林伟  男  博导  中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所
电子邮件: linwei@mail.iggcas.ac.cn
通信地址: 北京市朝阳区北土城西路19号
邮政编码: 100029








1997-01--2000-04   法国奥尔良大学地球科学系   理学博士
1993-09--1996-09   南京大学地球科学系   理学硕士
1986-09--1990-06   长春地质学院   工学学士
1986.09-1990.06 长春地质学院应用地球物理系,工学学士学位。
1993.09-1996.09 南京大学地球科学系,理学硕士学位。
1997.01-2000.05 法国奥尔良大学地球科学系,理学博士学位。
法国奥尔良大学 19970115--20000324 理学博士学位


1995.07-1996.6 中国石油天然气总公司石油勘探研究院实习并完成硕士论文。
2000.05-2002.04 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所博士后研究。
2002.05-2002.10 法国奥尔良大学地球科学系访问学者(法国中央大区资助)。
2002.10-2004.10 日本学术振兴会特别研究员(JSPS fellow),日本名古屋大学地球科学系。
2008-12~现在, 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所, 研究员
2004-11~2008-12,中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所, 副研究员
2002-10~2004-10,日本名古屋大学, 日本学术振兴会特别研究员
2002-05~2002-10,法国奥尔良大学, 访问学者
2000-05~2002-05,中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所, 博士后
1990-07~1993-09,长春地质学院研究生部, 实习员




(1) 中国科学院杰出科技成就奖, 一等奖, 部委级, 2014
(2) 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所优秀科技成果奖, 研究所(学校), 2014
(3) 2013年中国科学院优秀研究生指导教师奖, 部委级, 2013



1.       Chu, Y. and Lin, W., 2018. Strain analysis of the Xuefengshan Belt, South China: From internal strain variation to formation of the orogenic curvature. Journal of Structural Geology. Doi:10.1016/j.jsg.2018.08.002

2.       LIN Wei and WEI Wei, 2018. Late Mesozoic extensional tectonics in the North China Craton and its adjacent regions: A review and synthesis. International Geology Review, 10.1080/00206814.2018.1477073.

3.       林伟, 许德如, 侯泉林,李双建,孟令通,任志恒,邱华标,褚杨,2018. 中国大陆中东部早白垩世伸展穹隆构造与多金属成矿. 大地构造与成矿,已接收。

4.       Ji, W., Faure, M., Lin, W*, Chen, Y., Chu, Y., & Xue, Z. 2018, Multiple emplacement and exhumation history of the Late Mesozoic Dayunshan–Mufushan batholith in southeast China and its tectonic significance: 1. Structural analysis and geochronological constraints. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 123, 689–710. https://doi.org/10.1002/2017JB014597

5.       Ji, W., Chen, Y., Chen, K., Wei, W., Faure, M. & Lin, W*.2018,  Multiple emplacement and exhumation history of the Late Mesozoic Dayunshan-Mufushan batholith in southeast China and its tectonic significance: 2. Magnetic fabrics and gravity survey. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 123, 711–731. https://doi.org/10.1002/2017JB014598

6.       Wei Lin, Philippe Rossi, Michel Faure, Xian-Hua Li, Wenbin Ji, and Yang Chu, 2018. Detrital zircon age patterns from turbidites of the Balagne and Piedmont nappes of Alpine Corsica (France): evidence for an European margin source. Tectonophysics, 722 (2018) 69-105.

7.       Cyril Lobjoie, Wei Lin, Pierre Trap, Philippe Goncalves, Qiuli Li, Didier Marquer, Olivier Bruguier, Arnaud Devoir, 2018. Ultra-high temperature metamorphism recorded in Fe-rich olivine-bearing migmatite from the Khondalite Belt, North China Craton. J Metamorph Geol.  36 (3), pp.343-368. DOI: 10.1111/jmg.12295

8.       Jing J., Su B., Xiao Y., Martin L., Zhang H., Uysal I., Chen Ch., Lin W., Chu Y., Seitz H., Zhang P., 2018, Cryptic metasomatism revealed by Li isotopes of mantle xenoliths beneath the Thrace Basin, NW Turkey. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 166, 270-278.



1.       Zhenhua Xue, Guillaume Martelet, Wei Lin*, Michel Faure, Yan Chen, Wei Wei, Shuangjian Li, Qingchen Wang, 2017. Mesozoic crustal thickening of the Longmenshan belt (NE Tibet, China) by imbrication of basement slices: insights from structural analysis, petro- and magnetic fabric studies and gravity modeling. Tectonics. , 36. https://doi.org/ 10.1002/2017TC004754.

2.       Ji W., Wei Lin*, Faure M., Yan Chen, Chu Y., Xue ZH., 2017. Origin of the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous peraluminous granitoids in the northeastern Hunan province (middle Yangtze region), South China: Geodynamic implications for the Paleo-Pacific subduction. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 141, 174-193.DOI: dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2016.07.005

3.       Ji W., Wei Lin*, Faure M., Shi Y., Wang Q., 2017. The early Cretaceous orogen-scale Dabieshan metamorphic core complex: implications for extensional collapse of the Triassic HP–UHP orogenic belt in east-central China. Int J Earth Sci (Geol Rundsch), 106, 1311-1340. DOI 10.1007/s00531-016-1311-6.

4.       林伟, 孙萍, 薛振华, 张仲培, 2017. 西准噶尔达拉布特断裂带中段晚古生代构造分析. 岩石学报, 33(10), 2987-3001.


9.       Wei Lin, Faure Michel, Li Xian-hua, Chu Yang, Ji Wenbin, Xue Zhenhua, 2016. Detrital zircon age distribution from Devonian and Carboniferous sandstone in the Southern Variscan Fold-and-Thrust belt (Montagne Noire, French Massif Central), and their bearings on the Variscan belt evolution. Tectonophysics (677-678): 1-33.

10.    Chu, Y., W. Lin, M. Faure, and Q. Wang (2016), Detrital zircon U-Pb ages and Hf isotopic constraints on the terrigenous sediments of the Western Alps and their paleogeographic implications, Tectonics, 35, doi:10.1002/2016TC004276.

11.    Faure M., Wei Lin, Y. Chu, C. Lepvrier. 2016. Triassic tectonics of the Ailaoshan Belt (SW China): Early Triassic collision between the South China and Indochina Blocks, and Middle Triassic intracontinental shearing. Tectonophysics 683, 27-42.

12.    Wei Wei, Yan Chen, Michel Faure, Guillaume Martelet, Wei Lin*, Qingchen Wang, Quanren Yan, Quanlin Hou, 2016. An early extensional event of the South China Block during the Late Mesozoic recorded by the emplacement of the Late Jurassic syntectonic Hengshan Composite Granitic Massif (Hunan, SE China). Tectonophysics, 672-673, 50-67.

13.    Faure M., Wei Lin, Chu Y., Claude Lepvrier. 2016. Triassic tectonics of the southern margin of the South China Block. Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 348, 5-14.

14.    Choulet, F., Faure M., Cluzel D., Chen Y., Lin W., Wang B., Xu B., 2016. Toward a unified model of Altaids geodynamics: Insight from the Palaeozoic polycyclic evolution of West Junggar (NW China). Science China Earth Sciences, 59(1): 25-57.

