
罗中莱      中国科学院华南植物园


主要研究方向为植物进化生物学、植物形态学及系统学,专注于植物系统发育和花器官形态演化,植物繁育系统进化,植物基因组学,以及植物器官结构和功能的适应性机理等领域。主持和参与科研项目多项,其中主持国家自然科学基金项目3项、国际科学基金项目1项、中国科学院院级项目1项、地方科技项目1项。已在领域前沿SCI刊物发表学术论文十余篇,参与编写专著(《中国药用植物志》)1部。2013-2014年获国家留学基金资助,以访问学者身份赴美国南加州大学(University of Southern California)开展访问研究一年。长期从事野牡丹科、茜草科、豆科等类群的繁殖生物学和系统演化研究工作。目前担任中国科学院华南植物园植物科学研究中心副研究员,硕士研究生导师;中国林学会城市森林分会理事;国家自然科学基金、广东省自然科学基金、广东省高层次人才评审专家;Journal of Systematics and Evolution、Scientific Reports、植物生态学报、热带亚热带植物学报、植物科学学报等专业学术刊物审稿人。


2013年-2014年,美国南加州大学(University of Southern California),访问学者


Yuan-Qing Xu, Zhong-Lai Luo*, Jia Wang, Nan-Cai Pei, Dian-Xiang Zhang. 2021. Secondary pollen presentation: more than to increase pollen transfer precision. Journal of Systematics and Evolution. doi: 10.1111/jse.12729. (published online 1st Feb. 2021).

Zhong-Tao Zhao, Zhong-Lai Luo*, Shuai Yuan, Li-Na Mei, Dian-Xiang Zhang*. 2019.  Global transcriptome and gene co-expression network analyses on the development of distyly in Primula oreodoxa. Heredity, 123: 784-794. 

Wei-Ling Chang, Hao Wu, Yu-Kun Chiu, Shuo Wang, Ting-Xin Jiang, Zhong-Lai Luo , Cheng-Ming Chuong*. 2019. The making of a flight feather: Bio-architectural principles and adaptation. Cell,  179(6): 1409-1423.

Zhong-Lai Luo, Jin Hu, Zhong-Tao Zhao, Dian-Xiang Zhang. 2016. Transcriptomic analysis of heteromorphic stamens in Cassia biscapsularis L. Scientific Reports, 6, doi:10.1038/srep31600.

Yuanqing Xu, Zhonglai Luo*, Shaoxiong Gao, Dianxiang Zhang*. 2018. Why heterostylous system in Guettarda speciosa can persist on oceanic coral islands following long-distance dispersal. Scientific Reports, 8: 13765.

Shuai Yuan, Shi Chen, Xiao-Fang Deng, Ting-Ting Duan, Zhonglai Luo*, Dian-Xiang Zhang. 2017. Pollen-ovule ratios are strongly correlated with floral reciprocity in addition to sexual system in Mussaenda (Rubiaceae). Nordic Journal of Botany, doi: 10.1111/njb.01479.  

Zhong-Lai Luo, Ting-Ting Duan, Shuai Yuan, Shi Chen, Xiu-Feng Bai, Dian-Xiang Zhang. 2015. Reproductive isolation between sympatric sister species, Mussaenda kwangtungensis and M. pubescens var. alba. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 57(10): 859–870.

Zhong-Lai Luo, Shi Chen, Dian-Xiang Zhang. 2012. Floral reward presentation favored the expression of male function in the pollen-only flower Melastoma malabathricum. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 55(6): 488-495.

Zhong-Lai Luo, Lei Gu, Dian-Xiang Zhang. 2009. Intrafloral Differentiation of stamens in heterantherous flowers. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 47 (1): 43-56.

Zhong-Lai Luo, Dian-Xiang Zhang, Susanne S. Renner. 2008. Why two kinds of stamens in buzz-pollinated flowers? Experimental support for Darwin’s division-of-labor hypothesis. Functional Ecology,22: 794-800.

Shi Chen, Zhong-Lai Luo, Dian-Xiang Zhang. 2014. Pre- and post-zygotic reproductive isolation between co-occurring Mussaenda pubescens var. alba and M. shikokiana(Rubiaceae).Journal of Integrative Plant Biology,56(4): 411-419.

Shi Chen, Zhong-Lai Luo, Dian-Xiang Zhang. 2013. Self-pollination in buds and homostyly in Mussaenda shikokiana(Rubiaceae), a monomorphic species in a distylous clade. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 51(6): 731-742.

Pei-Wu Xie, Zhong-Lai Luo, Dian-Xiang Zhang. 2012. Syrphid fly pollination of Guihaiothamnus acaulis(Rubiaceae), a species with “butterfly” flowers. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 51(1) : 86-93.

Yan Liu, Zhong-Lai Luo, Xiao-Qin Wu, Xiu-Feng Bai, Dian-Xiang Zhang. 2012. Functional dioecy in Morinda parvifolia (Rubiaceae), a species with stigma-height dimorphism. Plant Systematics and Evolution, 298(4): 775-785.

Nan-Cai Pei, Zhong-Lai Luo, Mark A. Schlessman, Dian-Xiang Zhang. 2011. Synchronized protandry and hermaphroditism in a tropical secondary forest tree, Schefera heptaphylla (Araliaceae).Plant Systematics and Evolution, 296: 29-39.

Lei Gu, Zhong-Lai Luo, Susanne S. Renner, Dian-Xiang Zhang. 2010. Passerine pollination ofRhodoleia championii (Hamamelidaceae) in southern China. Biotropica, 42(3): 336-341.


罗中莱,张奠湘. 2005.异型雄蕊的研究进展.热带亚热带植物学报, 13 (6): 536-542.

李永泉,罗中莱,张奠湘. 2007.叶下珠科花粉组织化学、花粉数和胚珠数及其与传粉者关系的研究.生物多样性, 15(6): 645-651.




( 1 )花柱式次级花粉呈现在传粉中的功能及其对物种分化的影响:基于龙船花亚科的研究, 主持, 国家级, 2020-01--2023-12
( 2 )玉叶金花属同域分布物种间生殖隔离机制的演化, 主持, 省级, 2020-04--2023-03
( 3 )两侧对称花退化雄蕊在传粉中的功能, 主持, 国家级, 2014-01--2017-12
( 4 )花型对称性对蜂类传粉的适应机制:基于野牡丹花型自然转变的研究, 主持, 国家级, 2011-01--2013-12
( 5 ) Conservation Biology of the Highly Endangered wild litchi (Litchi chinensis) based on reproductive and population genetic studies
, 主持, , 2012-01--2014-12
( 6 )花型对称性对蜂类传粉的适应机制, 主持, 部委级, 2010-01--2011-12
( 7 ) 野牡丹异型雄蕊散粉机制研究, 主持, 市地级, 2009-01--2011-12
( 8 ) 亚热带森林木本植物繁殖性状与群落谱系研究, 参与, 国家级, 2016-12--2019-11