
祁志美  男  博导  中国科学院空天信息创新研究院研究员(二级)
电子邮件: zhimei-qi@mail.ie.ac.cn
通信地址: 北京市北四环西路19号
邮政编码: 100190


(1) 环境监测光波导传感材料、器件及系统;

(2) 高光谱表面电磁模式共振成像传感技术;

(3) 高灵敏声光换能麦克风及其应用研究;

(4) 光MEMS传声器阵列与声定位微系统



(2)光纤麦克风 (包括探头与信号解调模块);




 联系人:祁志美;电话:010-58887196; E-mail:zhime-qi@mail.ie.ac.cn



课题组具有良好的科研设备和条件,包括:自主研发的高光谱SPR成像生化检测装置、高光谱明场/暗场显微镜、二维材料转移平台、等离子表面清洗机、动态光散射(DLS)粒径分析仪、高分辨光谱分析仪、拉曼光谱仪、红外成像仪、水接触角测试仪、电化学工作站、Krestchmann 棱镜耦合系统、射频溅射薄膜沉积装置、真空蒸镀装置、B&K声学测试系统、高低温测试箱、激光焊接机,光纤熔焊机、信号发生器、示波器、32通道NI动态信号采集卡。




  1. 光MEMS声传感器与声定位微系统;
  2. 集成光生化检测方法与系统;
  3. ​高光谱成像表界面原位分析技术


1998-04--2001-03   日本横滨国立大学   工学博士
1991-09--1994-06   中科院合肥智能机械研究所   硕士
1987-09--1991-06   内蒙古大学物理系   学士


2020年4月-现在: 中科院空天信息创新研究院传感技术国家重点实验室,研究员(二级),博士生导师;

2007年4月-2020年3月:中科院电子学研究所传感技术国家重点实验室, 研究员,博士生导师;






2015-06-01-今,OSA  Senior Member

2015-07-06-今,ACS Member (awarded)






  1. 屈折率測定法, 发明, 2005-07-29, 第 3 作者, 专利号: JP 3702340
  2. 光導波路への光導入方法及びそれを用いた光導波路分光測定装置, 发明, 2007-06-15, 第 2 作者, 专利号: JP 3702340
  3.  金コロイド溶液及びその製造方法, 发明, 2007-12-14, 第 3 作者, 专利号: JP 4051431
  4. ホルムアルデヒド検出方法および検出装置, 发明, 2009-11-20, 第 3 作者, 专利号: JP 4406702
  5.  メソポーラス金属酸化物複合光導波路センサー、その製造方法及びそれを用いたガスセンサー, 发明, 2011-09-02, 第 2 作者, 专利号: JP 4811757
  6.  光波导测试装置, 发明, 2011-12-21, 第 1 作者, 专利号: ZL200910080063.1
  7. 集成式选偏光探测器, 发明, 2011-12-07, 第 1 作者, 专利号: ZL200910091918.0
  8. 时间分辨的单光栅干涉仪,发明,2011-08-31,第一作者,专利号:ZL200810113291
  9. 基于集成光波导的衰减全反射光谱测量式傅里叶光谱仪, 发明, 2013-03-27, 第 1 作者, 专利号: ZL201010263095
  10.  全固态光学式残留农药检测装置, 发明, 2013-05-29, 第 1 作者, 专利号: ZL201010034287.1
  11. 基于液体折射率调制的集成光波导傅里叶变换光谱仪, 发明, 2013-05-01, 第 1 作者, 专利号: ZL201010128358
  12. 一种检测溶液中蛋白质含量的方法, 发明, 2012-09-26, 第 1 作者, 专利号: ZL200910082087.0
  13. 光波导生化传感器测试装置, 发明,  2012-08-22, 第 1 作者, 专利号: ZL200910093766.8
  14. 光波导双通道干涉仪阵列, 发明, 2012-10-17, 第 1 作者, 专利号: ZL200910077355.x
  15. 一种小型化光学式水质氨氮检测装置及测试方法, 发明, 2015-03-25, 第 1 作者, 专利号: ZL201110345310
  16. 水样氨氮浓度的检测方法,发明,2015-12-30,第1作者,专利号:ZL201310629087.4
  17.  水样氨氮光学检测装置和方法,发明,2016-03-23,第1作者,专利号: ZL201310154085
  18.  一种浊度测量方法及装置, 发明, 2014-07-02, 第 1 作者, 专利号: ZL201010504164.X
  19. 基于集成光技术的傅里叶变换芯片光谱仪, 发明, 2013-09-04, 第 1 作者, 专利号: ZL2010101389432
  20. 衰减全反射光学测量平台, 发明, 2015-06-03, 第 1 作者, 专利号: ZL201110276756
  21.  三维玻璃光波导制备方法, 发明, 2015-12-02, 第 1 作者, 专利号: ZL201310146558
  22. 等离激元增强拉曼光谱检测芯片及应用其的检测装置,发明,  2015-12-30, 第 1 作者, 专利号: ZL201310581584.3
  23. 表面等离子体共振芯片及应用该芯片的传感器,发明,2016-09-21,第 1 作者, 专利号: ZL201210114149.3
  24. 一种消逝场激发薄膜拉曼信号的增强方法及装置,发明,2016-08-24,第一作者,专利号:ZL201210575352
  25. 一种固态超薄膜吸收光谱测量方法及相应的光谱测量装置,发明, 2016-01-20, 第 1 作者, 专利号:  ZL201210146948
  26.  光纤FP腔声波传感探头, 发明,2016-03-02,第2作者,专利号:ZL201410247134.3
  27.  光纤FP腔声波探头,发明,2017-07-28,第1作者,专利号:ZL201410282935
  28.  波长调制光纤声传感器,发明,2018-06-22,第1作者,专利号:ZL201410569264
  29. 感声筒及应用其的声波传感探头,发明,2018-08-10,第1作者,专利号:ZL201510578134
  30. 一种获取光源光谱的方法,发明,2016-03-23,第1作者,专利号:ZL201210506070
  31. 提高电光调制光波导傅立叶变换光谱测量精度的方法,发明,2016-09-21,第1作者,专利号:ZL201410321916
  32. 分辨率增强傅里叶微光谱仪,发明,2017-05-03,第1作者,专利号:ZL201310053568
  33. 应用于电光调制型傅立叶光谱仪的光谱分辨率增强方法,发明,2017-05-24,第1作者,专利号:ZL201510394171
  34. 端面斜反射光波导傅立叶光谱仪,发明,2017-08-08,第1作者,专利号:ZL201510063542
  35. 共振镜增强拉曼光谱检测装置,发明,2017-11-17,第1作者,专利号:ZL201410242612           
  36. 多孔膜增敏的大面积均匀拉曼检测芯片及其制备方法,发明,2017-10-27, 第三作者,专利号:ZL201410677538
  37. 用于检测苯并芘的无参比SPR传感器,发明,2019-03-12, 第一作者,专利号:ZL201610862412
  38. 测定多孔薄膜厚度和孔隙率的方法,发明,2019-07-05, 第一作者,专利号:ZL201710558888.4
  39. 一种声探测与定位系统,发明,2019-07-30, 第一作者,专利号:ZL201611126986
  40. 增敏型光纤声传感器探头及其增敏结构,发明,2020-08-28,第一作者,专利号:ZL201810888356.1
  41. 双腔组合光干涉声传感器探头及其传感系统, 发明,2020-08-28,第一作者,专利号:ZL201811059683
  42. 光学声传感器工作点偏离判断方法及其装置,发明,2020-09-25,第一作者,专利号:ZL201910665415.3
  43. 光学声敏元件以及包括其的光学传感器,发明,2020-12-22,第一作者,专利号:ZL201910495620.X
  44. 一种用于检测电器电致振动的传感装置,发明,2020-10-27,第一作者,专利号:ZL201710085868.X
  45. 多孔膜厚度与孔隙率二维分布测定方法,发明,2020-09-25,第一作者,专利号:ZL201811228419.7
  46. 单光谱求取多孔膜厚度和孔隙率的方法,发明,2020-01-21,第一作者,专利号:ZL201810143998.9
  47. 表面电磁模式共振高光谱成像装置、成像方法及应用,发明,2020-10-27,第一作者,专利号:ZL201811019202.5
  48. 可穿戴声探测与声定位头盔,发明, 2021-03-26,第一作者,专利号:ZL20181128461.8
  49. 麦克风振膜振幅测量方法及其装置,发明,2021-06-08,第一作者,专利号:ZL202010087204.9
  50. 表面电磁模式共振高光谱成像传感器的共振波长确定方法,发明,2022--06-10,第一作者,专利号:ZL202011305508.4​
  51. SEMR高光谱成像传感系统数据处理与显示程序 V1.0,计算机软件著作权,2020,登记号:2020SR0134975
  52. 多光谱融合表界面原位测试与分析系统界面软件V2.0,计算机软件著作权,2018,登记号:2019SR0543274
  53. 分子吸附特性原位测试系统界面软件V1.0, 计算机软件著作权, 2014, 登记号:2014SR179260
  54. 水样氨氮光学检测系统测控界面软件V1.0.0,计算机软件著作权, 2013, 登记号:2013SR088280

