
王辉民 男 博导 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所
电子邮件: wanghm@igsnrr.ac.cn
通信地址: 北京市朝阳区大屯路甲11号
邮政编码: 100101
电子邮件: wanghm@igsnrr.ac.cn
通信地址: 北京市朝阳区大屯路甲11号
邮政编码: 100101
1997-04--2000-03 日本富山大学(Toyama University) 工学博士
1990-09--1993-07 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所 理学硕士
1986-09--1990-07 沈阳农业大学 农学学士
1990-09--1993-07 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所 理学硕士
1986-09--1990-07 沈阳农业大学 农学学士
1995-1997 日本富山大学(Toyama University)访问学者
1997-2000 日本富山大学博士课程
2000-2001 富山大学博士后
2001-2004 日本新能源产业技术综合开发机构研究员
2004-2007 日本产业技术综合研究所特别研究员
1997-2000 日本富山大学博士课程
2000-2001 富山大学博士后
2001-2004 日本新能源产业技术综合开发机构研究员
2004-2007 日本产业技术综合研究所特别研究员
2019-11--现在 中国科学院千烟洲亚热带森林生态系统定位观测研究站 首席科学家
2015-03--现在 中国科学院大学资源与环境学院 岗位教授
2009-01--2019-10 中国科学院千烟洲红壤丘陵综合开发试验站 站长
2007-04--今 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所 研究员
2004-04--2007-03 日本产业技术综合研究所 特别研究员
2001-04--2004-03 日本新能源产业技术综合开发机构(NEDO) 研究员
2000-04--2001-03 日本富山大学 博士后
1995-10--1997-03 日本富山大学 访问学者
1993-07--1995-10 中国科学院自然资源综合考察委员会 研究实习员
2021-04-12-今,陆地生态系统与保护学报, 编委
2019-12-21-今,中国自然资源学会, 常务理事
2019-02-05-今,Canadian Journal of Forest Research, Associate Editor
2018-09-10-今,中国自然资源学会森林资源专业委员会, 主任
2015-01-01-今,中国自然资源学会, 理事
2015-01-01-今,《资源科学》杂志, 编委
2011-12-01-今,中国林学会森林生态分会, 理事
2010-04-01-今,江西省地理学会, 副理事长
2009-01-01-今, 江西省生态学会, 副理事长
2019-12-21-今,中国自然资源学会, 常务理事
2019-02-05-今,Canadian Journal of Forest Research, Associate Editor
2018-09-10-今,中国自然资源学会森林资源专业委员会, 主任
2015-01-01-今,中国自然资源学会, 理事
2015-01-01-今,《资源科学》杂志, 编委
2011-12-01-今,中国林学会森林生态分会, 理事
2010-04-01-今,江西省地理学会, 副理事长
2009-01-01-今, 江西省生态学会, 副理事长
[1] 漆良华, 田慧敏, 王辉民, 潘磊, 姜姜, 程金花, 石雷, 彭智华. 南方低质低效人工林质量改善与生态服务提升技术研究前瞻. 中国水土保持科学[J]. 2024, 第 3 作者22(5): 1-8,
[2] Jianhui Bai, Fengting Yang, 王辉民, Lu Yao, Mingjie Xu. Multiple-Win Effects and Beneffcial Implications from Analyzing Long-Term Variations of Carbon Exchange in a Subtropical Coniferous Plantation in China. Atmosphere[J]. 2024, 第 3 作者15(null): 1218,
[3] Wang, Xiaodong, Wu, Anqi, Chen, FuSheng, Fang, Xiangmin, Wang, Huimin, Wang, Fangchao. Contrasting Effects of Nitrogen Deposition and Phosphorus Addition on Soil Organic Carbon in a Subtropical Forest: Physical Protection versus Chemical Stability. FORESTS[J]. 2024, 第 5 作者15(2): http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/f15020385.
