
Zhibin Yu, Professor

1068 Xueyuan Boulevard, University Town of Shenzhen, Xili Nanshan, Shenzhen, 518055, China

zip code: 518055

Research Areas

1. Computer Architecture.

2. Performance evaluation of Computer systems.

3. Architecture supported Cloud computing, big data analysis, and edge computing.


1. PhD. Huazhong University of Science and Technology. 2003-2008

2. Master degree. Huazhong University of Science and Technology. 1997-2000.

3. Bachelor Degree. Hubei Unversity of Technology. 1990-1994.


Work Experience

1. Research fellow. Ghent University, Belgium, 2011-2012

2. Postdoctoral fellow. Siena Univerisyt, Italy, 2010-2011.

3. Visiting schoolar, The University of Texas at Austin, 2009-2010.

4. Associate Professor, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2009

5. Assistant Professor, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2002-2009.

Teaching Experience

1. C programming language, Advanced class of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2001-2008.

2. The Principle of Operating Systems, Advanced class of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2003-2005.

3. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design, Advanced Class of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2003-2005.

4. Computer Architecture, master students of Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Science. 2014,2015, 2016, 2017.



  • Zhengdong      Bei,Zhibin Yu (corresponding author), Qixiao Liu, Chengzhong Xu,      Shenzhong Feng, and Shuang Song, “MEST: A Model-driven Efficient Searching      Approach for MapReduce Self-Tuning”, IEEE access, 2017.
  • Zhibin Yu, Jing Wang, Lieven Eeckhout, and      Chengzhong Xu, “QIG: Quantifying the Importance and Interaction of GPGPU      Architecture Parameters”, accepted byIEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits And System. 2017.
  • Yuxi      Liu,Zhibin Yu (corresponding author), Lieven Eeckhout, Chengzhong      Xu, “Barrier-aware warp Scheduling for Throughput Processors”, in proceedings of International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS 2016),      2016.
  • Zhibin Yu, Lieven Eeckhout, Chengzhong Xu, “Thread      Similarity Matrix: Visualizing Branch Divergence in GPGPU Programs”, in      proceedings of International Conference on Parallel Processing     (ICPP2016), 2016.
  • Ni      Luo,Zhibin Yu (corresponding author), Zhengdong Bei, Chuntao  Jiang, Chengzhong Xu, “Configuring in-memory cluster computing using random forest”, ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing (SoCC), 2016. Poster.
  • Wen      Xiong, Zhibin Yu (correspondingauthor), Lieven Eeckhout, Zhengdong Bei, Fan Zhang, Chengzhong Xu, “ShenZhen Transportation System (SZTS): A Novel Big Data Benchmark Suite”, Journal of supercomputing, vol.72, no.11, November 2016, pp4337-4364.
  • Dan      Jia, Rui Wang, Chengzhong Xu, Zhibin Yu(corresponding author), “QIM: ​ Quantifying Hyperparameter Importance for Deep Learning”, IFIP      International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing (NPC2016),      pp.180-188.
  • Chuntao Jiang,Zhibin Yu(corresponding  author)Lieven Eeckhout, Hai Jin, Xiaofei Liao, Chengzhong Xu,      “Two-Level Hybrid Sampled Simulation of Multi-threaded Applications”, ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code ,Optimization,2016.1.
  • Zhendong Bei,Zhibin Yu (corresponding author), Huiling Zhang, Wen Xiong,      Chengzhong Xu, Lieven Eeckhout, Shenzhong Feng, “RFHOC: A Random-Forest      Approach to Auto-Tuning Hadoop’s Configuration”,IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed System, 2016, 5.
  • Zhibin Yu, Lieven Eeckhout, Nilanjan Goswami, Tao      Li, Lizy K. John, Hai Jin, Chengzhong Xu, Junmin Wu, “GPGPU-MiniBench:      Accelerating GPGPU Micro-Architecture Simulation”,IEEE Transactions on      Computers, Vo.PP, No. 99, 1-14, 2015,1.22. (citation: 4)
  • Wen Xiong,Zhibin Yu (corresponding author), Lieven Eeckhout, Zhengdong Bei, Fan Zhang, Chengzhong      Xu, “SZTS: A Novel Big Data Transportation System Benchmark Suite”, In      proceeding of International Conference on Parallel Processing, 2015 (ICPP 2015).
  • Chuntao Jiang,Zhibin  Yu (corresponding author), Hai Jin, Xiaofei Liao, Lieven Eeckhout, Yonggang Zeng,      Chengzhong Xu, “Shorter On-Line Warm-up for Sampled Simulation of  Multi-threaded Applications”, In proceeding of International Conference on      Parallel Processing, 2015 (ICPP  2015).
