冯洋  女  博导  中国科学院南海海洋研究所
电子邮件: yfeng1982@126.com
通信地址: 广州市新港西路164号


主要从事物理-生物地球化学耦合模式的开发与应用,特别是基于Regional Ocean Modelling System (ROMS) 和 M.I.T General Circulation Model (MITgcm) 模式体系下生化模块的开发与改进。这些先进的国际模式被应用于理解近海及全球海洋动力过程对生态及生物地球化学要素的影响过程研究。目前课题组利用从海湾、近海到全球的一系列模式来进行缺氧、氮循环及碳循环的研究。鉴于全球气候变化对全球经济及人类生活质量的影响,耦合模式技术为经济可持续发展提供科学决策依据。


1. 交叉海洋学2.地球系统模型 3.海洋环境生态数值模拟



硕士:University California of Los Angeles (Master of Finance Engineering)

博士:Texas A&M Unviersity, College Station (Oceanography)

本科:中国海洋大学 (海洋专业本硕连读)



洛杉矶基金管理公司 (Los Angeles Capital Management, LLC) ,实习量化分析师

加州理工学院喷气推进实验室(Caltech-NASA JPL), 博士后


Feng, Y., J. Huang, Y. Du, K. Balaguru, W. Ma, Q. Feng, X. Wan, Y. Zheng, X. Guo, S. Cai (2022) Drivers of phytoplankton variability in and Near the Pearl River Estuary, South China Sea during Typhoon Hato (2017): A numerical study, Journal of Geophysical Research (Biogeosciences) doi: 10.1029/2022JG006924

Qiu, S., Feng, Y., Zhang, Y., Qi, D., Wu, Y., & Du, Y. (2021). A surface pCO2 increasing hiatus in the equatorial Pacific Ocean since 2010. Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2021GL093612. https://doi.org/10.1029/2021GL093612

Feng, Y., D. Menemenlis, H. Xue, H. Zhang, D. Carroll, Y. Du, H. Wu (2021), Improved representation of river runoff in Estimating the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean Version 4 (ECCOv4) simulations: implementation, evaluation and impacts to coastal plume regions, Geoscientific Model Development, doi:10.5194/gmd-2020-321

Zhang, W. X., J. M. Moriarty, H. Wu, and Y. Feng. 2021. Response of bottom hypoxia off the Changjiang River Estuary to multiple factors: A numerical study. Ocean Modelling. 159: 13. doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2021.101751

Feng, Y., DiMarco, S. F., Balaguru, K., & Xue, H. (2019). Seasonal and interannual variability of areal extent of the Gulf of Mexico hypoxia from a coupled physicalbiogeochemical model: A new implication for management practice. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 124,1939–1960. doi:10.1029/2018JG004745

Feng, Y., M. A. M. Friedrichs, J. Wilkin, H. Tian, Q. Yang, E. E. Hofmann, J. D. Wiggert, and R. R. Hood (2015), Chesapeake Bay nitrogen fluxes derived from a land-estuarine ocean biogeochemical modeling system: Model description, evaluation, and nitrogen budgets, J. Geophys. Res. -Biogeosci., 120, 1666–1695, doi:10.1002/2015JG002931.

Feng, Y., K. Fennel, G. A. Jackson, S. F. DiMarco, R. D. Hetland (2014), A model study of the response of hypoxia to upwelling-favorable wind on the northern Gulf of Mexico shelf, J. Marine Syst., 131, 63-73, doi: 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2013.11.009

Feng, Y., S. F. DiMarco, and G. A. Jackson (2012), Relative role of wind forcing and riverine nutrient input on the extent of hypoxia in the northern Gulf of Mexico, Geophys. Res. Lett., 39, L09601, doi:10.1029/2012GL051192.

Fennel, K, R. Hetland, and Y. Feng and S. F. DiMarco (2011), A coupled physicalbiological model of the northern Gulf of Mexico shelf: Model description, validation and analysis of phytoplankton variability. Biogeosciences, 8, 1881-1899, doi:10.5194/bg-8-1881-201.



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黄靖雯  硕士研究生  085700-资源与环境  

孟钊  博士研究生  083001-环境科学  

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