
吕永龙  男  博导  发展中国家科学院(TWAS)/欧洲科学院(AE) 院士,中国科学院生态环境研究中心
电子邮件: yllu@rcees.ac.cn
通信地址: 北京市海淀区双清路18号
邮政编码: 100085


  • 区域生态风险与环境管理 
  • 持久性有毒污染物的生态效应与调控对策
  • 系统生态与可持续发展




1998-09--2001-06   中国人民大学   博士学位
1985-09--1988-05   中国农业大学   硕士学位
1981-09--1985-07   安徽农业大学   工学学士学位
-- 研究生
-- 博士


2019-07~现在, 欧洲科学院(AE), 外籍院士
2012-09~现在, 发展中国家科学院(第三世界科学院,TWAS), 院士
1998-12~现在, 中国科学院生态环境研究中心, 研究员
2016-06-17-今,太平洋科学协会(PSA), 主席
2015-06-01-今,Science Advances, 副主编
2014-04-01-今,国际环境问题科学委员会(SCOPE), 前主席
2013-06-12-今,国际期刊Ecosystem Health and Sustainability, 创刊主编
2012-09-12-今,中国生态学学会, 副理事长
2012-06-12-今,世界自然保护联盟(IUCN), 科学顾问
2012-06-12-今,发展中国家科学院(第三世界科学院,TWAS), 院士
2012-06-11-2015-07-01,国际科联科学计划和评估委员会(ICSU/CSPR), 委员
2012-06-11-今,中国可持续发展研究会常务理事兼生态环境专业委员会, 主任委员
2012-01-12-今,联合国环境规划署(UNEP)国际专家组(IRP), 成员
2011-06-12-今,国际期刊Environmental Development:Transdisciplinary Journal of SCOPE, 副主编
2009-11-01-2014-03-31,国际环境问题科学委员会(SCOPE), 主席
2009-06-12-今,国际灾害风险综合研究计划(IRDR)中国委员会, 副主席




(1) SCOPE杰出成就奖, , 其他, 2014
(2) 中国科学院朱李月华优秀教师奖, , 部委级, 2014
(3) 国家百千万人才工程有突出贡献中青年专家, , 部委级, 2014
(4) 国家科技进步奖二等奖, , 国家级, 2007
(5) BHP Billiton导师科研奖, , 院级, 2005
(6) 中国环境科学学会首届青年科技奖, , 部委级, 1998
(7) 中国科学院科技进步三等奖, , 院级, 1994
(8) 中国科学院科技进步二等奖, , 院级, 1993
(9) 四川省政府科技进步三等奖, , 省级, 1989


( 1 ) 新型持久性污染物多介质扩散及其生态风险模拟, 主持, 国家级, 2012-05--2016-12
( 2 ) 持久性有机污染物环境风险区域分异及预警机制, 主持, 部委级, 2013-07--2015-12
( 3 ) 黄渤海滨海带环境污染与生态系统状况综合调查, 主持, 国家级, 2013-01--2017-12
( 4 ) 新型污染物PFCs对区域不同社会群体的健康风险及其应对机制, 主持, 国家级, 2014-01--2017-12
( 5 ) 区域城市化过程中新型污染物排放、扩散机制及环境效应, 主持, 国家级, 2015-01--2019-12