15.    林伟, 冀文斌, 石永红, 李秋立, 王清晨. 2016. 大别山东北缘桐城高压-超高压变质带的构造解析及其对郯庐断裂带的制约. 岩石学报, 32( 04), 950-964. Lin WJi WBShi YHLi QL and Wang QC. 2016. Structural analysis of the Tongcheng HP-UHP metamorphic belt in the northeastern Dabieshan and its constraint on the Tan-Lu fault zone. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 32(4): 950-964

16.    马珊, 林伟*, 王清晨, 徐辉, 王香增, 张丽霞, 姜呈馥2016. 鄂尔多斯盆地南部延长组中段剪裂缝方向分析. 科学通报, 2016, 61: 3049–3063. Ma S, Lin W, Wang Q C, et al. Shear fracture direction and mechanical characteristics of the middle Yanchang Formation, southern Ordos Basin, China (in Chinese). Chin Sci Bull, 2016, 61: 3049–3063, doi: 10.1360/N972016-00469.


17.    Damien Do Couto, Michel Faure, Romain Augier, Alain Cocherie, Philippe Rossi, Xian-Hua Li, Wei Lin. 2015. Monazite U–Th–Pb EPMA and zircon U–Pb SIMS chronological constraints on the tectonic, metamorphic, and thermal events in the inner part of the Variscan orogen, example from the Sioule series, French Massif Central. Int J Earth Sci (Geol Rundsch), DOI 10.1007/s00531-015-1184-0

18.    Ke Chen, Wei Lin*, Qingchen Wang, 2015.The Bogeda Shan uplifting: Evidence from multiple phases of deformation. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 99, 1-12.

19.    Wei WeiMichel FaureYan ChenWenbin JiWei Lin*Qingchen WangQuanren YanQuanlin Hou2015Back-thrusting response of continental collision: Early Cretaceous NW-directed thrusting in the Changle-Nan’ao belt (Southeast China). Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 10098-114.

20.    Li Xian-HuaFaure MichelRossi PhilippeLin WeiLahondère Didier2015Age of Alpine Corsica ophiolites revisited: Insights from in situ zircon U-Pb age and O-Hf isotopes. Lithos 220-223179-190

21.    林伟, 黎乐, 张仲培, 石永红, 李秋立, 薛振华, 王非, 吴林. 2015.从西南天山超高压变质带多期构造变形看天山古生代构造演化. 岩石学报, 31(8):2115-2128.

22.    Wei Lin, Ji W., Faure M., Wu L., Li Q., Shi Y., Scharer U., Wang F., and Wang Q. 2015. Early Cretaceous extensional reworking of the Triassic HP-UHP metamorphic orogen in Eastern China. Tectonophysics, 662, 56-270



23.    Chen ZechaoLin Wei*Faure MichelLepvrier ClaudeN`guyen Van VuongVu Van Tich. 2014. Geochronology and isotope analysis of the Late Paleozoic to Mesozoic granitoids from Northeastern Vietnam and implications for the evolution of the South China block. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. 86131-150 doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2013. 07.039 (责任作者).

24.    Shi YonghongLin Wei*Ji WenbinWang Qingchen. 2014. The architecture of the HP-UHP Dabie massif: new insights from geothermobarometry of eclogitesand implication for the continental exhumation processes. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. 8638-58,doi.org/10.1016/ j.jseaes. 2013.09.005(责任作者).

25.    Wei WeiGuillaume MarteletNicole Le BretonYonghong ShiMichel FaureYan ChenQuanlin HouLin Wei*Qingchen Wang. 2014. A multidisciplinary study of the emplacement mechanism of the Qingyang-Jiuhua Massif in Southeast China and its tectonic bearings. Part II: Amphibole geobarometry and gravity modeling Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. 8694-105doi.org/ 10. 1016/j.jseaes.2013.09.021 (责任作者).

26.    Wei WeiYan ChenMichel FaureYonghong ShiGuillaume MarteletQuanlin HouWei Lin*Nicole Le BretonQingchen Wang. 2014. A multidisciplinary study on the emplacement mechanism of the Qingyang–Jiuhua Massif in Southeast China and its tectonic bearings. Part I: Structural geologyAMS and paleomagnetism. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. 8676-93doi.org/ 10. 1016/j.jseaes.2013.06.003 (责任作者).

27.    Ji WenbinLin Wei*Faure MichelChu YangWu LinWang FeiWang JunWang Qingchen. 2014. Origin and tectonic significance of the Huangling massif within the Yangtze cratonSouth China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. 8659-75doi.org/10.1016/ j.jseaes.2013.06.007 (责任作者).

28.    Yang ChuWei Lin*2014. Phanerozoic polyorogenic deformation in southern Jiuling Massifnorthern South China block: Constraints from structural analysis and geochronology. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. 86117-130doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2013.05.019(责任作者).

29.    Michel FaurePhilippe RossiJulien GachéJérémie MelletonDirk FreiXianhua LiWei Lin2014.  Variscan orogeny in Corsica: new structural and geochronological insightsand its place in the Variscan geodynamic framework. Int J Earth Sci (Geol Rundsch)DOI 10.1007/s00531-014-1031-8

30.    Michel FaureAlain CocherieJulien GachéChloé EsnaultCatherine GuerrotPhilippe RossiLin Wei and Li Qiuli2014Middle Carboniferous intracontinental subduction in the Outer Zone of the Variscan Belt (Montagne Noire Axial ZoneFrench Massif Central): multimethod geochronological approach of polyphase metamorphism. Geological SocietyLondonSpecial Publicationsdoi 10.1144/SP405.2

31.    WangF.Q. WangW. LinL. WuW. ShiH. Fengand R. Zhu (2014)40Ar/39Ar geochronology of the North China and Yangtze Cratons: New constraints on Mesozoic cooling and cratonic destruction under East AsiaJ. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth1193700–3721doi:10.1002/ 2013JB010708.

32.    Lin WuFei WangWei LinQingchen WangLiekun YangWenbei ShiHuile Feng2014. Rapid cooling of the Yanshan Beltnorthern China: Constraints from 40Ar/39Ar thermochronology and implications for cratonic lithospheric thinning. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences90,107–126.

33.    LiXian-Hua; FaureMichel; LinWei2014. From crustal anatexis to mantle melting in the Variscan orogen of Corsica (France): SIMS U–Pb zircon age constraints. Tectonophysics 63419-30

34.    LiXian-Hua; FaureMichel; LinWei; ManatschalGianreto2013. New isotopic constraints on age and magma genesis of an embryonic oceanic crust: The Chenaillet Ophiolite in the Western Alps. Lithos160pp 283-291.



35.    Wei LinYang ChuWenbin JiZhongpei ZhangYonghong ShiZhenyuan WangZhong Liand Qingchen Wang. 2013. Geochronological and geochemical constraints for a Middle Paleozoic continental arc in northern margin of the Tarim Block: implications for the Paleozoic tectonic evolution of the South Chinese Tianshan. Lithosphere5355-381doi: 10.1130/L231.1.

36.    Wei LinMichel FaureYan ChenWenbin JiFei WangLin WuNicolas CharlesJun WangQingchen Wang. 2013. Late Mesozoic compressional to extensional tectonics in the Yiwulüshan massifNE China and its bearing on the evolution of the Yinshan-Yanshan orogenic belt. Part I: Structural analyses and geochronological constraints. Gondwana Research2354–77DOI:  10.1016/j.gr.2012.02.013.

