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1992-09--1997-02 中科院西安光机所 理学博士
1986-09--1990-07 西安交通大学 理学学士
中科院西安光机所 -- 研究生
西安交通大学物理系 --本科
2018-12-31-今,《激光与光电子学进展》编委会, 委员
2017-07-01-今,中国光学学会, 理事
2014-12-01-今,中国光学工程学会理事, 理事
2013-07-01-今,《光电产品与资讯》编委会, 委员
2012-01-01-今,陕西省物理学会理事, 理事
2009-08-01-今,中国光学学会 生物医学光子学专业委员会, 委员
2007-01-01-今,中国光学学会 高速摄影和光子学专业委员会, 秘书长
2006-12-01-今,中国光学学会 全息与光信息处理专业委员会, 委员
2006-12-01-今,陕西省光学学会理事, 理事
2006-12-01-今,《光子学报》编辑委员会 , 委员
[1] 发明专利:“并行光信息写入和读出方法”。(专利号:ZL 200410026228.4)。发明人:姚保利、雷铭
[2] 发明专利:“基于菌紫质生物薄膜激光诱导各向异性的防伪和加密方法及检测方法”。(专利号:ZL 200410026227.X)。发明人:姚保利、郑媛
[3] 发明专利:“光致变色材料薄膜作为记录介质的偏振全息光存储装置”。(专利号:ZL 200410026378.5)。发明人:姚保利,郑媛,门克内木乐,王英利,任志伟
[4] 发明专利:“实时动态体全息衍射效率测量方法及系统”。(专利号:ZL 200510041856.4)。发明人:任立勇,姚保利,王丽莉
[5] 发明专利:“用多棱锥镜和多棱台镜产生空间光点阵列的设备和方法”。(专利号:ZL 200510043146.5)。发明人:雷铭,姚保利
[6] 发明专利:“使用锥镜实现暗场显微及荧光显微的方法及装置”。(专利号:ZL 200710307275.X)。发明人:雷铭,姚保利
[7] 发明专利:“使用菲涅尔双棱镜产生多层光片的荧光显微方法及装置”。(专利号:ZL 200910254546.9)。发明人:雷铭,姚保利
[8] 发明专利:“基于衍射光栅的物参共路相移数字全息显微装置”。(专利号: ZL 201010106282.5)。发明人:郜鹏,姚保利
[9] 发明专利:“使用四棱锥镜产生结构照明的荧光显微方法和装置”。(专利号:ZL 201010218778.1)。发明人:雷铭,姚保利,叶彤
[10] 发明专利:“使用同心双锥面镜实现全内反射荧光显微的系统与方法”。(专利号: ZL 201010513282.7)。发明人:雷铭,姚保利,严绍辉,叶彤
[11] 发明专利:“基于泽尼克相衬成像的相移干涉显微装置及方法”。(专利号: ZL 201110110119.0)。发明人:郜鹏,姚保利,雷铭,严绍辉,但旦,叶彤
[12] 发明专利:“高速宽视场相干反斯托克斯拉曼散射显微系统及方法”。(专利号:ZL 201110033292.5)。发明人:雷铭,姚保利,严绍辉,但旦,叶彤
[13] 发明专利:“一种基于数字微镜器件的高速结构照明光学显微系统及方法”。(专利号:ZL 201110448980.8)。发明人:雷铭,姚保利,但旦,李泽,严绍辉,杨延龙,叶彤
[14] 发明专利:“可实时测量的同步相移斐索干涉装置”。(专利号:ZL 201210039555.8)。发明人:姚保利,郜鹏,闵俊伟,雷铭,严绍辉,杨延龙,叶彤
[15] 发明专利:“基于光栅衍射的大口径望远镜装置”。(专利号:ZL 201310153851.5)。发明人:闵俊伟,姚保利,郜鹏,雷铭,杨延龙,严绍辉,但旦
[16] 发明专利:“一种深层散射介质中的三维成像系统及方法”。(申请号:201210384895.4)。发明人:叶彤、杨延龙、姚保利、雷铭、郑娟娟、严绍辉、但旦
[17] 发明专利:“一种基于结构照明的彩色三维层析显微成像系统及方法”。(申请号:201410849425.x)。发明人:雷铭,姚保利,千佳,但旦,周兴,杨延龙,严绍辉,闵俊伟
(1) 特殊模式光场与微粒相互作用研究, 二等奖, 省级, 2013
(2) 有机光致变色光信息存储与处理机理和应用研究, 一等奖, 省级, 2010
(3) 中国科学院朱李月华优秀教师奖, , 部委级, 2010
(4) 中国科学院王宽诚西部学者突出贡献奖, , 部委级, 2008
(5) 飞秒激光及生物分子材料在信息海量存储中的应用技术研究, 一等奖, 省级, 2006
(6) 第五届陕西青年科技奖, , 省级, 2004
(7) 陕西省优秀留学回国人员, , 省级, 2001
[1]、Book: "Optical Interferometry"
Edited by Alexander A. Banishev, Mithun Bhowmick and Jue Wang
ISBN 978-953-51-2956-1, Print ISBN 978-953-51-2955-4
Published: February 15, 2017 under CC BY 3.0 license
Publisher: InTech, Croatia
Chapter 5 --Interferometry and its Applications in Surface Metrology p81-101
Dahi Ghareab Abdelsalam and Baoli Yao
[2]、Book: "Holographic Materials and Optical Systems"
Edited by Izabela Naydenova, Dimana Nazarova and Tsvetanka Babeva
ISBN 978-953-51-3038-3, Print ISBN 978-953-51-3037-6
Published: March 22, 2017 under CC BY 3.0 license
Publisher: InTech, Croatia
Chapter 12: Surface Characterization by the Use of Digital Holography p271-290
Dahi Ghareab Abdelsalam, Takeshi Yasui, Takayuki Ogawa and Baoli Yao
[3]、Book: “Optical Nanoscopy and Novel Microscopy Techniques”
ISBN 978-1-4665-8630-7 (eBook - PDF), 266 pages, Total 10 chapters
Edited by: Peng Xi
Publisher: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, USA. Version Date: 20140717
Chapter 2: Structured illumination microscopy pp23-60
Dan Dan, Baoli Yao, and Ming Lei
[4]、Book: “Holograms - Recording Materials and Applications”
ISBN 978-953-307-981-3, Hard cover, 382 pages, Total 16 chapters
Edited by: Izabela Naydenova
Publisher: InTech, November 2011, Croatia
Chapter 7: Holographic Image Storage with a 3-Indoly-Benzylfulgimide/PMMA Film
Neimule Menke and Baoli Yao
[5]、赵卫等编著. 《超高时空分辨多维信息获取技术及其应》,北京:国防工业出版社,2016年11月第一版. P01-15,第1章:超分辨光学显微成像技术及应用(作者 姚保利).
