电子邮件: fpgao@imech.ac.cn
通信地址: 北京市海淀区北四环西路15号
邮政编码: 100190
学科方向:海洋工程力学; 海洋土力学;流固土耦合力学
招生专业:工程力学 (方向:海洋工程力学/海洋土力学/流固土耦合力学)
联系地址:中国科学院力学研究所 流固耦合系统力学重点实验室 100190
Email: fpgao@imech.ac.cn
2003--至今: 中国科学院力学研究所, 先后聘为助理研究员、副研究员、研究员(博导)
2001--2002: 西澳大利亚大学/Griffith大学, 博士后
2000--2000: 香港科技大学, 访问学者
现任国际期刊 Ocean Engineering 副主编, Maritime Engineering 副主编,《力学与实践》副主编;Journal of Hydrodynamics、Journal of Marine Science and Engineering、《海洋工程》、《水动力学研究与进展》、岩土工程学报》、《岩土力学》等期刊编委。
担任“国际海洋与极地工程学会(ISOPE)”技术理事会成员(TPC Member);“国际土力学与岩土工程学会(ISSMGE)”第四届冲刷技术委员会副主任、海洋土工技术委员会委员;“国际工程地质学会(IAEG)”海洋工程地质委员会执行委员。“中国力学学会”第十届理事,岩土力学专业委员会委员;“中国土木工程学会”土力学及岩土工程分会第十届理事。中国科学院力学研究所“学术委员会委员”。
- 2022年获国务院政府特殊津贴
- 2019年入选“国家百千万人才工程”,被授予“有突出贡献中青年专家”荣誉称号
- 2018年度“国家杰出青年科学基金”获得者
- 2016年入选“中科院青年创新促进会优秀会员”
- 2014年至今多次入选“中国高被引学者”(Elsevier)
- 2011年获中国力学学会“青年科技奖”
- 2009年获中科院“卢嘉锡青年人才奖”
- 2007年入选北京市“科技新星计划”
(1) Yu, J.H., Gao, F.P., Li, C.F. (2023): Response spectra for transient pore-pressure in a sandy seabed under random waves: Frequency-filtering effect. Ocean Engineering, 279: 114490.
(2) Liu, Y., Liu, J., Gao, F.P. (2023): Strouhal number for boundary shear flow past a circular cylinder in the subcritical flow regime. Ocean Engineering, 269: 113574.
(3) Yang, L.J., Gao, F.P.,Li, C.F. (2023): Combined nonlinear wave and current induced instantaneously-liquefied soil depth in a non-cohesive seabed. Coastal Engineering, 179: 104229.
(4) Shi, Y.M., Wang, N., Gao, F.P. (2023): Stochastic analysis on the lateral buckling of a HPHT pipeline considering the spatial variability of seabed. Ocean Engineering, 268: 113392.
(5) Li, C.F., Gao, F.P. (2022): Characterization of spatio-temporal distributions of wave-induced pore pressure in a non-cohesive seabed: Amplitude-attenuation and phase-lag. Ocean Engineering, 253: 111315.
(6) Qi,W.G., Liu, J., Gao, F.P., Li, B., Chen, Q.G. (2022): Quantifying the spatiotemporal evolution of the turbulent horseshoe vortex in front of a vertical cylinder. Physics of Fluids,34:015110.
(7) Liu J., Gao, F.P. (2022): Triggering mechanics for transverse vibrations of a circular cylinder in a shear flow: Wall-proximity effects. Journal of Fluids and Structures,108: 103423.
(8) Shi, Y.M., Gao, F.P., Wang, N., Yin, Z.Y. (2021): Coupled flow-seepage-elastoplastic modeling for competition mechanism between lateral instability and tunnel erosion of a submarine pipeline. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9(8): 889.