37.    Wei LinNicolas CharlesYan ChenKe ChenMichel FaureLin WuFei WangQiuli LiJun WangQingchen Wang. 2013. Late Mesozoic compressional to extensional tectonics in the Yiwulüshan massifNE China and its bearing on the evolution of the Yinshan-Yanshan orogenic belt. Part I: Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility and gravity modeling. Gondwana Research2378–94DOI:  10.1016/j.gr.2012.02.012.

38.    林伟,冀文斌,石永红,褚杨,李秋立,陈泽超,刘飞,王清晨. 2013.高压-超高压变质岩石的多期构造折返:桐柏-红安-大别造山带为例.科学通报.58(23): 2259-2265.

39.    林伟,王军,刘飞,冀文斌,褚杨,王清晨. 2013.华北克拉通及邻区晚中生代伸展构造及其动力学背景的讨论. 岩石学报,29(5)1791-1810.

40.    LiXian-Hua; FaureMichel; LinWei; ManatschalGianreto2013. New isotopic constraints on age and magma genesis of an embryonic oceanic crust: The Chenaillet Ophiolite in the Western Alps. LITHOS160pp 283-291.

41.    Michel FaureClaude LepvrierVuong Nguyen VanTich Van VuWei LinZechao Chen2013. The South China block-Indochina collision: Wherewhenand how? Journal of Asian Earth Sciences79260-274.

42.    ChouletF.Chen Y.Cogné J.P.Rabillard A.Wang B.Lin W.Faure M.Cluzel D.2013.  First Triassic palaeomagnetic constraints from Junggar (NW China) and their implications for the Mesozoic tectonics in Central Asia. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences78371-394.

43.    李秋立,杨亚楠,石永红,林伟. 榴辉岩中金红石 U-Pb 定年: 对大陆碰撞造山带形成和演化的制约. 科学通报,201358: 2279–2284. Li Q LYang Y NShi Y Het al. Eclogite rutile U-Pb dating: constrant for formation and evolution of continental collisional orogen. Chin Sci Bull201358: 2279–2284doi: 10.1360/972013-590.

44.    石永红,王娟,李秋立,林伟. 大别造山带变质岩温度压力结构研究. 科学通报,2013582145–2152.

45.    陈泽超,林伟,Faure MichelLepvrier C.,褚杨,王清晨. 2013. 越南东北部早中生代构造事件的年代学约束. 岩石学报,291825-1840.

46.    刘飞,王镇远,林伟,陈科,姜琳. 2013.中国阿尔泰造山带南缘额尔齐斯断离带的构造变形及其意义. 岩石学报,29(5)1811-1824.

47.    徐旭峰,石永红,林伟,冀文斌. 2013.中大别腹地榴辉岩锆石U-Pb年龄及其类型归属. 岩石学报,29(5)1559-1572.


48.    Yang ChuWei Lin*Michel FaureQingchen WangWenbin Ji. 2012. Phanerozoic tectonothermal events of the Xuefengshan Beltcentral South China: Implications from U\Pb age and Lu\Hf determinations of granites. Lithos1501: 243-255. doi: 10.1016/j.lithos.2012. 04.005. (责任作者)

49.    Yang ChuMichel FaureWei Lin*Qingchen WangWenbin Ji. 2012. Tectonics of the Middle Triassic intracontinental Xuefengshan BeltSouth China: new insights from structural and chronological constraints on the basal de´collement zone. Int J Earth Sci (Geol Rundsch) 101: 2125–2150. DOI 10.1007/s00531-012-0780-5(责任作者)

50.    Yang ChuMichel FaureWei Lin*Qingchen Wang2012. Early Mesozoic tectonics of the South China block: Insights from the Xuefengshan intracontinental orogen. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences61,199-220. doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2012.09.029(责任作者).

51.    Michel FaureWei Lin and Yan Chen2012. Is the Jurassic (Yanshanian) intraplate tectonics of North China due to westward indentation of the North China block? Terra Novadoi: 10.1111/ter.12002.

52.    TrapPierre; FaureMichel; LinWei; Le BretonNicole; MoniePatrick2012. Paleoproterozoic tectonic evolution of the Trans-North China Orogen: Toward a comprehensive model. PRECAMBRIAN RESEARCH222pp 191-211.

53.    Nicolas Charles,Charles GumiauxRomain AugierYan ChenMichel FaureWei LinRixiang Zhu2012Metamorphic Core Complex dynamics and structural development: Field evidences from the Liaodong Peninsula (ChinaEast Asia). Tectonophysics 560–56122-50.

54.    ChouletF.Faure M.Cluzel D.Chen Y.Lin W.Wang B.Jahn B.M. 2012. Architecture and evolution of accretionary orogens in the altaids collage: The Early Paleozoic west Junggar (NW) China. American Journal of Science3121098-1145.

55.    ChouletF.Cluzel D.Faure M.Lin W.Wang B.Chen Y.Wu F.Y.Ji W.B.2012. New constraints on the pre-Permian continental crust growth of Central Asia (West JunggarChina) by U–Pb and Hf isotopic data from detrital zircon. Terra Nova243: 189-198. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3121.2011.01052.x

56.    ChouletF.Faure M.Cluzel D.Chen Y.Lin W.Wang B.2012. From oblique accretion to transpression in the evolution of the Altaid collage: New insights from West Junggarnorthwestern China. Gondwana Research21 (2–3)530-547. doi:10.1016/j.gr.2011.07.015

57.    石永红,王次松,康涛,徐旭峰,林伟. 2012.安徽省宿松变质杂岩岩石学特征和锆石U-Pb年龄研究. 岩石学报,28(10)3389-3402.


58.    Wei LinPatrick MoniéMichel FaureUrs SchärerYonghong ShiNicole Le BretonQingchen Wang2011. Cooling paths of the NE China crust during the Mesozoic extensional tectonics: Example from the south-Liaodong peninsula metamorphic core complex. Journal of Asia Earth Sciences421048-1065. doi:10.1016/j.jseaes.2010.09.007.

59.    Lin WWang Q CWang JWang FChu YChen K. 2011. Late Mesozoic extensional tectonics of the Liaodong Peninsula massif: response of crust to continental Lithosphere destruction of the North China Craton. Science China Earth Sciences54(5)843-857doi: 10.1007/s11430-011-4190-5.

60.    林伟,王清晨,王军,王非,褚杨,陈科,2011.辽东半岛晚中生代伸展构造华北克拉通破坏的地壳响应. 中国科学地球科学. 54(5)638-653.

61.    林伟,Michel FaureClaude Lepvrier,陈泽超,禇杨,王清晨,N’guyen Van VuongVu Van Tich2011.华南板块南缘早中生代的逆冲推覆构造及其相关的动力学背景.地质科学,46146-160.

62.    Li Q.Wei Lin*Su WenLi XianhuaShi YonghongLiu YuTang Guoqiang2011. SIMS U–Pb rutile age of low-temperature eclogites from southwestern Chinese TianshanNW China Lithos12276-86(责任作者).