(1) 国务院政府特殊津贴, , 院级, 2018
(2) 中科院朱李月华优秀教师奖, 院级, 2016
(3) 中科院优秀研究生指导教师, , 院级, 2014
(4) 中科院优秀导师奖, , 院级, 2013



  • 陈方博士 获“光学前沿---2009全国光电技术系统与检测学术会议”优秀论文奖一等奖;

  • 逯丹凤博士 获2012年中科院院长优秀奖和电子学研究所“顶秀奖学金”;

  • 张喆博士 获2013年中科院院长特别奖,2014年中科院优秀博士学位论文奖,以及国家奖学金、电子学研究所“顶秀奖学金”、“International Conference on Nicro/Nano Optical Engineering” Poster Award三等奖;

  • 李金洋博士 获2015年中科院院长优秀奖、北京市优秀毕业生,以及国家奖学金、第十三届全国敏感元件与传感器学术会议(STC2014)优秀论文一等奖;

  • 刘德龙硕士 2015年取得CSC公派留学资格,赴法攻读博士学位。

  •  陈晨 博士 获2016年中科院朱李月华博士生奖、电子学研究所“顶秀奖学金”、The 7th International Conference on Information Optics and Photonics (CIOP 2015) Poster Award.

  • 吴杰春硕士 在Light Conference 2016国际学术会议上获Outstanding poster presentation award (presentation  title:  Fiber Fabry-Perrot Interferometric Acoustic Sensor with Good Thermal Stability and High Sensitivity).

  • 万秀美博士 获2018年中科院院长优秀奖;

  • 任迪鹏博士生 在Light Conference 2018国际学术会议上获Outstanding poster presentation award (presentation  title:  Design and simulation of a miniature optical sensor for sound source localization)

  • 张萌颖博士后 获2018年国家自然科学基金青年基金项目 (项目名称:高环境稳定性光纤MEMS声波传感器研究)。

  • 刘紫威博士生 获2021首届MINE“博士生论坛”三等奖,学术报告题为“ 高光谱暗场显微成像技术在表征纳米结构薄膜中的应用”,2022年国家奖学金。

  • 张成龙博士后 获2021年中国科学院特别研究助理资助项目,2022年国家自然科学基金青年基金项目 (项目名称:基于纳米多孔金膜SPR效应的高灵敏气体传感方法研究)。


