葛广波 男 硕导 大连化学物理研究所


1. 药物筛选与评价新技术研究
2. 蛋白特异性功能探针研发及其应用基础研究
3. 外源物与代谢酶相互作用研究


1. 新药研发
2. 药物代谢及药物分析
3. 生物大分子功能表征


2003-09--2009-01 大连化学物理研究所 博士
1999-09--2003-06 大连理工大学 学士


1. 食品中化学有害物代谢机理与控制技术研究,中国分析测试协会科学技术奖一等奖(2013-1-008-02)
2. 人参皂甙对尿苷二磷酸葡萄糖醛酸转移酶的结构-抑制作用之间关系的研究。辽宁省自然科学学术成果壹等奖 (2013-LNL1670)
3. 紫杉烷类化合物的定量结构-保留关系模型及其在紫杉烷立体异构体及位置异构体鉴别中的应用。辽宁省自然科学学术成果贰等奖 (2011-LNL0701)
4. 人细胞色素P450 3A4酶的高选择性探针底物及其应用。辽宁省自然科学学术成果叁等奖(2014-LNL0008)
5. Chinese Young Scientist Travel Award, The 18th Microsomes and Drug Oxidation (MDO) Meeting, Beijing, China (May 16-20, 2010)
6. 大连市青年科技之星(2015年)
1.      葛广波,杨凌,洪沫,宁静,邹超,张辉。氟比洛芬对乙酰氨基酚酯类前药的透皮贴剂及其制备工艺。CN 201310075708.9
2.      杨凌,葛广波,宁静,吴敬敬,杜逊甫。一种细胞色素P450 3A5特异性抑制剂及其应用,CN 201410083732.1
3.      杨凌、吴敬敬、葛广波、宁静、杜逊甫。一种新型细胞色素P450 3A4酶特异性探针反应及其应用, CN201410081691.2
4.      杨凌,葛广波,洪沫,宁静,邹超。氟比洛芬对乙酰氨基酚酯固体分散体及其制备方法,CN 2012103756327
5.      杨凌,葛广波,孙晓宇,夏杨柳,邹超,洪沫。具有黄酮骨架结构的化合物作为帕金森症治疗药物的应用。CN 201210244202.1
6.      杨凌、葛广波、孙晓宇、宁静、夏杨柳、邹超。含杨酶苷或/和杨梅素的药物组合物及其在制备帕金森治疗药物中的用途。CN 201310147050.8
7.      杨凌、葛广波、夏杨柳、朱亮亮、吕霞、何桂元、宁静。葡萄糖醛酸转移酶UGT1A1的特异性探针底物及其应用。已授权,ZL 201310044800.9
8.      杨凌、葛广波、刘兆明、张延延、朱亮亮。非甾体抗炎镇痛协同前药及其制备方法。已授权,ZL 201110187453.6
9.      杨凌,葛广波,宁静,朱亮亮,夏杨柳,何桂元。一类葡萄糖醛酸转移酶UGT1A3的特异性探针底物及其应用。CN 2012103914443      
10.   杨凌、葛广波、宁静、吴敬敬、杜逊甫。一类细胞色素P450 3A4酶的特异性探针底物及其应用。ZL 201110277661.5
11.   杨凌、葛广波。一种7-α羟基紫杉烷的高效制备方法。CN 201110277394.1
12.   杨凌、葛广波、张延延、榊原和征。一种分离制备紫杉醇的方法。专利证书号:722557
13.   杨凌、葛广波、张延延。10-去乙酰7-木糖巴卡亭或7-木糖巴卡亭的制备。CN101139376
14.   杨凌、葛广波。紫杉烷木糖苷去糖微生物及其应用。ZL2010专利证书号:604623
15.   杨凌、张延延、葛广波、马红。一类具有抗肿瘤活性的紫杉烷卤代衍生物。ZL200710011283.X专利证书号:736503
16.   杨凌、张延延、葛广波。一种制备紫杉醇及其衍生物的方法。专利证书号:696753
17.   杨凌、张延延、葛广波。一种制备紫杉醇,巴卡亭III及其衍生物的方法。专利证书号:735681
18.   杨凌、刘兴宝、葛广波、张延延。一种含有紫杉烷木糖苷化合物的混合物及其制备方法。CN101143883
19.   杨凌、张延延、葛广波。一种选择性酰化紫杉烷C(10)和C(2’)位羟基的方法。专利证书号:617915
20.   杨凌,洪沫,葛广波,宁静,邹超。氟比洛芬对乙酰氨基酚酯环糊精包合物及其制备方法,已授权,ZL 201210375616.8
21.   杨凌、张延延、葛广波。一种选择性酰化紫杉烷C(10)位羟基的方法。 CN101139329
22.   杨凌、张延延、吴敬敬、葛广波。五味子甲素在检测细胞色素P4503A酶活性中的用途及检测方法。专利授权号:CN 101608212 B
23.   Yang L, Zhang YY, Ge GB. A preparation process for taxol and derivatives thereof. WO2008116387
24.   Yang L, Zhang YY, Ge GB. A preparation process for taxol, baccatin and derivatives thereof. WO2008116388
25.   杨凌、梁思成、葛广波、张延延、刘慧鑫。葡萄糖醛酸化的香豆素类化合物及其应用。CN101613388
26.   杨凌、夏杨柳、葛广波、孙晓宇、宁静、何桂元。一类儿茶酚-O-甲基转移酶特异性探针底物及其应用。已授权,ZL 201310044369.8
27.   杨凌、艾纯芝、葛广波、夏杨柳、刘兆明。一种新型靶向性抗肿瘤药物及其制备方法与应用。已授权,ZL 201110386523.0
28.   杨凌,宁静,葛广波,朱亮亮。一种磺酸结合物的分离方法。CN201210064562.3
29.   杨凌、朱亮亮、葛广波。一种高纯度葡萄糖醛酸结合物的制备方法。已授权,ZL201110188256.6
30.   杨凌,何桂元,葛广波,宁静,朱亮亮,夏杨柳。一种UGT1A9/1A8的特异性探针底物及其应用。已授权,ZL 201210393403.8
31.   杨凌,刘兆明,葛广波,邹超,宁静,洪沫。具有丹参酮骨架结构的羧酸酯酶抑制剂及其应用。ZL 201210375428.5
32.   杨凌、孙晓宇、葛广波、夏杨柳、洪 沫、宁 静、邹 超。二氢杨梅素作为活性成份在制备帕金森症治疗药物中的应用。CN201310151334.4
33.   杨凌、刘兆明、葛广波、邹超、王平、杜逊甫。一类人羧酸酯酶2的特异性荧光探针底物及其应用。CN 201310150681.5
34.   杨凌,王平,葛广波,邹超,张辉。一种分离纯化10-去乙酰紫杉醇的方法。CN 201310141411.8
35.   杨凌,葛广波,洪沫,宁静,邹超。氟吡洛芬对乙酰氨基酚酯脂质微球、冻干脂质微球及制备方法。CN 201310002641.6
36.   杨凌,王平,葛广波,夏杨柳,于洋,纪丽云,邹超。一类新型6,7-二羟基香豆素衍生物、制备方法和应用。CN 201310245297.3
37.   杨凌、崔京南,葛广波,刘兆明、冯磊。一种人羧酸酯酶亚型的特异性荧光探针底物及其应用 专利申请号:201310323209.7         申报时间:2013-7-29   
38.   杨凌,崔京南,葛广波,吕侠,冯磊,刘兆明。葡萄糖醛酸转移酶UGT1A1的特异性荧光探针及其应用。CN 201310338267.7