63.    Chen K.Gumiaux C.Augier R.Chen Y.Wang Q.LIN W.Wang S.2011. The Mesozoic palaeorelief of the northern Tian Shan (China). Terra Nova23195–205doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3121.2011.00999.x

64.    TrapP.FaureM.LinW.AugierR.FouassierA.2011. Syn-collisional channel flow and exhumation of Paleoproterozoic high pressure rocks in the Trans-North China Orogen: The critical role of partial-melting and orogenic bending. GONDWANA RESEARCH20 (2-3)498-515. DOI: 10.1016/j.gr.2011.02.013

65.    ChouletF.Chen Y.Wang B.Faure M.Cluzel D.Charvet J.Xu B.Lin W.2011. Late Paleozoic paleogeographic reconstruction of Western Central Asia based upon paleomagnetic data and its geodynamic implications. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences42867-884.

66.    Claude LepvrierMichel FaureVuong Nguyen VanTich Van VuWei LinThang Ta TrongPhuong Ta Hoa2011. North-directed Triassic nappes in Northeastern Vietnam (East Bac Bo). Journal of Asian Earth Sciences4156–68.

67.    Charles N.Gumiaux C.Augier R.Chen Y.Zhu R.LIN W.2011. Metamorphic Core Complexes vs. synkinematic plutons in continental extension setting: Insights from key structures (Shandong Provinceeastern China). Journal of Asian Earth Sciences40261-278. doi:10.1016/j.jseaes.2010.07.006.

68.    CharlesN.Chen Y.Augier R.Gumiaux C.Lin W.Faure M. Monie P.Choulet F.Wu F.Zhu R.Wang Q.2011. Palaeomagnetic constraints from granodioritic plutons (Jiaodong Peninsula): New insights on Late Mesozoic continental extension in Eastern Asia. Phys. Earth Planet. In.187276-291 doi:10.1016/ j.pepi.2011.05.006.

69.    冀文斌,林伟,石永红,王清晨,褚杨,2011.大别山早白垩世变质核杂岩的结构与演化. 地质科学,46161-180.

70.    褚杨,林伟,Michel Faure,王清晨,2011. 雪峰山中生代构造演化:构造学和年代学分析. 地质科学,46134-145.

71.    石永红,康涛,李秋立,林伟,2011. 北大别北东地区榴辉岩温度条件分析. 岩石学报,103021-3040.


72.    Wang QCShu LCharvet JFaure MMa HNatal’in NGao JKroner AXiao WLi JWindley BChen YGlen RJian PZhang WSeltmann RWilde SChoulet FWan BQuinn CRojas-Agramonte YWang BW. Lin*2010. Understanding and study perspectives on tectonic evolution and crustal structure of the Paleozoic Chinese Tianshan. Episodes33242-247(责任作者).

73.    Wang BW. Lin*J. CharvetM. FaureL. ShuD. Cluzel2010. Guidebook for the International Geological Excursion in the Paleozoic Chinese Tianshan. Episodes33247-266(责任作者).

74.    王军,褚杨,林伟,王清晨,2010.黄陵背斜的构造几何形态及其成因探讨. 地质科学,45615-625.

75.    褚杨,陈科,林伟,严德天,王清晨,2010.从多系统年代学(Multi—SystemGeochronology)透视云开地块古生代一中生代的构造演化. 地质科学,44,922-930.

76.    石永红,林伟,王清晨,2010. 大别山南部黄镇凉亭河一线宿松变质杂岩岩石学和峰期变质温压条件及与高压榴辉岩对比研究,地质学报,84329-342.



77.    Wei LinYonghong Shi and Qingchen Wang2009. Exhumation tectonics of the HP-UHP orogenic belt in Eastern China: New structural-petrological insights from the Tongcheng massifEastern Dabieshan. Lithos 109,285-303doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2008.10.007

78.    Wei LinMichel FaureYonghong ShiQincheng WangZhong Li2009. Paleozoic Tectonics of Southwestern Chinese Tianshan: New insights from a structural study of the high-pressure/low-temperature metamorphic belt. International journal of Earth Sciences. 200998: 1259-1274DOI 10.1007/s00531-008-0371-7.

79.    Trap PFaure MW. LinMonié P.Meffred S.Melletona J.2009. The Zanhuang Massifthe second and eastern suture zone of the Paleoproterozoic Trans-North China Orogen. Precambrian Research17280-98.

80.    Trap P.Faure M.Lin W.Meffre S.2009. The Lüliang Massif: a key area for the understanding of the Palaeoproterozoic Trans-North China BeltNorth China Craton. Geological Society of LondonSpecial Publications32399-125.


81.    Wei LinQingchen WangKe Chen2008. Phanerozoic Tectonics of South China Block: New insights from the polyphase deformation in the Yunkai Massif. Tectonics. VOL. 27TC6004doi:10.1029/2007TC002207

82.    Wei LinFaure M.Monie P.Scharer U.Panis D.2008. Mesozoic extensional tectonics in Eastern Asia:  The South Liaodong peninsula Metamorphic Core Complex (NE China). Journal of Geology 116134-154.

83.    Wei LinMichel FaureSébastien NomadeQinghua ShangPaul Randall Renne2008. Permian-Triassic Amalgamation of Asia: insights from Northeast China sutures and their place in the final collision of North China and Siberia. Comptes Rendus Geosciences (C.R.Acad. Sciences Paris). 340190-201.

84.    Trap PFaure MW. LinBruguier O. and Monié P.2008. Contrasted tectonic styles for the Paleoproterozoic evolution of the North China Craton. Evidence for a similar to 2.1 Ga thermal and tectonic events in the Fuping Massif.  Journal of Structural Geology30(9): 1109-1125.

85.    Michel FaureWei LinPatrick MoniéSébastien Meffre2008. Paleozoic collision between the North and South China BlocksTriassic intracontinental tectonics,and the problem of the ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism. Comptes Rendus Geosciences (C.R.Acad. Sciences Paris). 340139-150.

86.    Wang QingchenShi YonghongWei LinGuo Jinghui2008. Exhumation of the Dabie UHP TerranceChina. International Geology Review5015-31.

87.    石永红 林伟 王清晨. 2008. 《大别山桐城地区雷庄低温高压榴辉岩的增温退变P-T轨迹及其构造意义》《岩石学报》24(08): 1759-1770

88.    石永红 林伟 王清晨. 2008. 《大别山超高压变质带中牛凸岭地区低温-高压榴辉岩的发现及其意义》《岩石学报》24(06): 1288-1296

89.    陈科,林伟,王清晨. 2008. 扬子地块东南缘多期构造变形及其油气意义. 地质学报 82(3)308-316.

90.    王清晨,林伟. 2008. 中国南方古生界海相烃源岩的主变形期. 石油与天然气地质,29  (5): 582-588


91.    Wei LINMasaki EnamiMichel FaureUrs Scharerand Nicolas Arnaud2007Survival of eclogite xenolith in a Cretaceous granite intruding the Central Dabieshan migmatite gneiss dome (Eastern China) and its tectonic implications. International journal of Earth Sciences. 96 (4)707-724. DOI: 10.1007/s00531-006-0129-z.

92.    Wei LinFaure M.Monie P.Wang Q. 2007Polyphase Mesozoic tectonics in the eastern part of North China Block: insights from the Eastern Liaoning Peninsula massif (NE China). In: Mesozoic Sub-continental Lithospheric Thinning Under Eastern Asia. Geological Society LondonSpecial Publications280153-169. DOI 10.1144/SP280.7

93.    石永红; 林伟; 王清晨;2007. 大别山太湖地区宿松变质杂岩中石榴斜长角闪岩的P-T轨迹及反映的俯冲过程. 地质科学, 42518-531.

