黄林海 男 博导 中国科学院光电技术研究所
电子邮件: hlhai@ioe.ac.cn
通信地址: 四川成都双流西航港光电大道1号
邮政编码: 610209
黄林海:博士,研究员,博士生导师。研究领域为自适应光学技术,作为课题负责人和主要技术骨干参与并完成国家自然基金项目、科技委项目、科技部和多项国家863重大课题,曾获得广东省科技进步奖,广州市科技进步奖和省部级多项奖励。在国内外学术期刊如《Optics Letter》、《Optics Express》和《物理学报》等刊物上发表论文40余篇。申请发明专利20余项,授权10项。指导和协助指导硕士、博士10余名。
2006-09--2009-07 中科院光电所 博士
2003-09--2006-06 华南师范大学 硕士
2003-09--2006-06 华南师范大学 硕士
[1] 晏楠飞, 张兰强, 黄林海, 饶长辉. 一种基于多核CPU和GPU的自适应光学实时控制器硬件架构. 202211363641.4, 2022-11-02.
[2] 顾乃庭, 肖亚维, 黄林海, 饶长辉. 一种强度-时间积分型快速偏振成像方法及装置. CN: CN114216562A, 2022-03-22.
[3] 顾乃庭, 肖亚维, 黄林海, 饶长辉. 一种基于全斯托克斯矢量的快速偏振成像方法. CN: CN114166348A, 2022-03-11.
[4] 顾乃庭, 肖亚维, 黄林海, 饶长辉. 一种偏振片光学零位快速高精度定标装置和方法. CN: CN113588216A, 2021-11-02.
[5] 顾乃庭, 郭庭, 黄林海, 饶长辉. 一种偏振调制哈特曼-夏克波前探测装置. CN: CN112484864A, 2021-03-12.
[6] 顾乃庭, 黄林海, 郭庭, 饶长辉. 一种实时偏振调制哈特曼-夏克波前探测装置. CN: CN112484865A, 2021-03-12.
[7] 罗曦, 李新阳, 黄林海, 吴书云. 一种激光传输热晕效应及其自适应光学补偿的模拟装置. CN: CN110736555B, 2021-02-19.
[8] 黄林海, 饶学军, 杨金生. 一种空间分辨率可变的哈特曼波前传感器. CN: CN112304443A, 2021-02-02.
[9] 黄林海, 周子夜, 冯忠义. 基于高速快反镜的激光调Q装置及调Q方法. CN: CN112152059A, 2020-12-29.
[10] 黄林海, 顾乃庭, 田浩铭. 基于远场的高速自适应光学闭环控制方法. CN: CN112099229A, 2020-12-18.
[11] 周子夜, 冯忠毅, 黄林海, 陈东红. 一种基于串联放大机构的超大角行程倾斜镜. CN: CN110346929A, 2019-10-18.
[12] 李新阳, 宋定安, 耿超, 黄林海. 一种自适应光学系统部分失效故障的通用处理方法. CN: CN107728317A, 2018-02-23.
[13] 顾乃庭, 黄林海, 饶长辉. 一种基于微光学器件的径向剪切干涉波前探测装置. CN: CN106813778A, 2017-06-09.
[14] 黄林海, 陈林. 一种大动态范围高精度光轴测量装置. CN: CN106225734A, 2016-12-14.
[15] 黄林海, 陈东红, 周子夜. 一种大行程高速多级驱动倾斜镜. CN: CN104793333A, 2015-07-22.
[16] 黄林海, 凡木文. 一种基于模式分解的自适应光学控制方法. CN: CN104777607A, 2015-07-15.
[17] 黄林海, 顾乃庭. 一种基于连续远场的波前复原系统及方法. CN: CN104215339A, 2014-12-17.
[18] 凡木文, 黄林海, 李梅, 饶长辉, 王晓云. 一种具有对象频率特性补偿功能的压电倾斜镜高压驱动器. CN: CN104199186A, 2014-12-10.