39.   杨凌,崔京南,葛广波,刘兆明,冯磊。一种基于白蛋白假酯酶水解反应的特异性荧光探针及其应用。CN 201310338266.2

40.   杨凌、刘兆明、葛广波、王平。黄芩素及其前体药物的一种医药新用途。专利申请号: 201310557434.7;申报时间:2013-11-08
41.   杨凌,冯磊,崔京南,葛广波,刘兆明。人羧酸酯酶2的高特异性比率型荧光探针及其应用。专利申请号: 201310587411.0 申请日:2013-11-19
42.   杨凌,葛广波,宁静,吴敬敬,杜逊甫。一种细胞色素P450 3A5特异性抑制剂及其应用,CN 201410083732.1
43.   杨凌、吴敬敬、葛广波、宁静、杜逊甫。一种新型细胞色素P450 3A4酶特异性探针反应及其应用, CN201410081691.2
44.   杨凌,戴子茹,崔京南,葛广波,冯磊,宁静。细胞色素氧化酶CYP1A的比率型荧光探针反应及其应用。专利申请号: 201410239782.4 申请日:2014-05-30

45.   杨凌,王平,葛广波,宁静,于洋。千层纸素A及前体药物作为儿茶酚类药物增效剂的应用。专利申请号:201410290565.8  申请日:2014-06-24
46.   杨凌、王平、葛广波、宁静、于洋。一类抗细胞凋亡Mcl-1蛋白抑制剂及其应用。专利申请号:201410357213.X 申请日:2014-07-25
47.   杨凌,李耀光,葛广波,李世阳, 刘兆明,吕侠。补骨脂提取物或其单体成分作为人羧酸酯酶抑制剂的应用。专利申请号:201410360605.1 申请日:2014-7-28
48.   杨凌、崔京男、冯磊、葛广波、刘兆明、宁静。一种人肠道羧酸酯酶活性检测的荧光探针底物及其应用。专利申请号:201410513296.7  申请日:2014-9-30
49.   杨凌、夏杨柳、葛广波、王平、钱星凯、窦同意,一种定量测定儿茶酚-O甲基转移酶活性的方法及其应用。申请号:CN201410618276.6申请日期:2014-11-05
50.   杨凌、邹立伟、葛广波、李耀光、宁静、王平。五环三萜类化合物及其作为人羧酸酯抑制剂的应用。CN 201410742503.6,申请日期:2014-12-09
51.   杨凌、窦同意、栾宏伟、葛广波,王家悦。一种纤维单胞菌科作为工业生物催化剂的应用。CN201510162044.9         申请日期:2015-4-8
52.   杨凌、崔攀、葛广波、窦同意、王平。一种通过酶促水解新橙皮苷或橙皮某苷制备橙皮素的方法。CN 201510193549.1申请日期:2015-4-22                                         