王晓龙  01  19185  

任鸿昌  01  19185  

王铁宇  01  19185  

贺桂珍  01  19369  

邢颖  01  19369  

马骅  01  19369  

张红  01  19185  

史雅娟  01  19185  

韩竞一  02  19185  

汪光  01  19367  

孙亚梅  01  19369  

焦文涛  01  19185  

冯嫣  02  19369  

张翔  02  19367  

耿静  01  19369  

陈春丽  01  19185  

胡文友  01  19185  

李静  01  19369  

李力  01  19369  

李海骞  01  19369  

倪坤  01  19369  

李秋爽  01  19369  

谢双蔚  02  19606  

徐笠  01  19367  

付亚宁  01  19367  

王琳  01  19369  

刘世杰  01  19367  

王佩  01  67674  

王若师  01  19369  


孟晶  01  19367  

刘朝阳  01  19367  

苏红巧  01  19367  

张梦  02  63228  

苏超  01  67674  

吕笑天  01  19367  

李奇锋  01  19367  

张悦清  01  19367  

苑晶晶  01  67675  

张安琪  02  72074  

邵妍   02  67011  

王尘辰  01  67675  

曹祥会  01  67674  


1) Shijie Liu, Yonglong Lu*, Tieyu Wang, Shuangwei Xie, Kevin C. Jones, Andrew J. Sweetman, 2014. Using gridded multimedia model to simulate spatial fate of Benzo[α]pyrene on regional scale, Environment International, 63C: 53-63.
2) Guizhen He, Lei Zhang, Arthur P.J. Mol, Tieyu Wang, Yonglong Lu*, 2014. Why small and medium chemical companies continue to pose severe environmental risks in rural China, Environmental Pollution, 185C:158-167.
3) Guizhen He, Lei Zhang, Author Mol, Yonglong Lu*, Jianguo Liu, 2013. Revising China's Environmental Law, Science, 341:133.
4) Shuangwei Xie, Yonglong Lu*, Tieyu Wang, Shijie Liu, Kevin Jones, Andy Sweetman, 2013. Estimation of PFOS emission from domestic sources in the eastern coastal region of China, Environment International, 59: 336-343.
5) Shuangwei Xie, Tieyu Wang*, Shijie Liu, Kevin C. Jones, Andrew J. Sweetman, Yonglong Lu*, 2013. Industrial source identification and emission estimation of perfluorooctane sulfonate in China, Environmental International, 52:1-8.
6) Kun Ni, Yonglong Lu*, Tieyu Wang, Yajuan Shi, Kurunthachalam Kannan, Li Xu, Qiushuang Li, Shijie Liu, 2013. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in China: Policies and recommendations for sound management of plastics from electronic wastes, Journal of Environmental Management, 115:114-123.
7) Kun Ni, Yonglong Lu*, Tieyu Wang, Kurunthachalam Kannan, Jorrit Gosens, Li Xu, Qiushuang Li, Lin Wang, Shijie Liu, 2013. A review of human exposure to polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in China, International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 216(6):607-623.
8) Li Xu, Tieyu Wang*, Kun Ni, Shijie Liu, Pei Wang, Shuangwei Xie, Jing Meng, Xiaoqi Zheng, Yonglong Lu*, 2013. Metals contamination along the watershed and estuarine areas of southern Bohai Sea, China, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 74(1):453-463.
9) Li Li, Yonglong Lu*,Yajuan Shi, Tieyu Wang, Wei Luo, Jorrit Gosens, Peng Chen, Haiqian Li, 2013. Integrated technology selection for energy conservation and PAHs control in iron and steel industry: Methodology and case study, Energy Policy, 54(c):194-203.
10) Jorrit Gosens, Yonglong Lu*, Guizhen He, Bettina Bluemling, Theo A.M. Beckers, 2013. Sustainability effects of household-scale biogas in rural China, Energy Policy, 54(c):273-287.
11) Jorrit Gosens, Yonglong Lu*, 2013. From Lagging to Leading? Technologies Innovation Systems in Economies and the Case of Chinese Wind Power, Energy Policy, 60(c):234-250.
12) Yonglong Lu, Jianji An, Haihua Gong (Eds), 2012. Science in the Chinese Academy of Sciences, A Sponsored Supplement to Science.
13) Guizhen He, Arthur P.J. Mol, Yonglong Lu*, 2012. Trust and Credibility in Governing China’s Risk Society, Environmental Science and Technology, 46(14): 7442-7443.
14) Tieyu Wang, Jong Seong Khim, Chunli Chen, Jonathan E Naile, Yonglong Lu*, Kurunthachalam Kannan, JinSoon Park, Wei Luo, Wentao Jiao, Wenyou Hu, John P. Giesy, 2012. Perfluorinated Compounds in Surface Waters from Northern China: Comparison to Level of Industrialization, Environment International, 42: 37-46.