[4] 陈炳楠, 杨风亭, 孟盛旺, 戴晓琴, 寇 亮, 陈奕帆, 王辉民, 付晓莉. 红壤丘陵区马尾松林和湿地松林物候特征的时空变异及影响因素. 林业科学[J]. 2024, 第 7 作者60(8): 67-78,
[5] Chunhong Zhao, Ziping Liu, 王辉民, Xiaoqin Dai, Shengwang Meng, Xiaoli Fu, Qunou Jiang, Wenjun Lv, Jiancheng Chen, Decai Gao. Increased global warming potential during freeze-thaw cycle is primarily due to the contribution of N2O rather than CO2. Science of the Total Environment[J]. 2024, 第 3 作者954(null): 176232,
[6] Yuan, Ye, Wang, Huimin, Dai, Xiaoqin. Aboveground and belowground biogeochemical niche separation between woody and herbaceous species explains their coexistence in subtropical plantations. PLANT AND SOIL[J]. 2024, 第 2 作者501(1-2): 669-681, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11104-024-06546-5.
[7] Gao, Yuqiu, Wang, Huimin, Yang, Fengting, Dai, Xiaoqin, Meng, Shengwang, Hu, Mingyuan, Kou, Liang, Fu, Xiaoli, Inselsbacher, Erich. Relationships between root exudation and root morphological and architectural traits vary with growing season. TREE PHYSIOLOGY[J]. 2024, 第 2 作者44(1): http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/treephys/tpad118.
[8] Jiajia Zheng, Grgoire T Freschet, Leho Tedersoo, Shenggong Li, Han Yan, Lei Jiang, Huimin Wang, Ning Ma, Xiaoqin Dai, Xiaoli Fu, Liang Kou. A trait-based root acquisition-defence-decomposition framework in angiosperm tree species. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS[J]. 2024, 第 7 作者15(null): 5311, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC11192760/.
[9] Gao, Decai, 史文娇, Huimin Wang, Ziping Liu, jiang qunou, Lv Wenjun, Siyu Wang, Yan-Li Zhang, Chunhong Zhao, Frank Hagedorn. Contrasting global patterns of soil microbial quotients of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus in terrestrial ecosystems. CATENA[J]. 2024, 第 3 作者243(null): 108145,
[10] 史文娇, Gao, Decai, Zhen Zhang, Jinzhi Ding, Chunhong Zhao, Huimin Wang, Frank Hagedorn. Exploring Global Data Sets to Detect Changes in Soil Microbial Carbon and Nitrogen Over Three Decades. Earth's Future[J]. 2024, 第 6 作者12(10): e2024EF004733,
[11] 易若君, 刘倩愿, 杨风亭, 戴晓琴, 孟盛旺, 付晓莉, 李胜功, 寇亮, 王辉民. Complementary belowground strategies underlie species coexistence in an early successional forest. The New Phytologist[J]. 2023, 第 9 作者 通讯作者 238: 612-623,
[12] Liu, Xiao, Dai, Xiaoqin, Yang, Fengting, Meng, Shengwang, Wang, Huimin. CH4 emissions from a double-cropping rice field in subtropical China over seven years. AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY[J]. 2023, 第 5 作者 通讯作者 339: 109578, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2023.109578.
[13] Liu, Qianyuan, Song, Minghua, Kou, Liang, Li, Qingkang, Wang, Huimin. Contrasting effects of nitrogen and phosphorus additions on nitrogen competition between coniferous and broadleaf seedlings. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT[J]. 2023, 第 5 作者 通讯作者 861: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.160661.
[14] Jiang, Lei, Wang, Huimin, Li, Shenggong, Dai, Xiaoqin, Meng, Shengwang, Fu, Xiaoli, Yan, Han, Zheng, Jiajia, Ma, Ning, Kou, Liang. A 'Get-Save-Return' process continuum runs on phosphorus economy among subtropical tree species. JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY[J]. 2023, 第 2 作者N/A(4): 14, https://www.doi.org/10.1111/1365-2745.14066.
[15] Liao, Yingchun, Fan, Houbao, Wei, Xiaohua, Wang, Huimin, Shen, Fangfan, Hu, Liang, Li, Yanyan, Fang, Huanying, Huang, Rongzhen. Shifting of the first-order root foraging strategies of Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) under varied environmental conditions. TREES-STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION[J]. 2023, 第 4 作者http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00468-023-02394-5.