53.   杨凌、葛广波、崔攀、王平,窦同意。一种酶法水解商陆皂苷甲制备商陆皂苷乙的方法。CN201510197783.1申请日期:2015-4-22

54.   杨凌、崔京南、王一儒、葛广波、冯磊、金强。一种定量测定生物样品中白蛋白含量的方法及应用。CN 201510212648.X申请日期:2015-4-28
55.   杨凌、崔京南、金强、葛广波、冯磊、王平。一种检测人羧酸酯酶2的试剂盒及其使用方法与应用。CN201510224354.9申请日期:2015-5-6
56.   杨凌,毛玉玺,王欣欣,葛广波,吕侠,王平。一种试卤灵葡萄糖醛酸苷的制备方法,CN 201510226613.1 申请日期:2015-5-6
57.   杨凌、邹立伟、葛广波、钱星凯、冯磊、王平。DPP-IV定量评估试剂盒及其医学诊疗应用。CN201510245830.5 申请日期:2015-5-14
58.   杨凌、葛广波、崔攀、王平、窦同意。一种酶法水解商陆皂苷甲制备商陆皂苷乙的方法。专利申请号:201510197783.1;申报时间:2015-04-22
59. 杨凌、崔攀、葛广波、窦同意、王平。一种通过酶促水解新橙皮苷或橙皮苷制备橙皮素的方法。专利申请号:201510193549.1;申报时间:2015-4-22
60.   杨凌、钱星凯、葛广波、夏杨柳、王平、窦同意。检测儿茶酚-O-甲基转移酶的试剂盒及其使用方法与应用。CN201510260581.7 申请日期:2015-5-20
61.   杨凌、王平、葛广波、窦同意、崔攀。一种酶法水解蒙花苷制备金合欢素的方法。专利申请号:201510451784.4;申报时间:2015-07-28 
62. 杨凌、葛广波,夏杨柳,王平,钱星凯,窦同意。儿茶酚-O-甲基转移酶的特异性荧光探针及其应用。申请号:201510509079.5;申请时间:2015-8-18
63.   杨凌、王丹丹、葛广波、吕侠、于洋、杜逊甫。人羧酸酯酶1的生物发光检测试剂盒及其使用方法和应用。201510604453.X
64.   杨凌、崔京南,葛广波,刘兆明、冯磊。一种基于白蛋白假酯酶水解反应的特异性荧光探针及其应用 PCT/CN2014/000334,2014-4-31
65.   杨凌,崔京南,葛广波,吕侠,冯磊,刘兆明。葡萄糖醛酸转移酶UGT1A1的特异性荧光探针及其应用 PCT/CN2014/000333,2014-4-28
66.   杨凌、崔京南,葛广波,刘兆明、冯磊。一种人羧酸酯酶亚型的特异性荧光探针底物及其应用 PCT/CN2014/000332,2014-5-16
67.   杨凌,戴子茹,崔京南,葛广波,冯磊,宁静。细胞色素氧化酶CYP1A的比率型荧光探针反应及其应用 PCT/CN2014/000958,2014-10-31
68.   杨凌,邹立伟,葛广波,李耀光,宁静,王平。五环三萜类化合物及其作为人羧酸酯抑制剂的应用 PCT/CN2015/000327,2015-5-13                                                       
69.   杨凌、崔京男、冯磊、葛广波、刘兆明、宁静。一种人肠道羧酸酯酶活性检测的荧光探针底物及其应用。          PCT/CN2015/000326,2015-5-13 
70.   杨凌、王丹丹、葛广波、吕侠、于洋、杜逊甫。人羧酸酯酶1的生物发光检测试剂盒及其使用方法和应用。PCT/CN2015/000821,2015-11-26



1.         Lv X, Wang XX, Hou J, Fang ZZ, Wu JJ, Liu SW, Cao YF, Ge GB*, Yang L*. Comparison of the inhibitory effects of tolcapone and entacapone against human UDP-Glucuronosyltransferases. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 2016; 301: 42-9. (*corresponding author)

2.         Jin Q, Feng L, Wang DD; Wu JJ, Hou J, Dai ZR, Wang JY, Ge GB*, Cui JN*, Yang L*. A highly selective near-infrared fluorescent probe for carboxylesterase 2 and its bioimaging applications in living cells and animals. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2016; 83:193-9. (*corresponding author)

3.         Wang YR, Feng L, Xu L, Li Y, Wang DD, Hou J, Zhou K, Jin Q, Ge GB*, Cui JN*, Yang L*. A rapid-response fluorescent probe for sensitive and selective detection of human albumin in plasma and cell culture supernatants. Chem. Commun. 2016; 52:6064-7. Advance Article. (*corresponding author)

4.         Qian XK, Wang P, Xia YL, Dou TY, Ge GB*, Mi XL*, Yang L*. A highly selective fluorescent probe for sensing activities of catechol-O-methyltransferase in complex biological samples. Sensors & Actuators B. Chemical 2016; 231: 615–23. (*corresponding author)

5.         Wang DD, Jin Q, Zou LW, Hou J, Lv X, Lei W, Cheng HL, Ge GB*, Yang L*. A bioluminescent sensor for highly selective and sensitive detection of human carboxylesterase 1 in complex biological samples. Chem. Comm. 2016; 52: 3183-6. (*corresponding author)

6.         Dai ZR, Ge GB#, Feng L, Ning J, Hu LH, Jin Q, Lv X, Cui JN*, Yang L*. A highly selective ratiometric two-photon fluorescent probe for human cytochrome P450 1A. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2015, 137 (45): 14488–95. (#contributed equally)

7.         Jin Q, Feng L, Wang DD, Dai ZR, Wang P, Zou LW, Liu ZH, Wang JY, Yu Y, Ge GB*, Cui JN*, Yang L*. A two-photon ratiometric fluorescent probe for imaging carboxylesterase 2 in living cells and tissues. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2015, 7: 28474–81. (*corresponding author)

8.         Feng L, Liu ZM, Hou J, Lv X, Ning J, Ge GB*, Cui JN*, Yang L*. A highly selective fluorescent ESIPT probe for the detection of Human carboxylesterase 2 and its biological applications. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2015; 65: 9-15 (*corresponding author)

9.         Lv X, Ge GB#, Feng L, Troberg J, Hu LH, Hou J, Cheng HL, Wang P, Liu ZM, Finel M, Cui JN*, Yang L*. An optimized ratiometric fluorescent probe for sensing human UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1 and its biological applications. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2015; 72: 261-7. (#contributed equally)

10.     Lv X, Wang DD, Feng L, Wang P, Zou LW, Hao DC, Hou J*,Cui JN, Ge GB*, Yang L*. A highly selective marker reaction for measuring the activity of human carboxylesterase 1 in complex biological samples. RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 4302-9. (*corresponding author)

11.     Cui P, Dou TY, Sun YP, Li SY, Feng L, Zou LW, Wang P, Hao DC, Ge GB*, Yang L*. Efficient enzymatic preparation of Esculentoside B following condition optimization by response surface methodology. Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic 2016; 130:25–31

12.     Zhu LL, Xiao L, Li W, Zhang Y, Han W, Zhu Y, Ge GB*, Yang L. Human UDP-Glucuronosyltransferases 1A1, 1A3, 1A9, 2B4 and 2B7 are inhibited by Diethylstilbesterol. Basic and Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology, 2016; doi: 10.1111/bcpt.12618.