  1. 胡昕宇、岳研、汪海波、蔡宸、祁志美*,光纤次声传感器的研制及其搭载浮空器的声探测应用,声学学报,出版中;
  2.  陈钇成、张成龙、张丽超、祁志美*,光栅耦合的InSb基THz-SPP共振传感方法研究, 物理学报,出版中;
  3.  纪康宁、胡昕宇、熊林森、汪海波、祁志美*,用于迷你无人飞行器(mini-UAV)探测的硅基MEMS轮形振膜光纤声传感器研制,光学学报,2024,44(7), 0728002(1-11);
  4. C. Zhang, Y. Chen, H. Tang, Z.-M. Qi*, Characterization of ultrathin nanoporous gold films for improving performance of SPR biochemical sensors, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2024, 12, 639 - 647, doi.org/10.1039/D3TC04299E
  5. X. Cui, Z. Zhang*, B. Zhao, X. -Y. Cheng and Z. -M. Qi, "Structural Characterization and Optical Properties of Perovskite Crystals Based on Micro-Hyperspectral Imaging Sensor," IEEE Sensors Journal, 2024, 24(1), 806-813, doi: 10.1109/JSEN.2023.3330162.
  6. X. Hu, Y. Yue, C. Cai, Z.-M. Qi*, Temperatuare-robust optical microphone with a compact grating interferometric module, Applied Optics, 2023, 62, 6072-6080. 
  7. L. Li, Y. Ouyang, L. Ma, H. Sun, Y. Chen, M. Wu, Z.-M. Qi, W. Wu*, "Reflection-type ssurface lattice resonaces in all-metal metasurfaces for refractive index sensing," Photonics Research, 2023, DOI:10.1364/PRJ.502199.
  8. L. Li, L. Ma, H. Sun, S. Hu, M. Wu, Z.-M. Qi, W. Wu*, Equivalent curcuit models of a bifunctional optical metasurface for beam splitting and refractive index sensing, ACS Photonics, 2023, doi.org/10.1021/acsphotonics.3c00456.
  9. X. Liu, C. Cai, K. Ji, X. Hu, L. Xiong, Z.-M. Qi*, Prototype Optical Bionic Microphone with a Dual-Channel Mach–Zehnder Interferometric Transducer, Sensors 2023, 23, 4416. https://doi.org/10.3390/s23094416.
  10. Z. Dong, L. Xiong, Y. Yue, C. Cai, J. Wang, Z.-M. Qi*, A speakerless acoustic thermometer, Measurement Science and Technology, 2023, 34, 055905(9pp), DOI 10.1088/1361-6501/acbab2.
  11. L. Zhang, J. Chen, W. Ma, G. Chen, R. Li, W. Li, J. An, J. Zhang, Y. Wang, G. Gou, C. Liu, Z. Qi, N. Xue*, Low-loss, ultracompact n-adjustable waveguide bends for photonic integrated circuits, Optics Express, 2023, 31(2), 
  12. 赵敏、刘紫威、唐弘毅、童朝阳、祁志美*, 梯度薄膜增敏的光波导表面散射传感方法用于生物气溶胶探测, 分析化学, 2023, 51(6), 972-981.  
  13. 熊林森、张萌颖、董志飞、胡昕宇、蔡宸、祁志美*, 光栅干涉集成麦克风研究, 光学学报, 2023, 43(7): 0723001. 
  14. 邓欣、熊林森、董志飞、岳研、吴高米、蔡宸、祁志美*,用于移动机器人听觉导航的光纤麦克风阵列研制, 光学与光电技术, 2023, 21(1), 118-128.
  15. Z. Liu, J. Wu, C. Cai, B. Yang, Z.-M. Qi*, Flexible Hyperspectral Surface Plasmon Resonance Microscopy, Nature Communications, 2022, 13, 6475(1-15). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-34196-2792-2806.
  16. C. Zhang, Z. Liu, C. Cai, Z. Yang, Z.-M. Qi*, Surface plasmon resonance gas sensor with nanoporous gold film, Optics Letters 2022, 47(16), 4155-4158 (selected as the Highlighted article from Optica,see https://opg.optica.org/spotlight/summary.cfm?id=490611). 
  17. M. Zhao, H. Tang, Z. Liu, Z. Tong, Z.-M. Qi*, A surface-scattering-based composite optical waveguide sensor for aerosol deposition detection, Chemosensors 2022, 10, 535(1-12).  
  18. B. Du, Author links open overlay panelX. Mu, J. Xu, S. Liu, Z. Liu, Z. Tong*, Z. Wu, Z.-M. Qi, A  Au nanoparticle and polydopamine co-modified biosensor: A strategy for in situ and label-free surface plasmon resonance immunoassays, Arabian Journal of Chemistry 2022, 15(10), 104158.
  19. G. Wu, X. Hu, X. Liu, Z. Dong, Y. Yue, C. Cai, and Z.-M. Qi*, Fabrication of Glass Diaphragm Based Fiber-Optic Microphone for Sensitive Detection of Airborne and Waterborne Sounds,Sensors  2022, 22, 2218..https://doi.org/10.3390/s22062218
  20. 杨泽浩、刘紫威、杨博、张成龙、蔡宸、祁志美*, 基于多孔金膜的太赫兹导模共振生化传感特性仿真,物理学报,2022,71(21),218701(1-11). https://doi.org/10.7498/aps.71.20220722。
  21. 刘欣、蔡晨、董志飞、邓欣、胡昕宇、祁志美*,基于硅基微电子机械系统仿生振膜的光纤麦克风,物理学报,2022, 71(9), 094301(1-11), DOI: 10.7498/aps.71.20212229.
  22. 吴静宁、刘紫威、杨博、蔡宸、祁志美*,聚苯乙烯微球的表面等离子体共振图像处理与分析,液晶与显示,2022, 37(9),1174-1181. 
  23. D.P. Ren and Z.-M. Qi*, An optical beam deflection based MEMS biomimetic microphone for wide-range sound source localization,J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys.,  54 (2021) 505403, DOI:10.1088/1361-6463/ac22d7
  24. Z.F. Dong, X.Y. Hu, D.P. Ren, L.S. Xiong, X. Liu, X. Deng, C. Cai, and Z.-M. Qi*, Judgment and compensation of deviation of the optical interferometric sensor’s operating point from the interferometer quadrature point,J. Lightwave Technology, 2021, 39(21), 7008-7017, doi:10.1109/JLT.2021.3109673.
  25. Z.W. Liu, C. Cai, W.G. Wu, X.X. Cai, Z.-M. Qi*,  Spatially resolved spectroscopic characterization of nanostructured films by hyperspectral dark-field microscopy,ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces,2021, 13(36), 43186–43196, DOI:10.1021/acsami.1c07840.  
  26. L. C. Zhang, J. M. Chen, C. W. Ma, W. Z. Li, Z.-M. Qi*, N. Xue*, Research Progress on On-chip Fourier Transform Spectrometer,Laser & Photonics Reviews, 2021, 2100016, doi:10.1002/lpor.202100016.
  27. C. Chen, Z. Liu, C. Cai, Z. Qi*, Facile Fabrication of Nanoporous Gold Films for Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) Sensing and SPR-based SERS,"J. Mater. Chem. C, 2021,9, 6815-6822.
  28. D. Ren, X. Liu, M. Zhang, R. Gao, Z. Qi*, "Low-frequency Bi-directional Microphone Based on a Combination of Bionic MEMS Diaphragm and Fiber Acoustic-optic Transducer,"IEEE Sensors Journal, 2021, 21(3), 14655-14665.
  29. G. Wu, L. Xiong, Z. Dong, X. Liu, C. Cai, Z. Qi*, "Development of Highly Sensitive Fiber-optic Acoustic Sensor and Its Preliminary Application for Sound Source Localization,"J. Appl. Phys.129(2021)164504. doi:10.1063/5.0044997.(Selected as Scilight "Four microphones track a flying drone" @https://doi.org/10.1063/10.0004908)