[16] 贾彦茹, 唐玉倩, 张心昱, 于贵瑞, 王辉民, 陈伏生, 田大栓, 张雷明. 氮磷添加下典型温带、亚热带森林土壤氮循环功能 基因丰度和微生物群落属性数据集. 中国科学数据[J]. 2023, 第 5 作者8(4):
[17] Qianyuan Liu, Jifeng Li, Zhongling Guo, Chunping Chang, Huimin Wang. The Relationships between Root Traits and the Soil Erodibility of Farmland Shelterbelts in the Bashang Region of China. FORESTS[J]. 2023, 第 5 作者14: https://doaj.org/article/72cd0c40406e4774a1358be6e47110e8.
[18] Ma, Ning, Kou, Liang, Li, Shenggong, Dai, Xiaoqin, Meng, Shengwang, Jiang, Lei, Xue, Yafang, Zheng, Jiajia, Fu, Xiaoli, Wang, Huimin. Plant-soil feedback regulates the trade-off between phosphorus acquisition pathways in Pinus elliottii. TREE PHYSIOLOGY[J]. 2023, 第 10 作者43(7): 1092-1103, http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/treephys/tpad044.
[19] Yan, Lingyuan, Meng, Shengwang, Yang, Fengting, Dai, Xiaoqin, Wang, Huimin. Changes in Forest Vegetation Carbon Storage and Its Driving Forces in Subtropical Red Soil Hilly Region over the Past 34 Years: A Case Study of Taihe County, China. FORESTS[J]. 2023, 第 5 作者 通讯作者 14(3): 602, http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/f14030602.
[20] Xu, Mingjie, Ma, Qianhui, Li, Shengtong, Yang, Fengting, Zhang, Tao, Xu, Fei, Yang, Bin, Zhang, Hui, Zhang, Shu, Wang, Qianyu, Tang, Yuanyuan, Wang, Huimin. The estimation and partitioning of evapotranspiration in a coniferous plantation in subtropical China. FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE[J]. 2023, 第 12 作者 通讯作者 14: http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2023.1120202.
[21] Jianhui Bai, Fengting Yang, Mingjie Xu, Huimin Wang. Empirical Models of Respiration and Net Ecosystem Productivity and Their Applications in a Subtropical Coniferous Plantation in China. ATMOSPHERE[J]. 2023, 第 4 作者14: https://doaj.org/article/83380364a91e4e57952abe98117e1d44.
[22] Cheng, Chuanpeng, Zhang, Tao, Yang, Fengting, Li, Qingkang, Wang, Qianyu, Xu, Mingjie, Li, Shengtong, Wang, Huimim. Effects of thinning on forest soil and stump respiration in a subtropical pine plantation. FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT[J]. 2023, 531: 120797, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2023.120797.
[23] Jiang, Lei, Li, Shenggong, Wang, Huimin, Dai, Xiaoqin, Meng, Shengwang, Fu, Xiaoli, Zheng, Jiajia, Yan, Han, Ma, Ning, Xue, Yafang, Kou, Liang. Mechanisms Underlying Aboveground and Belowground Litter Decomposition Converge over Time under Nutrient Deposition. FORESTS[J]. 2023, 第 3 作者14(1): 15, http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/f14010130.
[24] Liao, YingChun, Fan, HouBao, Li, Liang, Wei, XiaoHua, Wang, HuiMin, Duan, HongLang, Liu, WenFei, Liu, JiaLi. Responses of absorptive root and mycorrhizal colonization of Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) to varied environmental conditions. PLANT ECOLOGY[J]. 2022, 第 5 作者
[25] 唐玉倩, 王辉民, 张心昱, 孟盛旺, 杨风亭, 陈伏生, 王绍强, 董清馨, 王静. Warming causes variability in SOM decomposition in N- and P-fertiliser-treated soil in a subtropical coniferous forest. European Journal of Soil Science[J]. 2022, 第 2 作者
[26] Xu Mingjie, Wang Qianyu, Yang Fengting, Zhang Tao, Zhu Xianjin, Cheng Chuanpeng, Wang Huimin. The responses of photosynthetic light response parameters to temperature among different seasons in a coniferous plantation of subtropical China.. Ecological Indicators[J]. 2022, 第 7 作者 通讯作者 145: 109595-109595,
[27] Ge, Rong, He, Honglin, Zhang, Li, Ren, Xiaoli, Williams, Mathew, Yu, Guirui, Smallman, T Luke, Zhou, Tao, Li, Pan, Xie, Zongqiang, Wang, Silong, Wang, Huimin, Zhou, Guoyi, Zhang, Qibin, Wang, Anzhi, Fan, Zexin, Zhang, Yiping, Shen, Weijun, Yin, Huajun, Lin, Luxiang. Climate Sensitivities of Carbon Turnover Times in Soil and Vegetation: Understanding Their Effects on Forest Carbon Sequestration. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-BIOGEOSCIENCES[J]. 2022, 第 12 作者127(3): https://www.doi.org/10.1029/2020JG005880.