13.     Cui P, Dou TY, Li SY, Lu JX, Zou LW, Wang P, Sun YP, Hao DC, Ge GB*. Highly selective and efficient biotransformation of linarin to produce tilianin by naringinase. Biotechnology Letters, 2016; 38(8), 1367-73.

14.     Zou LW, Li YG, Wang P, Zhou K, Hou J, Jin Q, Hao DC, Ge GB*, Yang L*. Design, synthesis, and structure-activity relationship study of glycyrrhetinic acid derivatives as potent and selective inhibitors against human carboxylesterase 2. Eur. J. Med. Chem. 2016; 112: 280-8. (*corresponding author)

15.     Xin H, Qi XY, Wu JJ, Wang XX, Li Y, Hong JY, He W, Xu W, Ge GB*, Yang L. Assessment of the inhibition potential of Licochalcone A against human UDP-glucuronosyltransferases. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2016; 90: 112-22. (*corresponding author)

16.     Wang P, Xia YL, Yu Y, Lu JX, Zou LW, Feng L,Ge GB*, Yang L*. Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of esculetin derivatives as anti-tumour agents. RSC Adv., 2015, 5: 53477-83. (*corresponding author)

17.     Feng L, Liu ZM, Xu L, Lv X, Ning J, Hou J, Ge GB*, Cui JN*, Yang L*. A highly selective long-wavelength fluorescent probe for human carboxylesterase 2 and its biomedical applications. Chem. Comm. 2014; 50 (93), 14519-22 (*corresponding author)

18.     Wang XX, Lv X, Li SY, Hou J, Ning J, Wang JY, Cao YF, Ge GB*, Guo B, Yang L. Identification and characterization of naturally occurring inhibitors against UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1 in Fructus Psoraleae (Bu-gu-zhi). Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 2015, 289: 70-8. (*corresponding author)

19.     Tian XG, Wang C, Ge GB#, Ai CZ, Ning J, Ai C, Hong J, Cai YX, Huo X, Hou J, et al. A highly selective probe for UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B7 (UGT2B7) in human microsomes: isoform specificity, kinetic characterization, and applications. RSC Adv. 2015, 5: 5924-7. (#contributed equally)

20.     Zhu LL, Xiao L, Xia Y, Zhou K, Wang H, Huang M, Ge GB*, et al. Diethylstilbestrol can effectively accelerate estradiol-17-O-glucuronidation, while potently inhibiting estradiol-3-O-glucuronidation. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 2015, 283: 109-16. (*corresponding author)

21.     He W, Wu JJ, Ning J, Hou J, Xin H, He YQ, Ge GB*, Xu W*. Inhibition of human cytochrome P450 enzymes by licochalcone A, a naturally occurring constituent of licorice. Toxicology in Vitro, 2015, 29:1569-76. (*corresponding author)

22.     Li YG, Hou J, Li SY, Lv X, Ning J, Ge GB*, et al. Fructus Psoraleae contains natural compounds with potent inhibitory effects towards human carboxylesterase 2. Fitoterapia, 2015; 101:99-106. (*corresponding author)

23.     Liu ZM, Feng L, Ge GB#, Lv X, Hou J, Cao YF, Cui JN, Yang L. A highly selective ratiometric fluorescent probe for in vitro monitoring and cellular imaging of human carboxylesterase1. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2014; 57:30-5. (#contributed equally)

24.     Liu XD, Hu LH, Ge GB#, et al. Quantitative analysis of cytochrome P450 isoforms in human liver microsomes by the combination of proteomics and chemical probe-based assay. Proteomics. 2014, 14(16):1943-51. (#contributed equally)

25.     Ge GB, Ning J, Hu LH, Dai ZR, Hou J, Cao YF, Yun ZW, Ai CZ, Ma XC*, Yang L*. A highly selective probe for human cytochrome P450 3A4: isoform selectivity, kinetic characterization and its applications. Chem. Commun. 2013; 49: 9779-81.

26.     Liu ZM, Feng L, Hou J, Lv X, Ning J, Ge GB*, et al. A ratiometric fluorescent sensor for highly selective detection of human carboxylesterase 2 and its application in living cells. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2014; 205: 151-7. (*corresponding author)

27.     Ge GB, Ai CZ, Hu WB, et al. The role of serum albumin in the metabolism of Boc5: molecular identification, species differences and contribution to plasma metabolism. Eur. J. Pharm. Sci. 2013; 48: 360–9.

28.     Ning J, Hou J, Wang P, Wu JJ, Dai ZY, Zou LW, Li W, Ge GB*, et al. Interspecies Variation in Phase I Metabolism of Bufalin in Hepatic Microsomes from Mouse, Rat, Dog, Minipig, Monkey, and Human. Xenobiotica. 2015; 45(11):954-60 (*corresponding author)

29.     Xia YL, Liang SC, Zhu LL, Ge GB*, et al. Identification and Characterization of Human UDP-Glucuronosyltransferases Responsible for the Glucuronidation of Fraxetin. Drug Metab Pharmacokinet. 2014; 29(2):135-40. (*corresponding author)

30.     Ge GB, Zhang R, Ai CZ, Zhang YY, et al. Stereochemical differentiation of C-7 hydroxyl taxane isomers by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 2009; 23(3): 425-32.