[19] 黄林海, 王海英, 周虹. 一种自动诊断并校正激光光束发散角及光束质量的装置. CN: CN102658431A, 2012-09-12.
[20] 黄林海, 王海英, 周虹. 一种大动态范围测量非球面光学元件表面轮廓装置. CN: CN102636130A, 2012-08-15.
[21] 罗群, 饶长辉, 王晓华, 顾乃庭, 黄林海. 一种基于组合棱镜的相位差波前传感器. CN: CN102564612A, 2012-07-11.
[22] 罗群, 饶长辉, 黄林海, 顾乃庭. 一种基于光栅的相位差波前传感器. CN: CN102331303A, 2012-01-25.
[23] 黄林海, 饶长辉, 姜文汉. 基于光强调制器的远场光束质量测量装置. CN: CN102042874A, 2011-05-04.
[24] 顾乃庭, 杨泽平, 黄林海, 饶长辉. 自适应光学系统中波前传感器与校正器对准装置. CN: CN101806957A, 2010-08-18.
[25] 顾乃庭, 白福忠, 黄林海, 杨泽平, 饶长辉. 基于四步空间移相的共光路径向剪切干涉仪. CN: CN101762331A, 2010-06-30.
[26] 黄林海, 饶长辉, 姜文汉. 基于远场性能指标的自适应光学系统标定装置. CN: CN101718590A, 2010-06-02.
[27] 黄林海, 饶长辉. 基于光栅和CCD成像探测器的宽动态范围成像系统. CN: CN101701847A, 2010-05-05.
[2] 顾乃庭, 肖亚维, 黄林海, 饶长辉. 一种强度-时间积分型快速偏振成像方法及装置. CN: CN114216562A, 2022-03-22.
[3] 顾乃庭, 肖亚维, 黄林海, 饶长辉. 一种基于全斯托克斯矢量的快速偏振成像方法. CN: CN114166348A, 2022-03-11.
[4] 顾乃庭, 肖亚维, 黄林海, 饶长辉. 一种偏振片光学零位快速高精度定标装置和方法. CN: CN113588216A, 2021-11-02.
[5] 顾乃庭, 郭庭, 黄林海, 饶长辉. 一种偏振调制哈特曼-夏克波前探测装置. CN: CN112484864A, 2021-03-12.
[6] 顾乃庭, 黄林海, 郭庭, 饶长辉. 一种实时偏振调制哈特曼-夏克波前探测装置. CN: CN112484865A, 2021-03-12.
[7] 罗曦, 李新阳, 黄林海, 吴书云. 一种激光传输热晕效应及其自适应光学补偿的模拟装置. CN: CN110736555B, 2021-02-19.
[8] 黄林海, 饶学军, 杨金生. 一种空间分辨率可变的哈特曼波前传感器. CN: CN112304443A, 2021-02-02.
[9] 黄林海, 周子夜, 冯忠义. 基于高速快反镜的激光调Q装置及调Q方法. CN: CN112152059A, 2020-12-29.
[10] 黄林海, 顾乃庭, 田浩铭. 基于远场的高速自适应光学闭环控制方法. CN: CN112099229A, 2020-12-18.
[11] 周子夜, 冯忠毅, 黄林海, 陈东红. 一种基于串联放大机构的超大角行程倾斜镜. CN: CN110346929A, 2019-10-18.
[12] 李新阳, 宋定安, 耿超, 黄林海. 一种自适应光学系统部分失效故障的通用处理方法. CN: CN107728317A, 2018-02-23.
[13] 顾乃庭, 黄林海, 饶长辉. 一种基于微光学器件的径向剪切干涉波前探测装置. CN: CN106813778A, 2017-06-09.
[14] 黄林海, 陈林. 一种大动态范围高精度光轴测量装置. CN: CN106225734A, 2016-12-14.
[15] 黄林海, 陈东红, 周子夜. 一种大行程高速多级驱动倾斜镜. CN: CN104793333A, 2015-07-22.
