郝郑平 男、教授、博导
国科大 环境材料与污染控制技术研究中心主任
电子邮件: zphao@ucas.ac.cn
博士生 1-2 名/年,硕士生2-3 名/年
主要从事有关工业污染减排控制、环境科学与工程、纳米孔材料、催化科学、环境政策方面的研究和开发的工作。在工业污染物(如挥发性有机物、酸性气体和温室气体等)排放、转化反应机理、污染控制材料、减排控制技术等方面取得一些重要的研究成果,形成了多项污染控制材料与减排技术,并进行实际应用。在JACS, NC, PNAS, ANGEW, AFM, EST, CEJ, CC., JPC, APC, JMC, JHM等主流学术期刊上发表SCI论文300多篇,授权专利50多件。中国环保产业协会理事、废气净化委员会主任、化学会催化专业委员会、环境化学委员会委员、ES & T Engineering, CEJ Advances, Catalysis Communication, J. Hazardous Materials, J. Rare. Earth,环境科学、环境化学、工业催化等编委等。主持承担了国家十五、十一五、十二五 863、973、重点研发计划、中科院先导、中科院重要方向、环保公益、自然科学重点、地方重大科技项目与课题。培养出博士39名,其中全国优博1名、中科院优博2名、院长特别奖1名。获得环境保护科技一等奖、环保技术进步一等奖、全国优秀博士学位论文导师奖、宝洁优秀导师奖、中科院优秀导师奖、朱李月华导师奖、卢嘉锡优秀导师奖,UniSA Distinguished Researcher Award, 为政府、行业、地方与组织提供了不少技术咨询与服务。
Duan X, Zhao T, Niu B, Wei Z, Li G, Zhang Z, Cheng J, Hao Z, 2023, Simultaneously constructing active sites and regulating Mn-O strength of Ru-substituted perovskite for efficient oxidation and hydrolysis oxidation of chlorobenzene, Advanced Science, 10, e2205054.
Wei Z, Zhao M, Yang Z, Duan X, Jiang G, Li G, Zhang F, Hao Z, 2023, Oxygen vacancy-engineered titanium-based perovskite for boosting H2O activation and lower-temperature hydrolysis of organic sulfur, PNAS, 120, e2217148120.
Li G, Shui Z, Duan X, Cheng J, Hao Z, 2023, Unveiling the balance between catalytic activity and water resistance over Co3O4 catalysts for propane oxidation: the role of crystal facet and oxygen vacancy, ACS Catalysis, 13, 1, 237-247
Wang Junhui, Fu Qi, Yu Jiaxing, Yang Huangsheng, Hao, Zhengping, Zhu Fang, Ouyang Gangfeng, 2022, An ultrafast and facile nondestructive strategy to convert various inefficient commercial nanocarbons to highly active Fenton-like catalysts PNAS, 119(3): e2114138119
Hu M, Cai Z, Liang X, Hao Z, Zhou K, 2022, Surface-confined synthesis of ultrafine Pt-rare earth nanoalloys on N funcational supports, Advanced Funcational Materials, 32(38), 2202267
Li G, He K, Zhang F, Jiang G, Cheng J, Hao Z 2022, Defect enhanced CoMnNiOx catalysts derived from spent ternary Lithium-ion batteries for low-temperature propane oxidation, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 309: 121231
Zhao Z, Li G, Sun Y, Ma C, Hao Z, 2022, The positive effect of water on acetaldehyde oxidation depended on the reaction temperature and ManO2 structure, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 303: 120886
Na Li, Xin Xing, Jie Cheng, Zhongshen Zhang, Zhengping Hao, 2021, Influence of oxygen and water content on the formation of polychlorinated organic by-products from catalytic degradation of 1,2-dichlorobenzene over a Pd/ZSM-5 catalyst, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 403: 123952
Gang Wang, Ganggang Li, Xin Xing, Zhongshen Zhang, Zhengping Hao, 2021, Unraveling the adsorption and diffusion properties of hexamethyldisiloxane on zeolites by static gravimetric analysis, Water Research, 197, 117097.