31.     He GY, Zhang SX, Xu L, Wang P, He YQ, Ge GB*, Yang L. C-8 Mannich base derivatives of baicalein displayed improved glucuronidation stability: explore the mechanism by experiment and theoretical calculation. RSC Advances, 2015, 5: 89818 – 26. (*corresponding author)

32.     LV X, Hou J, Xia YL, Ning J, He GY, Wang P, Ge GB*, Xiu ZL, Yang L. Glucuronidation of bavachinin by human tissues and expressed UGT enzymes: identification of UGT1A1 and UGT1A8 as the major contributing enzymes. Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics. 2015, 30: 358-65.(*corresponding author)

33.     Ge GB, Luan HW, Zhang YY, He YQ, et al. Profiling of yew hair roots from various species using ultra-performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 2008; 22(15): 2315-23.

34.     Ge GB, Zhang YY, Hao DC, Hu Y, et al. Chemotaxonomic study of medicinal Taxus species with fingerprint and multivariate analysis. Planta Medica, 2008; 74(7): 773-9.

35.     Zhu LL#, Ge GB#, He GY, Liang SC, et al. Potent and Selective Inhibition of Magnolol on Catalytic Activities of UGT1A7 and 1A9. Xenobiotica, 2012; 42(10):1001-8. (#contributed equally)

36.     Liang SC#, Ge GB#, Liu HX, Shang HT, et al. Determination of propofol UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (UGT) activities in hepatic microsomes from different species by UFLC-ESI-MS. J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 2011, 54(1):236-41. (#contributed equally)

37.     Wang AX#, Ge GB#, Qi XY, Hu Y, et al. Rapid Profiling and Target Analysis of Principal Components in Fuling Decoctions by UFLC-DAD-ESI-MS. Fitoterapia, 2010; 81: 662-7. (#contributed equally)

38.     Ge GB, Liang SC, Hu Y, Liu XB, et al. Rapid Qualitative and Quantitative Determination of Seven Valuable Taxanes from Various Taxus Species by UFLC-ESI-MS and UFLC-DAD. Planta Medica. 2010; 76(15):1773-7.

39.     Sun DX, Zhu LL, Xiao L, Xia YL, Ge GB* et al, In vitro glucuronidation of Armillarisin A: UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A9 acts as a major contributor and significant species differences. Xenobiotica. 2014; 44(11):988-95 (*corresponding author)

40.     Hou J, Shi Q, Cao M, Pan P, Fan X, Bai G, Xin Y, Ge GB*. A Novel Approach for Fluorescent Visualization of Glycyrrhetic Acid on Cell with Quantum Dot. Biochemistry (Moscow) 2014; 79(1):25-30. (*corresponding author)

41.     Dong RH, Fang ZZ, Zhu LL, Ge GB*, et al. Deep understanding of the interaction between thienorphine and UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (UGT) isoforms. Xenobiotica. 2013; 43(2):133-9. (*corresponding author)

42.     Xin H, Xia YL, Hou J, Wang P, He W, Yang L, Ge GB*, Xu W. Identification and characterization of human UDP-glucuronosyltransferases responsible for the in-vitro glucuronidation of arctigenin. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 2015, 67; 1673-81. (*corresponding author)

43.     Wang DD, Lv X, Hou J, Feng L, Li N, Li SY, Zhou Q, Zou LW, Ge GB*, Wang JG*, Yang L. Highly sensitive and selective detection of human carboxylesterase 1 in biological samples by liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection. Journal of Chromatography B, 2016, 1008; 212-18 (*corresponding author)

44.     Liang SC, Xia YL, Hou J, Ge GB*, Zhang JW, He YQ, Wang JY, Qi XY*, Yang L. Methylation, Glucuronidation and Sulfonation of Daphnetin in Human Hepatic Preparations In Vitro: Metabolic Profiling, Pathway Comparison and Bioactivity Analysis. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2016, 105(2): 808–16 (*corresponding author)

45.     Wu JJ, Ge GB, He YQ, Wang P, Dai ZR, Yang L. Gomisin A is a Novel Isoform-Specific Probe for the Selective Sensing of Human Cytochrome P450 3A4 in Liver Microsomes and Living Cells. AAPS J, 2016, 18(1): 134-45.

46.     Mai ZP, Zhou K, Ge GB, Wang C, et.al. Protostane Triterpenoids from the Rhizome of Alisma orientale Exhibit Inhibitory Effects on Human Carboxylesterase 2. Journal of Natural Products, 2015, 78: 2372−80.

47.     Sun DX, Ge GB, Cao YF, Fu ZW, Ran RX, Wu X, Zhang YY, Hua HM, Fang ZZ. Inhibition behavior of fructus psoraleae’s ingredients towards human carboxylesterase 1 (hCES1). Xenobiotica. 2016; 46(6): 503-10.

48.     Hao DC, Ge GB, Xiao PG, Wang P, Yang L. Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetic Diversity of Ranunculaceae Medicinal Compounds. Current Drug Metabolism, 2015, 16(4):294-321.

49.     Liang S, Ge GB, Xia YL, Zhang JW, Qi XY, Tu CX, Yang L. In Vitro evaluation of the effect of 7-methyl substitution on glucuronidation of daphnetin: metabolic stability, isoform selectivity, and bioactivity analysis. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2015, 104(10):3557-64.

50.     Hao DC, Ge GB, Xiao PG, Zhang YY, Yang L. The First Insight into the Tissue Specific Taxus Transcriptome via Illumina Second Generation Sequencing. PLoS ONE 2011; 6(6): e21220.

51.     Xia YL, Ge GB, Wang P, Liang SC, He YQ, Ning J, Qian XK, Li Y, Yang L. Structural Modifications at the C-4 position strongly affect the glucuronidation of 6,7-dihydroxycoumarins. Drug Metabolism & Disposition, 2015;43:553-60.