[16] 黄林海, 凡木文. 一种基于模式分解的自适应光学控制方法. CN: CN104777607A, 2015-07-15.
[17] 黄林海, 顾乃庭. 一种基于连续远场的波前复原系统及方法. CN: CN104215339A, 2014-12-17.
[18] 凡木文, 黄林海, 李梅, 饶长辉, 王晓云. 一种具有对象频率特性补偿功能的压电倾斜镜高压驱动器. CN: CN104199186A, 2014-12-10.
[19] 黄林海, 王海英, 周虹. 一种自动诊断并校正激光光束发散角及光束质量的装置. CN: CN102658431A, 2012-09-12.
[20] 黄林海, 王海英, 周虹. 一种大动态范围测量非球面光学元件表面轮廓装置. CN: CN102636130A, 2012-08-15.
[21] 罗群, 饶长辉, 王晓华, 顾乃庭, 黄林海. 一种基于组合棱镜的相位差波前传感器. CN: CN102564612A, 2012-07-11.
[22] 罗群, 饶长辉, 黄林海, 顾乃庭. 一种基于光栅的相位差波前传感器. CN: CN102331303A, 2012-01-25.
[23] 黄林海, 饶长辉, 姜文汉. 基于光强调制器的远场光束质量测量装置. CN: CN102042874A, 2011-05-04.
[24] 顾乃庭, 杨泽平, 黄林海, 饶长辉. 自适应光学系统中波前传感器与校正器对准装置. CN: CN101806957A, 2010-08-18.
[25] 顾乃庭, 白福忠, 黄林海, 杨泽平, 饶长辉. 基于四步空间移相的共光路径向剪切干涉仪. CN: CN101762331A, 2010-06-30.
[26] 黄林海, 饶长辉, 姜文汉. 基于远场性能指标的自适应光学系统标定装置. CN: CN101718590A, 2010-06-02.
[27] 黄林海, 饶长辉. 基于光栅和CCD成像探测器的宽动态范围成像系统. CN: CN101701847A, 2010-05-05.
[1] Li, Ziming, Yang, Ying, Zhang, Lanqiang, Huang, Linhai, Rao, Changhui. Performance evaluation of ground layer adaptive optics based on layer correction efficiency. OPTICS LETTERS[J]. 2024, 第 4 作者49(6): 1624-1627, http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/OL.518834.
[2] 李兆聪, 黄林海. Centroid Detection Using Optical Mask and Single Point Detector. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters[J]. 2024, 第 2 作者 通讯作者 null(null):
[3] Wu, Xiaosong, Huang, Linhai, Gu, Naiting, Tian, Haoming, Wei, Wenju. Study of a Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor with adjustable spatial sampling based on spherical reference wave. OPTICS AND LASERS IN ENGINEERING[J]. 2023, 第 2 作者 通讯作者 160: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.optlaseng.2022.107289.
[4] Yang, Yanrong, Chen, Xuehua, Huang, Linhai, Gu, Naiting, Xiao, Yawei, Chen, Hao. High Precision and Large Dynamic Range Measurement of Laser Triangulation Displacement Sensor Using Diffraction Grating. IEEE ACCESS[J]. 2023, 第 3 作者11: 27395-27400, http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3257358.
[5] Wu, Xiaosong, Huang, Linhai, Gu, Naiting. A Method of Superimposing Subapertures for Shark-Hartmann Wave Front Sensing with Faint Objects. PUBLICATIONS OF THE ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF THE PACIFIC[J]. 2023, 第 2 作者 通讯作者 135(1049): http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1538-3873/ace3f6.
[6] 赵思旻, 顾乃庭, 黄林海, 肖亚维, 张兰强, 程云涛, 杜宗政. 太阳望远镜低时空频率波前像差校正技术. 红外与激光工程[J]. 2023, 第 3 作者52(7): 255-266, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=7110662556.
[7] Yang, Yanrong, Huang, Linhai, Xiao, Yawei, Gu, Naiting. Polarized Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor. FRONTIERS IN PHYSICS[J]. 2023, 第 2 作者11: http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fphy.2023.1091848.