  30. Z. Zhang*, R. Yi, S. He, L. Liu, X. Guo, R. Gao, Z. Qi, "SPR Signal Amplification Based on Dynamic Field Enhancement at the Sensor Surface,"IEEE Sensors Journal, 2021, 21 (7), pp. 9523-9529, 2021-04-01, doi: 10.1109/JSEN.2021.3052556.
  31. 尹涛、刘紫威、蔡宸、祁志美*,基于辐射度的光谱校正与自适应拟合相结合的SPR共振波长确定方法,光谱学与光谱分析,2021, 41(1), pp. 32-38, 2021-01.
  32. R. Yi, Z. Zhang*, C. Liu, Z. Qi, Gold-silver alloy film based surface plasmon resonance sensor for biomarker detection, Materials Science & Engineering C 116 (2020) 111126
  33. Y. Xu, Z. Zhang*, R. Yi,  X. Guo, Z. Qi (2020): Single-layer graphene-based SPR sensor with dynamic evanescent field enhancement for biomarker study, J. Modern Optics,https://doi.org/10.1080/09500340.2020.1759715.
  34. 张成龙,蔡宸,刘克,关宝璐,祁志美*,基于集成光波导沟槽耦合器的超紧凑折射率传感器,光学学报,Vol.40, Issue 24, 2020, 2413001(1-7)。
  35. S. Liang, C. Cai, R. Gao, M. Zhang, N. Xue, Z. Qi*, AuAgalloy film based colorful SPR imaging sensor for highly sensitive immunodetection of benzo[a]pyrene in water, Appl. Opt. 58 (2019) 6942-6948.
  36. M. Zhang, G. Wu, D. Ren, R. Gao, Z. Qi*, X. Liang, An optical MEMS acoustic sensor based on grating interferometer, Sensors 19 (2019) 1503.
  37. 梁爽、高然、张萌颖、薛宁、祁志美*,基于金银合金薄膜的高灵敏度宽光谱表面等离子体共振成像传感器,物理化学学报35 (2019) 630-636.
  38. 李汉正、吴高米、马振钧、任迪鹏、张萌颖、高然、祁志美*,光纤干涉次声传感器研制,激光与光电子学进展,2019年第56卷第15期 pp.150603
  39. R. Gao, D. Lu, M. Zhang, Z. Qi*, Optofludic Immunosensor Based on Resonant Wavelength Shift of a Hollow Core Fiber for Ultratrace Detection of Carcinogenic Benzo[a]pyrene, ACS Photonics, 2018, 5(4), pp1273-1280.
  40. X. Wan, R. Gao, D. Lu, Z. Qi, Self-referenced directional enhanced Raman scattering using plasmon waveguide resonance for surface and bulk sensing,Applied Physics Letters112(2018)041906.
  41. 王丽、万秀美、高然、逯丹凤、祁志美*,纳米多孔金膜表面等离子体共振传感器的制备与表征,光学学报,2018,38(2), 0228002(1-6) (封面文章)
  42. X. Wan, D. Lu, R. Gao, J. Cheng, Z. Qi, Metal-clad waveguide resonance sensor using a mesoporous TiO2 Thin film as the chemical sensitive core layer, J. Phys. Chem C121(2017) 19173-19181.
  43. L. Wang, X. Wan, R. Gao, D. Lu, Z. Qi, Nanoporous Gold Films Prepared by a Combination of Sputtering and Dealloying for Trace Detection of Benzo[a]pyrene Based on Surface Plasmon Resonance Spectroscopy, Sensors17(2017)1255; doi:10.3390/s17061255
  44. 万秀美、王丽、龚晓庆、逯丹凤、祁志美*,介孔TiO2薄膜光波导共振传感器对苯并(a)芘的探测灵敏度,物理化学学报,33 (2017) 2523-2531.
  45. 王丽、逯丹凤、高然、程进、张喆、祁志美*,纳米多孔金膜表面等离子体共振效应的理论分析和传感应用,物理化学学报,33 (2017) 1223-1229.
  46. 范智博、龚晓庆、逯丹凤、高然、祁志美*,基于色相算法的表面等离子体共振成像传感器对苯并芘的敏感特性,物理化学学报,33 (2017) 1001-1009.
  47. 龚晓庆、万秀美、逯丹凤、高然、程进、祁志美*, 波长检测型表面等离子体对硫堇电聚合成墨的原位分析,高等学校化学学报,38 (2017) 567-574.
  48. C. Chen, D. Lu, R. Gao, J. Cheng, Z. Qi*, Surafce Raman spectroscopy with and without reverse Kretschmann configuration: Influence of evanescent wave coupled emission, Applied Physics Express, 9(2016)062001.
  49. K. Wang, J. Li, D. Lu, Z. Qi*, Algorithmic enhancement of spectral resolution of a LiNbO3waveguide based miniature Fourier transform spectrometer, Applied Spectroscopy, 70(2016)1685-1691.
  50. C. Chen and Z. Qi*,Nanoporous gold films prepared by sputtering-dealloying combination for total internal reflection SERS measurement, Optical Materials Express, 6(2016)259814(1-9).
  51. C. Chen,D. Lu, R. Gao, Z. Qi*, Analysis of waveguide-coupled directional emission for efficient collection of Fluorescence/Raman light from surface,Optics Communications 367(2016)86–94.
  52. R. Gao, D. Lu, J. Cheng, Y. Jiang, L. Jiang, Z. Qi*, Humidity sensor based on power leakage at resonance wavelengths of a hollow core fiber coated with reduced graphene oxide, Sensors and Actuators B 222(2016)618-624
  53.  万秀美、陈晨、范智博、逯丹凤、高然、祁志美*, 基于介孔TiO2薄膜等离子体波导的拉曼光谱技术研究,物理学报,65(2016)137801(1-8).
  54. J. Li, D. Lu, and Z. Qi*, A Prototype Stationary Fourier Transform Spectrometer for Near Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy, Applied Spectroscopy, 69 (2015) 1112-1117.
  55. C. Chen, J. Li, L. Wang, D. Lu, Z. Qi*, Waveguide-coupled Directional Raman Radiation for Surface Analysis, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 17(2015)21278-21287.
  56. J. Li, D. Lu*, Z. Qi, Z. Tong,Tube glass waveguides modified with gold nanoparticles for application as a simple chemical and biological sensor, IEEE Sensors Journal 15(2015)2917-2923.
  57. Z. Zhang, J. Liu*, Z. Qi, D. Lu, In situ study of self-assembled nanocomposite films by spectral SPR sensor, Materials Science and Engineering C 51(2015)242–247.
  58. 陈晨,逯丹凤,程进,祁志美*,银膜表面等离子体耦合辐射特性的仿真分析, 物理化学学报,31(2015)2023–2028.
  59. 刘德龙、逯丹凤*、赵乔、陈晨、祁志美,介孔SiO2薄膜与金银合金薄膜相结合的大面积、高性能SERS 基底,化学学报 73(2015) 41-46.
  60. 李金洋、逯丹凤、祁志美*,集成光波导傅立叶变换微光谱仪分辨率倍增方法,物理学报64(2015) 114207(1-7).
  61. J. Li, D. Lu, and Z. Qi*, A Modified Equation for the Spectral Resolution of Fourier Transform Spectrometers, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, 33(2015)19-24.
  62. D. Hu, C. Chen, Z. Qi*, Resonant Mirror Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy, J. Phys. Chem C 118 (2014) 13099-13106.
  63. J. Li, D. Lu, Z. Qi*, Miniature Fourier transform spectrometer based on  wavelength dependence of half-wave voltage of a LiNbO3 waveguide interferometer, Optics Letters 39(2014) 3923-3926.
  64. J. Li, D. Lu, Z. Zhang, Q. Liu, Z. Qi*, “Hierarchical mesoporous silica film modified near infrared SPR sensor with high sensitivities to small and large molecules,” Sensors and Actuators B, 203(2014)690-696.
  65. 李金洋、逯丹凤、祁志美*,铌酸锂波导电光重叠积分因子的波长依赖特性分析,物理学报,63(2014) 077801.
  66. 赵 乔、逯丹凤*、陈 晨、祁志美, 介孔SiO2薄膜增敏SERS基底在消逝波激励下的特性研究,物理化学学报,30(2014) 2335-2341.
  67. 赵 乔、逯丹凤、刘德龙、陈 晨、胡德波、祁志美*,基于自组装纳米金单层膜的全内反射SERS研究,物理化学学报,30(2014)1201-1207.