[28] Yan, Han, Freschet, Gregoire T, Wang, Huimin, Hogan, James Aaron, Li, Shenggong, ValverdeBarrantes, Oscar J, Fu, Xiaoli, Wang, Ruili, Dai, Xiaoqin, Jiang, Lei, Meng, Shengwang, Yang, Fengting, Zhang, Miaomiao, Kou, Liang. Mycorrhizal symbiosis pathway and edaphic fertility frame root economics space among tree species. NEW PHYTOLOGIST[J]. 2022, 第 3 作者234(5): 1639-1653, http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/nph.18066.
[29] Wang, Yuxin, Wang, Huimin, Dai, Xiaoqin, Kou, Liang, Meng, Shengwang, Fu, Xiaoli. Decoupled responses of leaf and root decomposition to nutrient deposition in a subtropical plantation. SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY[J]. 2022, 第 2 作者168: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.soilbio.2022.108643.
[30] Yang, Yang, Zhang, Xinyu, Wang, Jing, Kou, Liang, Ma, Zeqing, Lyu, Sidan, Wei, Jie, Wang, Huimin, Wen, Xuefa. Phosphorus acquisition strategies of arbuscular mycorrhizal and ectomycorrhizal trees in subtropical plantations. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SOIL SCIENCE[J]. 2022, 第 8 作者73(5): 12,
[31] Zhang, Weikang, Yu, Guirui, Chen, Zhi, Zhu, Xianjin, Han, Lang, Liu, Zhaogang, Lin, Yong, Han, Shijie, Sha, Liqing, Wang, Huimin, Wang, Yanfen, Yan, Junhua, Zhang, Yiping, Gharun, Mana. Photosynthetic capacity dominates the interannual variation of annual gross primary productivity in the Northern Hemisphere. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT[J]. 2022, 第 10 作者849: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.157856.
[32] Yuxin Wang, Wang Huimin, Dai Xiaoqin, kou liang, Meng Shengwang, Fu Xiaoli. Decoupled responses of leaf and root decomposition to nutrient deposition in a subtropical plantation.. Soil Biology and Biochemistry[J]. 2022, 第 2 作者168: 108643,
[33] Fu, Xiaoli, Meng, Shengwang, Kou, Liang, Dai, Xiaoqin, Wang, Huimin. Multiple responses of fine root resource uptake strategies to gravel content in a subtropical plantation. CANADIAN JOURNAL OF FOREST RESEARCH[J]. 2022, 第 5 作者 通讯作者 52(3): 293-300, http://dx.doi.org/10.1139/cjfr-2020-0450.
[34] Jiang peipei, Meinzer Frederick C, Wang Huimin, Dai Xiaoqin, meng shengwang, kou liang, CHEN Yifan, Fu Xiaoli. Spatio-temporal variation in deep soil water use patterns of overstorey and understorey layers in subtropical plantations predicts community assembly.. Journal of Ecology[J]. 2022, 第 3 作者
[35] Zheng, Jiajia, Li, Shenggong, Wang, Huimin, Dai, Xiaoqin, Meng, Shengwang, Jiang, Lei, Ma, Ning, Yan, Han, Fu, Xiaoli, Kou, Liang. Home-field advantage meets priming effect in root decomposition: Implications for belowground carbon dynamics. FUNCTIONAL ECOLOGY[J]. 2022, 第 3 作者37(3): 14, https://www.doi.org/10.1111/1365-2435.14251.
[36] jiang peipei, Meinzer, Frederick C, fu xiaoli, kou liang, dai xiaoqin, wang huimin. Tradeoffs between xylem water and carbohydrate storage among 24 coexisting subtropical understory shrub species spanning a spectrum of isohydry.. Tree Physiology[J]. 2021, 第 6 作者 通讯作者 41: 403-415,
[37] Jiang, Lei, Wang, Huimin, Li, Shenggong, Fu, Xiaoli, Dai, Xiaoqin, Yan, Han, Kou, Liang. Mycorrhizal and environmental controls over root trait-decomposition linkage of woody trees. NEW PHYTOLOGIST[J]. 2021, 第 2 作者229(1): 284-295, http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/nph.16844.
