
沙沣  男    中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院
电子邮件: feng.sha@siat.ac.cn
通信地址: 广东省深圳市南山区中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院F栋802


沙沣博士的主要研究领域为计算流行病学,通过融合人工智能技术与流行病学方法,针对老年认知障碍症和新冠肺炎进行临床医学大数据研究,共发表50余篇流行病与卫生统计相关论文(谷歌学术引用量>9000, H指数26),其中作为第一或通讯作者在 Lancet Microbe, Neurology, Alzheimer’s & Dementia, China CDC Weekly等期刊发表论文20余篇。目前在唐金陵教授领衔的深圳海外高层次人才团队“临床医学大数据平台建设与转化应用”中担任团队执行负责人,作为核心成员参与“基于人员流动大数据的疫情精准防控关键技术与应用”获得深圳市科技进步一等奖。国际著名综合医学期刊BMC Medicine(IF: 11.8)编委,英国医学杂志(The BMJ)等权威医学期刊的审稿人。





2019-11~现在          中科院深圳先进技术研究院, 生物医学信息工程研究中心,副研究员
2018-11~2019-11   香港中文大学, 公共卫生及基层医疗学院及工程学院,双聘博士后
2014-07~2018-12   香港大学,人口健康博士
2012-09~2013-12   宾夕法尼亚大学,统计学硕士
2008-07~2012-07   中山大学 ,数理统计学学士


Yang, Z. R., Jiang, Y. W., Li, F. X., Liu, D., Lin, T. F., Zhao, Z. Y., Wei, C., Jin, Q. Y., Li, X. M., Jia, Y. X., Zhu, F. C., Yang, Z. Y., Sha, F. (Corresponding Author), Feng, Z. J., & Tang, J. L. (2023). Efficacy of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines and the dose-response relationship with three major antibodies: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. The Lancet. Microbe, 4(4), e236–e246.​

Yang, Z., Wei, C., Li, X., Yuan, J., Gao, X., Li, B., Zhao, Z., Toh, S., Yu, X., Brayne, C., Yang, Z., Sha, F. (Corresponding Author), & Tang, J. (2023). Association Between Regular Laxative Use and Incident Dementia in UK Biobank Participants. Neurology, 100(16), e1702–e1711.

Li, F. X., Zhao, H. Y., Lin, T. F., Jiang, Y. W., Liu, D., Wei, C., Zhao, Z. Y., Yang, Z. Y., Sha, F. (Corresponding Author), Yang, Z. R., & Tang, J. L. (2023). Regular Glucosamine Use May Have Different Roles in the Risk of Site-Specific Cancers: Findings from a Large Prospective Cohort. Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention , 32(4), 531–541.

Lin, T., Zhao, Z., Yang, Z., Li, B., Wei, C., Li, F., Jiang, Y., Liu, D., Yang, Z., Sha, F. (Corresponding Author), & Tang, J. (2022). Hospital Strain and COVID-19 Fatality - England, April 2020-March 2022. China CDC weekly, 4(52), 1176–1180.

Li, F., Wei, C., Li, B., Lin, T., Jiang, Y., Liu, D., Yang, Z., Yang, Z., Sha, F. (Corresponding Author), & Tang, J. (2022). Characteristics and Containment of 74 Imported COVID-19 Outbreaks: Experiences, Lessons, and Implications - China, 2020-2021. China CDC weekly, 4(50), 1131–1135.

Sha, F., Zhao, Z., Wei, C., & Li, B. (2022). Modifiable Factors Associated with Reversion from Mild Cognitive Impairment to Cognitively Normal Status: A Prospective Cohort Study. Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD, 86(4), 1897–1906.

Sha, F., Bi, J., Wei, C., Zhao, Z., & Li, B. (2021). A machine learning approach to predict reversion from mild cognitive impairment to normal cognition: A populationbased cohort study. Alzheimer's & Dementia17, e057527.

Li, B., Bi, J., Wei, C., & Sha, F (Corresponding Author). (2021). Specific activities and the trajectories of cognitive decline among middle-aged and older adults: a five-year longitudinal cohort study. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease80(3), 1039-1050.

Sha, F., Li, B., Guo, Y., Law, Y. W., Yip, P. S., & Zhang, Y. (2020). Effects of the Transport Support Scheme on employment and commuting patterns among public rental housing residents in Hong Kong. Transport Policy87, 10-18.

Sha, F., Li, B., Law, Y. W., & Yip, P. S. (2019). Associations between commuting and well-being in the context of a compact city with a well-developed public transport system. Journal of Transport & Health, 13, 103-114. 

Sha, F., Li, B., Law, Y. W., & Yip, P. S. F. (2019). Beyond the Resource Drain Theory: Salary satisfaction as a mediator between commuting time and subjective well-being. Journal of Transport & Health, 15, 100631

Sha, F., Chang, Q., Law, Y. W., Hong, Q., & Yip, P. S. F. (2018). Suicide rates in China, 2004–2014: comparing data from two sample-based mortality surveillance systems. BMC public health, 18(1), 239.

Sha, F., Yip, P. S. F., & Law, Y. W. (2017). Decomposing change in China's suicide rate, 1990-2010: ageing and urbanisation. Injury Prevention, 23(1), 40-45. 


( 1 ) 临床医学大数据研究平台建设和转化应用, 参与, 省级, 2020-01--2024-01

( 2 ) 新冠肺炎疫情等公共卫生事件的智能流调研究,参与,国家级,2021-12--2024-11