郑建中 男 博导 资源与环境学院
- 微纳零价铁高效硫化方法及相关机制研究
- 水中贵金属高效、选择性吸附材料研究
- 仿生、导电抗污染膜的制备及其在高盐废水膜蒸馏脱盐中的应用研究
- 多硫化物-ISRM原位修复Cr(Ⅵ)污染地下水体系中固-液界面氧化还原反应机制研究
- 页岩气产出水中溴碘硼的选择性去除及相关机制研究
- 市政污泥资源化制备碳质材料及高效重金属吸附剂
招生专业: 环境工程/环境科学 (硕士、博士)
1) 新型环境功能材料的研究及应用
2) 土壤与地下水修复技术研究及应用
1994-09--1996-05 美国天主教大学土木工程系环境工程专业 硕士
1990-09--1993-10 中国矿业大学北京研究生部选矿工程专业 博士
1985-09--1988-07 中国矿业大学北京研究生部选矿工程专业 硕士
1981-09--1985-07 中国矿业学院煤综合利用系选煤专业 学士
2012/04-至今 中国科学院大学,资源与环境学院,教授
2009/08-2012/01 密苏里大学(University of Missouri,美国),土木与环境工程系,访问研究
2002/11-2011/01 南京大学环境学院环境工程系教师, 2003年晋升为教授
2001/10-2002/10 史密斯学院(Smith College,美国),博士后
1988/07-1990/09 西安矿业学院采矿系,教师
- 1998年美国化学协会环境化学分会“环境化学研究生奖”(1998年全美共有15名研究生获得该项奖励)。
- 加州理工学院和美国国家空气推进动力实验室共同主办,美国国家航空航天局“地球-科学-过程与环球气候变化”奖学金获得者,加州理工学院,1995年7月。
Zhao, Y.R., Xing, X., Xu, C.B., He, Y.L., Yang, C., Zheng*, J.Z., Hu, Z.Q., 2022. “ZnO nanorod induced omniphobic polypropylene membrane for improved antiwetting performance in membrane distillation,” Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 61, 5963−5970.
Xing, X., Zhao, Y.R., Xu, C.B., He, Y.L., Yang, C., Xiao, K., Zheng*, J.Z., Deng, B.L., 2022. “Omniphobic polyvinylidene fluoride membrane decorated with a ZnO nano sea urchin structure: performance against surfactant-wetting in membrane distillation,” Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 61, 2237−2244.
He, Y.L., Li, J., Zhao, Y.R., Yang, C., Xu, C.B., Liu, X.D., Xing, X., Tie, J.X., Li, R.H., Zheng*, J.Z., 2022. “Sewage-sludge derived activated carbon impregnated with polysulfide-sulfidated nZVI:A promising material for Cr(Ⅵ) reductive stabilization,” Colloids and Surfaces A, 642,128614 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.colsurfa.2022.128614).
Ndayisenga, F., Yu*, Z.S., Zheng**, J.Z., Wang, B.B., Liang, H.X., Phulpoto, I.A., Habiyakare, T., Dandan Zhou, D.D., 2021. “Microbial electrohydrogenesis cell and dark fermentation integrated system enhances biohydrogen production from lignocellulosic agricultural wastes: Substrate pretreatment towards optimization,” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 145, 111078.
Xu, C.B., Yang, C., Liu, X.D., He, Y.L., Xing, X., Zhao, Y.R., Qian, Z., Zheng*, J.Z., Hao, Z.P., 2021. “Agar-stabilized sulfidated microscale zero-valent iron: Its stability and performance in chromate reduction,” Journal of Hazardous Materials, 417, 126019.
Wang, C., Xiong, C., He, Y.L., Yang, C., Li, X.T., Zheng,* J.Z., Wang*, S.X., 2021. “Facile Preparation of Magnetic Zr-MOF for Adsorption of Pb(II) and Cr(VI) from Water: Adsorption Characteristics and Mechanisms,” Chemical Engineering Journal, 415, 128923.
Qian⁎, Z., Zhang, J.H., Wang, C.C., Chen, H.Y., Jianzhong Zheng,⁎ J.Z., 2021. “A novel High-Gravity AOP process for enhanced NOx attenuation using alkaline H2O2 as a strong oxidizing reagent: Reaction mechanisms and kinetics,” Chemical Engineering Journal, 404, 126454.
Shi, M., Li, J., Li, X.Y., Liang, D.L., Guo, C.Y., Zheng*, J.Z. and Deng*, B.L., 2019. “Reductive Immobilization of Hexavalent Chromium by Polysulfide-Reduced Lepidocrocite,” Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 58, 11920-11926.
Li, J., Wang, M.X., Liu, G.C., Zhang, L., He, Y.L., Xing, X., Qian, Z., Zheng*, J.Z., Xu*, C.B., 2018. “Enhanced Iodide Removal from Water by Nano-Silver Modified Anion Exchanger,” Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 57, 17401-17408.
Li, J., Xing, X., Li, J., Shi, M., Lin, A.J., Xu, C.B., Zheng*, J.Z., Li*, R.H.,2018. “Preparation of thiol-functionalized activated carbon from sewage sludge with coal blending for heavy metal removal from contaminated water,” Environmental Pollution, 234, 677-683.
Li, J., Zhang, L., Guo, C.Y., Shi, M., Li, J., Zheng, C.R., Yang, M., Zheng*, J.Z. and Li*, X.Y., 2017. “Removal of Cr(VI) by Sewage Sludge Based Activated Carbons Impregnated with Nanoscale Zero-Valent Iron,” Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 17, 6936–6941.
