
曾红伟  博士  硕导 

2015年, 2020年中国精品科技期刊顶尖学术论文获得者
中国地理科学(英文版)2022年度期刊优秀论文, 2020-2021年度TOP20高被引论文

电子邮件: zenghw@aircas.ac.cn
通信地址: 北京市朝阳区大屯路甲20号北A403
邮政编码: 100101
联系电话:010-6488 9563


研究团队以国家重大需求为导向,以云计算与机器学习为手段,致力于先进农业、水资源和生态资产遥感监测与评估方法的研究。团队中西合璧,虽小但精,在攻坚克难的过程中形成了较强的问题解决能力和编程能力。目前,团队承担国家重点研发计划政府间国际科技创新合作重点专项项目1项,国家自然科学基金(面上)1项,ANSO战略咨询项目1项, 国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作研究项目课题2项,中科院A类先导专项任务2项。重点研究方向和内容包括:

1. 农业大数据遥感研究:云计算和机器学习耦合的作物类型精准分类,深度学习驱动的全生命周期作物单产预测,全球农情遥感综合分析,http://cloud.cropwatch.com.cn/

2. 流域水资源遥感:机器学习与云计算耦合的遥感降水降尺度方法、蒸散发和数据驱动的流域可耗水量评估方法研究

3. 生态资产遥感监测:土地覆被类型精细识别与长时序土地覆被监测方法研究









2009-09--2012-06   中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所   自然资源学,理学博士学位
2007-09--2009-06   武汉大学,测绘遥感信息工程国家重点实验室   地图学与地理信息系统,理学硕士学位
2002-09--2006-06   华中师范大学,城市与环境科学学院   地理科学,理学学士学位



2019-04~现在, 遥感科学国家重点实验室,生态系统遥感研究室副主任


2016-02~2019-03, 中国科学院遥感与数字地球研究所, 副研究员

2012-07~2016-01,中国科学院遥感与数字地球研究所, 助理研究员


2017-06-03-今, 地球观测组织全球农业监测旗舰计划(GEOGLAM), 执行委员会委员



2024-01-今,《 Chinese Geographical Science》编委会青年编委




  1. 大禹水利科学技术科技进步奖二等奖,蒸散遥感关键技术及应用,2021年,吴炳方,闫娜娜,曾红伟,朱伟伟,杨永辉等.(证书编号:DYJ2021J0203-G03)
  2. 中国测绘科学技术奖一等奖,全球农情遥感监测关键技术与应用,2023,吴炳方,张淼,曾红伟,任建强,程涛等. (证书编号:2023-01-01-11)
  3. 地球观测组织(GEO)团队影响力奖(Team Impact). 2023. 中方获奖人:吴炳方,张淼,曾红伟.
  4. 数字粮食双十强,中国信息协会,集体奖,2020年
  5. F5000-中国精品科技期刊顶尖学术论文奖,科技部中国科学技术信息研究所,2020年. (证书编号:I1542020**982)
  6. F5000-中国精品科技期刊顶尖学术论文奖,科技部中国科学技术信息研究所,2015年. (证书编号:E305201107012)
  7. 中国地理科学(英文版)2022年度期刊优秀论文,2020-2021年度TOP20高被引论文
  8. 先正达集团中国2022“MAP杯”数智农业大赛产量品质预测项目,优胜奖(证书编号:MAP23001TC1013**80)
  9. 中国科学院空天信息创新研究院优秀员工,研究所(学校),2018年
  10. 中国科学院遥感与数字地球研究所优秀员工,研究所(学校),2013-2016年


  1. 曾红伟,孙志禹,吴炳方,赵新峰,王殿常,吴兴华,李媛,高媛. 基于遥感数据识别城区内水体的方法和装置. 专利授权号:ZL201910836965.7
  2. 田富有,曾红伟,吴炳方,李远超. 基于遥感影像识别光伏发电站的方法、计算机设备和介质, 专利授权号:ZL202110249499.X
  3. 田富有,吴炳方,曾红伟,张淼,王正东. 基于遥感影像识别圆形喷灌地的方法、计算机设备和介质. 专利授权号:ZL202110249496.6
  4. 吴炳方,张淼,曾红伟. 农作物长势监测系统及其数据处理方法和模块, 专利授权号: ZL201710170991.1
  5. 吴炳方,张淼,曾红伟,张鑫. 作物种植面积预警方法和系统, 专利授权号: ZL201710591710.X
  6. 张淼,吴炳方,曾红伟,张鑫,李名勇,郑阳. 作物长势监测方法和系统. 专利授权号:ZL201710129313.0
  7. 伊坤朋,吴炳方,吴方明,曾红伟,张淼. 农作物信息及样本的采集方法和系统, 专利授权号: ZL201610065340.1