  68. 刘德龙、 赵乔、 逯丹凤、 祁志美*,基于Kretschmann结构的金银合金薄膜SERS效应,高等学校化学学报,35(2014) 2207-2213.
  69. 张喆, 刘杰, 逯丹凤, 祁志美, “基于金银合金薄膜的波长检测型表面等离子体共振传感器,” 物理化学学报,30(2014)1771-1777.
  70. 逯丹凤、李洋、祁志美*,“小型水样氨氮自动光学检测装置”,光学精密工程, 22(2014)2598-2604.
  71. D. Hu and Z. Qi*, Refractive-Index Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy and Absorptiometry of Ultrathin Film Overlaid on an Optical Waveguide, J. Phys. Chem C 117 (2013) 16175–16181.
  72. Z. Qi*, Z. Zhang, D. Lu, Q. Liu, Spectral characteristics of near-infrared surface plasmon resonance, Plasmonics 8 (2013) 1401-1409.
  73. D. Lu, J. Li, Z. Qi*, Nonspecific detection of Lead ions in water using a simple integrated optical polarimetric interferometer, J. Appl. Phys., 113(2013)213109.
  74. J. Wu,J. Li,Y. Yao, Z. Qi*,Reactive Ion Etching of Ti-diffused LiNbO3 Slab Waveguides, J. Semiconductors, 34 (2013) 086001.
  75. 李金洋,要彦清,吴建杰,祁志美*,钛扩散铌酸锂脊形波导理论分析与初步制备,光学学报,33 (2013) 0223001.
  76. 张喆,柳倩,祁志美*, 基于金银合金薄膜的近红外表面等离子体共振传感器研究,物理学报,62 (2013) 060703
  77. 张喆,逯丹凤,祁志美*, 纳米多孔金薄膜的表面等离子体共振传感特性,物理化学学报,29(2013) 867-873.
  78. Z. Zhang, D. Lu, Q. Liu, Z. Qi*, L. Yang, J. Liu, Wavelength-interrogated surface plasmon resonance sensor with mesoporous-silica-film-enhanced sensitivity to small molecules, Analyst 137(2012) 4822-4828.
  79. Y. Yao, D. Lu, Z. Qi*, S. Xia, Miniaturized optical system for detection of ammonia nitrogen in water based on gas-phase colorimetry, Anal. Lett. 45 (2012) 2176-2184.
  80. Z. Qi*, D. Lu, L. Deng, N. Matsuda, Kinetics of competitive adsorption of β-casein and methylene blue on hydrophilic glass, J. Phys. Chem. A, 116(2012)2141-4146.
  81. Z. Zhang, D. Lu, Z. Qi*, Application of porous TiO2 thin films as wavelength-interrogated waveguide resonance sensors for bio/chemical detection, J. Phys. Chem. C, 116 (2012) 3324-3348.
  82. 张喆,祁志美*, 张蓉君,基于ITO电极的细胞色素c吸附层的直接电化学,物理化学学报,28(2012) 1163-1168.
  83. 逯丹凤,祁志美*,高灵敏度集成光偏振干涉仪特性及生化传感应用研究,物理学报,61 (2012) 114212.
  84. 柳倩,张喆,祁志美*, 介孔薄膜修饰的红外表面等离子体共振传感器在波长测量模式下的特性研究,分析化学,40 (2012) 568-572.
  85. 要彦清,李金洋,吴建杰,陈方,祁志美*,铌酸锂干法刻蚀的研究进展,微纳电子技术,19 (2012) 197-207.
  86. R.Yang, W. Dong, X. Meng, X. Zhang, Y. Sun, Y. Hao, J. Guo, W. Zhang, Y. Yu, J. Song, Z. Qi, H. Sun, Nanoporous TiO2/Polyion Thin-Film-Coated Long-Period Grating Sensors for the Direct Measurement of Low-Molecular-Weight Analytes, Langmuir 28 (2012) 8814–8821
  87. D. Lu, Z. Qi*, R. Liu, An interferometric biosensor composed of a prism-chamber assembly and a composite waveguide with a Ta2O5 nanometric layer, Sens. Actuators B 157 (2011) 575–580.
  88. D. Lu, Z. Qi*, Determination of surface protein coverage by composite waveguide based polarimetric interferometry, Analyst, 136 (2011) 5277-5282. 
  89. R. Zhang, Z. Qi*, Z. Zhang, In situ Study of Self Assembly of Gold Nanoparticles and Cytochrome c by Polarized Optical Waveguide Spectroscopy, Acta Phys.-Chim. Sin. 27(2011) 1757-1762.
  90. D. Lu, Z. Qi*, R. Liu, An Optical Method for Rapid Detection of Organophosphates Based on Multilayer-Disc Sensing Element, Chinese J. Anal. Chem. 39 (2011) 934-938.
  91. H. Liu, L. Yang, H. Ma, Z. Qi, J. Liu, Molecular sensitivity of DNA–Ag–PATP hybrid on optical activity for ultratrace mercury analysis, Chem. Commun. 47 (2011) 9360–9362.
  92. Z. Zhang, Z. Qi*, Analysis of Refractive-index sensitivity of nanoporous waveguide based leaky- mode resonance sensor, Nanotechnology and precision Engineering 9 (2011) 397-401.
  93. 陈方,刘瑞鹏,祁志美*, 铌酸锂基集成光波导马赫曾德尔干涉仪的设计、制备及其特性的初步测试,光学学报,31 (2011) 0513001.
  94. 祁志美*、刘瑞鹏、逯丹凤,基于复合光波导偏振干涉技术的高灵敏度生化检测仪,中国激光,38 (2011) 0108001.
  95. 刘瑞鹏,刘桥,祁志美*, 基于散射光功率比值测量的抗扰浊度探测器,光学精密工程,19 (2011) 1221-1227.
  96. 杨荟奇,逯丹凤,祁志美*, 基于纳米多孔薄膜的对称平面光波导湿度传感器,光电子•激光,22 (2011) 1479-1483.
  97. 杨荟奇,祁志美*, 光波导氨敏传感器的研究,光学与光电技术,9 (2011) 16-19.
  98. Z. Qi*, S. Zhao, F. Chen, R. Liu, S. Xia, Performance investigation of an integrated Young interferometer sensor using a prism-chamber assembly, Opt. Express, 18 (2010), 7421-7426.
  99. Z. Zhang, Z. Qi*, Study of spectral sensitivity to small molecule analytes using TiO2 nanoporous thin-film leaky waveguide resonance sensors, Chinese J. Anal. Chem. 38 (2010) 1538-1543.
  100. D. Lu, Z. Qi*, Glass/Ta2O5 composite waveguides for application as an integrated polarimetric interferometer, Chinese Phys. Lett. 27 (2010)104206.
  101. L. Deng, Z. Qi*, Study of competitive adsorption behavior of protein and methylene blue by optical waveguide spectroscopy, Acta Phys.-Chim. Sin. 26(2010) 2672-2678.
  102. L. Deng, Z. Qi*, Effect of glass silylation on the adsorption behavior of Rhodamine 6G and methylene blue, Acta Phys.-Chim. Sin. 26(2010) 1923-1928.
  103. 赵书凯、陈方、祁志美*,集成光杨氏干涉计生化传感器的设计和制备,光电子•激光,21 (2010) 1745-1750.
  104. 赵书凯、陈方、祁志美*,新型集成光杨氏干涉计传感器的研制,中国激光,37 (2010) 819-821.
  105. Z. Qi*, S. Zhao, F. Chen, S. Xia, Integrated Young interferometer sensor with a channel-plannar composite waveguide sensing arm, Opt. Lett. 34 (2009) 2213-2215.
  106. Z. Qi*, S. Xia, H. Zhou, Slow spontaneous transformation of morphology of ultrathin gold film characterized by localized surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy, Nanotechnology 20 (2009) 255702.
  107. L. Deng, D. Lu, Z. Qi*, Adsorption of dye molecules onto a glass surface studied by optical waveguide spectroscopy, Acta Phys.-Chim. Sin. 25(2009) 2481-2487.
  108. F. Chen, Z. Qi*, S. Xia, Waveguide-coupled spectral surface plasmon resonance sensor for real-time monitoring of biochemical reaction at surface, Chinese J. Anal. Chem. 37 (2009) 568-572.
  109. 邓琳、逯丹凤、祁志美*、夏善红,基于双光栅的马赫-曾德尔干涉仪的初步研制,光学学报,29 (2009) 1973-1976.