Shi, M., Guo, C.Y., Li, J., Li, J., Zhang, L., Wang, X.Y., Ju, Y.W., Zheng*, J.Z. and Li*, X.Y., 2017. “Removal of Bromide from Water by Adsorption on Nanostructured δ-Bi2O3,” Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 17, 6951–6956.
Shi, M., Li, J., Cai, J.C., Ju, Y.W., Zhang, L., Guo, C.Y., Li, J., Xing, X., Zheng*, J.Z., 2017. “Nano Sulfur-Coated Diatomite for Enhanced Chromate Removal by Sulfide Reduction,” Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 17, 6686–6691.
Li, X.Y., Sun, S.B., Zhang, X., Liu, G.C., Zheng, C.R., Zheng*, J.Z., Zhang, D.Y., and Yao*, H., 2017. “Combined Electro-Catazone/Electro-Peroxone Process for Rapid and Effective Rhodamine B Degradation,” Separation and Purification Technology, 178, 189-192.
Li, X.Y., Liu, G.C., Shi, M., Li, J., Li, J., Guo, C.Y., Lee, J.K. and Zheng*, J.Z., 2016. “Using TiO2 Mesoflower Interlayer in Tubular Porous Titanium Membranes for Enhanced Electrocatalytic Filtration,” Electrochimica Acta , 218, 318-324.
Li, X.Y., Liu, G.C., Shi, M., Zou*, D.C., Wang, C.W., Zheng*, J.Z., 2016. “A novel electro-catalytic ozonation process for treating Rhodamine B using mesoflower-structured TiO2-coated porous titanium gas diffuser anode,” Separation and Purification Technology, 165, 154–159.
Li, R.H., Zhang, M., Yang*, Y.T., Zhang, Z.Q., Qin, R., Wang, L., Zheng*, J.Z., Sun, X.N., 2015. “Adsorption of Pb(II) ions in aqueous solutions by common reed ash-derived SBA-15 modified by amino-silanes,” Desalination and Water Treatment, 55, 1554–1566.
Shi, M., Huang, D.Y., Zhao, G.W., Li, R.H. and Zheng*, J.Z., 2014. “Bromide: A Pressing Issue to Address in China’s Shale Gas Extraction,” Environmental Science & Technology, 48 (17), pp 9971–9972.
Zhang, Y., Mu*, S.L., Deng, B.L. and Zheng*, J.Z., 2010. “Electrochemical Removal and Release of Perchlorate Using Poly(aniline-co-o-aminophenol),” Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 641(1-2), 1-6.
Wang, J., Yin, J., Ge, L., Shao, J.H. and Zheng*, J.Z., 2010. “Characterization of Oil Sludges from Two Oil Fields in China,” Energy & Fuels, 24(2), 973-978.
Wang, J., Yin, J., Ge, L. and Zheng*, J.Z., 2010. “Using Flotation to Separate Oil Spill Contaminated Beach Sands,” Journal of Environmental Engineering-ASCE, 136(1), 147-151.
Wang, J., Deng, B.L., Chen, H., Wang, X.R. and Zheng*, J.Z., 2009. “Removal of Aqueous Hg(II) by Polyaniline: Sorption Characteristics and Mechanisms,” Environmental Science & Technology, 43(14), 5223-5228.
Wang, J., Deng, B.L., Wang, X.R. and Zheng*, J.Z., 2009. “Adsorption of Aqueous Hg(II) by Sulfur-Impregnated Activated Carbon,” Environmental Engineering Science, 26(12), 1693-1699.
Zheng, J.Z. and Powers*, S.E., 2003. “Identifying the Effect of Polar Constituents in Coal-Derived NAPLs on Interfacial Tension,” Environmental Science & Technology, 37, 3090-3094.
Zheng, J.Z., Shao, J.H., and Powers*, S.E., 2001. “Asphaltenes from Coal Tar and Creosote: Their Role in Reversing the Wettability of Aquifer Systems,” Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 244, 365-371.
Zheng, J.Z., Behrens, S.H., Borkovec, M. and Powers*, S.E., 2001. “Predicting the Wettability of Quartz Surfaces Exposed to Dense Nonaqueous Phase Liquids,” Environmental Science & Technology, 35, 2207-2213.
Zheng, J.Z. and Powers*, S.E., 1999. “Organic Bases in NAPLs and Their Impact on Wettability,” Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 39, 161-181.
国家自然科学基金面上项目,“多硫化物修复Cr(Ⅵ)污染地下水体系中固-液界面氧化还原反应机制研究”, 项目负责人。
中国科学院战略性先导科技专项B类, “大规模压裂过程的环境效应”课题下设子课题“页岩气产出水中盐分及代表性特征污染物高效、低耗处理技术研究”,
高盐污水处理膜技术及污泥资源化技术的开发, 镇海炼化横向项目,子课题负责人。
国家自然科学基金面上项目,“海水体系中溢油在砂粒表面润湿和粘附机理的研究”, 项目负责人。
国家自然科学基金面上项目,“矿物的润湿性对土壤地下水体系NAPL污染物回收率的影响”, 项目负责人。
Environmental Science & Technology
Water Research
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
Science of the Total Environment
Environmental Engineering Science
Chemical Engineering Journal
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects
Analytical Letters
Journal of Hazardous Materials
University of Missouri
Clarkson University
Nottingham Trent University