Ganggang Li, Na Li, Yonggang Sun, Yingmin Qu, Zeyu Jiang, Zeyu Zhao, Zhongshen Zhang, Jie Cheng, Zhengping Hao, 2021, Efficient defect engineering in Co-Mn binary oxides for low-temperature propane oxidation, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 282: 119512
Wang, Junhui, Yu, Jiaxing, Fu, Qi, Yang, Huangsheng, Tong, Qing, Hao, Zhengping, Ouyang, Gangfeng. 2021, Unprecedented Nonphotomediated Hole (h(+)) Oxidation System Constructed from Defective Carbon Nanotubes and Superoxides, ACS Central Science 7(2): 355-364
Fawei Lin, Zhiman Zhang, Na Li, BeiBei Yan, Chi He, Zhengping Hao, Guanyi Chen, 2021, How to achieve complete elimination of Cl-VOCs: A critical review on byproducts formation and inhibition strategies during catalytic oxidation, Chemical Engineering Journal, 404: 126534
Lin Fawei, Xiang Li, Zhang Zhiman, Li Na, Yan BeiBei, He Chi, Hao Zhengping, Chen Guanyi, 2020, Comprehensive review on catalytic degradation of cl-vocs under the practical application conditions. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, (19), 1-45.
Chi He, Jie Cheng, Xin Zhang, Mark Douthwaite, Samuel Pattisson,Zhengping Hao, 2019, Recent Advances in the Catalytic Oxidation of Volatile Organic Compounds: A Review Based on Pollutant Sorts and Sources, Chemical Reviews, 119, 7, 4471-4568.
Wang Gang, Zhang Zhongshen, Hao Zhengping, 2019, Recent advances in technologies for the removal of volatile methylsiloxanes: A case in biogas purification process. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology,49(24): 2257-2313.
Sun Yonggang, Zhang Xin, Li Na, Xing Xin, Yang Hongling, Zhang Fenglian, Cheng Jie, Zhang Zhongshen,Hao Zhengping, 2019, Surface properties enhanced MnxAlO oxide catalysts derived from MnxAl layered double hydroxides for acetone catalytic oxidation at low temperature. Applied Catalysis B-Environmental, 251: 295-304.
Jiang Zeyu, Feng Xiangbo, Deng Jianlin, He Chi, Douthwaite Mark, Yu Yanke, Liu Jian,Hao Zhengping, Zhao Zhen, 2019, Atomic-Scale Insights into the Low-Temperature Oxidation of Methanol over a Single-Atom Pt-1-Co3O4Catalyst. Advanced Functional Materials, 29(31).
Yang Hongling, Ma Chunyan, Zhang Xin, Li Yang, Cheng Jie,Hao Zhengping, 2018, Understanding the Active Sites of Ag/Zeolites and Deactivation Mechanism of Ethylene Catalytic Oxidation at Room Temperature, ACS Catalysis, 8, 1248-1258.
Wang Junhui,Hao Zhengping, Wohlrab Sebastian, 2017, Continuous CO2esterification to diethyl carbonate (DEC) at atmospheric pressure: Application of porous membranes for in-situ H2O removal, Green Chemistry, 19, 3595-3600
Pan Hua, Jian Yanfei, Chen Changwei, He Chi,Hao Zhengping, Shen Zhenxing, Liu, Hongxia, 2017, Sphere-shaped Mn3O4catalyst with remarkable low-temperature activity for methyl-ethyl-ketone combustion. Environmental Science & Technology, 51, 6288-6297
Yang Li, Chunyan Ma, Hongling Yang, Zhongshen Zhang, Xin Zhang, Nanli Qiao, Junhui Wang,Zhengping Hao, 2016, Room-temperature isomerization of 1-butene to 2-butene over palladium-loaded silica nanospheres catalyst, Chemical Engineering Journal, 299, 1-7
Junhui Wang, Yang Li, Zhongshen Zhang,Zhengping Hao, 2015, Mesoporous KIsilica–polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) mixed matrix membranes for gas separation,Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 3, 8650-8658
Yufei Wang, Samuel Höller, Peter Viebahn,Zhengping Hao, 2014, Integrated assessment of CO2reduction technologies in China's cement industry,International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 20, 27-36
Chunyan Ma, Wenjuan Xue, Jinjun Li, Wei Xing,Zhengping Hao, 2013, Mesoporous carbon-confined Au catalysts with superior activity for selective oxidation of glucose to gluconic acid, Green Chemistry, 15, 1035-1041