  1. 曾红伟,吴炳方,田富有,莫斯. 蒸散发成分分离方法、成分分离装置、设备及介质. 专利申请号:CN202110219660.9


  1. 基于谷歌云的TRMM卫星降水产品降尺度系统,2020,第1作者,著作权号:2020SR0158937
  2. CropWatch作物长势过程监测软件, 2017, 第1作者,著作权号:2017SR129556
  3. 基于谷歌云的蒸散发组分解析系统,2020,第1作者,著作权:2020SR1557831
  4. 基于机器学习的自定义作物类型遥感识别系统,2022,第1作者,著作权:2022SR0947805
  5. 基于谷歌地球引擎的土地沙化风险评估系统,2023,第1作者,著作权:2023SR0212699
  6. 基于谷歌地球引擎的土壤水侵蚀模数估算系统,2023,第1作者,著作权:2023SR0213700


发表文章 (*通讯作者)

  1. Zeng Hongwei, Bingfang Wu*, Weiwei Zhu, Ning Zhang. A trade-off method between environment restoration and human water consumption: A case study in Ebinur Lake. Journal of Cleaner Production 2019, 217, 732-741(SCI, IF=11.072)
  2. Zeng Hongwei, Abdelrazek Elnashar, Wu Bingfang*, Zhang Miao, Zhu Weiwei, Tian Fuyou, Ma Zonghan. A framework for separating natural and anthropogenic contributions to evapotranspiration of human-managed land covers in watersheds based on machine learning. Science of The Total Environment 2022, 823, 153726. (SCI, IF = 10.754)
  3. Zeng Hongwei*, Wu Bingfang, Zhang Miao, et al. Dryland Ecosystem Dynamic Change and Its Drivers in Mediterranean Region. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability. 2021, 48, 59-67. (SCI, IF=7.961)
  4. Zeng Hongwei, Wu Bingfang*, Zhang Ning, et al. Spatiotemporal Analysis of Precipitation in the Sparsely Gauged Zambezi River Basin Using Remote Sensing and Google Earth Engine. Remote Sensing 2019, 11(24), 2977(SCI, IF=5.349)
  5. Zeng Hongwei, Wu Bingfang*, WANG Shuai, et al. A Synthesizing Land-cover Classification Method Based on Google Earth Engine: A Case Study in Nzhelele and Levhuvu Catchments, South Africa. Chinese Geographical Sciences. 2020,30(3):397-409.(SCI, IF=3.101)【入选2020年中国精品科技期刊顶尖学术论文-领跑者5000
  6. Zeng Hongwei, Li Lijuan*, Hu Jinming, et al. Accuracy validation of TRMM Multisatellite Precipitation Analysis daily precipitation products in the Lancang River Basin of China. Theoretical and applied climatology, 2013 112(3-4), 389-401. (SCI, IF=3.410)
  7. Zeng Hongwei, Li Lijuan*, Li Jiuyi. The evaluation of TRMM Multisatellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA) in drought monitoring in the Lancang River Basin. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2012, 22(2): 273-282. (SCI,  IF=4.012)
  8. Abdelrazek Elnashar, Zeng Hongwei*, Wu Bingfang, et al. Soil erosion assessment in the Blue Nile Basin driven by a novel RUSLE-GEE framework. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 793, 148466. (SCI, IF = 10.754)
  9. Abdelrazek Elnashar, Zeng Hongwei*, Wu Bingfang*, et al. Assessment of environmentally sensitive areas to desertification in the Blue Nile Basin driven by the MEDALUS-GEE framework, Science of the Total Environment 2022, 815.(SCI, IF = 10.754)
  10. LI Yuanchao, Zeng Hongwei*, Miao Zhang, Bingfang Wu*, Yan Zhao, Xia Yao, Tao Cheng, Xingli Qin, Fangming Wu. A county-level soybean yield prediction framework coupled with XGBoost and multidimensional feature engineering. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 2023, 118, 103269. (SCI, IF = 7.672)
  11. LI Yuanchao, Zeng Hongwei*, Miao Zhang, Bingfang Wu*, Xingli Qin. Global de-trending significantly improves the accuracy of XGBoost-based county-level maize and soybean yield prediction in the Midwestern United States, GIScience & Remote Sensing, 2024. doi: 10.1080/15481603.2024.2349341. (SCI, IF = 6.7)
  12. Battsetseg Tuvdendorj, Zeng Hongwei*, Wu Bingfang, Abdelrazek Elnashar, Zhang Miao, et al. Performance and the Optimal Integration of Sentinel-1/2 Time-Series Features for Crop Classification in Northern Mongolia. Remote Sensing. 2022, 14(8), 1830. (SCI, IF=5.349).