[8] Chen, Hao, Wei, Ling, He, Yi, Yang, Jinsheng, Li, Xiqi, Li, Lingxiao, Huang, Linghai, Wei, Kai. Deep learning assisted plenoptic wavefront sensor for direct wavefront detection. OPTICS EXPRESS[J]. 2023, 31(2): 2989-3004, http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/OE.478239.
[9] Gu, Naiting, Xiao, Yawei, Huang, Linhai, Rao, Changhui. Polarization imaging based on time-integration by a continuous rotating polarizer. OPTICS EXPRESS[J]. 2022, 第 3 作者30(3): 3497-3515,
[10] Gu, Naiting, Lian, Bowen, Xiao, Yawei, Huang, Linhai. Full-Stokes Retrieving and Configuration Optimization in a Time-Integration Imaging Polarimeter. SENSORS[J]. 2022, 第 4 作者22(13):
[11] 何巧莹, 黄林海, 顾乃庭. 基于MPPC阵列的三维单光子成像技术研究. 红外与激光工程. 2022, 第 2 作者51(10): 282-290, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=7108480165.
[12] He, Qiaoying, Huang, Linhai, Gu, Naiting. A Delay Modulation Method to Improve the Time Resolution for a 32 x 32 Array of MPPC Image Sensor. IEEE ACCESS[J]. 2022, 第 2 作者 通讯作者 10: 126621-126626,
[13] Nanfei Yan, 张兰强, Linhai Huang, 饶长辉. Region-correlation algorithm with improved dynamic range and reconstruction accuracy for extended object wavefront sensing. Optics Letters[J]. 2022, 第 3 作者Vol.47(Issue 18): 4794-4797,
[14] 陈雪花, 肖亚维, 黄林海, 顾乃庭. 非Scheimpflug条件对激光三角测距精度影响. 重庆理工大学学报:自然科学. 2022, 第 3 作者36(9): 119-127, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=7108224597.
[15] 何巧莹, 黄林海. 基于单点激光测距的扫描成像技术. 激光与光电子学进展[J]. 2021, 第 2 作者58(6): 355-362, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=7104726489.
[16] 周子夜, 冯忠毅, 黄林海, 鲜浩. 紧凑型压电式高性能快反镜结构设计. 中国激光[J]. 2021, 第 3 作者48(13): 138-143, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=7105525211.
[17] Zhou, Ziye, Feng, Zhongyi, Xian, Hao, Huang, Linhai. Single preloaded piezoelectric-ceramic-stack-actuator-based fast steering mirror with an ultrahigh natural frequency. APPLIED OPTICS[J]. 2020, 第 4 作者 通讯作者 59(13): 3871-3877, https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000537846600042.
[18] Gu, Naiting, Xu, Duo, Huang, Linhai, Rao, Changhui. Numeric Study of Novel Compact Polarimeter for Full-Stokes Polarization Imaging Without Micro-Polarizer Array. IEEE ACCESS[J]. 2020, 第 3 作者 通讯作者 8: 53456-53462, https://doaj.org/article/d64422fb009d49b9bfd61eb44f631767.
[19] Li, Ziqiang, Jia, Qiwang, Huang, Linhai, Li, Xinyang, IEEE. Stability classification of deformable mirror in adaptive optics based on logistic regression. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 31ST CHINESE CONTROL AND DECISION CONFERENCE, CCDC 2019. 2019, 第 3 作者3938-3942,
[20] Wei, Wenju, Rao, Xuejun, Huang, Linhai, Zhong, Libo. Hartmann wavefront sensor based on spherical reference wave. PROCEEDINGSOFSPIE11023FIFTHSYMPOSIUMONNOVELOPTOELECTRONICDETECTIONTECHNOLOGYANDAPPLICATION. 2019, 第 3 作者11023: 110230G,
[21] 黄林海, 凡木文, 周睿, 张浩田, 黄奎, 胡诗杰, 罗曦, 李新阳. 大口径压电倾斜镜模型辨识与控制. 光电工程[J]. 2018, 第 1 作者45(3): 170704-1, http://cn.oejournal.org/article/doi/10.12086/oee.2018.170704.