(共331页. ISBN 978-7-118-11156-9, 定价106元. 现代激光技术及应用丛书)
[6]、樊美公,姚建年,佟振合等编著. 《分子光化学与光功能材料科学》,北京:科学出版社,2009年1月第一版. p702-723,第14章:新型光存储原理、材料与器件(作者 姚保利).
(共843页. ISBN 978-7-03-022439-2, 定价128元. 中国科学院研究生教学丛书)
List of major Journal publications:
[1] Yan Zhang, An Pan, Ming Lei, Baoli Yao*. Data preprocessing methods for robust Fourier ptychographic microscopy. Optical Engineering, 2017, 56(12): 123107-1-9
[2] Meiling Zhou, Alok Kumar Singh, Giancarlo Pedrini, Wolfgang Osten, Junwei Min, Baoli Yao*. Speckle-correlation imaging through scattering media with hybrid bispectrum-iteration algorithm. Optical Engineering, 2017, 56(12): 123102-1-6
[3] Runze Li, Tong Peng, Yansheng Liang, Yanlong Yang, Baoli Yao*, Xianghua Yu, Junwei Min, Ming Lei, Shaohui Yan, Chunmin Zhang, and Tong Ye*. Interlearved Segment correction achieves higher improvement factors in using genetic algorithm to optimize light focusing through scattering media. Journal of Optics, 2017, 19(9): 105602-1-11
[4] An Pan, Yan Zhang, Tianyu Zhao, Zhaojun Wang, Dan Dan, Ming Lei, Baoli Yao*. System calibration method for Fourier ptychographic microscopy. Journal of Biomedical Optics, 2017, 22(9): 096005-1-11
[5] Zhaojun Wang, Yanan Cai, Yansheng Liang, Xing Zhou, Shaohui Yan, Dan Dan, Piero R. Bianco, Ming Lei*, Baoli Yao*. Single shot, three-dimensional fluorescence microscopy with a spatially rotating point spread function. Biomedical Optics Express, 2017, 8(12): 5493-5506
[6] Yanan Cai, Yansheng Liang, Ming Lei*, Shaohui Yan, Zhaojun Wang, Xianghua Yu, Manman Li, Dan Dan, Jia Qian, Baoli Yao*. Three-dimensional characterization of tightly focused fields for various polarization incident beams. Review of Scientific Instruments, 2017, 88: 063106-1-8
[7] Manman Li, Shaohui Yan*, Yansheng Liang, Peng Zhang, Baoli Yao*. Transverse spinning of particles in highly focused vector vortex beams. Physical Review A, 2017, 95: 053802-1-6
[8] Junwei Min, Baoli Yao, Steffi Ketelhut, Christian Engwer, Burkhard Greve, Bj?rn Kemper*. Simple and fast spectral domain algorithm for quantitative phase imaging of living cells with digital holographic microscopy. Optics Letters, 2017, 42(2): 227-230
[9] Yanlong Yang, Baoli Yao*, Ming Lei, Dan Dan, Runze Li, Mark Van Horn, Xun Chen, Yang Li, Tong Ye*. Two-photon laser scanning stereomicroscopy for fast volumetric imaging. Plos ONE, 2016, 11(12): e0168885-1-14
[10] Yanlong Yang, Shaohui Yan*, Xianghua Yu, Manman Li, Baoli Yao*. Accelerating incoherent hollow beams beyond the paraxial regime. Optics Express, 2016, 24(24): 27683-27690
[11] Manman Li, Shaohui Yan*, Baoli Yao*, Yansheng Liang, Peng Zhang. Spinning and orbiting motion of particles in vortex beams with circular or radial polarizations. Optics Express, 2016, 24(18): 20604-20612
[12] Yongying Ruan, Dan Dan+, Mengna Zhang, Ming Bai*, Ming Lei, Baoli Yao, Xingke Yang*. Visualization of the 3D structures of small organisms via LED-SIM. Frontiers in Zoology, 2016, 13: 26 p.1-10 DOI: 10.1186/s12983-016-0158-9
[13] Xing Zhou, Ming Lei*, Dan Dan, Baoli Yao*, Yanlong Yang, Jia Qian, Guangde Chen, Piero Bianco. Image recombination transform algorithm for super-resolution structured illumination microscopy. Journal of Biomedical Optics, 2016, 21(9): 096009-1-9
[14] Manman Li, Shaohui Yan*, Baoli Yao*, Yansheng Liang, Guoxia Han, Peng Zhang. Optical trapping force and torque on spheroidal Rayleigh particles with arbitrarily spatial orientations. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 2016, 33(7): 1341-1347
[15] Xianghua Yu, Runze Li, Shaohui Yan, Baoli Yao*, Peng Gao, Guoxia Han, Ming Lei. Experimental demonstration of 3D accelerating beam arrays. Applied Optics, 2016, 55(11): 3090-3095.
