究所
邮政编码: 100190
2017年10月 - 今 中国科学院大学工程科学学院 岗位教授
2011年 7月 - 今 中国科学院力学研究所 研究员 (2017至今)、副研究员 (2013-2017)、助研 (2011-2013)
《固体力学学报》、Chinese Phys Lett、Chinese Phys B、《物理学报》、《物理》等期刊,青年编委
2018年,中国科学院青年创新促进会-优秀会员 (结题优秀)
50. Zhang MR, Chen WT, Huang XF, Yuan QZ, Zhao YP. The constitutive relations for initially stressed porous materials: a modified multiplicative decomposition approach. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 193: 105886 (2024)
49. Chen WT, Yuan QZ, Zhao YP. Initially stressed strain gradient elasticity: a constitutive model incorporates size effects and initial stresses. International Journal of Engineering Science. in revision (2024)
48. Liu L, Yuan QZ. Atomic insights into the ductile-brittle competition of cracks under dissolution. Extreme Mechanics Letters. in revision (2024)
47. Tian SH, Qin H, Yuan QZ. Shape optimization of nanopores by dissolutive flow. in revision (2024)
46. Ma YH, Luo RC, Tian SH, Ji YJ, Pennycook SJ, Liu YY, Yuan QZ, Zhou W. Atomic fracture mechanism in suspended 2D transition metal dichalcogenides. Advanced Functional Materials, DOI: 10.1002/adfm.202409839 (2024)
45. Yin JJ, Yuan QZ. Mechanism of crack evolution and strength failure in chemo-mechanical induced fracture. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 183: 105525 (2024)
44. Qin H, Yuan QZ. Dissolution of porous media with disordered geometry. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. 701: 134891 (2024)
43. Miao WN, Tian SH, Yuan QZ, Tian Y, Jiang L. Direct observation of spreading precursor liquids in a corner. National Science Review. 10: nwad119 (2023)
42. Tian SH, Chen XD, Yuan QZ. Shape optimization of a meniscus-adherent nanotip. Nanoscale. 15: 11099-11106 (2023)
41. Yang JH, Yuan QZ. Flow and solute transport in dissolutive wetting. Physics of Fluids. 35: 053329 (2023)
40. Miao Q, Yuan QZ. Machine learning coarse-grained models of dissolutive wetting: a droplet on soluble surfaces. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 25: 7487-7495 (2023)
39. Chen XD, Yuan QZ. Capillary adhesion around the shapes optimized by dissolution. Advanced Materials Interfaces. 10: 2202380 (2023)
38. Wang FS, Yuan QZ. Evaporation-induced fractal patterns: a bridge between uniform pattern and coffee ring. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 637: 522-532 (2023)
37. Yang JH, Yuan QZ. Moving contact line instability on soluble fibers. Advanced Materials Interfaces. 9: 2201248 (2022)
36. Ji WJ, Lan D, Li WB, Yuan QZ, Wang YR. Wall-confined spreading dynamics on the surface of surfactant solution. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 13: 4315-4320 (2022)
35. Wang FS, Tian SH, Yuan QZ. Evaporation-induced crystal self-assembly (EICSA) of salt drops regulated by trace of polyacrylamide. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. 644: 128856 (2022)
34. Wang LZ, Huang XF, Yuan QZ, Chen LQ, Yu YS. Dilute sodium dodecyl sulfate droplets impact on micropillar-arrayed non-wetting surfaces. Physics of Fluids, 33: 107103 (2021)
33. Ma HZ, Yuan QZ. Control of viscous fingering: from the perspective of energy evolution. Physical Review Fluids, 6: 023901 (2021)
32. Zhao WJ, Ma HZ, Ji WJ, Li WB, Wang J, Yuan QZ, Wang YR, Lan D. Marangoni-driven instability patterns of an N-hexadecane drop triggered by assistant solvent. Physics of Fluids, 33: 024104 (2021)
31. Miao Q, Yuan QZ, Zhao YP. Shape evolution and scaling analysis of soluble cylinders in dissolutive flow. Physics of Fluids, 32: 102103 (2020)
30. Wang FS, Wu MM, Man XK, Yuan QZ. Formation of deposition patterns induced by the evaporation of the restricted liquid. Langmuir, 36: 8520-8526 (2020)
29. Li B, Lin SJ, Wang YL, Yuan QZ, et al. Promoting rebound of impinging viscoelastic droplets on heated superhydrophobic surfaces. New Journal of Physics, 22: 123001 (2020)
28. Yang JH, Yuan QZ, Zhao YP. Solute transport and interface evolution in dissolutive wetting. Science China - Physics, Mechanics, Astronomy, 62: 124611 (2019)
27. Miao Q, Yuan QZ, Zhao YP. Dissolutive flow in nanochannels: transition between plug-like and Poiseuille-like. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 22: 141 (2018)
1. 袁泉子, 杨锦鸿, 赵亚溥, 黄先富. 一种用于样品表面形貌测量的纳米纤维探针针尖制作方法. ZL202010558297.9 (2021-05-07)
2. 黄先富, 刘战伟, 袁泉子, 赵亚溥. 一种平面钢化玻璃内应力分布的无损检测方法. ZL202310248059.1 (2023-03-15)
科技部 - 国家重点研发计划、973、863;
科学院 - 战略先导、重点部署、前沿重点、交叉团队、青促会、等;
连续介质力学-固体 (2020-2023年度 中国科学院大学“研究生优秀课程”)
陈旭东 博士生:基于Young-Laplace方程的形状优化和设计。第五届研究生学术论坛 二等奖。
田诗豪 博士生:纳尺度溶解优化的物理力学研究。
尹佳静 博士生:力化耦合裂纹的演化和控制。
秦 翰 硕士生:可溶解多孔介质中流动稳定性研究。
刘 龙 硕士生:力化耦合裂纹扩展的微观机理研究。
邓少淳 硕士生:功能凝胶的物理力学研究。
吴培才 硕士生:水凝胶的微观机理研究。
杨锦鸿 博士:2020年毕业,工作于清华航院 (2020-2023),中煤科工 (2023-)。
LNM研究生成果展 第一名;国际微流控大会-最佳海报奖;中科院朱李月华奖学金。
苗 青 博士:2021年毕业,工作于中国空气动力研究与发展中心。
LNM研究生成果展 二等奖;研究生学术论坛 二等奖;优秀学生干部。
王富帅 博士:2023年毕业,工作于国家纳米科学中心。
研究生国家奖学金;郭永怀奖学金 二等奖;第四届研究生学术论坛 一等奖;优秀学生干部。