  13. Hu Yueran, Zeng Hongwei*, Tian Fuyou, Zhang Miao, Sven Gilliams, Sen Li, Yuanchao Li, Yuming Lu, Honghai Yang. An inter-annual transfer learning approach for crop classification in Hetao Irrigation District, China. Remote Sensing. 2022, 14(5), 1208.(SCI, IF=5.349)
  14. Abdelrazek Elnashar, Zeng Hongwei*, Wu Bingfang, et al. Downscaling TRMM monthly precipitation using Google Earth Engine and Google Cloud Computing. Remote Sensing. 2020,12, 3860. (SCI, IF=4.848)
  15. Awetahegn Niguse Beyene, Zeng Hongwei*, Wu Bingfang, et al. Coupling remote sensing and crop growth model to estimate national wheat yield in Ethiopia. Big Earth Data 2022, 6:1, 18-35. [EI]
  16. Beyene Awetahegn Niguse, Zeng Hongwei*, Wu Bingfang, et al. Coupling remote sensing and crop growth model to estimate national wheat yield in Ethiopia[DS/OL]. V1. figshare Academic Research System, 2021[2023-05-03]. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.14186451.v1. DOI:10.6084/m9.figshare.14186451.v1.
  17. Wu Bingfang*, Zeng Hongwei, Zhu Weiwei, et al. Enhancing China’s Three Red Lines strategywith water consumption limitations, Science Bulletin, 66(20), 2057-2060. (SCI, IF=20.577)
  18. Wu Bingfang*, Zeng Hongwei, Lv Nan, et al. The essential dryland ecosystem variables.Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability. 2021, 48, 68-76(SCI, IF=7.961)
  19. Wu Bingfang*, Zeng Hongwei, Yan Nana, et al. Approach for Estimating Available Consumable Water for Human Activities in a River Basin. Water Resources Management 2018, 32:2353-2368.(SCI,IF=4.426)
  20. Wu Bingfang*, Zeng Hongwei, Yan Nana, et al. Promoting Resilient Agriculture Practices for B&R Countries with Remote Sensing, Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2018, 32(3):184-189
  21. Bingfang Wu, Miao Zhang, Hongwei Zeng, Fuyou Tian, Andries B Potgieter, Xingli Qin, Nana Yan, Sheng Chang, Yan Zhao, Qinghan Dong, Vijendra Boken, Dmitry Plotnikov, Huadong Guo, Fangming Wu, Hang Zhao, Bart Deronde, Laurent Tits, Evgeny Loupian, Challenges and opportunities in remote sensing-based crop monitoring: A review, National Science Review, 2022. (SCI, IF = 23.178)
  22. Zhang Miao, Wu Bingfang*, Zeng Hongwei, et al: GCI30: a global dataset of 30 m cropping intensity using multisource remote sensing imagery, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 2021, 13, 4799–4817.  (SCI, IF = 11.333)
  23. Fuyou Tian, Bingfang Wu, Hongwei Zeng, Miao Zhang, Yueran Hu, Yan Xie, Congcong Wen, Zhengdong Wang, Xingli Qin, Wei Han & Honghai Yang. A shape-attention Pivot-Net for identifying central pivot irrigation systems from satellite images using a cloud computing platform: an application in the contiguous US, GIScience & Remote Sensing, 2023, 60:1. (SCI, IF = 6.397)
  24. Tian Fuyou, Wu Bingfang*, Zeng Hongwei, et al. Efficient Identification of Corn Cultivation Area with Multitemporal Synthetic Aperture Radar and Optical Images in the Google Earth Engine Cloud Platform. Remote Sensing 2019, 11(SCI, IF=5.349)
  25. Tian Fuyou, Wu Bingfang*, Zeng Hongwei, et al. Identifying the Links Among Poverty, Hydroenergy and Water Use Using Data Mining Methods, Water Resources Management,2020,34(5), 1725-1741.(SCI, IF=4.426)
  26. Tuvdendorj Battsetseg, Wu Bingfang*, Zeng Hongwei, et al. Determination of Appropriate Remote Sensing Indices for Spring Wheat Yield Estimation in Mongolia. Remote Sensing, 2019, 11(21), 2568.(SCI, IF=5.349)
  27. Tian Fuyou, Wu Bingfang, Zeng Hongwei, et al. (2022). Detecting the linkage between arable land use and poverty using machine learning methods at global perspective. Geography and Sustainability, 3, 7-20
  28. Zhengdong Wang, Bingfang Wu*, Miao Zhang, Hongwei Zeng, Leidong Yang, Fuyou Tian, Zonghan Ma, Hantian Wu. Indices enhance biological soil crust mapping in sandy and desert lands.Remote Sensing of Environment, 2022, 278,113078. (SCI, IF=13.85)