94.    Trap P.M. FaureW. Lin and P. Monié2007Late Paleoproterozoic (1900-1800 Ma) nappe stacking and polyphase deformation in the Hengshan-Wutaishan area: implications for the understanding of the Trans-North-China BeltNorth China Craton. Precambrian Research15685-106

95.    Michel FaurePierre TrapWei LinPatrick MoniéOlivier Bruguier2007Polyorogenic evolution of the Paleoproterozoic Trans-North China Beltnew insights from the Lüliangshan-Hengshan-Wutaishan and Fuping massifs. EpisodesVol. 30nos. 295-106.


96.    Wei LINWang Qinchen. 2006Late Mesozoic extensional tectonics in the North China Block:  - a crustal response to subcontinental mantle removal? Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France177 (6)287-297.

97.    Wei LIN and Masaki ENAMI2006Prograde pressure-temperature path of jadeite-bearing eclogites and associated high-pressure/low-temperature rocks from western TianshanNW China. Island Arc. 15483–502.

98.    石永红,林伟,王清晨,2006,桐城-源潭铺地区高压榴辉岩的峰期变质P-T条件及其构造归属。岩石学报,222315-2324.

99.    石永红,王清晨,林伟. 2006. 南大别太湖地区榴辉岩峰期变质温压条件及所揭示的构造含义. 岩石矿物学杂志,25127-136

100. 石永红,王清晨,林伟,2006. 大别山太湖地区榴辉岩岩石学、矿物成分和P-T条件特征及其所揭示的构造含义. 岩石学报,22(3)414-432.


101. Wei LinMichel FaureQingchen WangPatrick MoniéDominique Panis2005Triassic Polyphase deformation in the Feidong–Zhangbaling Massif (eastern China) and its place in the collision between North China and South China blocks. Journal of Asia Earth Sciences25121-136. 

102. Wei LinMichel FaureQ. C. WangN. Arnaud2005Tectonic Evolution of Dabie Orogenyin the view from Polyphase Deformation of Beihuaiyang Metamorphic zoneScience in China (D). 48(7)886-899.

103. 林伟,王清晨,M. FaureN. Arnaud2005,从北淮阳构造带的多期变形透视大别山构造演化,中国科学(D). 35(2)127-139.

104. 林伟,王清晨,石永红,2005大别山-苏鲁碰撞造山带构造几何学、运动学和岩石变形分析. 岩石学报,21(4)1195-1214.

105. Li ZhongGuo HongWang Daoxuan and Lin Wei. 2005. Mesozoic-Cenozoic Tectonic Transition in Kuqa Depression-TianshanNorthwest China: Evidence from Sandstone Detrital and Geochemical Records. Science in China (D)48: 1387-1402.

106. 李忠,郭宏,王道轩,林伟,2005,库车坳陷-天山中、新生代构造转折的砂岩碎屑与地球化学记录,中国科学(D)35 (1): 15-28.


107. Wei LinMichel FaurePatrick MoniéNicole Le Breton2004Discussion of the paper ’High- to Ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) ductile shear zones in the Sulu UHP metamorphic beltChina: implications for continental subduction and exhumation’ by Zhao et al. Terra Nova 17(1)86-88.

108. Michel FaureLin WeiPatrick MoniéOlivier Bruguier2004Paleoproterozoic collision tectonics in NE China: evidence for a 2Ga magmatic arc in Liaodong PeninsulaTerra Nova1675-80. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3121.2004.00533.x.

109. Michel FaureLin WeiPatrick MoniéOlivier Bruguier2004Paleoproterozoic collision tectonics in NE China: evidence for a 2Ga magmatic arc in Liaodong PeninsulaTerra Nova1675-80. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3121.2004.00533.x.

110. 李忠,王道轩,林伟,王清晨,2004,库车坳陷中-新生界碎屑组分对物源类型及其构造属性的指示,岩石学报,20(3)655-666.

111. 张仲培,王清晨,林伟,郭宏,宋文杰,2004. 库车坳陷第三纪断层滑动分析与古构造应力恢复,地质科学,39(4): 496-506.

112. 王清晨,张仲培,林伟,宋文杰,郭宏,2004,库车-天山盆山系统新近纪变形特征,中国科学,34: 45-55.

113. WangQCZhangZPLinW. 2004. Late Tertiary faults and their paleostress along the boundary between the Kuqa Basin and the Tianshan Mountains. Chinese Science Bulletin49 (4): 374-380.


114. Wei LinYan ChenMichel Faure and Qingchen Wang2003Tectonic implications of new Late Cretaceous paleomagnetic constraints from Eastern Liaoning PeninsulaNE China Journal of Geophysical ResearchVol. 108(B6)doi: 10.1029/2002JB002169EPM5-1 to 5-17.

115. 林伟,Michel Faure,王清晨,2003,胶东半岛中生代构造演变的几何学和运动学,地质科学,38(4):495-505.

116. 林伟,王清晨,Faure M. ,孙岩,舒良树,Urs Scharer2003a,大别山的构造变形期次和超高压变质岩折返的动力学.地质学报,200377(1): 44-54.

117. Michel FaureWei LinPatrick MoniéNicole Le BretonStéphane PoussineauDominique PanisEtienne Deloule2003Exhumation tectonics of the ultra high-pressure metamorphic rocks in the Qinling orogen in E. China. New petrological-structural-radiometric insights from the Shandong peninsula. Tectonics22(3)1018doi: 10.1029/2002TC001450.

118. Michel FAUREWei LINUrs SCHÄRERLiangshu SHUYan SUN and Nicolas ARNAUD2003Continental subduction and exhumation of UHP rocks. Structural and geochronological insights from the Dabieshan (East China). Lithos70213-241.

119. 张仲培,林伟,王清晨,2003,库车坳陷克拉苏-依奇克里克构造带的构造演化,大地构造与成矿学,27 (4): 327-336.

120. 王清晨,张仲培,林伟,2003,库车盆地-天山边界的晚第三纪断层活动性质与应力边界,科学通报,48(24): 2553-2559.

121. 王清晨,张仲培,林伟,宋文杰,郭宏,2003,库车-天山盆山系统新近纪变形特征,中国科学,34: 45-55

122. 李忠,王清晨,王道轩,林伟,2003,晚新生代天山隆升与库车坳陷构造转换的沉积约束,沉积学报 200321: 38-45.

123. 朱文斌,孙岩,舒良树,葛和平,林伟,2003.王锋低序次韧性断裂的负反转构造研究. 地质论评,49583-587.


124. FaureM.Le BretonN.Lin WeiMonie P. 2002. Where is the N. China-S. China Blocks boundary in Eastern China? Reply to the Discussion by M. Zhai. Geology30667.

125. 王清晨,林伟,2002,大别山碰撞造山带的地球动力学,地学前缘,9(4)255-265.


126. Wei LinMichel FaureYan SUNand Liangshu SHUQingchen Wang2001Compression to extension switch during the Middle Triassic Orogeny Eastern China: the case study of the Jiulingshan massif in the southern foreland of the DabieshanJournal of Asian Earth Sciences2031-43.