[22] Gu, Naiting, Yao, Benxi, Huang, Linhai, Rao, Changhui. Design and Analysis of a Novel Compact and Simultaneous Polarimeter for Complete Stokes Polarization Imaging with a Piece of Encoded Birefringent Crystal and a Micropolarizer Array. IEEE PHOTONICS JOURNAL[J]. 2018, 第 3 作者10(2): https://doaj.org/article/b4bea6fce19d4dbdbf8af5d5002ba044.
[23] Gu, Naiting, Yao, Benxi, Huang, Linhai, Rao, Changhui. Compact single-shot radial shearing interferometer with random phase shift. OPTICSLETTERS[J]. 2017, 第 3 作者42(18): 3622-3625, http://ir.ioe.ac.cn/handle/181551/8879.
[24] 陈林, 黄林海, 李新阳. 基于二维正交光栅的高精度质心探测方法. 光电工程[J]. 2017, 第 2 作者44(9): 912-918, http://cn.oejournal.org/article/doi/10.3969/j.issn.1003-501X.2017.09.008.
[25] Li Xinyang, Huang Linhai, Chen Lin. The optical axis detection. 0277-786X. 2017, 第 2 作者10460: 1046008, http://ir.ioe.ac.cn/handle/181551/9024.
[26] Fan MuWen, Huang LinHai, Li Mei, Rao ChangHui. High-bandwidth control of piezoelectric steering mirror for suppression of laser beam jitter. ACTA PHYSICA SINICA[J]. 2016, 第 2 作者65(2): http://ir.ioe.ac.cn/handle/181551/3850.
[27] Fan MuWen, Huang LinHai, Li Mei, Rao ChangHui. High-bandwidth control of piezoelectric steering mirror for suppression of laser beam jitter. ACTA PHYSICA SINICA[J]. 2016, 第 2 作者65(2): http://ir.ioe.ac.cn/handle/181551/3850.
[28] Fan, Muwen, Huang, Linhai, Li, Mei, Rao, Changhui, Tang, C, Chen, S, Tang, X. A fast high voltage driver for the piezoelectric fast steering mirror. XX INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON HIGH-POWER LASER SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS 2014. 2015, 第 2 作者9255: http://ir.ioe.ac.cn/handle/181551/7838.
[29] 黄林海. 通用模式法在相干合成中的应用. cpl. 2014, 第 1 作者
[30] HUANGLinHai. Coherent Beam Combination Using a General Model-Based Method. Chinese Physics Letters[J]. 2014, 第 1 作者 通讯作者 31(9): 94205-094205, https://cpl.iphy.ac.cn/10.1088/0256-307X/31/9/094205.
[31] Zhu, Mingxin, Bai, Fuzhong, Gan, Shiming, Huang, Kaizheng, Huang, Linhai, Wang, Jianxin. Error compensation of four and five buckets wavefront extraction algorithms in phase-shifting interferometer. OPTIK[J]. 2013, 第 5 作者124(22): 5624-5627, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijleo.2013.04.038.
[32] Mingxin Zhu, Fuzhong Bai, Shiming Gan, Kaizheng Huang, Linhai Huang, Jianxin Wang. Error compensation of four and five buckets wavefront extraction algorithms in phase-shifting interferometer. OPTIK - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR LIGHT AND ELECTRON OPTICS. 2013, 第 5 作者124(22): 5624-5627, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijleo.2013.04.038.
[33] Luo Qun, Ning Yu, Huang LinHai, Gu NaiTing, Rao ChangHui. Co-phasing measurement for segmented mirrors and image retrieval technology based on phase diversity. Proceedings of SPIE: 6th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Optical Test and Measurement Technology and Equipment. 2012, 第 3 作者8417: 84171Y, http://ir.ioe.ac.cn/handle/181551/7785.
