
Lei Wang is Research Professor of the Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (NIGLAS), and Honorary Research Fellow, Planning, Property and Environmental Management, The University of Manchester (UOM). He obtained the PhD from The Chinese University of Hong Kong and worked as Hallsworth Research Fellow at the UOM (2016-2019). His research interests are high-speed rail effects, transport economics, regional sustainable development and governance. He has been the principal investigator (PI) for three projects from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and two projects from the Jiangsu Provincial Natural Science Foundation, including the Excellent Young Scholars Project from both the funding agencies. His research was widely published in journals such as JTG, Transport Policy, Cities, and EPB, among others. Additionally, his personal monograph was published by Springer titled "Changing Spatial Elements in Chinese Socio-economic Five-year Plan: from Project Layout to Spatial Planning.”

Research Areas

Human Geography, Regional Planning and Governance


2011 to 2014, PhD (Geography and Resource Management), The Chinese University of Hong Kong

2008 to 2011, MPhil (Human Geography), Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

2004 to 2008, Bachelor (Urban and Rural Planning), Northwest A&F University


List of RepresentativePublications

1. Wang L. 2019. Changing Spatial Elements in Chinese Socio-economic Five-year Plan: From Project layout to Spatial Planning. Springer, Singapore, 1-183. 

2. Wang, L., Zheng, W., He, S., & Wei, S. (2022). Assessing urban vitality and its determinants in high-speed rail station areas in the Yangtze River Delta, China. Journal of Transport and Land Use, 15(1), 333-354. 

3. Duan, X., Zou, H., L. Wang*, Chen, W., & Min, M. (2021). Assessing ecological sensitivity and economic potentials and regulation zoning of the riverfront development along the Yangtze River, China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 291, 125963. 

4. Wei, S., W. Zheng, L. Wang*. (2021) Understanding the configuration of urban bus networks in urban China from the perspective of network types and administrative division effect. Transport Policy, 104, 1-17. 

5. Wang, L., R. A. Acheampong, S He. (2020) High-speed rail network development effects on the growth and spatial dynamics of knowledge-intensive economy in major cities of China. Cities. 105, 102772. 

6. Wang, L. & X. Duan (2018) High-speed rail network development and winner and loser cities in megaregions: The case study of Yangtze River Delta, China. Cities. 83, 71-82. 

7. Wang, L. (2018) High-speed rail services development and regional accessibility restructuring: The case of the Yangtze River Delta, China. Transport Policy. 72, 34-44. 

8. Wang, L., F. Yuan & X. Duan (2018) How high-speed rail service development influenced commercial land market dynamics: A case study of Jiangsu province, China. Journal of Transport Geography. 72, 248-257. 

9. Wang, L. & J. Shen (2017) The Challenge of Spatial Plan Coordination in Urban China: The Case of Suzhou City. Urban Policy and Research, 35, 180-198. 

10. Wang, L. & J. Shen (2016). Spatial planning and its implementation in provincial China: a case study of the Jiangsu region along the Yangtze River plan. Journal of Contemporary China, 25, 669-685. 

11. Wang, L., C. Wong & X. Duan (2016) Urban growth and spatial restructuring patterns: The case of Yangtze River Delta Region, China. Environment and Planning B, 43, 515-539. 

12. Wang, L., J. Shen & C. K. L. Chung (2015). City profile: Suzhou - a Chinese city under transformation. Cities, 44, 60-72. 

13. 王磊, 段学军 & 杨清可 (2017) 长江经济带区域合作的格局与演变. 地理科学, 37, 1841-1849. 

14. 王磊 & 沈建法 (2017) 规划管理、空间管制机制与规划协调. 城市规划, 41, 18-26. 

15. 王磊 & 沈建法 (2014). 五年计划/规划、城市规划和土地规划的关系演变. 城市规划学刊, 216, 45-51.