  110. Z. Qi*, S. Xia, N. Matsuda, Time-resolved evanescent wave absorption spectroscopy for real-time monitoring of heme protein adsorption to glass, Anal. Biochem. 374 (2008) 196-202.
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  112. M. Wei, Z. Qi, M. Ichihara, H. Zhou, Synthesis of single-crystal niobium pentoxide nanobelts, ACTA MATERIALIA, 56 (2008) 2488-2494.
  113. Z. Qi, I. Honma, H. Zhou, Nanoporous leaky waveguide based chemical and biological sensors with broadband spectroscopy, Appl. Phys. Lett. 90 (2007) 011102.
  114. Z. Qi, M. Wei, I. Honma, H. Zhou, Fabrication of composite thin films using multiwall carbon nanotubes, gold nanoparticles and myoglobin for humidity detection at room temperature, ChemPhysChem 8 (2007) 264-269.
  115. Z. Qi, M. Wei, H. Matsuda, I. Honma, H. Zhou, Broadband surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy for determination of refractive-index dispersion of dielectric thin films, Appl. Phys. Lett. 90 (2007) 1181112.
  116. Z. Qi*, S. Xia, M. Wei, H. Matsuda, H. Zhou, Systematic characterization of spectral surface plasmon resonance sensor with absorbance measurement, Appl. Opt. 46 (2007)7963-7969.
  117. M. Wei, Z. Qi, M. Ichihara, I. Honma, H. Zhou, Single-crystal ZnO nanorods fabricated with different end morphologies, Nanotechnology 18 (2007) 095608.
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  120. Z. Qi, I. Honma, H. Zhou, Mesostructured powder of tungsten oxide-surfactant compound: influence of calcination on the material’s structure, Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 165 (2007)291-299.
  121. Z. Qi, I. Honma, H. Zhou, Chemical Gas Sensor Application of Open-pore Mesoporous Thin Films Based on Integrated Optical Polarimetric Interferometry, Anal. Chem. 78 (2006) 1034-1041.
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  127. Z. Qi, Itaru Honma, Haoshen Zhou, Tin-diffused glass slab waveguides locally coated with tapered thin TiO2films for application as a polarimetric interference sensor with an improved performance, Anal. Chem. 77 (2005) 1163-1166.
  128. Z. Qi, H. Zhou, I. Honma, K. Itoh, H. Yanagi, A disposable ozone sensor based on a grating-coupled glass waveguide coated with a tapered film of copper tetra-t-butylphthalocynine, Sensors and Actuators B 106 (2005) 278-283.
  129. Z. Qi, H. Zhou, T. Watanabe, I. Honma, Synthesis, characterization and optical gas-sensing application block copolymer templated mesostructured peroxopolytungstic acid films, J. Mater. Chem. 14 (2004) 3534-3547.
  130. Z. Qi, N. Matsuda, A. Takatsu, K. Kato, In situ investigation of coadsorption of myoglobin and methylene blue to hydrophilic glass by broadband time-resolved optical waveguide spectroscopy, Langmuir 20 (2004) 778-784.
  131. Z. Qi, H. Zhou, N. Matsuda, I. Honma, K. Shimada, A. Takatsu, K. Kato, Characterization of gold nanoparticles synthesized using sucrose by seeding formation in the solid phase and seeding in aqueous solution, J. Phys. Chem. B 108 (2004) 7006-7011.
  132. Z. Qi, N. Matsuda, Jose Santos, T. Yoshida, A. Takatsu, and K. Kato, In situ monitoring of metal nanoparticle self-assembly on protein-functionalized glass by broadband optical waveguide spectroscopy, J. Colloid & Interface Science 271 (2004) 249-253.
  133. Z. Qi, H. Zhou, I. Honma, Mesostructured and mesoporous metal oxide films for optical waveguide-based gas sensor application, Proc. IEEE Sensors 1-3 (2004) 1316-1319.
  134. Z. Qi, K. Itoh, N. Matsuda, J. Santos, A. Takatsu, K. Kato, A study of molecular adsorption of bromothymol blue by optical waveguide spectroscopy, Langmuir 19 (2003) 214-217.
  135. Z. Qi, N. Matsuda, A. Takatsu, K. Kato, H. Isago, Adsorption of copper tetra-t-butylphthalocyanine aggregates from alcoholic solution onto glass observed by optical waveguide spectroscopy, Appl. Spectrosc. 57 (2003) 871-874.
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  138. Z. Qi*, K. Itoh, M. Murabayashi, C. R. Lavers, A design for improving the sensitivity of a Mach- Zehnder interferometer to chemical and biological measurands, Sens. Actuators B 81 (2002) 254-258.
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  144. Z. Qi, N. Matsuda, K. Itoh, and M. Murabayashi, A highly selective HF sensor based on a potassium ion-exchanged waveguide polarimetric interferometer, Chem. Lett. 30 (2001) 662-663.
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  153. C. Lavers, S. Mosedale, K. Itoh, S. Wu, M. Murabayashi, I. Mauchline, G. Stewart, I. Ross, E. Shafur, Z.-M. Qi, Planar optical waveguides for potential military and clinical sensing applications, J. Defence Science 9(2004)69-81.
  154. T. Yoshida, H. Asano, J. Santos, Z. Qi, A. Takatsu, K. Kato, N. Matsuda, Studies on adsorption behavior of hemoglobin onto hydrophobic surface by using slab optical waveguide spectroscopy, Electron. Commun. Jpn. Pt. II-Electron. 86 (2003) 61-66.
  155. J. Santos, N. Matsuda, Z. Qi, T. Yoshida, A. Takatsu, K. Kato, Experimental evidence of the reversibility of the first stage of protein adsorption at a hydrophobic quartz surface near the isoelectric point, Surf. Interface Anal. 35 (2003) 432-436.
  156. J. Zhong, Z. Qi, H. Dai, C. Fan, G. Li, N. Matsuda, Sensing phenothiazine drugs at a gold electrode co-modified with DNA and gold nanoparticles, Anal. Sci. 19 (2003) 653-657.
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  163. 祁志美*、张耀华,浸渍涂布法制备(CaxLa1-x)FeO3薄膜及其气敏效应研究,功能材料,25 (1994) 59-62.
  164. 祁志美*、张耀华、李民强、唐红霖,浸渍涂布法制备ITO气敏薄膜,传感器技术,4 (1994) 18-21.