[34] 王晓华, 付强, 黄林海, 沈锋, 饶长辉. Experimental research on application of Hartmann micro-lens array in coherent beam combination of two-dimensional laser array. 中国光学快报:英文版[J]. 2012, 第 3 作者10(8): 33-35, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=42996385.
[35] Wang, Xiaohua, Fu, Qiang, Huang, Linhai, Shen, Feng, Rao, Changhui. Experimental research on application of Hartmann micro-lens array in coherent beam combination of two-dimensional laser array. CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS[J]. 2012, 第 3 作者10(8): http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=42996385.
[36] LuoQun, HuangLinHai, GuNaiTing, RaoChangHui. A modified phase diversity wavefront sensor with a diffraction grating. Chinese Physics B[J]. 2012, 第 2 作者21(9): 94201-094201, https://cpb.iphy.ac.cn/EN/10.1088/1674-1056/21/9/094201.
[37] Luo Qun, Huang LinHai, Gu NaiTing, Li Fei, Rao ChangHui. Experimental study on phase diversity wavefront sensing technology in piston error detection. ACTA PHYSICA SINICA[J]. 2012, 第 2 作者61(6): http://dx.doi.org/10.7498/aps.61.069501.
[38] Luo, Qun, Huang, Linhai, Gu, Naiting, Rao, Changhui. Experimental study of a modified phase diversity with a diffraction grating. OPTICS EXPRESS[J]. 2012, 第 2 作者20(11): 12059-12066, http://ir.ioe.ac.cn/handle/181551/2396.
[39] Gu, Naiting, Huang, Linhai, Yang, Zeping, Rao, Changhui. A single-shot common-path phase-stepping radial shearing interferometer for wavefront measurements. OPTICS EXPRESS[J]. 2011, 第 2 作者19(5): 4703-4713, http://ir.ioe.ac.cn/handle/181551/6203.
[40] Liu Zheng, Wang ShengQian, Huang LinHai, Rao ChangHui. Analysis of comprehensive effects of piston error and sub-aperture aberrations on the image quality of sparse-optical-synthetic-aperture system. ACTA PHYSICA SINICA[J]. 2011, 第 3 作者60(10): http://dx.doi.org/10.7498/aps.60.100702.
[41] Huang Linhai, Rao, Changhui. Wavefront sensorless adaptive optics: a general model-based approach. OPTICS EXPRESS[J]. 2011, 第 1 作者 通讯作者 19(1): 371-379, http://ir.ioe.ac.cn/handle/181551/3415.
[42] Gu, Naiting, Huang, Linhai, Yang, Zeping, Luo, Qun, Rao, Changhui. Modal wavefront reconstruction for radial shearing interferometer with lateral shear. OPTICSLETTERS[J]. 2011, 第 2 作者36(18): 3693-3695, http://ir.ioe.ac.cn/handle/181551/3458.
[43] Wang JianXin, Bai FuZhong, Ning Yu, Huang LinHai, Jiang WenHan. Diffraction theory analysis and numerical simulation of non-modulation two-sided pyramid wavefront sensor. ACTA PHYSICA SINICA[J]. 2011, 第 4 作者60(2): http://dx.doi.org/10.7498/aps.60.029501.
[44] Zheng Liu, ShengQian Wang, LinHai Huang, ChangHui Rao, Wang Y, Sheng Y, Shieh HP, Tatsuno K. Analysis of Comprehensive Influence of Piston Error and Sub-apertures' Aberrations upon Sparse-optical-synthetic-aperture Systems' Image Quality for the Broadband Target Wave. 2011 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS AND TECHNOLOGY: OPTICAL SYSTEMS AND MODERN OPTOELECTRONIC INSTRUMENTS. 2011, 第 3 作者8197:
[45] Wang, Jianxin, Bai, Fuzhong, Ning, Yu, Huang, Linhai, Wang, Shengqian. Comparison between non-modulation four-sided and two-sided pyramid wavefront sensor. OPTICS EXPRESS[J]. 2010, 第 4 作者18(26): 27534-27549, http://ir.ioe.ac.cn/handle/181551/6164.