[16] Yansheng Liang, Shaohui Yan, Baoli Yao*, Ming Lei, Junwei Min, Xianghua Yu. Generation of cylindrical vector beams based on common-path interferometer with a vortex phase plate. Optical Engineering, 2016, 55(4): 046117-1-6
[17] Meiling Zhou, Junwei Min, Peng Gao, Yansheng Liang, Ming Lei, Baoli Yao*. Single-beam phase retrieval with partially coherent light illumination. Journal of Optics, 2016, 18: 015701-1-8
[18] Manman Li, Shaohui Yan*, Baoli Yao*, Yansheng Liang, Ming Lei, and Yanlong Yang. Optically induced rotation of Rayleigh particles by vortex beams with different states of polarization. Physics Letters A, 2016, 380: 311-315
[19] Jia Qian, Ming Lei*, Dan Dan, Baoli Yao*, Xing Zhou, Yanlong Yang, Shaohui Yan, Junwei Min, And Xianghua Yu. Full-color structured illumination optical sectioning microscopy. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5: 14513-1-10
[20] Zhaojun Wang, Ming Lei*, Baoli Yao*, Yanan Cai, Yansheng Liang, Yanlong Yang, Xibin Yang, Hui Li, Daxi Xiong. Compact multi-band fluorescent microscope with an electrically tunable lens for autofocusing. Biomedical Optics Express, 2015, 6(11): 4353-4364
[21] Xiurun Mao, Yang Yang, Haitao Dai, Dan Luo, Baoli Yao, Shaohui Yan. Tunable photonic nanojet formed by generalized Luneburg lens. Optics Express, 2015, 23(20): 26426-26433
[22] Shaohui Yan, Xianghua Yu, Manman Li, Baoli Yao*. Curved optical tubes in a 4Pi focusing system. Optics Express, 2015, 23(17): 22890-22897
[23] D. G. Abdelsalam, Junwei Min, Daesuk Kim, Baoli Yao*. Digital holographic shape measurement using Fizeau microscopy. Chinese Optics Letters, 2015, 13(10): 100701-1-5
[24] Di Wu, Xing Zhou, Baoli Yao*, Runze Li, Yanlong Yang, Tong Peng, Ming Lei, Dan Dan, Tong Ye*. A fast frame scanning camera system for light-sheet microscopy. Applied Optics, 2015, 54(29): 8632-8636
[25] Juanjuan Zheng, Giancarlo Pedrini, Peng Gao, Baoli Yao*, Wolfgang Osten. Autofocusing and resolution enhancement in digital holographic microscopy by using speckle-illumination. Journal of Optics, 2015, 17(8): 085301-1-7
[26] Juanjuan Zheng, Denis Akimov, Sandro Heuke, Michael Schmitt, Baoli Yao, Tong Ye, Ming Lei, Peng Gao, Jürgen Popp*. Vibrational phase imaging in wide-field CARS for nonresonant background suppression. Optics Express, 2015, 23(8): 10756-10763
[27] Xing Zhou, Ming Lei,* Dan Dan, Baoli Yao,* Jia Qian, Shaohui Yan, Yanlong Yang, Junwei Min, Tong Peng, Tong Ye, Guangde Chen. Double-exposure optical sectioning structured illumination microscopy based on Hilbert transform reconstruction. Plos ONE, 2015, 10(3): e0120892-1-9
[28] Shaohui Yan, Manman Li, Baoli Yao*, Xianghua Yu, Ming Lei, Dan Dan, Yanlong Yang, Junwei Min, and Tong Peng. Accelerating nondiffracting beams. Physics Letters A, 2015, 379(12-13): 983-987
[29] Manman Li, Shaohui Yan*, Baoli Yao, Ming Lei, Yanlong Yang, Junwei Min, Dan Dan. Trapping of Rayleigh spheroidal particles by highly focused radially polarized beams. Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 2015, 32(3): 468-472
[30] Meiling Zhou, Junwei Min, Baoli Yao*, Xianghua Yu, Ming Lei, Shaohui Yan, Yanlong Yang, Dan Dan Threshold-automatic-selection hybrid phase unwrapping algorithm for digital holographic microscopy. Journal of Modern Optics, 2015, 62(2): 110-115
[31] Junwei Min, Baoli Yao*, Meiling Zhou, Rongli Guo, Ming Lei, Yanlong Yang, Dan Dan, Shaohui Yan, Tong Peng. Phase retrieval without unwrapping by single-shot dual-wavelength digital holography. Journal of Optics, 2014, 16: 125409-1-6
[32] Rongli Guo, Baoli Yao*, Junwei Min, Meiling Zhou, Xianghua Yu, Ming Lei, Shaohui Yan, Yanlong Yang, Dan Dan. LED-based digital holographic microscopy with slightly off-axis interferometry. Journal of Optics, 2014, 16: 125408-1-6
[33] Manman Li, Shaohui Yan,* Baoli Yao, Ming Lei, Yanlong Yang, Junwei Min, Dan Dan. Intrinsic Optical Torque of Cylindrical Vector Beams on Rayleigh Absorptive Spherical Particles. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 2014, 31(8): 1710-1715
[34] Yujiao Qi, Ming Lei*, Yanlong Yang, Baoli Yao, Dan Dan, Xianghua Yu, Shaohui Yan, and Tong Ye. Remote-focusing microscopy with long working distance objective lenses. Applied Optics, 2014, 53(16): 3473-3478
[35] Juanjuan Zheng, Peng Gao, Baoli Yao*, Tong Ye, Ming Lei, Junwei Min, Dan Dan, Yanlong Yang, Shaohui Yan. Digital holographic microscopy with phase-shift-free structured illumination. Photonics Research, 2014, 2(3): 87-91
[36] Shaohui Yan, Manman Li, Baoli Yao*, Ming Lei, Peng Gao. Accelerating Beams with non-Parabolic Trajectories. Journal of Optics, 2014, 16: 035706
[37] Xianghua Yu, Baoli Yao*, Ming Lei, Norbert Hampp, Yansheng Liang, Dan Dan, Yanlong Yang, Shaohui Yan, Peng Gao, Tong Ye. Polarization-sensitive diffractive optical elements fabricated in BR films with femtosecond laser. Applied Physics B, 2014, 115: 365-369
[38] Dan Dan, Baoli Yao*, Ming Lei. Structured illumination microscopy for super-resolution and optical sectioning. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2014, 59(12): 1291-1307 (invited review)
[39] Rongli Guo, Baoli Yao*, Peng Gao, Junwei Min, Meiling Zhou, Jun Han, Xun Yu, Xianghua Yu, Ming Lei, Shaohui Yan, Yanlong Yang, Dan Dan, Tong Ye. Off-axis digital holographic microscopy with LED illumination based on polarization filtering Applied Optics, 2013, 52(34): 8233-8238