  29. Bofana Jose, Zhang Miao*, Wu Bingfang*, Zeng Hongwei, et al. How long did crops survive from floods caused by Cyclone Idai in Mozambique detected with multi-satellite data. Remote Sensing of Environment 2022, 269, 112808.(SCI, IF=13.85)
  30. Wang Zhengdong, Wu Bingfang, Ma Zonghan, Zhang Miao, Zeng Hongwei. Distinguishing natural and anthropogenic contributions to biological soil crust distribution in China's drylands. Science of The Total Environment, 2024, 907: 168009.
  31. Wang Zhengdong, Wu Bingfang, Ma Zonghan, Zhang Miao, Zeng Hongwei, Yang Leidong. Spectral determinants of biological soil crusts in the Gurbantungut Desert. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2023, 44(7), 2273-2293. doi:10.1080/01431161.2023.2198653
  32. Wu, Bingfang, Zonghan Ma, Vijendra K. Boken, Hongwei Zeng, Jiali Shang, Savin Igor, Jinxia Wang, and Nana Yan. Regional Differences in the Performance of Drought Mitigation Measures in 12 Major Wheat-Growing Regions of the World. Agricultural Water Management 273: 107888.(SCI, IF=6.611)
  33. Wu Bingfang*, Gommes Rene, Zhang Miao, Zeng Hongwei, et al. Global crop monitoring: a satellite-based hierarchical approach, Remote Sensing, 2015, 7(4), 3907-3933.(SCI, IF=5.349)
  34. Wu Bingfang*, Tian Fuyou, Zhang Miao, Zeng Hongwei, Zeng Yuan. Cloud services with big data provide a solution for monitoring and tracking sustainable development goals. Geography and Sustainability, 2020, 1(1), 25-32.
  35. Yan Nana, Wu Bingfang*, Perry Chris, Zeng Hongwei. Assessing potential water savings in agriculture on the Hai Basin plain, China. Agricultural Water Management, 2015. 154: 11-19.(SCI, IF=6.611)
  36. Zheng Yang, Zhang Miao, Zhang Xin, Zeng Hongwei, Wu Bingfang*. Winter wheat biomass and yield using time series data blended from PROBA-V 100-and 300-m S1 products, Remote Sensing, 2016, 8(10), 824.(SCI, IF=5.349)
  37. Tan Shen, Wu Bingfang*, Yan Nana, Zeng Hongwei. Satellite-Based Water Consumption Dynamics Monitoring in an Extremely Arid Area. Remote Sensing 2018, 10.(SCI, IF=5.349)
  38. Abdelrazek Elnashar, Wang Linjiang, Wu Bingfang, Zhu Weiwei, and Zeng Hongwei: Synthesis of global actual evapotranspiration from 1982 to 2019, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 13, 447–480. (SCI, IF = 11.333)
  39. Wu Bingfang*, Tian Fuyou, Zhang Miao, Piao Shilong, Zeng Hongwei, Zhu Weiwei, Liu Junguo, Elnashar, A., Lu Yuming. Quantifying global agricultural water appropriation with data derived from earth observations. Journal of Cleaner Production,  2022, 358, 131891.(SCI, IF=11.072)
  40. Wu, Bingfang, Zhijun Fu, Bojie Fu, Changzhen Yan, Hongwei Zeng, Wenwu Zhao. Dynamics of land cover changes and driving forces in China’s drylands since the 1970 s. Land Use Policy, 2024, 140, 107097
  41. Wu Bingfang*, Jiang Liping, Yan Nana, Perry Chris, Zeng Hongwei. Basin-wide evapotranspiration management: Concept and practical application in Hai Basin, China. Agricultural Water Management 2014, 145: 145-153.(SCI, IF=6.611)
  42. Lu Yuming, Wu Bingfang, Abdelrazek Elnashar, Yan Nana, Zeng Hongwei, Zhu Weiwei, Pang Bo. Downscaling Wind Speed Based on Coupled Environmental Factors and Machine Learning. International Journal of Climatology, 2023, 43: 4733-4755.
  43. Ma Zonghan, Yan Nana, Wu Bingfang*, Stein Alfred, Zhu Weiwei, Zeng Hongwei. Variation in actual evapotranspiration following changes in climate and vegetation cover during an ecological restoration period (2000–2015) in the Loess Plateau, China. Science of The Total Environment 2019, 689:534-545.(SCI, IF=10.754)
  44. René Gommes, Wu Bingfang*, Zhang Ning, Feng Xueliang, Zeng Hongwei, Li Zhongyuan, Chen Bo. CropWatch agroclimatic indicators (CWAIs) for weather impact assessment on global agriculture. International Journal of Biometeorology, 2017, 61:199-215.(SCI, IF=3.787)