Jinjun Li, Renjie Lu, Baojuan Dou, Chunyan Ma, Qiuhong Hu, Yan Liang, Feng Wu, Shizhang Qiao,Zhengping Hao, 2012, Porous Graphitized Carbon for Adsorptive Removal of Benzene and the Electrothermal Regeneration, Environmental Science & Technology, 46, 12648-12654
Xinyan Zhang, Qun Shen, Chi He, Chunyan Ma, Jie Cheng, Landong Li,Zhengping Hao,2012,Investigation of selective catalytic reduction of N2O by NH3over an Fe-mordenite catalyst: Reaction mechanism and O-2effect,ACS Catalysis, 2, 512-520
Baojuan Dou, Jinjun Li, Yufei Wang, Hailin Wang, Chunyan Ma,Zhengping Hao, 2011, Adsorption and desorption performance of benzene over hierarchically structured carbon–silica aerogel composites,Journal of Hazardous Materials, 196, 194-200
Chunyan Ma, Donghui Wang, Wenjuan Xue, Baojuan Dou, Hailin Wang,Zhengping Hao, 2011,Investigation of formaldehyde oxidation over Co3O4-CeO2and Au/Co3O4-CeO2catalysts at room temperature: Effective removal and determination of reaction mechanism,Environmental Science and Technology,45, 3628-3634
Chunyan Ma, Zhen Mu, Jinjun Li, Yonggang Jin, Jie Cheng, Gaoqing Lu,Zhengping Hao, Shizhang Qiao, 2010, Mesoporous Co3O4and Au/Co3O4catalysts for low-temperature oxidation of trace ethylene,Journal of the American Chemical Society, 132, 2608-2613
Chi He, Jinjun Li, Peng Li, Jie Cheng,Zhengping Hao, Zhiping Xu, 2010, Comprehensive investigation of Pd/ZSM-5/MCM-48 composite catalysts with enhanced activity and stability for benzene oxidation,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 96, 466-475
Qin Hu, Jinjun Li, Shizhang Qiao,Zhengping Hao, Hua Tian, Chunyan Ma, Chi He,2009,Synthesis and hydrophobic adsorption properties of microporous/mesoporous hybrid materials,Journal of Hazardous Materials, 164, 1205-1212
Jinjun Li, Chunyan Ma, Xiuyan Xu, Junjie Yu,Zhengping Hao,Shizhang Qiao,2008,Efficient elimination of trace ethylene over nano-gold catalyst under ambient conditions,Environmental Science and Technology, 42, 8947-8951
Xiaoping Wang,Junjie Yu,Jie Cheng,Zhengping Hao, Zhiping Xu, 2008,Temperature adsorption of carbon dioxide on mixed oxides derived from hydrotalcite-like compounds, Environmental Science and Technology,42, 614-618
Landong Li, Qun Shen, Junjie Yu,Zhengping Hao, Zhiping Xu, Gaoqing Lu,2007,Fe-USY zeolite catalyst for effective decomposition of nitrous oxide,Environmental Science and Technology, 41(22), 7901-7906
Junjie Yu, Yanxin Tao, Changchun Liu,Zhengping Hao, Zhiping Xu, 2007,Novel trapping catalysts derived from Co-Mg/X-Al(X=Fe, Mn, Zr, La) hydrotalcite-like compounds,Environmental Science and Technology, 41, 1399-1404
Junjie Yu,Zheng Jiang,Zhengping Hao,Zhiping Xu, 2006,Storage and decomposition of NOxof well-mixed oxides derived from Co-Mg/Al- hydrotalcite-like compounds,Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 110, 4291-4300
Xiaoping Dai, Ranjia Li, Changchun Yu,Zhengping Hao,2006, Unsteady-state direct partial oxidation of methane to synthesis gas in a fixed-bed reactor using AFeO3(A ) La, Nd, Eu) perovskite-type oxides as oxygen storage, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 110, 22525-22531
Jinjun Li, Xiuyan Xu, Zheng Jiang,Zhengping Hao,Chun Hu, 2005,Nanoporous silica supported nanomtric palladium : Synthesis, characterization and catalytic deep oxidation of benzene,Environmental Science and Technology, 39, 1319-1323
Zhengping Hao, Daiyun Cheng, Yu Guo, Yihong Liang, 2001,Supported catalysts used for ozone decomposition and simultaneous elimination of ozone and carbon monoxide at ambient temperature, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental,33, 217-222