[40] Juanjuan Zheng, Baoli Yao, Yanlong Yang, Ming Lei, Peng Gao, Runze Li, Shaohui Yan, Dan Dan, Tong Ye. Investigation of Bessel beam propagation in scattering media with scalar diffraction method. Chinese Optics Letters, 2013, 11(11): 112601-1-5
[41] Xianghua Yu, Peng Gao, Baoli Yao*, Ming Lei, Romano Rupp. Kinetics of polarization gratings assisted with polarized violet light in bacteriorhodopsin films. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 2013, 30(9): 1885-1891
[42] Rongli Guo, Baoli Yao*, Peng Gao, Junwei Min, Jun Han, Xun Yu, Ming Lei, Shaohui Yan, Yanlong Yang, Dan Dan, Tong Ye. Parallel on-axis phase-shifting holographic phase microscopy based on reflective point-diffraction interferometer with long-term stability. Applied Optics, 2013, 52(15): 3484-3489
[43] Xianghua Yu, Baoli Yao*, Ming Lei, Peng Gao, Baiheng Ma. Femtosecond laser induced permanent anisotropy in bacteriorhodopsin films and applications in optical data storage. Journal of Modern Optics, 2013, 60(4): 309-314
[44] Dan Dan, Ming Lei, Baoli Yao*, Wen Wang, Martin Winterhalder, Andreas Zumbusch, Yujiao Qi, Liang Xia, Shaohui Yan, Yanlong Yang, Peng Gao, Tong Ye, Wei Zhao. DMD-based LED-illumination super-resolution and optical sectioning microscopy. Scientific Reports, 2013, 3: 1116-1-7
[45] Ming Lei, Ze Li, Shaohui Yan, Baoli Yao*, Dan Dan, Yujiao Qi, Jia Qian, Yanlong Yang, Peng Gao, Tong Ye. Long-distance axial trapping with focused annular laser beams. PLoS ONE, 2013, 8(3): e57984-1-6
[46] Baiheng Ma, Baoli Yao*, Ze Li, Ming Lei, Shaohui Yan, Peng Gao, Dan Dan, Tong Ye. Generation of three-dimensional optical structures by dynamic holograms displayed on a twist nematic liquid crystal display. Applied Physics B, 2013, 110(4): 531-537
[47] Shaohui Yan, Baoli Yao*, Ming Lei, Dan Dan, Yanlong Yang, Peng Gao. Virtual source for an Airy beam. Optics Letters, 2012, 37(22): 4774-4776
[48] Peng Gao, Baoli Yao*, Junwei Min, Rongli Guo, Baiheng Ma, Juanjuan Zheng, Ming Lei, Shaohui Yan, Dan Dan, Tong Ye. Auto-focusing of digital holographic microscopy based on off-axis illuminations. Optics Letters, 2012, 37(17): 3630-3632
[49] Baiheng Ma, Baoli Yao*, Fei Peng, Shaohui Yan, Ming Lei, Romano Rupp. Optical sorting of particles by dual-channel line optical tweezers. Journal of Optics, 2012, 14(Sept): 105702-1-5
[50] Juanjuan Zheng, Baoli Yao*, Peng Gao and Tong Ye. Phase contrast microscopy with fringe contrast adjustable by using grating-based phase-shifter. Optics Express, 2012, 20(14): 16077-16082
[51] Juanjuan Zheng, Yanlong Yang, Ming Lei, Baoli Yao*, Peng Gao, Tong Ye. Fluorescence volume imaging with an axicon: simulation study based on scalar diffraction method. Applied Optics, 2012, 51(30): 7236-7245
[52] D.G.Abdelsalam, Baoli Yao*, Peng Gao, Junwei Min, Rongli Guo. Single-shot parallel four-step phase-shifting using on-axis Fizeau interferometry. Applied Optics, 2012, 51(20): 4891-4895
[53] Peng Gao, Baoli Yao*, Romano Rupp, Klaus Mantel, Junwei Min, Rongli Guo, Baiheng Ma, Juanjuan Zheng, Ming Lei, Shaohui Yan, Dan Dan, Tong Ye. Autofocusing based on wavelength dependence of diffraction in two-wavelength digital holographic microscopy. Optics Letters, 2012, 37(7): 1172-1174
[54] Junwei Min, Baoli Yao*, Peng Gao, Baiheng Ma, Shaohui Yan, Fei Peng, Juanjuan Zheng, Tong Ye, Romano Rupp. Wave-front curvature compensation of polarization phase-shifting digital holography. Optik, 2012, 123(17): 1525-1529
[55] Junwei Min, Baoli Yao*, Peng Gao, Rongli Guo, Baiheng Ma, Juanjuan Zheng, Ming Lei, Shaohui Yan, Dan Dan, Tao Duan, Yanlong Yang, Tong Ye. Slightly-off-axis dual-wavelength digital holographic microscopy with Michelson-like architecture. Applied Optics, 2012, 51(2): 191-196
[56] Shaohui Yan, Baoli Yao*, Ming Lei. Comment on “Orbital angular momentum from the curl of polarization”. Physical Review Letters, 2011, 106(5): 189301
[57] Peng Gao, Baoli Yao*, Irina Harder, Norbert Lindlein, Francisco Jose Torcal-Milla. Phase-shifting Zernike phase contrast microscopy for quantitative phase measurement. Optics Letters, 2011, 36(21): 4305-4307
[58] Peng Gao, Baoli Yao*, Junwei Min, Rongli Guo, Juanjuan Zheng, Tong Ye, Irina Harder, Vanusch Nercissian, Klaus Mantel. Parallel two-step phase-shifting point-diffraction interferometry for microscopy based on a pair of cube beamsplitters. Optics Express, 2011, 19(3):1930-1935
[59] Shaohui Yan, Baoli Yao*, Romano Rupp. Shifting the spherical focus of a 4Pi focusing system. Optics Express, 2011, 19(2): 673-678
[60] Peng Gao, Baoli Yao*, Junwei Min, Rongli Guo, Juanjuan Zheng, Tong Ye. Parallel two-step phase-shifting microscopic interferometry based on a cube beamsplitter. Optics Communications, 2011, 284: 4136-4140
[61] Peng Gao, Baoli Yao*, Irina Harder, Junwei Min, Rongli Guo, Juanjuan Zheng, Tong Ye. Parallel two-step phase-shifting digital holograph microscopy based on a grating pair. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 2011, 28(3): 434-440
[62] Baiheng Ma, Baoli Yao*, Ze Li, Tong Ye. Improvement of the performance of twisted-nematic liquid display as a phase modulator. Applied Optics, 2011, 50(17): 2588-2593
[63] Junwei Min, Baoli Yao*, Peng Gao, Rongli Guo, Juanjuan Zheng, Tong Ye. Parallel phase-shifting interferometry based on Michelson-like architecture. Applied Optics, 2010, 49(34): 6612-6616
[64] Baoli Yao, Shaohui Yan, Tong Ye, Wei Zhao. Optical trapping of double-ring radially polarized beam with improved axial trapping efficiency. Chinese Physics Letters, 2010,27(10): 108701-1~4