(1) 基于半导体器件的气体、化学和生物传感器(第7章:基于MEMS的光学式化学传感器), Chapter 7: MEMS-Based Optical Chemical Sensors in Semiconductor device-based sensors for gas, chemical and biological applications,, CRC Press, ISBN:978-1-4398-1387-4,, 2011-06, 第 2 作者
(2) 微系统和纳米技术(第7章:MEMS传感器), Microsystems and Nanotechnology (Chapter 7: Microelectromechanical Sensors), 清华大学出版社, 2011-11, 第 3 作者
(3) 生物化学微传感器系统及应用(第四、十一章), Chemical and Biological Microsensor System and its Applications (Chapters 4 and 11), 科学出版社, 2018-03, 第 1 作者
(4) Biosensors for Single-Cell Analysis (Chapter 6: Single-cell analysis by evanescent wave sensing and hyperspectral microscpoy), ElSEVIER ACADEMIC PRESS, 2021-10, 第 3 作者
  1. ​Z. Qi, Y. Zhang, H. Tang, M. Li, J. Liu, Highly Selective and Sensitive Alcohol Sensors Based on Doped SnO2 Thick Films, Chemical Sensors, 1993, 9 (Supplement B), 205-208.
  2. 祁志美*、伊藤公紀、村林眞行、柳裕之, 複合光導波路におけるTE-TMモードの干渉を用いた高感度センサの開発, Chemical Sensors,1999, 15 (Supplement A), 88-90.
  3. 祁志美*、西広一義、伊藤公紀、村林眞行、柳裕之, 複合光導波路のTEモードとTMモードの干渉を利用した化学センサの構築II, Chemical Sensors,2000, 16 (Supplement A), 142-144.
  4. 祁志美,伊藤公紀,村林真行,松田直樹,複合光導波路偏波干渉計を用いた固液界面反応のモニタリング,Chemical Sensors,2001, 17 (Supplement A), 76-78.
  5. 伊藤公紀、祁志美,TE-TMモード偏波干渉法による複合光導波路化学センサー,分光研究,2001, 50, 274 – 276.
  6. Z. Qi*, Z. Zhang, Q. Liu, D. Lu, Nanoporous thin-film waveguide resonance sensors with wavelength interrogation over a broad bandwidth. TechConnect World 2011 Conference and Trade Show, June 13-16, 2011, in Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
  7. Z. Qi*, Z. Zhang, Q. Liu, D. Lu, Large Blueshift of Resonance Wavelength Simulated With a Small Refractive-index Change of a Nanoporous Waveguide. International Conference on Optical Sensors, June 12, 2011, in Toronto, Canada.
  8. Q. Liu, Z. Qi*, Z. Zhang, D. Lu, Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Ultrahigh Sensitivity of Wavelength-Interrogated Infrared Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensors. Transducers’11 Conference, June 5-9, 2011, in Beijing, China.
  9. Z. Qi*, Z. Zhang, Q. Liu, Ultra-sensitive nanoporous leaky waveguide sensors with induced blue shift of resonance wavelength, 2011 Proceedings of International Conference on Nanophotonics, pp 194, May 22, 2011, in Shanghai, China.
  10. 张蓉君, 祁志美*, “时间分辨光波导分光光谱技术原位研究分子及纳米粒子的吸附动力学行为”(邀请报告), 第十六届全国光散射学术会议, p59, 2011/11/25,厦门大学.
  11. J. Li, D. Lu, and Z. Qi*, “Near Infrared Fourier Transform Spectrophotometry based on a LiNbO3Waveguide Mach-Zehnder Interferometer with Push-pull Electrodes” (SeTh3B.2.pdf, oral presentation), 2014 OSA Optics & Photonics Congress-Advanced Photonics, 27-31 July 2014, Barcelona, Spain. 
  12. 祁志美*, 李金洋、逯丹凤,“基于集成光技术的微小型静态傅立叶光谱仪”(邀请报告),第二届高光谱成像技术及应用研讨会,p191-192, 2014年10月22-24日,苏州。
  13. 程进、李金洋、祁志美*, "多通道光纤法布里-珀罗干涉仪传声器特性研究", 第十三届全国敏感元件与传感器学术会议优秀论文 (一等奖)。2014年10月10日,太原。
  14. 祁志美,“光波导共振拉曼光谱定向辐射特性研究”(邀请报告),第十八届全国分子光谱学学术会议,2014年10月31日-11月3日,苏州大学。
  15. Chen Chen, Zhi-mei Qi*, "Simulation of Surface Plasmon Coupled Emission", 7th International Conference on Information Optics and Photonics (CIOP), Poster (awarded), July 12-15, 2015, Nanjing, China. 
  16. 祁志美,“气体传感器及便携式谱仪”(邀请报告),第十二届中国气湿敏传感技术学术交流会,2015年11月13-15日,郑州。
  17. 祁志美,“高性能光纤声传感器的研制与应用” (光学精密工程分会邀请报告),Light Conference 2016,July 4-8, 2016, Changchun, China.
  18. 祁志美,“基于SPR彩像的色相灵敏度算法的传感技术” (液晶分会邀请报告),中国物理学会(CPS)2016秋季学术会议,2016年9月1-4日,北京工业大学。
  19. X. Gong, L. Wang, X. Wan, D.-F. Lu, Z.-M. Qi, Detection of Benzo[a]pyrene in Water Using a Wavelength-Interrogated SPR Sensor Coated With Teflon AF2400 Film, Proc. SPIE 10250, 1025028,doi:10.1117/12.2267050.
  20. 祁志美、王丽、逯丹凤、高然、程进,“基于纳米多孔金膜表面等离子体共振特性的高灵敏度度生化传感器” (纳米多孔金属材料分会邀请报告), 中国材料大会(CMC),2017年7月6-12日,银川。
  21. J.  Cheng, R.  Gao, D.  Lu, and Z.  Qi, "Fabry-Perrot Fiber Optic Microphone With High Sensitivity and High Thermal Stability," inAdvanced Photonics 2017 (IPR, NOMA, Sensors, Networks, SPPCom, PS), OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2017), paper SeW3E.4.
  22. 祁志美,李金洋,王坤,“电光调制集成光波导傅里叶微光谱仪” (液晶分会邀请报告),中国物理学会(CPS)2017秋季学术会议,2017年9月7-10日,四川大学。 
  23. Z.-M. Qi, Teflon-film-coated SPR color imaging sensor with hue sensitivity for reference-free detection of BaP in water (oral presentation), The 3rdInternational Conference on Sensors and Electronic Instrumental Advances, Moscow, Russia, 20-22 September, 2017.
  24. K.  Wang, J.  Li, R.  Gao, and Z.  Qi*, "LiNbO3waveguide Based Fourier Transform Spectrometer with Algorithmic Enhancement of Spectral Resolution," inAdvanced Photonics 2018 (BGPP, IPR, NP, NOMA, Sensors, Networks, SPPCom, SOF), OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2018), paper JTu6D.1. 
  25.  M.  Zhang, G.  Wu, R.  Gao, and Z.  Qi*, "Performance of Fabry-Perrot Fiber Optic Microphone," in Advanced Photonics 2018 (BGPP, IPR, NP, NOMA, Sensors, Networks, SPPCom, SOF), OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2018), paper JTu6D.2.  
  26. S. Liang, R. Gao, M. Zhang, N. Xue, Z. Qi*, Gold-Silver Alloy Film Based Colorful SPR Imaging Sensor with High Sensitivity for Quantitative Chemical and Biological Detection (Oral presentation), The Eurosensors 2018 Conference, Graz, Austria, 9-12 September 2018. 
  27. M. Zhang, Z. Ma, R. Gao, Z. Qi*, X. Liang,  A Grating Interferometer based High-Sensitivity Acoustic Sensor Packaged with Optoelectronic Readout Module, Optical Sensors and Sensing Congress 2019 (ES, FTS, HISE, Sensors), paper  STu4A.3.pdf.
  28. G. Wu, R. Gao, M. Zhang, Z. Qi*, Application of High-Sensitivity Fiber Optic Microphone for On-line Detection of Electromagnetic Vibration Noise of Contactor Relays, Optical Sensors and Sensing Congress 2019 (ES, FTS, HISE, Sensors), paper SW5A.6.pdf.
  29. 祁志美,“基于铌酸锂集成光波导的小型静态傅里叶光谱仪” (专题二特邀报告),第四届微纳光学技术与应用交流会,2020年9月26-28日,成都。
  30. 祁志美,“铌酸锂电光调制型片上静态傅里叶光谱仪”(分会一邀请报告),第二届光电子集成芯片立强论坛暨硅光技术与应用研讨会,2021 年 5 月 14-18 日,重庆
  31. 祁志美,“基于纳米多孔金薄膜的表面等离激元共振传感器”,多孔金属材料分会(D-08)邀请报告,中国材料大会2021,2021年7月8-12日,厦门。
  32. Z. Qi*, L. Zhang, N. Xue, Design of a High-resolution Static Fourier Transform Spectrometer on Thin-film Lithium Niobate Substrate, OSA Optical Sensors and Sensing Congress 2021, paper FW3D.3.pdf.
  33. Z. Qi, Study on LNOI electro-optic modulated on-chip Fourier micro-spectroeter (Invited talk on Conf9: Micro-optics and MOEMS), 10th Applied Optics and Photonics China (AOPC 2021), 23-26 July 2021, Beijing, China.