  45. Liu Chong, Zhang Qi, Tao Shiqi, Qi Jiaguo, Ding Mingjun, Guang Qihui, Wu Bingfang*, Zhang Miao, Mohsen Nabil, Tian Fuyou, Zeng Hongwei, Zhang Ning, Ganbat Bavuudorj, Emmanuel Rukundo, Liu Wenjun, José Bofana, Awetahegn Niguse Beyene, Abdelrazek Elnasharb. A new framework to map fine resolution cropping intensity across the globe: Algorithm, validation, and implication. Remote Sensing of Environment 2020, 251:112095.(SCI, IF=13.85)
  46. Fu Bojie*, Stafford-Smith Mark, Wang Yanfen, Wu Binfang, Yu Xiubo, Lv Nan, Ojima Dennis S., Lv Yihe, Fu Chao, Liu Yu, Niu Shuli, Zhang Yangjian, Zeng Hongwei, Liu Yuexian, Liu Yanxu, Feng Xiaoming, Zhang Lu, Wei Yongping, Xu Zhihong, Li Fadong, Cui Xiaoyong, Diop Salif, Chen Xi. The Global-DEP conceptual framework — research on dryland ecosystems to promote sustainability. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 2021, 48:17-28.(SCI, IF=7.961)
  47. José Bofana, Miao Zhang, Mohsen Nabil , Wu Bingfang*, Tian Fuyou, Liu Wenjun, Zeng Hongwei, Zhang Ning , Shingirai S. Nangombe, Sueco A. Cipriano, Elijah Phiri, Terence Darlington Mushore, Peter Kailua, Emmanuel Mashonjowa, Chrispin Moyo. Comparison of Different Cropland Classification Methods under Diversified Agroecological Conditions in the Zambezi River Basin. Remote Sensing, 2020, 12.(SCI,  IF=5.349)
  48. Mohsen Nabil, Miao Zhang*, Jose Bofana, Wu Bingfang, Stein Alfred, Dong Taifeng, Zeng Hongwei, Shang Jiali. Assessing factors impacting the spatial discrepancy of remote sensing based cropland products: A case study in Africa. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 2020, 85:102010.(SCI, IF=7.672)
  49. Wu Bingfang, Tian Fuyou, Nabil Mohsen, Bofana José, Lu Yuming, Elnashar Abdelrazek, Beyene Awetahegn Niguse, Zhang Miao, Zeng Hongwei, Zhu Weiwei. Mapping global maximum irrigation extent at 30m resolution using the irrigation performances under drought stress. Global Environmental Change, 2023, 79: 102652.
  50. 曾红伟, 吴炳方, 姚霞, 张淼, 覃星力, 吴方明, 田富有. CropWatch: 以自主遥感监测技术守望全球农情. 科技纵览,2023, 134(9): 70-73.
  51. 曾红伟, 吴炳方*, 邹文涛, 闫娜娜, 张淼. 灌溉区与雨养区作物长势差异比较分析——以美国内布拉斯加为例, 遥感学报, 2015, 19(4), 560-567.[EI]
  52. 曾红伟, 李丽娟*. 澜沧江及周边流域 TRMM 3B43 数据精度检验. 地理学报, 2011, 66(7): 994-1004.[EI] 【入选2015年中国精品科技期刊顶尖学术论文-领跑者5000
  53. 曾红伟, 李丽娟*, 柳玉梅, 等. ArcHydroTools 及多源 DEM 提取河网与精度分析. 地球信息科学报, 2011, 13(1): 22-30. [EI]
  54. 曾红伟, 李丽娟*, 张永萱, 等. 大样本降水空间插值研究——以 2009 年中国年降水为例. 地理科学进展, 2011, 30(7): 811-818.
  55. 谢炎,曾红伟*,田富有,张淼,胡越然,覃星力,吴炳方,张有智,解文欢.作物遥感分类的样本依赖与模型空间外推研究. 遥感学报,2024. 【接收】[EI]
  56. 吴炳方*, 曾红伟, 陈曦. 基于空间认知的 “丝绸之路经济带” 耕地利用模式, 中国科学院院刊, 2016, 31(5): 542-549
  57. 吴炳方*, 曾红伟, 马宗瀚, 苟思, 刘俊国, 王金霞, 蒋礼平. 完善新时期水资源管理指标的方法. 水科学进展, 2022, 33(4): 553-566. [EI]
  58. 吴炳方*, 张淼, 曾红伟. 大数据时代的农情监测与预警, 遥感学报, 2016, 20(5): 1027-1037.[EI]
  59. 吴炳方*, 朱伟伟, 曾红伟, 闫娜娜, 常胜, 赵新峰. 流域遥感: 内涵与挑战. 水科学进展, 31(5), 654-673.[EI]
  60. 田富有, 吴炳方*, 曾红伟, 何昭欣, 张淼. 基于多层神经网络与 Sentinel-2 数据的大豆种植区识别方法. 地球信息科学学报, 2019, 21(6): 918-927.[EI]
  61. 吴炳方*, 张鑫, 曾红伟, 张淼, 田富有. 资源环境数据生成的大数据方法, 中国科学院院刊, 2018, 33(8): 804-811
  62. 吴炳方*, 闫娜娜, 曾红伟, 蒋礼平, 朱伟伟. 节水灌溉农业的空间认知与建议, 中国科学院院刊, 2017, 32(1): 70-77.
  63. 吴炳方*, 曾源, 闫娜娜, 曾红伟, 赵旦, 张淼. 生态系统遥感: 内涵与挑战. 遥感学报, 2020, 24(6), 609-617.[EI]
  64. 柳玉梅, 李丽娟*, 梁丽乔, 曾红伟. 土地利用及其变化对洮儿河流域中上游地区非点源污染的影响. 水土保持通报, 2011, 31(1), 117-121.
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  1. ZENG Hongwei, WU Bingfang ,Abdelrazek Elnashar.  Dryland Dynamics in the Mediterranean Region. Dryland Social-Ecological Systems in Changing Environments. B. Fu and M. Stafford-Smith. Singapore, Springer Nature Singapore: 243-271.
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(4)国家自然科学基金国际地区合作项目课题:赞比西流域耕地动态变化规律及驱动机制, 主持, 2019-01- 2023-12