[65] Shaohui Yan, Baoli Yao*, Wei Zhao, Ming Lei. Generation of multiple spherical spots with radially polarized beam in 4Pi focusing system. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 2010,27(9): 2033-2037
[66] Baiheng Ma, Baoli Yao*, Tong Ye, Ming Lei. Prediction of optical modulation properties of twisted-nematic liquid-crystal display by improved measurement of Jones matrix. Journal of Applied Physics, 2010,107(7): 073107-1-6
[67] Peng Gao, Irina Harder, Vanusch Nercissian, Klaus Mantel, Baoli Yao. Phase-shifting point diffraction interferometry with common-path and in-line configuration for microscopy. Optics Letters, 2010, 35(5): 712-714
[68] J. Milavec, M. Devetak, J. Li, R. A. Rupp, B. Yao, I. Dreven?ek-Olenik. Effect of structural modifications on the switching voltage of a holographic-polymer dispersed liquid crystal lattice. Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics, 2010, 12: 015106-1-8
[69] Fei Peng, Baoli Yao*, Shaohui Yan, Wei Zhao, Ming Lei. Trapping of low-refractive-index particles with azimuthally polarized beam. Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 2009, 26(12): 2242-2247
[70] Peng Gao, Baoli Yao*, Norbert Lindlein, Johannes Schwider, Klaus Mantel, Irina Harder, Eduard Geist. Phase-Shifts Extraction for Generalized Phase-Shifting Interferometry. Optics Letters, 2009, 34(22): 3553-3555
[71] M. Devetak, J. Milavec, R. A. Rupp,B. Yao, I. Drevensek-Olenik. Two-dimensional photonic lattices in polymer-dispersed liquid crystal composites. Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics, 2009, 11: 024020-1-8
[72] Liju Chen, Baoli Yao*, Junhe Han, Peng Gao, Yi Chen, Yingli Wang, Ming Lei. Kinetic characterization of photoinduced anisotropy in diarylethene film. Optics Communications, 2009, 282: 568-573
[73] Shaohui Yan, Baoli Yao*. Exact description of a cylindrically symmetrical complex-argument Laguerre-Gauss beam. Optics Letters, 2008, 33(10): 1074-1076
[74] Shaohui Yan, Baoli Yao*. Fast calculation technique for scattering in T-matrix method. Physics Letters A, 2008, 372: 5243-5245
[75] Shaohui Yan, Baoli Yao*. Accurate description of radially polarized Gaussian beam. Physical Review A, 2008, 77(2): 023827
[76] Ming Lei, Baoli Yao*. Multifunctional darkfield microscopy using an axicon. Journal of Biomedical Optics, 2008, 13(4): 044024-1-4
[77] Ming Lei, Hanpeng Xu?, Hao Yang, Baoli Yao*. Femtosecond laser assisted microinjection into living neurons. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 2008, 174(2): 215-218
[78] Baoli Yao, Junhe Han, Peng Gao, Liju Chen, Yingli Wang, Ming Lei. Influence of auxiliary violet light on holographic kinetics at low and high recording intensities in bacteriorhodopsin film. Optics Communications, 2008, 281: 2380-2384
[79] Baoli Yao, Peng Gao, Junhe Han, Liju Chen, Yingli Wang, Ming Lei. Influence of polarization orientation of violet light on the diffraction efficiency of bacteriorhodopsin. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 2008, 25(6): 1274-1278
[80] Junhe Han, Baoli Yao*, Peng Gao, Liju Chen, Yingli Wang, Ming Lei. Kinetics of photoinduced anisotropy in bacteriorhodopsin film under two pumping beams. Applied Optics, 2008, 47(21): 3760-3766
[81] Peng Gao, Baoli Yao*, Junhe Han, Liju Chen, Yingli Wang, Ming Lei, Romano A. Rupp. Effect of reconstruction beam polarization on the kinetics of anisotropic gratings in bacteriorhodopsin. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 2008, 25(3): 685-691
[82] Peng Gao, Baoli Yao, Junhe Han, Liju Chen, Yingli Wang, Ming Lei. Phase and amplitude reconstruction from a single carrier-frequency interferogram without phase unwrapping. Applied Optics, 2008, 47(15): 2760-2766
[83] Peng Gao, Baoli Yao*, Junhe Han, Liju Chen, Yingli Wang, Ming Lei, Phase reconstruction from three interferograms based on integral of phase gradient, Journal of Modern Optics, 2008, 55(14): 2233-2242.
[84] Shaohui Yan, Baoli Yao*. Description of a radially polarized Laguerre-Gauss beam beyond the paraxial approximation. Optics Letters, 2007, 32(22): 3367-3369
[85] Shaohui Yan, Baoli Yao*. Radiation forces of highly focused radially polarized beam on spherical particles. Physical Review A, 2007, 76(5): 053836-1-6
[86] Shaohui Yan, Baoli Yao*. Transverse trapping forces of focused Gaussian beam on ellipsoidal particles. Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 2007, 24(7): 1596-1602
[87] Romano A. Rupp, Baoli Yao, Yuan Zheng, Neimule Menke, Yingli Wang, Weibin Dong, Wei Zhao, Yi Chen, Meigong Fan, Jinjun Xu, Martin Fally. Absorbance kinetics of dye-doped systems with photochemical first order kinetics. Physica Status Solidi B, 2007, 244(6): 2138-2150
[88] Baoli Yao, Yingli Wang, Neimule Menke, Ming Lei, Liyong Ren, Shouzhi Pu. Polarization holograms recording in photochromic diarylethenes polymeric film. SPIE Proceedings, 2006, V6343 II: p63432Z
[89] Ming Lei, Baoli Yao*, Romano A. Rupp. Structuring by multi-beam interference using symmetric pyramids. Optics Express, 2006, 14(12): 5803~5811
[90] Neimule Menke, Baoli Yao*, Yingli Wang, Yuan Zheng, Ming Lei, Liyong Ren, Guofu Chen, Yi Chen, Meigong Fan, Tiankai Li. Optical image processing using the photoinduced anisotropy of pyrrylfulgide. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 2006, 23(2): 267~271