127. SunYShuLSZhuWBGuoJCChenXYFaureMCharvetJLinW2001. Three evolutionary stages of the collision orogenic deformation in the Middle Yangtze Region. Science in China (D)44 (11): 990-1001.

128. 孙岩,舒良树,朱文斌,郭继春,陈祥云,M. FaureJ. CharvetLin Wei. 中扬子地区碰撞造山形变作用的3个演化阶段. 中国科学D辑:地球科学.  200131(6) 455-463. (中文版)


129. Wei LinMichel FaurePatrick MoniéUrs Schärerand Liansheng Zhang2000Tectonic of SE Chinanew insights from the Lushan massif (Jiangxi province). TectonicsVol.19 (5)852-871.

130. Michel FAUREWei LINNicole LE BRETON2000Where is the North China-South China Blocks boundary in Eastern China?  Geologyv.29 (2)119-122.

131. Jean-Yves TalbotYan ChenMichel Faure and Wei Lin2000AMS study of the Pont-de-Montvert – Borne prophyritic granite pluton (France Massif Central) and its tectonic implicationsGeophysics Journal international140677-686.

132. 孙岩,舒良树,朱文斌,M. FaureJ. CharvetLin Wei. 2000. 江西庐山地块中生代构造事件和地质年代定时。南京大学学报(自然科学版)36(3)363-366.


133. Michel FaureWei LINLiangshu ShuYan SunUrs Schärer1999Tectonics of the Dabieshan (eastern China)  and its bearing on the exhumation of the ultra high-pressure rocksTerra NovaVol. 11No.6251-258.


134. Michel FaureWei LINYan Sun1998Doming in the southern foreland of the Dabieshan (Yangtse blockChina)Terra NovaVol. 10No.6307-311.


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[89] Chu Yang, Lin Wei, Faure Michel, Wang QingChen. Early Mesozoic intracontinental orogeny: Example of the Xuefengshan-Jiuling Belt. ACTA PETROLOGICA SINICA[J]. 2015, 31(8): 2145-2155, https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000361075200003.
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[95] Li, XianHua, Faure, Michel, Rossi, Philippe, Lin, Wei, Lahondere, Didier. Age of Alpine Corsica ophiolites revisited: Insights from in situ zircon U-Pb age and O-Hf isotopes. LITHOS[J]. 2015, 220: 179-190, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2015.02.006.
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[100] Lin, Wei, Benzerara, Karim, Faivre, Damien, Pan, Yongxin. Intracellular biomineralization in bacteria. FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY. 2014, 5: http://ir.iggcas.ac.cn/handle/132A11/8006.
[101] Chen, Zechao, Lin, Wei, Faure, Michel, Lepvrier, Claude, Nguyen Van Vuong, Vu Van Tich. Geochronology and isotope analysis of the Late Paleozoic to Mesozoic granitoids from northeastern Vietnam and implications for the evolution of the South China block. JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES[J]. 2014, 86: 131-150, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2013.07.039.
[102] Chen Ke, Gumiaux, Charles, Augier, Romain, Chen Yan, Mei YanHui, Lin Wei, Wang QingChen. A multidiscipline method of geological survey, seismic profile and gravity measurement applied to fold-and-thrust belt: a case study along the Hutubi River in the northern piedmont of Tianshan. CHINESE JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICS-CHINESE EDITION[J]. 2014, 57(1): 75-87, https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000330601900008.
[103] Chu, Yang, Lin, Wei. Phanerozoic polyorogenic deformation in southern Jiuling Massif, northern South China block: Constraints from structural analysis and geochronology. JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES[J]. 2014, 86: 117-130, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2013.05.019.
[104] Wu, Lin, Wang, Fei, Lin, Wei, Wang, Qingchen, Yang, Liekun, Shi, Wenbei, Feng, Huile. Rapid cooling of the Yanshan Belt, northern China: Constraints from Ar-40/Ar-39 thermochronology and implications for cratonic lithospheric thinning. JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES[J]. 2014, 90: 107-126, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2014.04.017.
[105] Shi, Yonghong, Lin, Wei, Ji, Wenbin, Wang, Qingchen. The architecture of the HP-UHP Dabie massif: New insights from geothermobarometry of eclogites, and implication for the continental exhumation processes. JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES[J]. 2014, 86: 38-58, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2013.09.005.
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[108] Chen Ke, Gumiaux, Charles, Augier, Romain, Chen Yan, Mei YanHui, Lin Wei, Wang QingChen. A multidiscipline method of geological survey, seismic profile and gravity measurement applied to fold-and-thrust belt: a case study along the Hutubi River in the northern piedmont of Tianshan. CHINESE JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICS-CHINESE EDITION[J]. 2014, 57(1): 75-87, https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000330601900008.
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[110] Faure, Michel, Rossi, Philippe, Gache, Julien, Melleton, Jeremie, Frei, Dirk, Li, Xianhua, Lin, Wei. Variscan orogeny in Corsica: new structural and geochronological insights, and its place in the Variscan geodynamic framework. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES[J]. 2014, 103(6): 1533-1551, https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000340557400002.
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[114] Li, XianHua, Faure, Michel, Lin, Wei. From crustal anatexis to mantle melting in the Variscan orogen of Corsica (France): SIMS U-Pb zircon age constraints. TECTONOPHYSICS[J]. 2014, 634: 19-30, http://ir.iggcas.ac.cn/handle/132A11/8050.
[115] Faure, Michel, Lepvrier, Claude, Vuong Van Nguyen, Tich Van Vu, Lin, Wei, Chen, Zechao. The South China block-Indochina collision: Where, when, and how?. JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES[J]. 2014, 79: 260-274, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2013.09.022.
[116] Xu XuFeng, Shi YongHong, Lin Wei, Ji WenBin. Zircon U-Pb geochronology and typological classification of eclogites in the hinterland of the central Dabie. ACTA PETROLOGICA SINICA[J]. 2013, 29(5): 1559-1572, https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000321226200008.
[117] Lin, Wei, Wang, Yinzhao, Gorby, Yuri, Nealson, Kenneth, Pan, Yongxin. Integrating niche-based process and spatial process in biogeography of magnetotactic bacteria. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS[J]. 2013, 3: http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/srep01643.
[118] Liu Fei, Wang ZhenYuan, Lin Wei, Chen Ke, Jiang Lin, Wang QingChen. Structure deformation and tectonic significance of Erqis fault zone in the southern margin of Chinese Altay. ACTA PETROLOGICA SINICA[J]. 2013, 29(5): 1811-1824, http://apps.webofknowledge.com/CitedFullRecord.do?product=UA&colName=WOS&SID=5CCFccWmJJRAuMzNPjj&search_mode=CitedFullRecord&isickref=WOS:000321226200024.
[119] Lin, Wei, Faure, Michel, Chen, Yan, Ji, Wenbin, Wang, Fei, Wu, Lin, Charles, Nicolas, Wang, Jun, Wang, Qingchen. Late Mesozoic compressional to extensional tectonics in the Yiwulushan massif, NE China and its bearing on the evolution of the Yinshan-Yanshan orogenic belt Part I: Structural analyses and geochronological constraints. GONDWANA RESEARCH[J]. 2013, 23(1): 54-77, https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000312746000005.
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[122] Lin, Wei, Chu, Yang, Ji, Wenbin, Zhang, Zhongpei, Shi, Yonghong, Wang, Zhenyuan, Li, Zhong, Wang, Qingchen. Geochronological and geochemical constraints for a middle Paleozoic continental arc on the northern margin of the Tarim block: Implications for the Paleozoic tectonic evolution of the South Chinese Tianshan. LITHOSPHERE[J]. 2013, 5(4): 355-381, https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000322548100003.
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[124] Wang, Yinzhao, Lin, Wei, Li, Jinhua, Pan, Yongxin. High Diversity of Magnetotactic Deltaproteobacteria in a Freshwater Niche. APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY[J]. 2013, 79(8): 2813-2817, http://ir.iggcas.ac.cn/handle/132A11/8418.
[125] Chen ZeChao, Lin Wei, Faure, Michel, Lepvrier, Claude, Chu Yang, Wang QingChen. Geochronological constraint of Early Mesozoic tectonic event at Northeast Vietnam. ACTA PETROLOGICA SINICA[J]. 2013, 29(5): 1825-1840, https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000321226200025.
[126] Xu XuFeng, Shi YongHong, Lin Wei, Ji WenBin. Zircon U-Pb geochronology and typological classification of eclogites in the hinterland of the central Dabie. ACTA PETROLOGICA SINICA[J]. 2013, 29(5): 1559-1572, https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000321226200008.
[127] Lin Wei, Wang Jun, Liu Fei, Ji WenBin, Wang QingChen. Late Mesozoic extension structures on the North China Craton and adjacent regions and its geodynamics. ACTA PETROLOGICA SINICA[J]. 2013, 29(5): 1791-1810, https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000321226200023.
[128] Wang, Yinzhao, Lin, Wei, Li, Jinhua, Pan, Yongxin. Changes of cell growth and nnagnetosonne biomineralization in Magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-1 after ultraviolet-B irradiation. FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY[J]. 2013, 4: http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2013.00397.
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[218] Yin Wang, Wei Lin, Michel Faure, Vuong Van Nguyen, Lingtong Meng, Yang Chu, Wei Wei, Hoai Luong Thi Thu, Claude Lepvrier, Tich Van Vu, Qiuli Li, Hao Wang, Zechao Chen, Lin Wu, Fei Wang. Correlation among the Ailaoshan–Song Ma–Song Chay orogenic belts and implications for the evolution of the eastern Paleo-Tethys Ocean. TECTONOPHYSICS. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2022.229618.