  • Chuntao Jiang, Zhibin Yu(corresponding author), Hai Jin, Chengzhong Xu, Xiaofei Liao, “PCantorSim: Accelerating      Parallel Architecture Simulation through Fractal-based Sampling”,ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization, 2014.1.
  • Zhibin Yu, Lieven Eeckhout,      Nilanjan Goswami, Tao Li, Lizy K. John, Hai Jin, and Chengzhong Xu, “Accelerating      Simulation for GPGPU Architecture”,In proceedings ofSIGMETRICS2013.
  • Lulu He,Zhibin Yu(Corresponding Author), Hai Jin, “FractalMRC:      An Online Cache Miss Rate Curve Generating Approach for Commodity Systems”,  in proceedings of IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing      Symposium, 2012. (IPDPS 2012).  Lulu He is a master degree student I advised. (citation: 3)
  • Zhibin Yu, Hai Jin, Wei Cheng, Nilanjan Goswami, Tao Li, Lizy K. John,      “Hierarchically Characterization CUDA program Behavior ”, in proceedings  of the 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization (IISWC2011).
  • Zhibin Yu,Weifu Zhang, and Xuping Tu, “MT-Profiler: A Parallel Dynamic Analysis Framework based on Two-Stage Sampling”, In Advanced Parallel      Processing Technology Symposium (APPT2011), Lecture Notes in Computer  Science, 2011, Volume 6965/2011, pages 172-185.      DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-24151-2_13
  • Zhibin Yu,Andrea Righi, Roberto Giorgi, “A Case Study on the Design Trade-off      of a Thread Level Data Flow based on Many-core Architecture”, in      proceedings of the Third International Conference on Future Computational      Technologies and Applications, September 25-30, 2011-Rome, Italy. (Best paper award)
  • Zhibin, Yu, Nikola Puzovic, Roberto Giorgi, “A Case Study of Workload      Characterization for Embedded Reconfigurable Architectures”, in proceedings      of Advanced Computer Architecture and Compilation for High-Performance and      Embedded Systems (ACACES 2011).
  • Karthik Ganesan, Jungho Jo, W. Lloyd Bircher, Dimitris Kaseridis,Zhibin Yu, and Lizy      John. “System-level Max Power (SYMPO) - A systematic approach for      escalating system-level power consumption using synthetic benchmarks”. In  Proceedings ofthe Nineteenth International Conference      on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT2010). Vienna, Austria, September 2010. (citation: 5)
  • Karthik Ganesan, Jungho Jo, W. Lloyd Bircher, Dimitris  Kaseridis,Zhibin Yu, and Lizy      John. “A Machine Learning Based Search Approach to Synthesize System-level      Power Virus”. Accepted by the Conference of Technology and Talent for the      21stCentury (TECHCON), Austin,  Texas,USA,  September 2010
  • Zhibin Yu, Hai Jin. “Simple and Fast      Micro-architecture Simulation---A Trisection Cantor Fractal Approach”.ACM SIGMETRICS PERFORMANCE EVALUATION REVIEW, 2009 (SIGMETIRCS      2009)
  • Zhibin Yu, Hai Jin, Jian Chen,      Lizy K. John. “TSS: Applying Two-Stage Sampling in Micro-architecture      Simulations”. Proceedings of the 17thAnnual Meeting of the IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Modeling,      Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems(MASCOTS 2009).
  • Zhibin Yu, Hai Jin, Jian Chen,      Lizy K. John. “CantorSim: Simplifying Acceleration of Micro-architecture      Simulation”. Proceedings of the 18th      Annual Meeting of the IEEE/ACM      International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer      and Telecommunication Systems     (MASCOTS 2010).(citation: 3)
  • Zhibin Yu, Hai  Jin, Nanhai Zou. “Research on Software Based Simulation of Computer      Architecture”, Journal of Software. April., 2008  (Top      Chinese Journal in Computer Science) (citation: 64, download: 1950)
  • Wen  Xiong,Zhibin Yu, Chengzhong      Xu, “A      Characterization and Analysis of Distributed File Systems”, Journal of Integration Technology, Vol.1, No.4, 2012. (citation:      5, download: 199)
  • Zhibin Yu, Kai Hwang, Xiaofei Liao, and Hai Jin, “Chapter 3:Virtual Machines and Virtualization of Clusters and Datacenters”, in Book Distributed Systems and Cloud Computing, by Hwang, Fox and Dongara, Morgan Kaufmann Publisher, will be published in October 2011.