52.     Zhu LL, Ge GB, Liu Y, Guo ZM, et al. Characterization of UDP-Glucuronosyltransferases Involved in Glucuronidation of Diethylstilbestrol in Human Liver and Intestine. Chem Res Toxicol. 2012, 25 (12), 2663–9.

53.     Zhu LL, Ge GB, Zhang HB, Liu HX, et al. Characterization of Hepatic and Intestinal Glucuronidation of Magnolol: Application of the RAF Approach to Decipher the Contributions of Multiple UGT Isoforms. Drug Metabolism & Disposition, 2012, 40(3): 529-38.

54.     Liang SC, Ge GB, Liu HX, Zhang YY, et al. Identification and Characterization of Human UDP- Glucuronosyltransferases responsible for the in vitro Glucuronidation of Daphnetin. Drug Metabolism & Disposition, 2010; 38: 973-80.

55.     Dong PP, Ge GB, Zhang YY, Ai CZ, et al. Quantitative structure-retention relationship studies for taxanes including epimers and isomeric metabolites in ultra fast liquid chromatography. Journal of Chromatography A, 2009; 1216: 7055–62.

56.     Zhang JW, Ge GB, Liu Y, Zhang YY, et al. Taxane's substituents at C3' affect its regioselective metabolism- Different in vitro metabolism of cephalomannine and paclitaxel. Drug Metabolism & Disposition, 2008; 36(2): 418-26.

57.     Hao DC, Ge GB, Yang L. Bacterial diversity of Taxus Rhizosphere: culture-independent and culture-dependent approaches. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 2008; 284(2): 204–12.

58.     Dou TY, Luan HW, Ge GB, Dong MM, Zou HF, He YQ, Cui P, Wang JY, Hao DC, Yang SL, Yang L. Functional and Structural Properties of A Novel Cellulosome-like Multienzyme Complex: Efficient Glycoside Hydrolysis of Water-insoluble 7-Xylosyl-10-deacetylpaclitaxel. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5,13768

59.     Dai ZR, Ai CZ, Ge GB, He YQ, Wu JJ, Wang JY, Man HZ, Jia Y, Yang L. A Mechanism-Based Model for the Prediction of the Metabolic Sites of Steroids Mediated by Cytochrome P450 3A4. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2015, 16, 14677-94 .

60.     Li N, Wang D, Ge GB, Wang X, Liu Y, Yang L. Ginsenoside Metabolites Inhibit P-Glycoprotein In Vitro and In Situ Using Three Absorption Models. Planta Med. 2014; 80(4):290-6

61.     Yang L, Zhu L, Ge GB, Xiao L, Wu Y, Liang S, Cao Y, Yang L, Wang D. Species-associated differences in the inhibition of propofol glucuronidation by magnolol. J Am Assoc Lab Anim Sci. 2014; 53(4):408-11.

62.     He YJ, Fang ZZ, Ge GB, Jiang P, et al. The Inhibitory Effect of 20(S)-Protopanaxatriol (ppt) Towards UGT1A1 and UGT2B7. Phytotherapy Research, 2013;27(4):628-32.

63.     Qi XY, Liang S, Ge GB, Liu Y, Dong P, et al. Inhibitory effects of sanguinarine on human liver cytochrome P450 enzymes. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2013; 56:392-7.

64.     Hao DC, Xiao PG, Ge GB, Liu M. Biological, Chemical, and Omics Research of Taxus Medicinal Resources. Drug Development Research, 2012; 73: 477–86.

65.     Ma XC, Ning J, Ge GB, Liang SC, et al. Comparative Metabolism of Cinobufagin in Liver Microsomes from Mouse, Rat, Dog, Minipig, Monkey and Human. Drug Metabolism & Disposition, 2011; 39(4): 675-82.

66.     Fang ZZ, Zhang YY, Ge GB, Huo H, Liang SC, Yang L. Time-dependent inhibition (TDI) of CYP3A4 and CYP2C9 by noscapine potentially explains clinical noscapine-warfarin interaction. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 2010; 69(2):193-9.

67.     Fang ZZ, Zhang YY, Ge GB, Liang SC, et al. Identification of cytochrome P450 (CYP) isoforms involved in metabolism of corynoline and assessment of its herb-drug interaction. Phytotherapy research, 2011; 25(2):256-63.

68.     Dong PP, Zhang YY, Ge GB, Ai CZ, Liu Y, Yang L, Liu CX. Modeling resistance index of taxoids to MCF-7 cell lines using ANN together with electrotopological state descriptors. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica, 2008; 29(3): 385-96.

69.     Hu Y, Luan HW, Ge GB, Liu HX, et al. Deoxynojirimycin enhanced the transglycosylation activity of a glycosidase from the China white jade snail. Journal of biotechnology, 2009; 139: 229-35.

70.     Jiang L, Liang SC, Wang C,Ge GB, Huo XK, Qi XY,Deng S,Liu KX,Ma XC. Identifying and applying a highly selective probe to simultaneously determine the O-glucuronidation activity of human UGT1A3 and UGT1A4. Scientific Reports. 2015; 5: 9627.

71.     Ai L, Zhu L, Yang L, Ge GB, Cao Y, Liu Y, Fang Z, Zhang Y. Selectivity for inhibition of nilotinib on the catalytic activity of human UDP-glucuronosyltransferases. Xenobiotica. 2014, 44(4):320-5.

72.     Dong RH, Fang ZZ, Zhu LL, Ge GB, Yang L, Liu ZY. Identification of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (UGT) isoforms involved in hepatic and intestinal glucuronidation of phytochemical carvacrol. Xenobiotica, 2012; 42(10):1009-16.

73.     Zhou K, Luan HW, Hu Y, Ge GB, et al. Isolation and characterization of a novel α-glucosidase with transglycosylation activity from Arthrobacter sp. DL001. Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic, 2012; 80:42-57.