[91] Y. Chen, J. P. Xiao, B. Yao, M. G. Fan. Dual-wavelength photochromic fulgides for parallel recording memory. Optical Materials, 2006, 28(8-9): 1068~1071
[92] Baoli Yao, Ming Lei, Liyong Ren, Neimule Menke, Yingli Wang, Thorsten Fischer, Norbert Hampp. Polarization multiplexed write-once–read-many optical data storage in bacteriorhodopsin films. Optics Letters, 2005, 30(22): 3060~3062
[93] Baoli Yao, Zhiwei Ren, Neimule Menke, Yingli Wang, Yuan Zheng, Ming Lei, Guofu Chen, Norbert Hampp. Polarization holographic high density optical data storage in bacteriorhodopsin film. Applied Optics, 2005, 44(34): 7344~7348
[94] Baoli Yao, Yingli Wang, Ming Lei, Neimule Menke, Guofu Chen, Yi Chen, Tiankai Li, Meigong Fan. Polarization patterns hide and display using photoinduced anisotropy of photochromic fulgide. Optics Express, 2005, 13(1): 20~25
[95] Baoli Yao, Yingli Wang, Neimule Menke, Ming Lei, Yuan Zheng, Liyong Ren, Guofu Chen, Yi Chen, Meigong Fan. Optical properties and applications of photochromic fulgides. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 2005, 430: 211~219
[96] WANG Yingli, YAO Baoli*, MENKE Neimule, ZHENG Yuan, LEI Ming, CHEN Guofu. Optical image contrast reversal using bacteriorhodopsin film. Chinese Physics Letters, 2005, 22(5): 1121~1123
[97] Ming Lei, Baoli Yao*. Characteristics of beam profile of Gaussian beam passing through an axicon. Optics Communications, 2004, 239(4-6): 367~372
[98] Chen Yi, Wang Congming, Fan Meigong, Yao Baoli, Menke Neimule. Photochromic fulgide for holographic recording. Optical Materials, 2004, 26(1): 75~77
[99] Zheng Yuan, Yao Baoli*, Wang Yingli, Lei Ming, Menke Neimule, Chen Guofu, Hampp Norbert. Experimental study on polarization holographic storage in genetic mutant BR-D96N film. Science in China (Series G), 2004, 47(3): 284~292
[100] Lei Ming, Yao Baoli*, Chen Yi,Han Yong,Wang Yingli, Menke Neimule, Zheng Yuan, Wang Congmin, Fan Meigong, Chen Guofu. Experimental investigation of parallel optical data storage using pyrrylfulgide photochromic material. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2003, 48(15): 1548~1550
[101] Zheng Yuan, Yao Baoli*, Wang Yingli, Menke Neimule, Lei Ming, Chen Guofu,Hampp Norbert. Holographic properties of BR-D96N film and its application in hologram aberration correction. Chinese Physics Letters, 2003, 20(5): 671~673
[102] Baoli Yao, Yingli Wang, Ming Lei, Yuan Zheng. Characteristics and mechanisms of the two types of photoelectric differential response of bacteriorhodopsin-based photocell. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2003, 19(4): 283~287
[103] Baoli Yao, Liyong Ren, Xun Hou. Z-scan theory based on a diffraction model. Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 2003, 20(6): 1290~1294
[104] Baoli Yao, Yuan Zheng, Yingli Wang, Ming Lei, Guofu Chen, Norbert Hampp. Kinetic Spectra of Light-adaptation Dark-adaptation and M-intermediate of BR-D96N. Optics Communications, 2003, 218(1-3): 125~130
[105] Baoli Yao, Dalun Xu, Xun Hou, Kunsheng Hu, Aojin Wang. Kinetics of picosecond laser pulse induced charge separation and proton transfer in bacteriorhodopsin. Journal of Biomedical Optics, 2003, 8(1): 48~52
[106] Baoli Yao, Ming Lei, Yingli Wang, Neimule Menke,Yuan Zheng, Guofu Chen, Norbert Hampp. Micro-imaging system with photochromic biofilm —bacteriorhodopsin as recording medium. SPIE Proceedings, 2002, 4930: 64~67
[107] Baoli Yao, Yingli Wang, Kunsheng Hu, Deliang Chen, Yuan Zheng, Ming Lei. Mechanisms of Pulse Response and Differential Response of Bacteriorhodopsin and Their Relations. Photochemistry and Photobiology, 2002, 76(5): 545~548
[108] Baoli Yao, Dalun Xu, Xun Hou, Kunsheng Hu, Aojin Wang. Analyses and Proofs of Multi-exponential Process of Bacteriorhodopsin Photoelectric Response. Journal of Applied Physics. 2001, 89(1):795~797
[109] Baoli Yao, Dalun Xu, Xun Hou. Theoretical analysis of the flash photolysis kinetics of purple membrane. Optics Communications, 2000, 175(4-6): 375~381
( 1 ) 光场调控及与微结构相互作用研究, 主持, 国家级, 2012-01--2016-12
( 2 ) 物参共路同步相移数字全息显微研究, 主持, 国家级, 2011-01--2013-12
( 3 ) 物质光子特征信息获取与处理, 参与, 部委级, 2009-12--2012-12
( 4 ) 基于结构光照明的数字全息显微研究, 主持, 国家级, 2014-01--2017-12
( 5 ) 超分辨光学成像创新团队, 主持, 省级, 2013-07--2016-07
( 6 ) 用于小动物活体成像的光片显微成像系统研制, 主持, 国家级, 2015-01--2019-12
[1] Baoli Yao, Dalun Xu, Xun Hou, Kunsheng Hu, Aojin Wang. Origin of Differential Photoelectric Response of Bacteriorhodopsin: Derivation From Mathematical Method. “NanoBionics - from Molecules to Applications” conference, p.60. July 10~14, 2000, Marburg, Germany (invited)
[2] Baoli Yao, Dalun Xu, Xun Hou, Kunsheng Hu, Aojin Wang. Ultrafast photoelectric response of bacteriorhodopsin to picosecond laser pulse. “8th International Conference on Laser Applications in Life Sciences”(LALS2000), p.110. August 13~18, 2000, Tokyo, Japan
[3] Baoli Yao, Liyong Ren and Xun Hou. Diffraction of laser induced phase-hole in a novel ?-conjugated polypyrrole polymer. Proceedings of the “Australian Conference on Optics, Lasers and Spectroscopy”(ACOLS 2001), p.126. December 3~6, 2001, Brisbane, Australia
[4] Baoli Yao, Ming Lei, Yingli Wang, Yuan Zheng, Neimule Menke, Guofu Chen, Norbert Hampp. Parallel optical data storage using genetic mutant bacteriorhodopsin photochromic films. “NanoBionics II - from Molecules to Applications” conference, p.64. Sept. 22~26, 2002, Marburg, Germany (invited)