[46] 余浩, 黄林海, 饶长辉, 姜文汉. 基于自适应光学技术控制光束近场场强. 强激光与粒子束[J]. 2010, 第 2 作者22(2): 243-247, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=33035281.
[47] Gu, Naiting, Yang, Zeping, Huang, Linhai, Rao, Changhui. Measurement method of the misalignment between the Hartmann-Shack sensor and the deformable mirror in an adaptive optics system. JOURNAL OF OPTICS[J]. 2010, 第 3 作者12(9): http://ir.ioe.ac.cn/handle/181551/3332.
[48] 黄林海, 饶长辉, 姜文汉. 带有自适应光学系统的ICF装置光束传输程序. 强激光与粒子束[J]. 2008, 第 1 作者20(11): 1865-1871, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=30415650.
[49] Huang, Linhai, Rao, Changhui, Jiang, Wenhan. Modified Gaussian influence function of deformable mirror actuators. OPTICS EXPRESS[J]. 2008, 第 1 作者 通讯作者 16(1): 108-114, http://ir.ioe.ac.cn/handle/181551/1962.
[2] 李兆聪, 黄林海. Centroid Detection Using Optical Mask and Single Point Detector. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters[J]. 2024, 第 2 作者 通讯作者 null(null):
[3] Wu, Xiaosong, Huang, Linhai, Gu, Naiting, Tian, Haoming, Wei, Wenju. Study of a Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor with adjustable spatial sampling based on spherical reference wave. OPTICS AND LASERS IN ENGINEERING[J]. 2023, 第 2 作者 通讯作者 160: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.optlaseng.2022.107289.
[4] Yang, Yanrong, Chen, Xuehua, Huang, Linhai, Gu, Naiting, Xiao, Yawei, Chen, Hao. High Precision and Large Dynamic Range Measurement of Laser Triangulation Displacement Sensor Using Diffraction Grating. IEEE ACCESS[J]. 2023, 第 3 作者11: 27395-27400, http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3257358.
[5] Wu, Xiaosong, Huang, Linhai, Gu, Naiting. A Method of Superimposing Subapertures for Shark-Hartmann Wave Front Sensing with Faint Objects. PUBLICATIONS OF THE ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF THE PACIFIC[J]. 2023, 第 2 作者 通讯作者 135(1049): http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1538-3873/ace3f6.
[6] 赵思旻, 顾乃庭, 黄林海, 肖亚维, 张兰强, 程云涛, 杜宗政. 太阳望远镜低时空频率波前像差校正技术. 红外与激光工程[J]. 2023, 第 3 作者52(7): 255-266, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=7110662556.
[7] Yang, Yanrong, Huang, Linhai, Xiao, Yawei, Gu, Naiting. Polarized Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor. FRONTIERS IN PHYSICS[J]. 2023, 第 2 作者11: http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fphy.2023.1091848.
[8] Chen, Hao, Wei, Ling, He, Yi, Yang, Jinsheng, Li, Xiqi, Li, Lingxiao, Huang, Linghai, Wei, Kai. Deep learning assisted plenoptic wavefront sensor for direct wavefront detection. OPTICS EXPRESS[J]. 2023, 31(2): 2989-3004, http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/OE.478239.
[9] Gu, Naiting, Xiao, Yawei, Huang, Linhai, Rao, Changhui. Polarization imaging based on time-integration by a continuous rotating polarizer. OPTICS EXPRESS[J]. 2022, 第 3 作者30(3): 3497-3515,
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[11] 何巧莹, 黄林海, 顾乃庭. 基于MPPC阵列的三维单光子成像技术研究. 红外与激光工程. 2022, 第 2 作者51(10): 282-290, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=7108480165.