74.     Dong RH, Fang ZZ, Zhu LL, Ge GB, Cao YF, Li XB, Hu CM, Yang L*, Liu ZY. Identification of CYP isoforms involved in the metabolism of thymol and carvacrol in human liver microsomes (HLMs). Pharmazie, 2012; 67:1002-1006.

75.     Dong PP, Fang ZZ, Zhang YY, Ge GB, et al. Substrate-dependent modulation of CYP3A catalytic activity by erlotinib. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica, 2011; 32: 399–407.

76.     Cao YF, Zhang YY, Li J, Ge GB, et al. CYP3A Catalyzes Schizandrin Biotransformation in Human, Minipig and Rat Liver Microsomes. Xenobiotica, 2010; 40(1): 38–47.

77.     Zhang YY, Liu Y, Zhang JW, Ge GB, et al. C-7 Configuration as One of Determinants in Taxanes Metabolism by Human Cytochrome P450 Enzymes. Xenobiotica, 2009; 39(12):903-14.

78.     Hu Y, Luan HW, Zhou K, Ge GB, Yang SL, Yang L. Purification and characterization of a aspecific β-D-glycosidase from China white jade snail (Achatina fulica) showing transglycosylation activity. Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 2008; 43: 35-42.

79.     Hao DC, Xiao PG, Huang B, Ge GB, Yang L. Interspecific relationships and origins of Taxaceae and Cephalotaxaceae revealed by chloroplast and nuclear DNA sequences. Plant Systematics and Evolution, 2008; 276: 89-104.

80.     Hu Y, Luan HW, Liu HX, Ge GB, Zhou K, Liu Y, Yang L. Acceptor specificity and transfer efficiency of a beta-glycosidase from the Chinese white jade snail. Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry, 2009; 73(3):671-6.

81.     Zhang YY, Liu, Y, Zhang JW, Ge GB, Wang LM, Sun J, Yang L. Characterization of human cytochrome P450 isoforms involved in the metabolism of 7-epi-paclitaxel. Xenobiotica, 2009; 39(4): 283–92.

82.     Zhang JW, Liu Y, Zhao JY, Wang LM, Ge GB, et al. Metabolic profiling and P450 reaction phenotyping of medroxyprogesterone acetate. Drug Metabolism & Disposition, 2008; 36(2): 418-26.

83.     Dong RH, Fang ZZ, Zhu LL, Liang SC, Ge GB, Yang L, Liu ZY. Investigation of UDP-glucuronosyltransferases (UGTs) Inhibitory Properties of Carvacrol. Phytotherapy Research, 2012; 26: 86-90.

84.     Fang ZZ, Nian Y, Li W, Wu JJ, Ge GB, et al. Cycloartane Triterpenoids from Cimicifuga yunnanensis induce apoptosis of breast cancer cells (MCF7) via p53-dependent mitochondrial signaling pathway. Phytotherapy Research, 2011; 25(1): 17-24.

85.     Fang ZZ, Cao YF, Hu CM, Hong M, Sun XY, Ge GB, Liu Y, et al. Structure-inhibition relationship of ginsenosides towards UDP-glucuronosyltransferases (UGTs). Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 2013, 267:149-54.

86.     Mi BL, Zhou K, Sun Q, Gao XX, Yu ZW, Ge GB, et al. Glucuronidation of Aurantio-obtusin: Identification of Human UDP-glucuronosyltransferases and Species Differences. Xenobiotica, 2014; 44(8):716-21.

87.     Ai CZ, Li Y, Wang YH, Li W, Dong PP, Ge GB, Yang L. Investigation of binding features: Effects on the interaction between P450 2A6 and inhibitors. J. Comput Chem. 2010; 31(9):1822-31.

88.     Song JH, Fang ZZ, Zhu LL, Cao YF, Hu CM, Ge GB, et al. Glucuronidation of the broad-spectrum antiviral drug arbidol by UGT isoforms. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 2013; 65:521-7.

89.     Li W, Liu Y, He YQ, Zhang JW, Gao Y, Ge GB, et al. Metabolic properties and cytochrome P450 phenotyping for triptolide in human and rat liver microsomes. Xenobiotica, 2008; 38(12): 1551-65.

90.     He M, Guan N, Gao WW, Liu Q, Wu XY, Ma DW, Zhong DF, Ge GB, Li C, Chen XY, Yang L, Liao JY, Wang MW. A continued saga of Boc5, the first non-peptidic glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist with in vivo activities. Acta Pharmacol Sin, 2012; 33:148-54.

91.     Qu YQ, Fang ZZ, Yang L, Gao ZM, Liang R, Zhu LL, Dong PP, Zhang YY, Ge GB, Wang LM. Reversible inhibition of four important human liver cytochrome P450 enzymes by diethylstilbestrol. Pharmazie, 2011; 66 (3): 216-21.

92.     Jiang HM, Fang ZZ, Cao YF, Hu CM, Sun XY, Hong M, Yang L, Ge GB, et al. New insights for the risk of bisphenol A: inhibition of UDP-glucuronosyltransferases (UGTs). Chemosphere 2013; 93:1189-1193.

93.     Fang ZZ, He RR, Cao YF, Tanaka N, Jiang C, Krausz KW, Qi Y, Dong PP, Ai CZ, Sun XY, Hong M, Ge GB, Gonzalez FJ, et al. A model of in vitro UDP-glucuronosyltransferases inhibition by bile acids predicts possible metabolic disorders. J Lipid Res. 2013; 54(12):3334-44.

94.     Wu JJ, Cao Y, Zhang Y, Liu Y, Hong JY, Zhu L, Ge GB, Yang L. Deoxyschizandrin, a Naturally Occurring Lignan, is a Specific probe Substrate of Human Cytochrome P450 3A. Drug Metabolism & Disposition, 2014; 42(1):94-104.