1. 国家科技重大专项项目“ 深层油气成藏规律、关键技术及目标预测”课题“大型叠合盆地多期构造岩相古地理演化与深层原型盆地恢复”. 课题1任务3负责:深层原型盆地关键构造变革, 研究经费380万. 2011-2015. The Project of Major State Special Research on the Petroleum from National Development and Reform Commission “Polyphase evolution of superposed profound basin on Sedimentary facies and Paleogeography” (2009-2013), Major researcher, Grant No. 2011ZX05008, Sustentation fund: 4,000,000 Yuan.
2. 国家973项目 “深俯冲地壳的化学变化与差异折返”Major State Basic Research Development Program of China – “Geochemical evolution in deep subduction in Continental and Oceanic crust and its exhumation” “深俯冲洋壳与陆壳折返的流变学及构造背景”(2009-2013) (Major State Basic Research Development Program of China –Rhyolitic of UHP mineral and tectonic in deep subduction in Continental and Oceanic crust and its exhumation, Grant No. 2009CB825008). 课题负责人. 研究经费300万. PI, Sustentation fund: 3,000,000 Yuan.
3. 中国科学院重大项目“中国东南部中生代成矿地球动力学和找矿勘查示范”第1课题“中国东南部中生代构造变形及盆山耦合作用研究”(批准号:KZCX1-YW-15-1), 课题第二负责人. 研究经费100万. 2008-2011.The Major fundamental research Project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. KZCX1-YW-15-1): “Mesozoic Mineralization in Southeastern China and its geodynamics” sub-project: “Mesozoic structure and tectonic frame of Southeastern China and the relation analysis of Mountain and basin building” 2008-2011. Sustentation fund: 1,000,000 Yuan. PI
4. 中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目: 油气资源领域若干问题的预研究, 子课题负责人:华北克拉通破坏的浅部响应(KZCX2-YW-Q05-05-03). 2008-2011子课题负责,研究经费70万. Innovative Project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. KZCX2-YW-Q05-05-03). Physical Response Processes of Shallow Crust to Sub-continental Lithosphere Destruction of the North China Craton, 2008-2011. Sustentation fund: 700,000 Yuan.
5. 国家自然科学基金委面上项目2009-2011:辽东半岛晚中生代伸展构造研究,项目批号:40872142,研究经费44万,课题负责人。NSFC Project (40872142): Late Mesozoic extensional structures at the Liaodong Peninsula, Sustentation fund: 440,000Yuan Jan.2009-Dec. 2011, NSFC, PI – Wei LIN.
6. 国家自然科学基金委重点项目:华北克拉通北缘早元古代构造演化(40730315), 2008.01 - 2011.12, 170万元, 课题业务骨干. NSFC Major Project (40730315): Paleoproterozoic tectonic evolution at the north margin of North China Craton, Sustentation fund: 1,700,000 Yuan Jan.2008-Dec. 2011, NSFC, PI – Jinghui Guo.
7. 国家自然科学基金委重大科研计划项目:华北克拉通破坏的浅表物理响应(90714007), 2008.01 - 2011.12, 240万元,课题业务骨干. NSFC Major Project (90714007): Physical Response Processes of Shallow Crust to Sub-continental Lithosphere Destruction of the North China Craton. 2008.01 - 2011.12, Sustentation fund: 2,400,000Yuan. Major researcher.
8. 国家科技重大专项项目“ 深层油气成藏规律、关键技术及目标预测 ”课题大型叠合盆地多期构造岩相古地理演化与深层原型盆地恢复(Chinese National S&T Major Project 2008ZX05008-). 课题一任务3负责:中上扬子地区古生界变形样式与主变形期, 研究经费152万. 2008-2010. The Project of Major State Special Research on the Petroleum from National Development and Reform Commission “Polyphase evolution of superposed profound basin on Sedimentary facies and Paleogeography” (2008-2010), Major researcher, Grant No. 2008ZX05008, Sustentation fund:1,520,000 Yuan.
9. 《国家重点基础研究发展规划》(“973”):”中国海相碳酸盐岩层系油气富集机理与分布预测” 01子课题:中国海相碳酸盐岩层系形成与后期演化, 课题业务骨干. [2005CB422101] Jan.2006-Dec. 2010, PI –Jin Zhijun; Major State Basic Research Development Program of China (“973”) [2005CB422101]: Sedimentary and Tectonic control of the Chinese oil field (subproject: Tectonic of South China). Jan.2006-Dec. 2010, PI –Jin Zhijun and Wang Qingchen. Sustentation fund: 6,000,000 Yuan, Major researcher.
10. 国家自然科学基金委面上项目:古元古代板块构造的痕迹-辽东半岛北部19亿年的碰撞造山带研究,项目批号:40472116,研究经费34万,课题负责人。NSFC Project (40472116): Evidence of Paleoproterozoic plate tectonic-An orogeny of 1900 Ma in north of Liaodong Peninsula, Sustentation fund: 340,000Yuan Jan.2005-Dec. 2007, NSFC, PI – Wei LIN. 已结题。
11. 中法先进研究计划PRA T05-04:新生代中亚地区造山运动-气候演化-剥蚀作用相互关系: 天山隆升对准噶尔尔和塔里木盆地气候演化的影响(2006-2007). PRA Project (T06-04): Orogenic Interaction-Climate-Erosion in Central Asia during Cenozoic: The impact of the climate between Tianshan and the basin of Jungar and Tarim. 2006-2007, PI –Yan CHEN (France side) and Qingchen Wang (Chinese side) , Major researcher.