15) Wei Luo, Tieyu Wang, Wentao Jiao, Wenyou Hu, Jonathan E Naile, Jong Seong Khim, John P. Giesy, Yonglong Lu*, 2012. Mercury in coastal watersheds along the Chinese Northern Bohai and Yellow Seas, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 215-216: 199-207.
16) Guizhen He, Yonglong Lu*, Arthur P.J. Mol, Theo Beckers, 2012. Changes and challenges: China's environmental management in transition, Environmental Development, 3: 25-38.
17) Guizhen He, Lei Zhang, Yonglong Lu*, A. P. Mol, 2011. Managing major chemical accidents in China: towards effective risk information, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 187(1-3):171-181.
18) Chunli Chen, Tieyu Wang, Jonathan E Naile, Jing Li, Jing Geng, Cencen Bi, Wenyou Hu, Xiang Zhang, Jong Seong Khim, Yan Feng, John P. Giesy, Yonglong Lu*, 2011. Perfluorinated compounds in aquatic products from Bohai Bay, Tianjin, China, Journal of Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, 17(6):1279-1291.
19) Tieyu Wang, Yonglong Lu*, Chunli Chen, Jonathan E Naile, Jong Seong Khim, Jin Soon Park, Wei Luo, Wentao Jiao, Wenyou Hu, John P. Giesy, 2011. Perfluorinated compounds in estuarine and coastal areas of north Bohai Sea, China, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 62(8):1905-1914.
20) Guang Wang, Yonglong Lu*, Jingyi Han, Wei Luo, Yajuan Shi, Tieyu Wang, Yamei Sun, 2010. Hexachlorobenzene sources, levels and human exposure in the environment of China, Environment International, 36(1): 122-130.
21) Wei Luo, Yonglong Lu*, Tieyu Wang, Wenyou Hu, Wentao Jiao, Jonathan E. Naile, Jong Seong Khim, John P. Giesy, 2010. Ecological risk assessment of arsenic and metals in sediments of coastal areas of northern Bohai and Yellow Seas, China, AMBIO, 39(5):367-375.
22) Wei Luo, Yonglong Lu*, Yan Zhang, Wenyou Fu, Bin Wang, Wentao Jiao, Guang Wang, Xiaojuan Tong, John P. Giesy, 2010. Watershed-scale assessment of arsenic and metal contamination in the surface soils surrounding Miyun Reservoir, Beijing, China, Journal of Environmental Management, 91(12): 2599-2607.
23) Jing Li, Yonglong Lu*, Guang Wang, Wentao Jiao, Chunli Chen, Tieyu Wang, Wei Luo, John P. Giesy, 2010. Evaluation and Spatial Diffusion of Health Risk of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in Soils Surrounding Chemical Industrial Parks in China, Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, 16(5):989-1006.
24) Jingyi Han, Arthur P.J. Mol, Yonglong Lu*, 2010. Solar Water Heaters in China: a new day dawning, Energy Policy, 38(1): 383-391.
25) Jing Geng, Yonglong Lu*, Tieyu Wang, John P. Giesy, Chunli Chen, 2010. Effects of energy conservation in major energy-intensive industrial sectors on emissions of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans in China, Energy Policy, 38(5): 2346-2356.
26) Yonglong Lu, Guizhen He, 2009. Contemporary Environmental Management, Beijing: China Renmin University Press.
27) Guizhen He, Lei Zhang, Yonglong Lu*, 2009. Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Audit in Large-scale Public Infrastructure Construction: The Case of Qinghai-Tibet Railway, Environmental Management, 44(3):579-589.
28) Jingyi Han, Arthur P.J. Mol, Yonglong Lu*, Lei Zhang, 2009. Onshore wind power development in China: Challenges behind a successful story, Energy Policy, 37(8): 2941-2951.
29) Guang Wang, Yonglong Lu*, Tieyu Wang, Xiang Zhang, Jingyi Han, Wei Luo, Yajuan Shi, Jing Li, Wentao Jiao, 2009. Factors Influencing the Spatial Distribution of Organochlorine Pesticides in Soils surrounding Chemical Industrial Parks, Journal of Environmental Quality, 38(1): 180-187.
30) Jingyi Han, Yonglong Lu*, A. Mol, Lei Zhang, 2008. Small-Scale Bioenergy Projects in Rural China: Lessons to be Learnt, Energy Policy, 36(6): 2154-2162.