95.     Zhang Y, Wang C, Wang L, Scott Parks G, Zhang X, Guo Z, Ke Y, Li KW, Kim M, Vo B, Borrelli E, Ge GB, Yang L, Wang Z, et al. A Novel Analgesic Isolated from a Traditional Chinese Medicine. Current Biology, 2014, 24(2):117-23.

96.     Tian X, Liang S, Wang C, Wu B, Ge GB, Deng S, Liu K, Yang L, Ma X. Regioselective Glucuronidation of Andrographolide and Its Major Derivatives: Metabolite Identification, Isozyme Contribution, and Species Differences. AAPS J. 2015, 17:156-166.

97.     Huang H, Yang Y, Lv C, Chang W, Peng C, Wang S, Ge GB, Han L, Zhang W, Liu R. Pharmacokinetics and tissue distribution of five bufadienolides from the Shexiang Baoxin pill following oral administration to mice. J Ethnopharmacol. 2015,161:175-185.

98.     Guo B, Fang Z, Yang L, Xiao L, Xia Y, Gonzalez FJ, Zhu L, Cao Y, Ge GB, et al. Tissue and species differences in the glucuronidation of glabridin with UDP-glucuronosyltransferases. Chem Biol Interact. 2015; 25: 231:90-7.

99.     Ning J, Cui YL, Wang C, Dong PP, Ge GB, Tian XG, Hou J, et al. Characterization of regio- and stereo-selective sulfation of bufadienolides: exploring the mechanism and providing insight into the structure–sulfation relationship by experimentation and molecular docking analysis. RSC Adv. 2016, 6:5774-83.

100.  Ning J, Yu ZL, Hu LH, Wang C, Huo XK, Deng S, Hou J, Wu JJ, Ge GB, et al. Characterization of the phase I metabolism of resibufogenin and evaluation of the metabolic effects on its antitumor activity and toxicity. Drug Metab Dispos. 2015, 43: 299-308.


1. 《现代创新方法与中医药研究》科学出版社 主编:吕爱平 杨凌。主要编写人员;2011 年6月。
2. 《中药药物代谢动力学研究思路与实践》科学出版社 主编:刘昌孝。主要编写人员;2013年1月。


1. 国家自然科学基金:香豆素儿茶酚类化合物的结构-代谢稳定性关系研究【81001473】
2. 国家自然科学基金:影响UGT1A 底物选择性与催化效率的机理研究【81273590】
3.国家自然科学基金:UGT1A1特异性荧光探针底物的理性设计、性能表征及生物医学应用研究 【81473181】

1. 重大新药创制科技重大专项:早期ADME/Tox关键技术研究【2012ZX09501001002】;课题副组长
2. 国际科技合作专项:儿茶酚甲基化酶抑制剂类药性优化及合作开发【2012DFG32090】;第一参与人
3. 973项目:基于利水功效的中药药性理论研究【2013CB531800】;项目骨干(课题五第一参与人)
4. 国家科技支撑计划:食品主要化学性有害物控制技术研究与开发【2009BADB9B02】主要参与人
5. 国家自然科学基金:紫杉醇木糖修饰路径中关键酶-木糖转移酶的研究【81102345】第一参与人
6. 科技部创新方法工作专项: 中医药科学方法总论研究【2008IM020900】主要参与人
1) He GY, Ge GB, Zhu LL, Xia YL, Yang L. UGT1A9 Plays Predominant Role in Glucuronidation of Shikonin. 10th International Society for the Study of Xenobiotics (ISSX). 2013-10, pp 119, Toronto, Canada, 2013.
2) Lv X, Ge GB, Ning J, Hou J, Yang L, Ma XC. UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1 is the principal enzyme responsible for Bavachinin glucuronidation in human liver microsomes. 10th International Society for the Study of Xenobiotics (ISSX). 2013-10, pp 119, Toronto, Canada, 2013.
3) Xia YL, Ge GB, Zhu LL, Sun XY, Ning J, He GY, Yang L*. The effect of C-4 substitutions on esculetin metabolism: differences in metabolic profile, UGT isoform selectivity and metabolic rate. 19th International Symposium on Microsomes and Drug Oxidations and 12th European ISSX Meeting. 2012-6, pp. 92, Noordwijk aan Zee, Netherland, 2012.
4) Zhu LL, Ge GB, Xia YL, Yang L. UGT2B7 is responsible for hepatic glucuronidation of diethylstilbestrol (DES) and DES in turn potently inhibits catalytic activities of many UGT enzymes. 19th International Symposium on Microsomes and Drug Oxidations and 12th European ISSX Meeting. 2012-6, pp. 55, Noordwijk aan Zee, Netherland, 2012.
5) Mao YX, Fang ZZ, Ge GB, Zhang YY, Yang L. Identification of human UDP-glucuronosyltransferase enzyme(s) responsible for the glucuronidation of strychnine. 4th Asia Pacific Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Xenobiotics. 2011-4, pp. 67, Tainan, China, 2011.
6) Ge GB, Hou J, Liang SC, Yang L. Metabolite profiling of 4-methylescultin in rat using ultra-fast liquid chromatography combined with tandem mass spectrometry. 4th Asia Pacific Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Xenobiotics. 2011-4, pp. 32, Tainan, China, 2011.
7) Dai ZR, Ai CZ, Ge GB, Man HZ, Jia Y, Yang L. A Mechanism based Model of Steroids Metabolic Sites Prediction for Cytochrome P450 3A4. 10th International Society for the Study of Xenobiotics (ISSX). Drug Metab Rev.Oct. 2013. 45 SI(1): 160-160.
8) Ge GB. Interactions between xenobiotics and human drug metabolizing enzymes: new tools, methodology, and strategy. The 15th Beijing conference and exhibition on instrumental analysis. 2013, 10.20-10.23, Beijing, China. 分会口头报告





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