[5] Baoli Yao, Ming Lei, Yingli Wang, Neimule Menke,Yuan Zheng, Guofu Chen, Norbert Hampp. Micro-imaging system with photochromic biofilm —bacteriorhodopsin as recording medium. “Photonics Asia 2002”,2002,10.14~18, Shanghai, China
[6] Baoli Yao, Yingli Wang, Yuan Zheng, Neimule Menke, Ming Lei, Weibin Dong and Guofu Chen. Photoinduced anisotropy and polarization holography of bio-photochromic bacteriorhodopsin film. “The Fourth Asian Pacific Laser Symposium (APLS2004)”. p.27 March 1~6, 2004. Yongpyong, Korea
[7] Baoli Yao, Yi Chen, Yingli Wang, Neimule Menke, Ming Lei, Yuan Zheng,Liyong Ren, Meigong Fan, Guofu Chen. Optical properties and applications of photochromic fulgides. “4th International Symposium On Photochromism (ISOP’04)”. p.183, Sept.12~15, 2004. Arcachon, France
[8] Baoli Yao, Ming Lei, Liyong Ren, Neimule Menke, Yingli Wang. Polarization multiplexed optical data storage in bacteriorhodopsin films. “The 7th International Symposium on Optical Storage (ISOS 2005)”. p. 45 April. 1~6, 2005, Zhanjian, China (invited)
[9] Baoli Yao, Neimule Menke, Zhiwei Ren, Yingli Wang, Yuan Zheng, Ming Lei, Liyong Ren, Guofu Chen, Norbert Hampp. Fourier-transform Polarization Holographic Data Storage In Bacteriorhodopsin Film. “International Symposium on Optical Memory and Optical Data Storage (ISOM/ODS 2005)”. July 10–14, 2005. Honolulu, HI, USA
[10] Baoli Yao, Yingli Wang, Neimule Menke, Ming Lei, Liyong Ren, Zhiwei Ren. Properties and Applications of Bacteriorhodopsin-films as Dynamic Holographic Recording Media. “Tenth International Conference on Photorefractive Effects, Materials, and Devices (PR05)”. July 19~23, 2005, Sanya, Hainan, China
[11] Baoli Yao, Wei Zhao, Norbert Hampp. Polarization multiplexing of femtosecond laser induced anisotropy in bacteriorhodopsin films. “Sino-German Symposium on Quantum Engineering Celebrating the Einstein Year of Physics”. November 23-26, 2005, Beijing. (invited)
[12] Baoli Yao, Yingli Wang, Neimule Menke, Ming Lei, Liyong Ren, Shouzhi Pu. Polarization holograms recording in photochromic diarylethenes polymeric film. “Photonics North 2006” p.145. June 4-8, 2006, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.
[13] Baoli Yao, Yingli Wang, Ming Lei, Yuan Zheng, Neimule Menke, Zhiwei Ren, Guofu Chen, Norbert Hampp. Photochromic and Photoelectric Applications of Bacteriorhodopsin. “The 3rd Asian and Oceanian Conference on Photobiology (AOCP)” p.49. November 17-20, 2006, Beijing (invited)
[14] Baoli Yao, Ming Lei, Hanpeng Xu, Hao Yang, Wei Zhao. Femtosecond laser assisted micro-injection of living cells. “International Workshop on Attosecond Science and Technology”. March 31- April 1, 2008, Beijing, China (invited)
[15] Baoli Yao, Ming Lei, Multifunctional Darkfield Microscopy Using An Axicon. “Tenth Optics Within Life Sciences (OWLS-10)” 2nd-4th July, 2008, SMU Conference Centre, Singapore
[16] Baoli Yao, Yingli Wang, Neimule Menke, Ming Lei, Zhiwei Ren, Yuan Zheng. Bacteriorhodopsin-film as dynamic holographic recording medium. “Tenth Optics Within Life Sciences (OWLS-10)” 2nd-4th July, 2008, SMU Conference Centre, Singapore
[17] Baoli Yao, Ming Lei, Hanpeng Xu, Hao Yang. Femtosecond laser assisted micro-injection of living cells. “The 28th International Congress on High-Speed Imaging and Photonics” November 9-14, 2008, Canberra, Australia
[18] Yao Baoli, Lei Ming, Yan Shaohui, Peng Fei, Ma Baiheng, Ye Tong. Optical micro-manipulation and vector beams. “The 4th Advanced Optical Methods Workshop” May 19-21, 2010, Shenzhen, China (invited)
[19] Baoli YAO, Ming LEI, Shaohui YAN, Fei PENG, Baiheng MA, Tong YE. Optical manipulation of micro particles by vector beams. “29th International Congress on High-Speed Imaging and Photonics” Sept. 20-24, 2010, Iwate Medical University, Morioka, Japan
[20] Baoli Yao, Shaohui Yan, Ming Lei, Fei Peng, Baiheng Ma, Tong Ye. Optical trapping with cylindrical vector beams. “Functional Optical Imaging 2011” Dec. 3-4, 2011, Ning Bo, China (invited)
[21] Yao Baoli, Lei Ming, Ma Baiheng, Dan Dan, Li Ze, Yan Shaohui, Gao Peng, Yang Yanlong, Ye Tong. Holographic optical tweezers and structured illumination microscopy. “The 5th Advanced Optical Methods Workshop” May 9-11, 2012, Shenzhen, China (invited)
[22] Baoli Yao, Peng Gao, Junwei Min, Juanjuan Zheng, Rongli Guo, Ming Lei, Shaohui Yan, Dan Dan, Yanlong Yang, Tong Ye. Common-path phase-shifting digital holographic microscopy. “Photonics Asia 2012-- Conference: Holography, Diffractive Optics and Applications V” November 5-8, 2012, Beijing, China (invited)
[23] Baoli Yao, Xianghua Yu, Ming Lei, Shaohui Yan, Peng Gao, Dan Dan, Yanlong Yang. Polarization-sensitive optical information storage based on photoinduced anisotropy of bacteriorhodopsin films. “2012 International Workshop on Information Storage /9th International Symposium on Optical Storage” October 21-24, 2012, Shanghai, China (invited)
[24] Baoli Yao, Peng Gao, Zhiqiang Zhu, Junwei Min, Rongli Guo ,Qiusheng Liu. Common-path interferometer used for studies of evaporation and condensation in two-phase systems. “Seventh International Symposium on Two-Phase Systems For Ground And Space Applications” September 17-22, 2012, Beijing
[25] Dan Dan, Ming Lei, Baoli Yao*, Wen Wang, Martin Winterhalder, Andreas Zumbusch, Yujiao Qi, Liang Xia, Shaohui Yan, Yanlong Yang, Peng Gao, Tong Ye, Wei Zhao. Super-resolution and optical sectioning microscopy with DMD-based LED-illumination. “Focus on Microscopy 2013” March 24-27, 2013, Maastricht Netherlands.