Research Interests

1. GPGPU architecture design

2. Edge computing architecture.

3. Block chain systems.

4. sofware defined cloud computing.

5. self-learning big data frameworks




1. Lieven Eeckhout, Ghent University, Belgium.

2. Nan Sung Kim, UIUC, USA,

3. Tao Li, UFL, USA,

4. Avi Mendelson, Technion, Israle.

5. Lizy K. John, UT Austin, USA.



程敏  硕士研究生  085211-计算机技术  

吕依蓉  硕士研究生  081203-计算机应用技术  

李乐乐  硕士研究生  081203-计算机应用技术  

熊文  博士研究生  081203-计算机应用技术  

贝振东  博士研究生  081203-计算机应用技术  

罗妮  硕士研究生  085211-计算机技术  

陈伟光  硕士研究生  085211-计算机技术  

朱亮  硕士研究生  085211-计算机技术  

王倩楠  硕士研究生  085211-计算机技术  

刘江佾  硕士研究生  081203-计算机应用技术  

鲁真妍  硕士研究生  085211-计算机技术  

辛锦瀚  硕士研究生  085211-计算机技术  

闵宏睿  硕士研究生  085404-计算机技术  

陈九屹  硕士研究生  085404-计算机技术  

黄世鑫  硕士研究生  085404-计算机技术  

彭翼  硕士研究生  085404-计算机技术  

郭伟钰  硕士研究生  085211-计算机技术  


曲虹亮  博士研究生  081203-计算机应用技术  

王鹏  博士研究生  081201-计算机系统结构  

单亚龙  硕士研究生  085404-计算机技术  

陈文雄  硕士研究生  081200-计算机科学与技术  

陈颂颜  硕士研究生  081200-计算机科学与技术  

梁志杰  硕士研究生  085404-计算机技术  

柳建国  硕士研究生  085404-计算机技术  

Honors & Distinctions

  • The best journal paper award from CGCL/SCTS, HUST, Wuhan, China, 2016.

  • The third prize of mini-server design, CAS-Lemake, Maker design competition, 2015.

  • Outstanding technical talent” award of Chinese Academy of Science (CAS), 2014 (top 7.3%).

  • Excellent Research Innovation” award for returned Chinese scholars from overseas, Ministry of Human resource of China.  (Top 3%). 2014.

  • The first Prize of advance of science and technology from Chinese Institute of Electronics. 2014.

  • Chuntao Jiang, Zhibin Yu (corresponding author), Hai Jin, Chengzhong Xu, “PCantorSim: Accelerating Parallel Architecture Simulation through Fractal-based Sampling”, (ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization), got the third prize of natural science paper from Hubei Province. 2014.

  • The best journal paper award from CGCL/SCTS, HUST, Wuhan, China, 2014.

  • “Shenzhen Peacock talent” award of Shenzhen city, China. 2013.

  • Best paper award,  Zhibin Yu, Andrea Righi, Roberto Georgi, “A Case Study on the Design Trade-off of a Thread Level Data flow based Many-core Architecture”, international conference on future computing, 2011, Rome, Italy.

  • I super advised an undergraduate student, Jing Wang, got the second prize of bachelor thesis of Hubei province. 2008.

  • The First Award in Young Teachers Teaching Contest of HUST. (2005, top 10 from 150 competitors).

  • The Second Award in Teaching Quality Assessment of HUST (2003).

  • The Second Award in Young Teachers Teaching Contest of HUST(2002)

  • The Second Award in HUST Graduates Speech Contest.(1998)