31) Wei Luo, Yonglong Lu*, Guang Wang, Yajuan Shi, Tieyu Wang, John P. Giesy, 2008. Distribution and availability of arsenic in soils from the industrialized urban area of Beijing, China, Chemosphere, 72(5): 797-802.
32) Yonglong Lu, John Giesy, Laura Holliday, 2007. Implementing the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants, Washington, D.C.: The National Academies Press.
33) Xiaolong Wang, Yonglong Lu*, Guizhen He, Jingyi Han, Tieyu Wang, 2007. Multivariate Analysis of Interactions between Phytoplankton Biomass and Environmental Variables in Taihu Lake, China, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 133(1-3):243-253.
34) Xiaolong Wang, Yonglong Lu*, Jingyi Han, Guizhen He, Tieyu Wang, 2007. Identification of Anthropogenic Influences on Water Quality of Rivers in Taihu Watershed, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 19(4): 475-481.
35) Wei Luo, Tieyu Wang, Yonglong Lu*, John P. Giesy, Yajuan Shi, Yuanming Zheng, Ying Xing, Guanghong Wu, 2007. Landscape Ecology of the Guanting Reservoir, Beijing, China: Multivariate and Geostatistical Analyses of Metals in Soils, Environmental Pollution, 146(2): 567-576.
36) Hong Zhang, Yonglong Lu*, 2007. End-Users’ Knowledge, Attitude, and Behavior towards Safe Use of Pesticides: A Case Study in the Guanting Reservoir Area, China. Environmental Geochemical Health, 29(6): 513-520.
37) Yonglong Lu, John P. Giesy, 2005. Science-based decision-making to reduce risks from Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs), Chemosphere, 60(6): 729-730.
38) Hong Zhang, Yonglong Lu*, Yajuan Shi, Tieyu Wang, Ying Xing, Richard W. Dawson, 2005. Legal Framework related to Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) Management in China, Environmental Science and Policy, 8(2):153-160.
39) Hong Zhang, Yonglong Lu*, R.W. Dawson, Yajuan Shi, Tieyu Wang, 2005. Classification and Ordination of DDT and HCH in soil samples in Guanting Reservoir areas, Chemosphere, 60 (6): 762-769.
40) Ying Xing, Yonglong Lu*, Richard W. Dawson, Yajuan Shi, Hong Zhang, Tieyu Wang, Wenbin Liu, Hongchang Ren, 2005. A Spatial Temporal Assessment of Pollution from PCBs in China, Chemosphere, 60 (6):731-739.
41) Tieyu Wang, Yonglong Lu*, Hong Zhang, Yajuan Shi, 2005. Contamination of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) and Relevant Management in China, Environment International, 31(6):813-821.
42) Guilian Wang, Yonglong Lu, Jian Xu, 2000. Application of GIS in Environmental Management and Emergency Response, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 12(2):172-177.
43) Yonglong Lu, Yaoguang Zong, 1996. Ecological planning of land use: The central area of Tianjin, China, Ambio, 25 (6): 421-424.
44) Yonglong Lu, 1996. Eco-tourism industry development - an alternative to sustainable use of landscape resources, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 8 (3): 298-307.
45) Yonglong Lu (Editor-in-chief), 1996. Environmental Management (Vol.1): Compartmental Approach, Beijing: China Environmental Science Press.
46) Yonglong Lu (Editor-in-chief), 1996. Environmental Management (Vol.2): Ecosystem Approach, Beijing: China Environmental Science Press.
47) Yonglong Lu (Editor-in-chief), 1996. Environmental Management (Vol.3): Tools for Sustainable Development, Beijing: China Environmental Science Press.
48) Yonglong Lu, 1995. Urbanization, Environmental Consequences and Management in China, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 7(1):1-11.
49) Rusong Wang, Yonglong Lu, 1994. Urban Ecological Development: Research and Application, Beijing: China Environmental Science Press.
50) Yonglong Lu, Bangjie Yang, Rusong Wang, 1992. An Interactive Simulation Model of Urban Ecosystem and Its Implementation, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 4(1):15-22.