(9) Qi, W.G., Li, C.F., Jeng, D.S., Gao, F.P., Liang, Z.D. (2019): Combined wave-current induced excess pore-pressure in a sandy seabed: Flume observations and comparisons with theoretical models. Coastal Engineering, 147: 89-98.
(10) Qi, W.G., Gao, F.P. (2018): Wave induced instantaneously-liquefied soil depth in a non-cohesive seabed. Ocean Engineering, 153: 412-423.
(11) Gao, F.P. (2017): Flow-pipe-soil coupling mechanisms and predictions for submarine pipeline instability. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 29(5): 763-773.
(12) Gao, F.P., Wang, N., Li, J. H., Han, X.T. (2016): Pipe-soil interaction model for current-induced pipeline instability on a sloping sandy seabed. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 53(11): 1822-1830.
(13) Qi, W.G., Gao, F.P., Randolph, M.F., Lehane, B.M. (2016): Scour effects on p–y curves for shallowly embedded piles in sand. Géotechnique, 66(8): 648-660.
(14) Gao, F.P.,Li, J.H., Qi, W.G., Hu, C. (2015): On the instability of offshore foundations: theory and mechanism. Science China-Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 58 (12): 124701.
(15) Gao, F.P., Wang, N., Zhao, B. (2015): A general slip-line field solution for the ultimate bearing capacity of a pipeline on drained soils. Ocean Engineering, 104: 405-413.
(16) Qi, W G, Gao, F.P. (2014): Equilibrium scour depth at offshore monopile foundation in combined waves and current. Science China, Technological Sciences, 57(5): 1030-1039.
(17) Qi, W.G. and Gao, F.P. (2014): Physical modeling of local scour development around a large-diameter monopile in combined waves and current. Coastal Engineering, 83: 72-81.
(18) Gao, F.P.,Wang, N., Zhao, B. (2013): Ultimate bearing capacity of a pipeline on clayey soils: Slip-line field solution and FEM simulation. Ocean Engineering, 73: 159-167.
(19) Gao, F.P., Han, X.T., Cao, J., Sha, Y., Cui, J.S. (2012): Submarine pipeline lateral instability on a sloping sandy seabed. Ocean Engineering, 50: 44–52.
(20) Gao, F.P., Yan, S.M., Yang, B., Luo, C.C. (2011): Steady flow-induced instability of a partially embedded pipeline: Pipe–soil interaction mechanism. Ocean Engineering, 38: 934–942.
(21) Li, X.J., Gao, F.P., Yang, B., Zang, J. (2011): Wave-induced pore pressure responses and soil liquefaction around pile foundation. International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, 21(3): 233–239.
(22) Gao, F.P., Luo, C.C. (2010): Flow-Pipe-Seepage Coupling Analysis on Spanning Initiation of a Partially-Embedded Pipeline. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 22(4): 478–487.
(23) Zhao, C.G., Liu, Y., Gao F.P. (2010): Work and energy equations and the principle of generalized effective stress for unsaturated soils. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Method in Geomechanics, 34: 920–936.
(24) Yang, B., Gao, F. P., Jeng, D.S., Wu, Y. X. (2009): Experimental study of vortex-induced vibrations of a cylinder near a rigid plane boundary in steady flow. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 25: 51–63.
(25) Yang, B., Gao, F. P., Jeng, D.S., Wu, Y. X. (2008): Experimental study of vortex-induced vibrations of a pipeline near an erodible sandy seabed. Ocean Engineering, 35(3-4): 301–309.
(26) Gao, F. P., Yan, S.M., Yang, B., Wu, Y. X. (2007): Ocean currents-induced pipeline lateral stability. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 133(10): 1086–1092.
(27) Jeng, D.S., Seymour, B., Gao, F.P., Wu, Y.X. (2007): Ocean waves propagating over a porous seabed: residual and oscillatory mechanisms. Science in China, Series E Technological Sciences, 50(1): 81–89.