[38] Liu, Qianyuan, Xu, Mingjie, Yuan, Ye, Wang, Huimin. Interspecific competition for inorganic nitrogen between canopy trees and underlayer-planted young trees in subtropical pine plantations. FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT[J]. 2021, 第 4 作者 通讯作者 494: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2021.119331.
[39] Tang, Yakun, Jia, Chang, Wang, Lina, Wen, Xuefa, Wang, Huimin. Solar energy dominates and soil water modulates net ecosystem productivity and evapotranspiration across multiple timescales in a subtropical coniferous plantation. AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY[J]. 2021, 第 5 作者300: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2020.108310.
[40] Fang, XiangMin, Zhang, XiuLan, Zong, YingYing, Li, WenQing, Li, JianJun, Guo, LiPing, Wang, Huimin, Chen, FuSheng. Responses of leaf litter decomposability to nitrogen and phosphorus additions are associated with cell wall carbohydrate composition in a subtropical plantation. PLANT AND SOIL[J]. 2021, 第 7 作者467(1-2): 359-372, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11104-021-05099-1.
[41] Zhou, Jing, Li, Qianru, Liu, Min, Zhou, Xiaoqi, Song, Minghua, Qiao, Na, Wang, Huimin, Xu, Xingliang. Neighboring tree species alter uptake of NH4+ and NO3- by Chinese fir. TREES-STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION[J]. 2021, 第 7 作者35(2): 459-467, https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000585735000001.
[42] Gao, Yuqiu, Yuan, Ye, Li, Qingkang, Kou, Liang, Fu, Xiaoli, Dai, Xiaoqin, Wang, Huimin. Mycorrhizal type governs foliar and root multi-elemental stoichiometries of trees mainly via root traits. PLANT AND SOIL[J]. 2021, 第 7 作者 通讯作者 460(1-2): 229-246, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11104-020-04778-9.
[43] 孟盛旺, 杨风亭, 戴晓琴, 王辉民. 杉木径向生长动态及其对季节性干旱的响应. 应用生态学报[J]. 2021, 第 4 作者 通讯作者 32(10): 3521 -3530,
[44] 王玉鑫, 付晓莉, 王辉民, 戴晓琴, 寇亮, 方向民. 氮磷添加对杉木根叶分解残余物微生物群落结构及酶活性的影响. 生态学报[J]. 2021, 第 3 作者41(13): 5408-5416,
[45] Meng, Shengwang, Fu, Xiaoli, Zhao, Bo, Dai, Xiaoqin, Li, Qingkang, Yang, Fengting, Kou, Liang, Wang, Huimin. Intra-annual radial growth and its climate response for Masson pine and Chinese fir in subtropical China. TREES-STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION[J]. 2021, 第 8 作者35(6): 1817-1830, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00468-021-02152-5.
[46] gao yuqiu, Yuan Ye, Li Qingkang, Kou Liang, Fu Xiaoli, Dai Xiaoqin, Wang Huimin. Mycorrhizal type governs foliar and root multi-elemental stoichiometric via root traits.. Plant and Soil[J]. 2021, 第 7 作者 通讯作者 460: 229-246,
[47] Shi, Lijuan, Li, Qingkang, Fu, Xiaoli, Kou, Liang, Dai, Xiaoqin, Wang, Huimin. Foliar, root and rhizospheric soil C:N:P stoichiometries of overstory and understory species in subtropical plantations. CATENA[J]. 2021, 第 6 作者 通讯作者 198: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.catena.2020.105020.
[48] 王辉民. Mycorrhizal type governs foliar and root multi-elemental stoichiometric via root traits. Plant and Soil. 2021, 第 1 作者 通讯作者
[49] Meng, Shengwang, Yang, Fan, Hu, Sheng, Wang, Haibin, Wang, Huimin. Generic Additive Allometric Models and Biomass Allocation for Two Natural Oak Species in Northeastern China. FORESTS[J]. 2021, 第 5 作者 通讯作者 12(6): https://doaj.org/article/50ba51c54a0d4c4396d64c08401b7daa.