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[37] Luo Qun, Huang LinHai, Gu NaiTing, Li Fei, Rao ChangHui. Experimental study on phase diversity wavefront sensing technology in piston error detection. ACTA PHYSICA SINICA[J]. 2012, 第 2 作者61(6): http://dx.doi.org/10.7498/aps.61.069501.
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[39] Gu, Naiting, Huang, Linhai, Yang, Zeping, Rao, Changhui. A single-shot common-path phase-stepping radial shearing interferometer for wavefront measurements. OPTICS EXPRESS[J]. 2011, 第 2 作者19(5): 4703-4713, http://ir.ioe.ac.cn/handle/181551/6203.
[40] Liu Zheng, Wang ShengQian, Huang LinHai, Rao ChangHui. Analysis of comprehensive effects of piston error and sub-aperture aberrations on the image quality of sparse-optical-synthetic-aperture system. ACTA PHYSICA SINICA[J]. 2011, 第 3 作者60(10): http://dx.doi.org/10.7498/aps.60.100702.
[41] Huang Linhai, Rao, Changhui. Wavefront sensorless adaptive optics: a general model-based approach. OPTICS EXPRESS[J]. 2011, 第 1 作者 通讯作者 19(1): 371-379, http://ir.ioe.ac.cn/handle/181551/3415.
[42] Gu, Naiting, Huang, Linhai, Yang, Zeping, Luo, Qun, Rao, Changhui. Modal wavefront reconstruction for radial shearing interferometer with lateral shear. OPTICSLETTERS[J]. 2011, 第 2 作者36(18): 3693-3695, http://ir.ioe.ac.cn/handle/181551/3458.
[43] Wang JianXin, Bai FuZhong, Ning Yu, Huang LinHai, Jiang WenHan. Diffraction theory analysis and numerical simulation of non-modulation two-sided pyramid wavefront sensor. ACTA PHYSICA SINICA[J]. 2011, 第 4 作者60(2): http://dx.doi.org/10.7498/aps.60.029501.
[44] Zheng Liu, ShengQian Wang, LinHai Huang, ChangHui Rao, Wang Y, Sheng Y, Shieh HP, Tatsuno K. Analysis of Comprehensive Influence of Piston Error and Sub-apertures' Aberrations upon Sparse-optical-synthetic-aperture Systems' Image Quality for the Broadband Target Wave. 2011 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS AND TECHNOLOGY: OPTICAL SYSTEMS AND MODERN OPTOELECTRONIC INSTRUMENTS. 2011, 第 3 作者8197:
[45] Wang, Jianxin, Bai, Fuzhong, Ning, Yu, Huang, Linhai, Wang, Shengqian. Comparison between non-modulation four-sided and two-sided pyramid wavefront sensor. OPTICS EXPRESS[J]. 2010, 第 4 作者18(26): 27534-27549, http://ir.ioe.ac.cn/handle/181551/6164.
[46] 余浩, 黄林海, 饶长辉, 姜文汉. 基于自适应光学技术控制光束近场场强. 强激光与粒子束[J]. 2010, 第 2 作者22(2): 243-247, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=33035281.
[47] Gu, Naiting, Yang, Zeping, Huang, Linhai, Rao, Changhui. Measurement method of the misalignment between the Hartmann-Shack sensor and the deformable mirror in an adaptive optics system. JOURNAL OF OPTICS[J]. 2010, 第 3 作者12(9): http://ir.ioe.ac.cn/handle/181551/3332.
[48] 黄林海, 饶长辉, 姜文汉. 带有自适应光学系统的ICF装置光束传输程序. 强激光与粒子束[J]. 2008, 第 1 作者20(11): 1865-1871, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=30415650.
[49] Huang, Linhai, Rao, Changhui, Jiang, Wenhan. Modified Gaussian influence function of deformable mirror actuators. OPTICS EXPRESS[J]. 2008, 第 1 作者 通讯作者 16(1): 108-114, http://ir.ioe.ac.cn/handle/181551/1962.
魏文举 硕士研究生 085202-光学工程