12. 国家自然科学基金委员会资助国际(地区)合作与交流项目:新生代中亚地区造山运动-气候演化-剥蚀作用相互关系:天山隆升对准噶尔和塔里木盆地气候演化的影响(2007.09-10). 项目批号:40711130402,研究经费7.5万。已结题。NSFC Project (40711130402) project: Orogenic Interaction-Climate-Erosion in Central Asia during Cenozoic: The impact of the climate between Tianshan and the basin of Jungar and Tarim. Sustentation fund: 75,000 Yuan Sept.2008-Oct. 2007, PI – Wei LIN.
13. 国家自然科学基金委员会资助国际(地区)合作与交流项目:新生代中亚地区造山运动-气候演化-剥蚀作用相互关系:天山隆升对准噶尔和塔里木盆地气候演化的影响(2006.09-10). 项目批号:40611150398研究经费4万。已结题。NSFC Project (40611150398): Orogenic Interaction-Climate-Erosion in Central Asia during Cenozoic: The impact of the climate between Tianshan and the basin of Jungar and Tarim. Sustentation fund: 40,000 Yuan Sept.2006-Oct. 2006, PI – Wei LIN.
14. 中法先进研究计划(PRA):郯庐断裂以东的华南-华北缝合带位置的确定及其地球动力学意义(2002-2004, PRA T01-05). 已结题。PRA Project (PRA T01-05): The suture between North China Block and South China Block at the east of Tanlu fault and its tectonic significance. 2002-2004, PI –Michel Faure(France side) and Qingchen Wang (Chinese side) , Major researcher.
15. 国家自然科学基金委面上项目青年基金:辽东半岛中生代同造山期伸展穹隆的几何学和运动学,项目批号:40202021,研究经费24万,课题负责人。已结题。NSFC Project (40202021): Syn-orognic Geometry and Kinematics of Mesozoic Extensional Dome in Liaoning Peninsula, Sustentation fund: 240,000Yuan Jan.2003-Dec. 2005, NSFC, PI – Wei LIN.
16. 国家自然科学基金委员会资助国际(地区)合作与交流项目:辽东半岛北部19亿年的碰撞造山带变质岩石学和年代学研究(2005.05-06). 项目批号:40510104060研究经费3.2万,课题负责人。已结题。NSFC Project (40510104060): Petrological and geochronological research-An orogeny of 1900 Ma in north of Liaodong Peninsula, Sustentation fund: 32,000Yuan May.2005-June. 2005, NSFC, PI – Wei LIN.
17. 中国石油天然气集团公司“石油科技中青年创新基金”开放课题:从天山-塔里木的盆山耦合关系分析库车坳陷新生代的构造变形, 26万,课题负责人。已结题。In the view from the Tianshan Tarim relation analysis the Cenozoic deformation in Kuqa basin, Sustentation fund: 260,000Yuan, Jan. 2002-July 2003. CNPC, PI – Wei LIN.
18. 中国石油天然气集团公司塔里木油田分公司“新生代库车盆地-南天山盆山体系含油气构造研究”120万,课题业务骨干,课题负责人:王清晨。已结题。
19. 中国石化石油勘探开发研究院技术服务项目:天山与两侧含油气盆地的盆山耦合关系(2002-2003)课题业务骨干,课题负责人:王清晨。已结题。
20. 中国科学院留学经费择优支持基金[2000-0201]:辽东半岛的构造几何学,大地构造背景及其大别-苏鲁地区变质岩的可对比性研究,5万,课题负责人。已结题。The Structural Geometry and its Tectonic background of Liaoning Peninsula, as well as the correspondence with the metamorphic rocks from Dabie-Sulu Area”, Sustentation fund: 50,000 Yuan, June 2000-2002, Chinese Academic of Sciences, PI – Wei LIN.
21. 教育部留学回国人员启动基金[2000-479]:辽东半岛的构造几何学和同位素年代学的研究,4.5万,课题负责人。已结题。The Geometry and Geochronology research in Liaodong Peninsula, Sustentation fund: 45,000 Yuan, Jan. 2001-2003, Department of Education of China, [2000-479]: PI – Wei LIN.
22. 日本学术振兴会特别研究员项目”辽东半岛的构造学研究-寻找一个新的缝合带”. 课题负责人. 研究经费170万日元, 2002年10月-2004年9月. 已结题。 JSPS research project: “Tectonic studies in Liaodong Peninsula: To search for a new suture zone” Sustentation fund: 1,700,000 Japanese Yen. Oct. 2002-Sept 2004. [JSPS 02060], PI – Wei LIN.
23. 《国家重点基础研究发展规划》(“973”):”中国典型叠合盆地油气形成富集与分布预测”03子课题:中国典型叠合盆地关键构造变革时期的盆山耦合与深部过程。课题业务骨干. 已结题。Major State Basic Research Development Program of China-Superimposed Basins and Petroleum [G1999043303], July.1999-Juin. 2003, PI – Qingchen Wang. Sustentation fund: 5,000,000 Yuan, Major researcher.
24. 《国家重点基础研究发展规划》(“973”):”大陆深俯冲作用”06子课题:大陆深俯冲-碰撞造山带的几何学和运动学, 课题业务骨干. 已结题。Major State Basic Research Development Program of China-Deep subduction in Continental, [G1999075506], Jan.2000-Dec. 2004, PI – Jinghui Guo. Sustentation fund: 500,000Yuan, Major researcher
( 1 ) 深俯冲洋壳与陆壳折返的流变学及构造背景, 负责人, 国家任务, 2009-01--2013-12
( 2 ) 深层原型盆地关键构造变革, 负责人, 国家任务, 2011-01--2015-12
( 3 ) 构造地质学, 负责人, 国家任务, 2013-01--2016-12
( 4 ) "隐伏"超高压造山带的滞后折返-一种特殊类型造山带构造解析, 负责人, 国家任务, 2015-01--2018-12
( 5 ) 燕山期重大地质事件的深部过程与资源效应, 参与, 国家任务, 2016-07--2020-06
( 6 ) 华北克拉通成矿系统的深部过程与成矿机理, 参与, 国家任务, 2017-01--2020-12


同法国奥尔良大学地球研究中心的Michel Faure教授和陈岩教授具有长期而稳定的合作关系。
同法国Montpellier大学同位素年代学Patrick Monie教授长期合作工作。
同日本名古屋大学Enami Masaki 和Simon Wallis教授合作研究辽宁地区的构造地质学和岩石学。




褚杨  博士研究生  070904-构造地质学  

王军  博士研究生  070904-构造地质学  

刘飞  硕士研究生  070904-构造地质学  

陈泽超  博士研究生  070904-构造地质学  

冀文斌  博士研究生  070904-构造地质学