[50] He, Honglin, Ge, Rong, Ren, Xiaoli, Zhang, Li, Chang, Qingqing, Xu, Qian, Zhou, Guoyi, Xie, Zongqiang, Wang, Silong, Wang, Huimin, Zhang, Qibin, Wang, Anzhi, Fan, Zexin, Zhang, Yiping, Shen, Weijun, Yin, Huajun, Lin, Luxiang, Williams, Mathew, Yu, Guirui. Reference carbon cycle dataset for typical Chinese forests via colocated observations and data assimilation. SCIENTIFIC DATA[J]. 2021, 第 10 作者8(1): https://doaj.org/article/ae754e72aa5341bc9ac032e33382ce47.
[51] 戴晓琴, 王辉民, 徐明洁, 杨风亭, 温学发, 陈智, 张雷明, 孙晓敏, 于贵瑞. 2003–2010年千烟洲人工针叶林碳水通量观测数据集. 中国科学数据[J]. 2021, 第 2 作者6(1): 7-15, http://www.csdata.org/p/440/.
[52] Liu, Ren, Zhang, Yang, Hu, XiaoFei, Wan, Songze, Wang, Huimin, Liang, Chao, Chen, FuSheng. Litter manipulation effects on microbial communities and enzymatic activities vary with soil depth in a subtropical Chinese fir plantation. FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT[J]. 2021, 第 5 作者480: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2020.118641.
[53] Yuan, Ye, Dai, Xiaoqin, Fu, Xiaoli, Kou, Liang, Luo, Yiqi, Jiang, Lifen, Wang, Huimin. Differences in the rhizosphere effects among trees, shrubs and herbs in three subtropical plantations and their seasonal variations. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SOIL BIOLOGY[J]. 2020, 第 7 作者 通讯作者 100: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejsobi.2020.103218.
[54] 刘仁, 袁小兰, 刘俏, 张春阳, 郭春兰, 陈伏生, 王辉民, 李建军. 林下植被去除对杉木人工林土壤酶活性及其化学计量比的影响. 林业科学研究[J]. 2020, 第 7 作者33(5): 121, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=7103276104.
[55] Liu, Min, Qiao, Na, Xu, Xingliang, Fang, Huajun, Wang, Huimin, Kuzyakov, Yakov. C:N stoichiometry of stable and labile organic compounds determine priming patterns. GEODERMA[J]. 2020, 第 5 作者362: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2019.114122.
[56] 扈明媛, 袁野, 戴晓琴, 付晓莉, 寇亮, 王辉民. 亚热带人工林乔灌草根际土壤氮矿化特征. 植物生态学报[J]. 2020, 第 6 作者44(12): 1285-1295, https://www.plant-ecology.com/CN/10.17521/cjpe.2020.0225.
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(1) 亚热带森林生态系统植物与土壤生物多样性维持机制,主持,国家级,2013-01--2017-12
(2) 林分结构对生态系统养分平衡影响机制,主持,国家级,2012-01--2016-12
(3) 造林前不同整地方式对土壤碳库的影响机制研究,主持,国家级,2011-01--2013-12
(4) 马尾松林固碳增汇技术的试验示范,主持,国家级,2011-01--2015-12
(5) 南方人工林改造与碳增汇的试验示范研究,主持,院级级,2009-01--2011-12
(6) 亚热带森林生态系统碳水循环对人为和自然扰动的动态响应,主持,院级级,2009-01--2011-12
(7) 中亚热带不同森林生态系统C固定、水源涵养、水土保持及生物多样性保育机制研究,主持,院级级,2009-01--2013-12
(2) 林分结构对生态系统养分平衡影响机制,主持,国家级,2012-01--2016-12
(3) 造林前不同整地方式对土壤碳库的影响机制研究,主持,国家级,2011-01--2013-12
(4) 马尾松林固碳增汇技术的试验示范,主持,国家级,2011-01--2015-12
(5) 南方人工林改造与碳增汇的试验示范研究,主持,院级级,2009-01--2011-12
(6) 亚热带森林生态系统碳水循环对人为和自然扰动的动态响应,主持,院级级,2009-01--2011-12
(7) 中亚热带不同森林生态系统C固定、水源涵养、水土保持及生物多样性保育机制研究,主持,院级级,2009-01--2013-12
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