  1. 临近空间次声探测传感器研制及应用,国家重点研发计划智能传感器专项子课题,主持, 2023-2025;
  2. 基于功能化纳米多孔薄膜的THz-SPP共振生化传感技术研究,国家重点研发计划课题,主持,2022-2024;
  3. 微纳传感技术 (创新研究群体科学基金),国家级,核心成员,2022-2026;
  4. 表面电磁模式共振高光谱成像生化检测方法研究(重点基金),国家级,主持,2020-2024;
  5. 基于宽光谱导模共振成像的生化传感方法研究(面上基金) ,国家级,主持,2019-2022;
  6. 高光谱导模共振成像生化分析装置研制,中科院,参与, 2019-2020;
  7. 光纤低频声传感器检测系统研究,国家级,主持,2017-2020;
  8. 仿生声传感与声定位系统研究,国家级,主持,2017-2020;      
  9. 光MEMS声传感器与声定位微系统研发,国家级,主持,2017-2022;
  10. 集成光波导静态傅里叶微光谱仪分辨率增强方法研究(面上基金),国家级,主持,2017-2020;
  11. 波导耦合发射表界面光谱原位分析装置,中科院,主持,2016-2018;
  12. 耦合增强界面光谱检测机理与方法研究(973课题),国家级,主持,2015-2019; 
  13. 集成光学DS生化传感技术研究 (973专题),国家级,主持,2015-2019;
  14. 透明导电多孔光波导共振镜电化学传感器研究(面上基金),国家级,主持,2014-2017;  
  15. 分子吸附动力学原位测试系统 ,中科院,主持,2012-2014;
  16. 波导-PERS复合芯片检测装置 (科技部重大仪器开发项目子任务),国家级,主持,2011-2015;
  17.  光波导光谱测试装置研制,国家级,主持,2013-2015;
  18. 集成光波导傅里叶变换微光谱仪研究(面上基金),国家级,主持,2011-2013;
  19. 纳米多孔薄膜在SPR传感器中的增感作用研究(面上基金),国家级,主持,2010-2012;
  20. 复合换能微型电源机理与极低功耗电路研究(973课题),国家级,主持,2009-2010;
  21. 新型量子点敏化高效太阳电池设计与制备研究(北京市重点基金),北京市,参与,2013-2015;
  22. 中科院“****”择优支持项目,中科院人才项目,主持,2008-2011。