(5)中国科学院A类先导专项任务:一带一路农业资源监测与调查-南亚与东南亚水田资源调查, 主持, 2018-01- 2022-12

(6)中国科学院A类先导专项任务:一带一路典型区资源利用与开发潜力评估-地中海农业草地资源开发潜力评估, 主持, 2018-01- 2022-12


(1)国家自然科学重大项目课题:干旱半干旱地区土地覆被变化及其生态水文效应, 参与, 国家级, 2020-01- 2024-12


(1)国家自然科学基金青年项目:赞比西流域多卫星遥感降水量空间降尺度方法研究,主持,  2017 - 01-2019-12

(2)中国科学院STS重点项目课题:澜湄流域虫媒孳生环境遥感参量综合分析, 主持, 2017-05 - 2019-04

(3)国家自然科学基金国际地区合作项目课题:南非地理景观格局变化生态效应, 主持, 2018-01- 2020-12

(4)国家重点研发计划项目子课题:生态资产遥感识别与监测, 主持, 2016-07- 2020-12

(5)中国科学院空天信息创新研究院自主部署项目:艾比湖面积动态监测及驱动机制, 主持, 2018-01- 2021-06




谢   炎,2022级硕士研究生,070503-地图学与地理信息系统,本科院校:吉林大学






Abdelrazek Elnashar,2018级博士生,070503-地图学与地理信息系统,中国科学院大学优秀国际学生、中国科学院空天信息创新研究院优秀研究生(二导,第一导师:吴炳方),2022年6月毕业,去向:埃及开罗大学

Battsetseg Tuvdendorj,2016级博士生,070503-地图学与地理信息系统(二导,第一导师:吴炳方),2022年6月毕业,去向:蒙古遥感中心