(28) Gao, F. P., Yang, B., Wu, Y. X., Yan, S.M. (2006): Steady currents induced seabed scour around a vibrating pipeline. Applied Ocean Research, 28(5): 291–298.
(29) Gao, F. P., Jeng, D. S., Wu, Y. X (2006): An Improved Analysis Method for Wave-Induced Pipeline Stability on Sandy Seabed. Journal of Transportation Engineering, ASCE, 132(7): 590–596.
(30) Gao, F. P., Wu, Y. X. (2006): Non-linear wave induced transient response of soil around a trenched pipeline. Ocean Engineering, 33: 311–330.
(31) Gao, F. P., Jeng, D. S. and Sekiguchi, H. (2003): Numerical study on the interaction between non-linear wave, buried pipeline and non-homogenous porous seabed. Computers and Geotechnics, 30 (6): 535–547.
(32) Gao, F. P., Gu, X. Y. and Jeng, D. S. (2003): Physical modeling of untrenched submarine pipeline instability. Ocean Engineering, 30 (10): 1283–1304.
(33) Gao, F. P., Gu, X. Y., Jeng, D. S. and Teo H.T. (2002): An experimental study for wave-induced instability of pipelines: The breakout of pipelines. Applied Ocean Research, 24(2): 83–90.
(34) Gao, F. P., Randolph, M. F. (2005): Progressive ocean wave modeling in drum centrifuge. Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics. University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia, September 19 - 21, pp. 583-588.
(35) Gao, F.P., Yin, Z.Y. (2022): Instability and failure of subsea structures. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 10: 1001.
(36) Gao, F.P., Cassidy, M. (2015): Editorial: Special issue on offshore structure-soil interaction. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, 5: 63.
(37) 高福平. 深海工程力学专题序. 力学与实践, 2022, 44(5): 1003-1004.
(38) 刘剑涛,师玉敏,王俊勤,朱友生,李畅飞,漆文刚,高福平. 南海北部深水区表层沉积物工程性质的统计特征分析. 海洋工程,2021,39(6): 90-98.
(39) 刘俊,高福平. 近壁面柱体涡激振动的迟滞效应. 力学学报,2019,51(6): 1630-1640.
(40) 漆文刚, 高福平. 冲刷对海上风力机单桩基础水平承载特性的影响. 中国科学: 物理学, 力学, 天文学, 2016, 46(12): 124710.
(41) 崔金声,高福平,韩希霆,臧志鹏. 海流作用下子母管结构的横向涡激振动. 海洋工程, 2012, 30(1):18-24.
(42) Jeng, D.S., Seymour, B., 高福平, 吴应湘. 波浪载荷下海床土体孔隙水压的瞬态与累积响应机理. 中国科学(E辑), 2007, 37(1): 91-98.
(43) 高福平,顾小芸,吴应湘.考虑‘波-管-土’耦合作用的海底管道在位稳定性分析方法. 海洋工程, 2005, 23卷1期: 6-12.
(44) 高福平,顾小芸,浦群. 海底管道失稳过程的模型试验研究. 岩土工程学报,2000,22卷3期:304-308.
(45) 高福平,汪宁,师玉敏,漆文刚. 第10章 海底管缆工程. 海洋岩土工程, 北京:中国建筑工业出版社, 2022, pp. 322-354.
(46) Qi, W.G., Gao, F.P. (2019): Local Scour around a Monopile Foundation for Offshore Wind Turbines and Scour Effects on Structural Responses. In: Geotechnical Engineering-Advances in Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, London: IntechOpen Press, 2019, pp. 1-23. (47) 高福平. 海洋工程结构与海床土体相互作用机理及分析方法. 中国学科发展战略研究:水利科学与工程前沿, 北京:科学出版社,2017, pp. 877-888.
课题组与西澳大利亚大学、墨尔本大学、Griffith 大学、剑桥大学、香港理工大学等高校以及中海油、中石油等企业开展密切的学术交流与合作研究。