[26] Dan Dan, Ming Lei, Baoli Yao*, Wen Wang, Martin Winterhalder, Andreas Zumbusch, Yujiao Qi, Liang Xia, Shaohui Yan, Yanlong Yang, Peng Gao, Tong Ye, Wei Zhao. DMD-based LED-illumination Super-resolution and Optical Sectioning Microscopy. "7th International Conference on Nanophotonics (ICNP)/ 3rd Conference on Advances in Optoelectronics and Micro/Nano Optics (AOM)" May 19-23, 2013, Hong Kong.
[27] Baoli Yao. Ming Lei, Dan Dan, Shaohui Yan, Yanlong Yang, Peng Gao, Tong Ye. Structured Illumination Microscopy and Three-dimensional Super-Resolution Optical Slices Imaging Technology. International conference on Frontiers in Optical Imager Technology and Application. Oct. 20-22, 2013, Suzhou, China (invited)
[28] Baoli Yao. Super-resolution and optical sectioning SIM and holographic optical tweezers. 1st Biomedical Engineering Suzhou International Symposium. Apr. 8-10, 2014, Suzhou, China (invited)
[29] Baoli Yao, Ming Lei, Dan Dan, Xing Zhou, Jia Qian, Yanlong Yang, Shaohui Yan, Junwei Min, Peng Gao, Tong Ye. Structured Illumination Microscopy. 9th International Symposium on Precision Engineering Measurements and Instrumentation. August 8-10, 2014, Changsha, China (invited)
[30] Baoli Yao, Ming Lei, Dan Dan, Xing Zhou, Jia Qian, Yanlong Yang, Shaohui Yan, Junwei Min, Peng Gao, Tong Peng, Tong Ye. Fast-speed Structured Illumination Microscopy. 4th Advances in Optoelectronics and Micro/nano-optics. September 17-20, 2014, Xi’an, China (invited)
[31] Baoli Yao, Ming Lei, Dan Dan, Xing Zhou, Jia Qian, Yanlong Yang, Shaohui Yan, Junwei Min, Peng Gao, Tong Ye. Structured illumination microscopy for super-resolution and optical sectioning imaging. 1st International Conference on Photonic and Optical Engineering. October 13-15, 2014, Xi’an, China (invited)
[32] Baoli Yao, Ming Lei, Jia Qian, Dan Dan, Xing Zhou, Yanlong Yang. Full-color structured illumination optical sectioning microscopy. Applied Optics and Photonics China 2015 (AOPC 2015, Formerly ISPDI) at “Conf 3: Micro/nano optical imaging technologies and applications”. May 6-7, 2015, Beijing, China (invited)
[33] Baoli Yao, Dan Dan, Ming Lei, Xing Zhou, Jia Qian, Yanlong Yang, Shaohui Yan, Junwei Min, Xianghua Yu, Tong Peng. High-speed large field-of-view optical sectioning structured illumination microscopy. International Symposium on Surface Topography & Optical Microscopy. July 23-25, 2015, Harbin, China (invited)
[34] Baoli Yao, Dan Dan, Ming Lei, Xing Zhou, Jia Qian, Yanlong Yang, Shaohui Yan, Junwei Min, Xianghua Yu, Tong Peng, Wei Zhao. Large field-of-view fast 3D structured illumination microscopy. Japan Congress on High-Speed imaging and Photonics (JCHSIP 2015). Nov.5-7, 2015, Morioka, Japan (invited)
[35] Baoli Yao, Ming Lei, Dan Dan, Xing Zhou, Jia Qian, Yanlong Yang, Shaohui Yan, Junwei Min. Super-resolved structured illumination microscopy. 2016 International Workshop on Information Storage /10th International Symposium on Optical Storage (IWIS/ISOS 2016). April 10-13, 2016, Changzhou, China
[36] Baoli Yao, Yansheng Liang, Ming Lei, Shaohui Yan, Manman Li, Xianghua Yu. Holographic optical tweezers with specific beam generation. The 11th International Conference on Laser-light and Interactions with Particles (LIP2016). April 22-26, 2016, Xi’an, China (Keynote lecture)
[37] Baoli Yao, Ming Lei, Dan Dan, Xing Zhou, Jia Qian, Yansheng Liang, Baiheng Ma, Yanlong Yang, Shaohui Yan, Junwei Min, Xianghua Yu, Tong Peng. Structured Illumination Microscopy and Holographic Optical Tweezers. 第二届海峡两岸纳米生医光电研讨会. May 5-6, 2016, Xi’an, China
[38] Baoli Yao. Optical manipulation of particles with holographic optical tweezers. The 8th International Conference on Information Optics and Photonics (CIOP2016). July 17-20, 2016, Shanghai, China
[39] Baoli Yao, Ming Lei, Dan Dan, Xing Zhou, Jia Qian, Yanlong Yang, Shaohui Yan, Junwei Min, Xianghua Yu. Structured illumination microscopy for super-resolution and optical sectioning imaging. 2016 International Conference on Laser Applications in Life Sciences (LALS2016). Oct. 14-18, 2016, Shenzhen, China
[40] Baoli Yao, , Ming Lei, Dan Dan, Xing Zhou, Jia Qian, Yanlong Yang, Shaohui Yan, Junwei Min, Xianghua Yu, Wei Zhao. Fast Structured Illumination Microscopy. The 31st International Congress on High-Speed imaging and Photonics (ICHSIP-31). Nov. 6-10, 2016, Osaka, Japan
[41] Guoxia Han, Zhangxiang Huang, Sha An, Tong Peng, Meirong Wang, Baoli Yao*, and Peng Zhang*. Optical Pulling Nanoparticles with Nonparaxial Accelerating Beams. “CLEO- Pacific Rim 2017” in Session S5: Nano Optical Trapping, Jul.31- Aug.4, 2017, Singapore
[42] Yanlong Yang, Tong Ye, Ming Lei, Xing Zhou, Dan Dan, Baoli Yao*. Direct-view imaging for thick specimen with two-photon laser scanning stereomicroscopy. International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology (OIT2017). October 28-30, 2017, Beijing, China
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